Meiyu: I don’t care about the cost when making movies

Chapter 92 Are you sure this is not famous?

Chapter 92 Are you sure this is not famous?
The two women gathered in the office to leisurely enjoy the rare afternoon tea time, and at the same time they admired Wayne's decision-making.

Of course, in Serra's opinion, there was also an element of luck in this. After all, she knew that Wayne lacked funds to acquire Marvel, so she sold "Girls Genius".

But isn’t there a saying that luck is also part of strength.

And this part is often the key to success or failure.

Of course, at this time, Wayne didn't know that his two generals had turned on the praise mode for him. At this time, he was trying to cope with the fact that after coming here, there were no paparazzi, and he no longer had to pretend to be pitiful and arrogant. What about Nicole Kidman, who sympathizes and completely lets herself go?

I have to say that Nicole Kidman is so smooth during this period.

Needless to say, he has to have good looks, a good figure, and not to mention skills. Of the many women he has communicated with in depth, only Charlize Theron can be slightly better in taste.

Unfortunately, her scenes were also filmed in only two days.

Although she didn't have a movie to compete for an Oscar like Julia Roberts, her divorce case had reached a critical moment, so she only stayed for two more days before flying back to America.

This gave Wayne a rare feeling of unfinished regret.

"Well, once Na Bichi gets divorced, you'll have plenty of time to go out and get her~" Hannah complained angrily, then took out a thick script and slapped it heavily on his hand. On the small round table, the coffee in the cup almost spilled from the vibration.

Wayne was immediately unhappy.

How dare a little assistant be so presumptuous in front of him?He must not be able to bear this.

So Wayne first used nearly three hours of stick education to make Hannah obedient again, and then he picked up the scripts for the first two Resident Evil films that Susan had sent and started reading them.

Although the main line of the story still follows the plot of the movie version that has been successful in the previous life, many aspects written by different screenwriters are still different.

In Nolan's script, Ada Wang, a mysterious Asian character, has appeared since the first film, and has replaced the role of Lane and blended into the mercenary team trying to restart the Red Queen.

Her mission is to ensure that the Red Queen is shut down smoothly and to obtain the original solution of the T virus.

So at the end of the first part, she was not eaten by zombies like Ren, but after falling into a group of zombies and being separated from Alice and others, she suddenly burst out with her hidden true strength, easily escaped from the group of zombies, and emerged from the other side. An exit escapes the hive.

This is equivalent to foreshadowing what will happen next, implying that the leak of the virus is not such a simple accident.

As for the second part, the content is more similar to the original version. Alice, who was captured, first gained superpowers in the experiment, and then escaped from the laboratory after a biochemical crisis broke out in Raccoon City, met Valentine, and began to form a team. Escape from Raccoon City, which is about to be destroyed by a nuclear bomb.

It's just that Nolan really doesn't like funny elements very much, so the funny black character who originally appeared in the second part has been removed without him having to say anything.The whole movie is filled with a heavy, dark, and thrilling style.It already feels a bit like the Batman trilogy.

Whether this style can be successfully applied to the "Resident Evil" series, he, a time traveler, doesn't know.

However, Nolan has always maintained this strong personal style in so many of his movies, and they have all been successful. There is no reason why "Resident Evil" cannot.

And in his opinion, this kind of "Resident Evil" is more original.

After picking up the watch on the bedside and checking the time to make sure it was still around eight o'clock in the evening in California, Wayne got out of bed and called Susan.

"Hello, Wayne?" "Yes, it's me. I've read the script you faxed today, and there's nothing wrong with it." Wayne said while drinking his cold coffee.

The assistant was not doing his job all day long, just thinking about being defeated by him, so he could only make do with it.

"Among the main characters, the leading female character Alice is Charlize Theron."

"The role of the second female lead Ada Wang in the first film was given to Mike's new client Zhang Ziyi, who was the second female lead in the recently released box office hit "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". I have also Make a deal with her."

"What about the male protagonist Matt Addison? Do you have an actor you like?" Susan asked half teasingly, half seriously.

As for Wayne, he had already thought about this issue.

"The "Resident Evil" series is a movie with a big female protagonist, and Alice, played by Charles Theron, is the absolute protagonist. If the male protagonist is too famous, it will overshadow the protagonist, so - Ben Stiller alright."

"Cough cough!"

A violent coughing sound suddenly came from the other end of the phone.

Susan, who was also drinking coffee, almost choked to death on the hot coffee in her mouth.

"Ben Stiller?! Are you sure?!"

Susan, who took a while to recover, couldn't help but ask.

For audiences across the ocean, Ben Stiller may be known more because of the movie "Daydreamer". After all, this movie is really good.

But it's different for Hollywood, especially professionals like Susan.

Before 98, Ben Stiller, who had been in Hollywood for more than ten years, was best known for his role as the third male lead in the 96 comedy "Kingsman" starring Jim Carrey. .

But after the release of "Crazy About Mary" in 98, everything changed.

This comedy-romance film starring Ben Stiller and Cameron Diaz was an unexpected hit that year, not only achieving a high box office of US$1.7 million in North America, but also a global box office of US$3.6 million.

This also made Ben Stiller an instant star, just like Wayne after the release of "Acceptance", he was directly promoted to the second-tier star in Hollywood.

Although there was a brief silence because there were no other famous works in between, as this year's "Meet the Father-in-law" also achieved an astonishing global box office of 3.3 million US dollars, his fame and status have further increased, and he can barely be considered a first-line actor in Hollywood. Star.

Ben Stiller as Matt Addison?Are you sure your reputation shouldn't be too great to avoid overshadowing the guest?And at this time, if Ben Stiller is asked to play the leading role, the salary cannot be less than 1000 million US dollars!

"I'm sure~" Wayne said in a relaxed tone.

"I originally wanted to ask Nicolas Cage."


(End of this chapter)

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