Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 2 Combat Skill: Splitting Sword Shadow

Chapter 2 Combat Skill: Splitting Sword Shadow

Including Zhao Weike, seven players gathered under the Tianming stage, and their fiery eyes fell on Lu Chaoding.

That look in his eyes seemed as if he wanted to stab Lu Chao on the top of his head!

"Hey, this is not a reliable lottery ticket, it is very reliable!"

Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face, but he was happy in his heart. He turned his back to everyone, stretched out his hand to touch the blue ball of light in front of him, and the ball of light quickly turned into a book with a purple halo. Its properties The information is projected into mid-air.

Secret Skill: Split Light Sword Shadow

Number of stars: three stars

Occupation: Sword Fairy

Level: LV1
Explanation 10: Activate the skill to separate two sword shadows from the main weapon. Each sword shadow has [-]% of the player's attack power. When the player uses the main weapon to attack, the sword shadow will follow.

Explanation 200: Consume [Cultivation]×2 to upgrade the secret skill level to LV[-]!

Note [-]: After the secret skill level is increased, the skill book is bound and cannot be traded.

"This turtle grandson has a three-star secret skill!"

"Please tell me what the secret skill is!"

"Secret skills are skills that can be used before combat, mostly status skills!"

"This secret skill only increases the damage by 20%, and it also matches three stars? Isn't it a bit stretchy?"

"The Hot Chicken Sword Immortal, the Hot Chicken Secret Technique, has been appraised!"

"It's really hot!"

"Hey, I suddenly feel less uncomfortable!"

Listening to the discussions of the people around him, Lu Chaoding was filled with contempt.

"A group of alien lemon spirits! There are no badass professions, only badass players. Have you heard of it?"

Lu Chaoding did not believe in the Sword Immortal Hot Chicken. He was in a relatively comfortable mood and immediately equipped the secret skill book. He felt that the "occasionally unreliable" system was not useless, at least unreliable lottery tickets were very useful.

"Okay, we've finished choosing the professions and drawn the prizes. Now let's go into groups and brush up!"

Zhao Weike looked like a big brother taking the lead. As soon as he greeted, everyone immediately gathered towards him.

Lu Chaoding carefully looked at these players from the same village.

There are only eight players in each novice village in Hongchen Sword World, and the system claims to randomly grab them from all over the universe.

For Lu Chaoding, the seven surrounding players are all alien players. They are all wearing blue and white novice clothes similar to middle school uniforms, with health bars, white bars and their own names on their heads. If you look closely, You can also see career and level information.

Among the seven, Zhao Weike is sunny and handsome. His profession is a sword demon and he is also a beta player. He is obviously the most popular nowadays.

Zhang Defa is short and fat, with slightly dark skin, thick eyebrows and big eyes. He looks simple and honest. His profession is a swordsman.

There is also a male player with a mohawk haircut, two mustaches at the corners of his mouth, and triangular eyes, as if he is engaged in performance art. His name is Zhang Jiaqiang, and he is also a swordsman by profession.

The remaining four players are all female players. One of them has black hair hanging down to his waist and a beautiful face. When he smiles, he has two dimples on his face. His name is Xiao Panpan, a professional swordsman.

The female player standing next to her is tall, with short hair, pink eyes, and a slightly cold and arrogant expression. Her name is Xiao Ning, a professional swordsman.

The third female player has an oval face, wavy hair, charming eyes, and a cooing voice. Her name is Wang Yingluo, a professional swordsman!

The last female player is the shortest, less than 1.6 meters by visual inspection. She looks like she is fifteen or sixteen years old, but she has a broad mind and is extremely wealthy. Her name is Gu Xiaoxiao, a professional swordsman.

Zhao Weike said: "The novice village dungeon limits player teams to a maximum of four people, so let's form two teams. Is there anyone willing to team up with me?"

"I, I!"

Zhang Defa raised his hands and was the first to respond.

"Boss, take me."

"My skills are good!"

"Take me with you, and you will never let the boss down!"

All the players were eager to form a team with Zhao Weike and were very enthusiastic about it. However, Lu Chaoding was a man of action. He quietly walked up to Zhao Weike and directly invited him to form a team.

Of course he also hopes to team up with Zhao Weike.

The other party claims to be an internal beta player and should know the Hongchen Sword World very well. However, Lu Chaoding has just arrived and has very little information. It would be great if there is an "expert" who can guide him.

Zhao Weike looked at Lu Chaoding, who was leaning next to him, with a meaningful smile on his face.

"Although the profession of Sword Immortal is relatively slim, this guy has a three-star secret skill that adds [-]% damage. In the current situation of lack of equipment and skills, he still has an advantage over the other six people."

Zhao Weike changed his mind and suddenly accepted Lu Chaoding's invitation to form a team, and said: "Let's do this. I will lead a full-time team. I am a sword demon myself, and I will lead a sword master, a sword god, and a sword immortal. Lu Chao Ding, Zhang Defa, Wang Yingluo, you three are following me!" "Okay!" Zhang Defa nodded excitedly.

