Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 1 Occasionally unreliable system

Chapter 1 Occasionally unreliable system

Hongchen Sword World, Novice Village No. 523131241, Tianxing Island, Boiling Blood Lion Mountain, at the foot of the mountain.

Lu Chaoding's face was expressionless, standing like a wooden man.

"Brother, you should hurry up and choose a career!"

"Why are you still hesitating? We agreed to choose the Sword Demon, so hurry up!"

"Hey, brother, be a team player and be reliable!"

Seven players urged beside Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chao rubbed his temples.

There is a giant sword statue in front of him. Players can take up jobs here. Under normal circumstances, players can choose from four professions, namely: [Sword Immortal], [Sword Saint], [Sword God], and [Sword Demon]. .

The other seven players who came with Lu Chaoding have already chosen their professions, four sword gods, two sword masters, and a sword demon!
Now it was his turn to choose a profession, and as promised before, he would choose Sword Demon.


The golden light of the giant sword statue flashed, and the system notification sounded: "Congratulations to player Lu Chaoding for becoming the Sword Immortal!"

"I'm sorry, why did you choose a sword fairy?
"Brother, are you causing trouble on purpose?"

"We agreed to choose the Sword Demon, why don't you choose the spicy Sword Immortal!"

"With one less sword demon, how can we form a double team?"

"You're playing with us, aren't you?"

"Big pit batch!"

When the other players around saw Lu Chao picked Sword Immortal, they jumped up in anger and cursed.

Lu Chao put his hands in his pockets, pretending to be stupid, and said: "My hands slipped, my hands slipped..."

He also felt wronged.

I don’t want to trick you!
Brother has no choice!
Brother, I can’t tell you how hard it is!

Yesterday, Lu Chaoding was still a good-natured young man on Earth. But when he woke up early this morning, he found that he had entered a small dark room and encountered a system that looked like a big light bulb.

That system told him that the newly discovered real game world [Hongchen Sword World] under the Order was about to be put into public beta and was intended to be open to players on Earth. He was qualified to play the game and could explore this new world with human players across the universe.

But just when the system led him into the game world, it suddenly encountered a mysterious malfunction. In short, the system said that it had given up setting up servers on Earth, and Lu Chaoding became the first in [Hongchen Sword World]. Also the last Earth player.

What's even more outrageous is that just now, Lu Chaoding discovered that he was actually bound to an "occasionally unreliable system."

Occasionally unreliable system: This system has no problems except that it is occasionally unreliable.

System function: In order to provide players with a better gaming experience, this system will hijack the Hongchen Sword World game system to automatically tamper with mission content, mission objectives and mission rewards.

Current task tracking: [Employment]

Mission description: Choose one of the four professions: Sword Immortal, Sword Saint, Sword God, and Sword Demon to take up a job. Upon completion, you will be rewarded with a lottery ticket.

Tampered content: Choose one of the four professions of Sword Immortal, Sword Immortal, Sword Immortal, and Sword Immortal to take up a job. Upon completion, you will be rewarded with an unreliable lottery ticket.

Lu Chaoding was confused at the time.

You can only choose Sword Immortal!
What can I do?

"This dog system is definitely a half-finished product! If we continue to tamper with tasks like this in the future, will we still be able to have fun?"

Lu Chaoding felt very guilty.

At this time, a tall player next to him pressed his palms to signal everyone to be quiet. He said loudly: "Forget it, forget it, he chooses Sword Immortal to be Sword Immortal. After all, there is still a sword demon like me among the eight of us. In this way , let’s go to the lottery together now and come to the prize pool here!”

As he spoke, the man called everyone to the shining crystal platform next to him.

Lu Chaoding followed for a few steps and immediately saw the attribute information of the crystal platform.

Name: Tianming Tower
Function: [Resurrection point], players can bind this resurrection point.

Function: [Quick Recovery], players can quickly recover their health at the Destiny Platform.

Function: [Regular Prize Pool]. Players can use lottery tickets to draw prizes here. There is a high chance of getting a one-star prop (white light), a small chance of getting a two-star prop (green light), a small chance of getting a three-star prop (blue light), and a very small chance of getting a four-star prop. Star props (purple light), and a very small chance of obtaining five-star props (gold light).

Limited time privilege [-]: If you draw a lottery here within one month of the novice period, you will get green if you draw ten times, blue if you draw a hundred, purple if you draw a thousand, and gold if you draw ten thousand.

Limited time privilege [-]: During the novice period, you can draw here within one month, and you have a high chance of obtaining the five-star weapon [Royal Dragon], the four-star costume [Magic Awakening], the three-star weapon [Taiyi Spectral Light], and the three-star costume [Vanguard Jersey]. Amplitude increase.

Just after reading the attribute information of the Tianming Platform, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, you have discovered the Tianming Platform. Get the task [Lottery]: use the lottery ticket to conduct a lottery at the Tianming Platform. After the task is completed, you will be rewarded with gold yuan. +10."

"Ding, occasionally unreliable systems start up, update tracking tasks, and tamper with the task content: use the lottery ticket to conduct a lottery at the Tianming Platform. After the task is completed, the reward is -10 gold yuan."

"What are you..."

Lu Chaoding's eyes widened and he wanted to spit out a mouthful of old blood!

