Chapter 89 Seize the popularity
Moreover, Hemera Pictures has been busy establishing North American distribution channels recently, and they all know about it.

And this also makes them dare not lower the price of "Girl Genius" too much. After all, it's better to make less than not at all, right?What if it becomes a big hit like "Happy Death Day"?Wouldn’t that make a lot of money?

"Currently, all issuing companies participating in price negotiations have agreed to our one-time payment method."

"The three highest bids were Disney's 3000 million, Fox's 3190 million, and DreamWorks' 3400 million."

"In addition, Harvey Weinstein's conditions have also been raised to 2200 million. After the global box office exceeds 6500 million, for every 1000 million increase, we will be given a share of 330 million, and there is no need to wait until the film is removed from the backyard and rice. Lamax completes the settlement and will complete the payment within three days after the data is compiled.”

This was the final result Wayne received from Serra a few days later.

As a result, the pressure will be on Wayne's side.

How much can the box office of "Girl Genius" reach?

To be precise, is there any chance that the global box office will exceed US$[-] million?

Because of this incident, Wayne's shooting status this day was slightly affected, but in the end it was Hannah's words that woke him up.

"This is the story you came up with. If you don't have confidence yourself, then who can have confidence?"

Wayne suddenly realized that although "Girl Genius" was just something he had transported from another world, he could have chosen "Girl Genius" among countless movies, so he should have confidence in it.

It's only about 1200 million US dollars, which is not a big amount.

DreamWorks has temporarily grown. If it can help Harvey Weinstein and Miramax attract more firepower this time, it will give him more time to develop Hemera Pictures.

"Then choose Harvey Weinstein!" Wayne immediately called Sierra, his voice filled with confidence and determination, which quickly calmed down Sierra's originally tangled and irritable mood.

"Okay, Wayne, I'll do it right away!"

After hanging up the phone, Sierra immediately called Harvey Weinstein. After learning that Hemera Pictures had chosen him, Harvey was even more excited and eager than she was, and immediately brought his lawyer and The contract came to my door.

After completing the signing, 2200 million US dollars was transferred to the account of Hemera Pictures on the spot, as if he was afraid that Sera or Wayne would regret it.

"By the way, Sierra, I should be able to use the phrase 'another masterpiece of Mr. Wayne' when promoting it, right? After all, Mr. Wayne is also one of the screenwriters of this movie, right?"

"Okay," Serra thought for a moment and said, "But Wayne is still filming in Europe and cannot participate in the film's promotional activities."

"It doesn't matter, as long as this is enough, of course, if there is a chance, I still hope to invite Mr. Wayne to the premiere and party of this movie."

"This depends on the progress of the crew over there."

Without much exchanging pleasantries, Harvey quickly returned to the company after receiving the copyright and began the promotion of "Girl Genius".

As for the specific publicity plan, he has asked the publicity department to draw up it in advance in the past few days.

Another masterpiece from the genius 'Bartleby' after "Admission" and "Happy Death Day"!Have you ever been forced to learn boring mathematics?This movie will teach you how to 'fight back'!
Best screenwriter, best director, best actress, the trio of Oscar gold medals have joined forces to target the next Oscar!

News like this began to appear frequently in entertainment newspapers. To put it simply, Harvey's publicity strategy was to 'flick', rub Wayne, the Oscars, and even education.

Of course, although he himself didn't care about his reputation on that kind of thing, he was unwilling to tarnish the Miramax brand, so he really used his strong contacts in the Oscars to operate "Girl Genius" A 'Best Original Screenplay' nomination and a 'Best Supporting Actress' nomination.

Coupled with the fact that "Acceptance" was also nominated for 'Best Original Screenplay' under the operation of Warner, Wayne will be able to receive two screenwriting nominations at the same Oscar.

If horror films hadn't always been a favorite at the Oscars, he might have received an unprecedented three nominations for the 'Best Original Screenplay' award at the same time.

However, what Harvey did not expect was that the announcement of "Girl Genius" did not achieve the effect he wanted.

This is not because there is a problem with his publicity strategy, but because several movies released during this period stole the attention of the media and the audience.

The first is "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", which opened with only 16 theaters, unexpectedly staged a shocking turnaround. Not only did the number of screens rapidly expand to 3000+, but the box office curve was even more shocking. Everyone said it was incredible.

An interesting thing is that market researchers from Cinema Score and many distribution companies randomly interviewed viewers and asked them what they thought of the movie.

Except for a small number of people who think Chinese Kung Fu is cool, most of them don't know how powerful it is and can't understand it, but they think it's very powerful and beautiful.

As for why they came to watch this movie, most of the answers were out of curiosity about the mysterious Chinese Kung Fu, and a small part was because of Kung Fu superstars such as Cheng Long, Jet Li, and even Bruce Lee.

Taken together, it is actually not as high-end as later generations boasted.

To put it simply, in this era, Chinese Kung Fu is very mysterious and cool to audiences in America and around the world. Although Cheng Long and Jet Li have emerged, there are too few works to watch.

Hollywood production companies quickly noticed this, so in the next two years, five or six action movies starring Cheng Long and Jet Li with extremely cool fights appeared, and all of them achieved good box office results. .

But as Kung Fu is no longer rare and mysterious, the audience's curiosity and enthusiasm for Kung Fu has gradually declined.

By the time "Heroes" was released, the North American box office revenue was only US$5371 million, less than half of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Of course, if there was only one "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", that would be okay.

But the problem is that one week after "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" was released, "Watching Women" was also released. You must know that in another world in 2000, this film was directed by Nancy Meyers and starred Mel Gibson and Helen The romantic fantasy comedy movie starring Hunter earned a global box office of US$3.74 million, ranking fourth on the global box office list that year.

Needless to say more about the heat, right?

What's even more outrageous is that "Cast Away", which was released in the past week, on December 12, had even more exaggerated results than "Watching Women." It was directed by the great director Robert Zemeckis and starred by Tom Hanks. The feature film grossed US$22 million at the box office in North America alone, and its global box office total reached US$2.33 million, ranking third on the global box office list that year.

With the sudden rise of "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", "Eavesdropping on Women" was officially released, and "Cast Away" began to be screened, for a time, so many entertainment newspapers in America were no longer headlines, not to mention other pages. It's been divided up.

This made Harvey immediately dumbfounded.

(End of this chapter)

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