Chapter 90 Additional Investments
It's really not that he doesn't work hard, it's just bad luck, his opponent is too strong!

Since the purchase cost of the film alone is as high as 2200 million U.S. dollars, there is obviously not much room for publicity and distribution for him. If he wants to grab enough attention from the popularity of these three films, he will have to spend the publicity and distribution amount as planned. Funding is clearly not enough.

But if he continues to invest more, his risk of losing money will also be greatly increased.

So should he do this?
Harvey locked himself in the office alone and thought about it all morning.

To be honest, in the past, if he encountered such a situation where his opponent was too powerful, he would have chosen to withdraw and change gears long ago.

But the contract he signed with Hemera Pictures specified that it would be released before January. This was a situation that Hemera Pictures wanted to prevent him from holding on to the film for several years.

In addition, spending 2200 million US dollars in cash at one time also made Miramax's liquidity a little tight. He really couldn't afford it.

But if we don’t change gears, we can only invest more in publicity and distribution for a long time. Otherwise, when all the popularity is robbed by those three films, we will really have to leave it to fate to see how the results of "Girl Genius" will be. .

Resigning to fate is not his Harvey Weinstein style. He believes that fate is in his own hands, and even God cannot control his destiny.

So after some struggle, he still called the assistant in with a solemn look.

"Continue to increase publicity funds, first, add 200 million! I want to see that within the next three days, reports on our film must appear on the home pages of the top ten entertainment newspapers in Hollywood, and the length must not be less than one-third of the page !”

"Good boss."

The assistant, who was originally thinking about helping Harvey 'relieve stress', immediately looked stern and quickly left the office with his big butt.

She didn't dare waste time on such a serious matter.Otherwise, no matter how skilled she is in that area, she will still be fired mercilessly by Harvey.

On the day Harvey took action, Serra called Wayne to tell Wayne about the situation faced by "Girl Genius" and Harvey's decision.

"Don't you hate that fat man? I think you would be happy to hear this news, right?"

Wayne smiled and shrugged, saying nothing.

Any person with vested interests under the rules of the game will naturally hate those who break the rules of the game, so he will hate Harvey, but to say that he is particularly disgusted, it is really just that. After all, he has not seen Harvey yet. .

"You don't need to pay too much attention to the movies that have been sold. Let's talk about the situation at Marvel." Wayne skipped Harvey and "Girls" and asked about the acquisition of Marvel.

"Don't worry, not only did we not bargain, we kept adding chips. Avi Arad was too late to be happy, so how could he refuse?" Sierra couldn't help but said with a smile.

Avi Arad's initial offer was 4000 million, so his actual psychological price must be much lower than this.

Think about it, all of Marvel's remaining third-rate heroes are packaged for only 1000 million US dollars. The remaining old building and equipment, as well as the cartoonists whose performance is declining, are worth 3000 million US dollars?What a joke.

But according to Wayne's instructions, Serra not only agreed to Avi Arad's 4000 million offer, but also left him 2% of the equity, and would immediately inject 1000 million after signing the contract, with the ability to repurchase those that had been sold. Go superhero copyright.

It also promised to invest no less than 5000 million in the next year to acquire copyrights and shoot Marvel's own superhero movies.

This Avi Arad would only refuse if he has lost his mind.In fact, without knowing that "Spider-Man", which will be released next year, will be a box office hit, Avi Arad thought Wayne was out of his mind.

Of course, the reasons given by Wayne for paying for feelings are barely reasonable.

As for whether Avi Arad believes it or not, Wayne doesn't care.

"In order to show sincerity, and probably because he is afraid that you will return after being entrusted for a long time, Avi Arad said that he can go to Europe to find you to sign a contract at any time. However, the 1000 million superhero repurchase funds, the first thing to be repurchased is really What about Iron Man? He seems to be just a third-rate superhero, right?" Sierra asked with some confusion.

"Well, don't you think I have a bit of a resemblance to this Iron Man?" Wayne casually found an excuse, leaving Sera speechless for a while.

She also specifically researched whether the setting and story of Iron Man were good or not.

After being acquired, Marvel will become a wholly-owned subsidiary of Hemera Pictures. As the CEO of Hemera Pictures, she must know a lot about the company's business.

So she really didn't see any similarity between Wayne and Iron Man.

Could it be that he's just a philanderer?Come on, if this counts, [-]% of the men in the world might look like Iron Man.

"Then when do you plan to let them pass?" Sierra asked.

"The sooner the better," said Wayne. Avi Arad was worried about his return, and he was equally worried about the long nights and dreams.

"Are you so optimistic about Marvel?" Sera couldn't help but ask.

"That's right," Wayne thought for a moment and explained: "Didn't you see the hit movie "X-Men" at the box office this year? Although the remaining superheroes in Marvel's hands are not as famous as the X-Men, but I think they still have great potential.”

"Well, I will contact Avi Arad as soon as possible, and then I will go with them with my lawyer."

"No problem. Compared to the terrible Paris, the environment in Germany is much more comfortable~"

After chatting with Sierra for a few more words, Wayne hung up the phone and continued filming. Although the environment in Germany was indeed much better than that in Paris, it was still a lot worse than California, which has a warm and comfortable climate, so he still I hope I can finish filming and go back as soon as possible.

What's more, after not seeing each other for more than a month, he also missed Theron, Naomi, and Annie a little bit.

"When you come out of here later, the CIA agent sitting here will take action on you, but you will easily deal with it in two or three times. Even during the whole process, your eyes are mainly focused on your boss. I I know it’s a bit unreasonable, but trust me, it’s cooler and the audience won’t care.”

Back on the set, Wayne patiently listened to Doug Liman telling him the story.

This scene is the scene where 'Bourne' finally creates a secret CIA stronghold and captures alive the boss who has always wanted to get rid of him.

It is worth mentioning that as the most villainous boss in the first film, the person who plays Bourne’s boss ‘Alexander Conklin’ is no longer Chris, who successfully won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor a few years later, but is not well-known. ·Cooper, but Ian McKellen, who just became popular this year with his role as Magneto in "X-Men 1".

(End of this chapter)

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