Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 91 Fortunately, it’s not us who have a headache

Chapter 91 Fortunately, it’s not us who have a headache

It's just that the news that Julia Roberts and three others were joining "The Bourne Supremacy" at the same time was so eye-catching that it overshadowed the news that Ian McKellen was also participating.

In addition, although Ian McKellen's fame has skyrocketed a lot, because "Wolverine" Hugh Jackman and "Professor High, so although his salary has increased a lot, but he plays a villain boss who doesn't have many scenes, it's only 1 million US dollars.

This seemed like a great deal to Wayne.

It's a pity that the big villain in the "Resident Evil" series, Dr. Isaacs, has already signed Willem Dafoe. He is preparing to have a wave of popularity in "Green Goblin" and "Spider-Man", otherwise he would have wanted to replace him with Ian. MacLean is here to star.

Two days later, before even the indoor scenes had been filmed, Avi Arad, as if he was afraid that Wayne, his enemy, would run away, urged Serra and flew over with his lawyer.

Especially when Wayne signed the contract and all the money was deposited into his personal account and the Marvel company account, his ordinary old face almost smiled as brightly as a flower. .

"Oh my God! Mr. Anderson, you are so generous!"

"On behalf of all Marvel employees, I welcome you! And I promise you that we will complete the tasks you assigned within three months, take back the copyrights of Iron Man and the Hulk, and find a way to let Sony Columbia share the copyrights of Spider-Man. copyright!"

Avi Arad said impassionedly.

But he's not just talking, he really likes and is optimistic about the Marvel company and the superheroes it owns.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have spent all my money to take over Marvel when Marvel was on the verge of bankruptcy in 96, and have struggled to maintain it for so many years.

"Let's go and do something big! Arad! I see in you the same love for Marvel as I do, so I will entrust you with this matter and I will provide you with financial support. , become your strongest backing!"

Wayne said equally passionately, and patted Arad hard on the shoulder as he spoke.

This made Arad's bones seem a little lighter.

There is no way, Marvel is really short of money now.

It costs money to recover copyrights and money to make movies. Even if they didn't sell the copyrights and the company before, they would hardly be able to pay their employees' wages.

Now with Wayne's financial support, everything is different.

He is not a fool. When Sierra contacted him, he also inquired about Wayne, so he knew how rich Wayne was.

For three popular A-list female stars to join a movie as supporting roles, it is indeed a big deal in a place like Hollywood, where every profit is extremely important.

Without wasting time, after staying to have lunch with Wayne, Avi Arad flew back to America with his lawyer without stopping.

At the same time, the movie "Girls" finally gained some popularity thanks to Harvey Weinstein's generous publicity investment.

But the effect is still not very ideal.

No way, except Wayne, who would have thought that in just a few months from December 12th to December 5nd, three blockbuster movies would be released?

The lowest among them are the North American box office of over [-] million and the global box office of over [-] million, which is really rare in this era.

When three big guys are fighting, you, a little Kalami, insists on joining in. Isn’t that asking for trouble?

The only thing that gave Harvey some comfort was that the screening results of "Girl Genius" were quite good.

On the day when screenings started on December 12, the average occupancy rate in the 17 theaters reached 100%, and the box office of a single theater reached 67 US dollars, which is considered excellent.The most important thing is that over the next three days, this data continued to rise.


So far, in the four days of screening, "Girls" has successfully taken in a box office of 430 million U.S. dollars, which makes Harvey can't help but see the hope that it will be a box office success and that he can make a lot of money.

However, just when he opened a bottle of champagne for this purpose and found a few young actors to celebrate with him, he just woke up at noon the next day when he received a call from his assistant with bad news.

The data of "Girl Genius" dropped by an astonishing 12% on December 22. Both the attendance rate and the box office of each theater were much lower than the first day of its premiere.

As for the reason, it is naturally because Tom Hanks brought his "Cast Away" to the official release.


Harvey was so angry that he cursed loudly and even kicked several hungover women off the bed without any grace.

It's a pity that it's useless even if he gets angry again. Not to mention Fox, the production and distribution company of "Cast Away", even Tom Hanks has nothing to do with him.

Although Tom Hanks may not be able to compare with Leonardo DiCaprio and Will Smith in terms of salary, his status in Hollywood and Millikin's influence are really too great.

Moreover, even if Tom Hanks's salary is not as good as those two people, he can still bring millions of dollars in income to the agency every year. If he wants to touch Tom Hanks, the agency behind him will not agree.

As for directly directing this movie, do you really think that the name "Big Seven" is for nothing?

In today's Hollywood, the Big Seven are the top of the entire pyramid. He is crazy to provoke the Big Seven.

However, the premiere date of "Girl Genius" is set for the 24th, which is two days later than "Cast Away". If he doesn't do something, the box office will definitely be greatly affected.

So now he is once again faced with a difficult choice, that is, to continue to invest more in promotions and prevent the popularity of "Girl Genius" from being completely overwhelmed by "Cast Away", or to wait and see what happens?

This time, Harvey smoked a whole cigar before finally making a decision. He picked up his cell phone and dialed his assistant to ask for additional investment.

There is no way, in the final analysis the sunk cost is too high.

With a film purchase cost of 2200 million, plus the 700 million already invested in publicity and distribution expenses, his total investment in the movie "Girl Genius" has reached nearly 3000 million.

Since he does not have the global distribution capabilities of the Big Seven, for the overseas distribution of "Girl Genius", he only signed distribution agreements with a few local publishers in Europe, Japan and South Korea.

Not only is the film released in only a dozen regions, the share ratio is also much lower than in North America.

After all, even including the later disc sales, if the box office is less than 7000 million US dollars, there is a high probability that he will lose money.

Therefore, it is undoubtedly the most reasonable choice to invest an additional two to three million to ensure the popularity of "Girl Genius" and thus affect the box office results.

I have to say that at this time, Sierra and Susan were really glad that they had sold the copyright of "Girl Genius".Otherwise, they would be the ones having a headache now.

"Thanks to Wayne! He was so prescient!"

"Yeah, who would have thought that so many well-received and well-received movies would be released this month. If "Girl Genius" was still promoted by ourselves, I would probably surrender directly."

(End of this chapter)

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