The reward gold dollar is reduced by ten!

Is this unreliable?

This is simply outrageous!

Can the gold dollar minus ten be called a reward?

Can you please stop cheating the host?
"What a dog system, you have caused such trouble, I still want to play with you!"

Lu Chaoding stopped.

Can I still win this prize?
At this time, the tall player who had shouted before had already stepped onto the high crystal platform. His face was filled with joy, and he raised his hands to everyone in the audience and said: "Dear friends from the Starry Sky Universe, I am very happy to meet you here! I can't hide it, My dear, Zhao Weike, the young prince of the Bichon Kingdom of Titan Star, is fortunate enough to have experienced three internal tests!"

Someone in the audience immediately cheered.

"I'm actually in the same village as the boss of the closed beta!"

"I'll hang out with the boss from now on. Please give me some advice from the boss!" "It's stable now!"

"Please take flight!"

"I heard that beta testers will get ten lottery tickets at the beginning. Is it true?"

"It's true!" Zhao Weike continued with a bright smile: "The so-called meeting is fate, and we will be the closest partners from now on. I hope that everyone can work together to complete the story of Novice Village as soon as possible, and then go to the vast world. Now, let me start with ten draws in a row to enliven the atmosphere for everyone!"



"I wish you the best of luck to the boss!"

"Draw gold, draw gold..."

Everyone in the audience shouted, like brainless fans.

Lu Chaoding felt contempt in his heart and secretly thought that this was just "drawing cards". Who hasn't seen it before, so why should he be so excited?

Soon, Zhao Weike took out ten lottery tickets and threw them out very proudly.

Along with a slight bell-like sound, the clouds dispersed in mid-air, and then nine rays of white light and one green light fell from the sky.

"Nine white and one green!"

"Ten consecutive guarantees!"

"His Royal Highness, you are so lucky!"

"Look what's there?"

Everyone in the audience shouted again.

Lu Chao said sincerely that the special effects of the lottery were just okay, and he also looked at the stage curiously.

Ten light balls appeared in front of Zhao Weike, nine white and one green. He clicked on them one by one, and items appeared one after another. At the same time, large characters floated above the items.

"Compressed biscuits!"

"Ordinary iron sword!"

"One gold dollar!"

"Fine iron ingot!"

"Compressed biscuits!"

"Brass ingot!"

"Dark Iron Ingot!"

"Compressed biscuits!"

"Dried bacon!"

"Combat Skill Secrets [Blood Light Mask]!"

The two-star item among them is the combat skill secret book [Blood Light Shield].

On the Tianming stage, Zhao Weike saw such a lottery result and said: "The lottery mechanism of Hongchen Sword World is extremely unreliable. I am already very good. I have two-star combat skills and an iron sword. I am already very satisfied." Got it!"

He quickly put away his prize and said to everyone in the audience: "It's your turn!"

"Okay, here I come!" A short, fat male player walked up to the Destiny Stage, "My name is Zhang Defa, and I come from the Geely Star Frog Country. Wish me good luck!"

Zhang Defa threw out a lottery ticket without hesitation and looked up at the sky with expectation, only to see a white light in his face!

He likes to bring a compressed biscuit!
"Oh my, what kind of lottery is this? It's too unreliable!"

Zhang Defa's face became depressed, and he got off the Tianming Platform with curses.

The next few players came on stage one after another. They were all very heroic before drawing, but in the end they were all white light players, and almost all of the items they drew were useless.

Soon, all seven players had drawn their prizes, but Lu Chaoding still had his hands in his pockets and remained motionless in the audience.

"Hey, that pit, it's your turn!"

"Brother Sword Immortal, the lottery is drawn!"

"It's white light even if you smoke it!"

"This lottery is too unreliable..."

"A group of people from Africa!" Lu Chao faced their shouts, his heart shook a little, and he said in his heart: "Why don't you try your luck..."

Zhao Weike also said to Lu Chao at this time: "You have to draw early and late. Hurry up. After the draw, we will divide into groups to brush up. There are so many novice villages and so many players. The competition is very fierce. We have to act fast!"

Lu Chao nodded and thought to himself that Zhao Weike was right. You have to smoke early and late. You can't just stop drawing for ten dollars for the rest of your life, right?
Thinking of this, he took out the [Unreliable Lottery Ticket] from the storage space.

This lottery ticket is no different in appearance from other players' lottery tickets, but its attribute information is very different.

[Unreliable lottery ticket: After use, you can conduct a lottery at Tianmingtai. This ticket randomly generates a winning probability and ignores lottery mechanisms such as guarantees.Random effect: The probability of drawing three-star items is greatly increased! 】

"Randomly generated winning probability? The probability of drawing three-star items is greatly increased?"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

"It sounds very strange. How about one draw? Anyway, I don't have a gold dollar now. If I deduct ten gold dollars, can I be deducted into negative equity?"

Thinking of this, he walked up to the Destiny Platform and said, "Do you know what the European Emperor is?"

After that, he threw out the unreliable lottery ticket in his hand. As the lottery ticket turned into light and disappeared, the clouds and mist in the sky dispersed, and then a dazzling blue light shot out of the sky like a divine arrow and fell straight to the ground. In front of the top, it turned into a blue ball of light.

(End of this chapter)

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