Wang Yingluo said with a face full of joy: "That's great, your highness, don't worry, I won't hold you back, but...are you sure you want to bring Lu Chaoding into this trap?"

"You are the trap!"

Lu Chaoding glanced at Wang Yingluo and thought to himself that this girl was really not afraid of offending others. She called her a scammer in front of him. Didn't he lose face?

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter!" Zhao Weike looked gentle, and said to the other four players: "The four of you will make up a team first. I will lead the team to open up wasteland first, and you guys can go to the jungle. The benefits are very high.”

The four people were a little unhappy after hearing this.

"There is only one dungeon that we can clear now, which is the Boiling Blood Lion's Cave. This is a teaching dungeon, and there is only a poodle in it. Let's talk while walking, then who can give me the position of captain..."

Zhao Weike was obviously very familiar with the terrain, and he led the way while talking.

After Lu Chaoding gave the captain's position to Zhao Weike, he opened his storage space. There was only a novice wooden sword in it, and with a thought, the novice wooden sword appeared in front of him out of thin air.

At this time, Lu Chaoding had a strange feeling. He felt that the novice wooden sword was like a part of his body and could be used like an arm.

"Is this Edgeworth?"

Lu Chao said it was strange. He moved his mind again and activated the secret skill that did not require any consumption. The novice wooden sword immediately turned into three in front of him. The middle one was the main body, the two sides were the split light sword shadows, and the main body It looks almost the same as the sword shadow.


Lu Chaoding controlled the novice wooden sword to move around him, and the two sword shadows followed him. After playing for a while, he opened his information panel to check.

Name: Lu Chaoding
Occupation: Sword Fairy

Rating: 1
Repair: 0/500
Life: 100
Attack: 10+10
Toughness: 1
Defense: 0
Speed: 100+5
Heavenly right: none
Land only: none
Fighting spirit: 0/5
Talent: Sword Control LV1
Secret Skill: Split Light Sword Shadow LV1
Combat Skills: Not equipped
Special skill: Not equipped
Weapon: Novice Wooden Sword (Attack +10)

Fashion: Novice clothes (no attributes)
Pendant: None
Back piece: none
Lu Chaoding clicked on the talent introduction again.


Note [-]: Consuming one [Sword Immortal’s Voucher] can increase your sword-controlling level. [Sword Immortal’s Voucher] can be obtained through the Tianming Platform Lottery, Sword Immortal Assessment, Sword Controlling Assessment, special events, opportunities, etc. Please explore on your own for details.

Note 5: When professional talents are upgraded to LV[-], the talent skill tree can be opened!

"This is really a journey into the real game world..."

Lu Chaoding sighed silently, and at this time, Zhao Weike had already taken the lead into a cave.

There was a light curtain at the entrance of the cave, and Zhao Weike disappeared as soon as he stepped into it. There was a stone tablet outside the cave, and there were five big characters on the stone tablet: "Boiling Blood Lion Cave"!
Without waiting for Lu Chaoding to study carefully, the system prompt sounded in his mind again: "Ding, enter the teaching copy of the Lion's Cave (first level), and receive the copy mission: kill the boiling blood lion dog, clear the first level of the Lion's Cave, and get the reward money Yuan +1, cultivation +10, lottery ticket +1!”

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, updates the tracking task, and tamperes with the task content: killed by the boiling-blooded lion dog, failed to clear the first level of the lion's cave, rewarded gold yuan +10, cultivation level +100, unreliable lottery tickets + 10!”

"Oh shit, the rewards in this system have increased tenfold!"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but feel hot in his heart!
If you look closely, you will find that a good dungeon mission will only reward you if you have to complete the level!

It's easy to say you can't pass the level, but isn't it easier to actively seek death?
But now that I am in a team, the other three players enter the game normally. If I die and the team clears the level, what will happen?
"It seems that if we want to be on the safe side, we have to kill one against three!"

Lu Chao realized something in his heart, and the next moment, he teleported with the captain and entered the copy space.

"Ding, you have entered the tutorial copy of the Boiling Blood Lion's Cave!"

"Ding, be careful, there's a boiling blood poodle ahead!"

Following the system prompt, Lu Chaoding found that he had arrived in a very spacious cavern, surrounded by gray-brown rock walls. There was a light curtain behind him, which represented the dungeon exit. There was a basketball-sized cave in the center of the cave in front. red poodle.

The little beast squatted on the ground, as plump as a red fur ball. It grinned and screamed.

[Boiling Blood Poodle: LV2, HP 400, Armor 3, Attack Power 80, Speed ​​90].

At this time, Zhao Weike spoke again: "There is a boiling-blooded lion dog in front of you. Get rid of it and clear the dungeon. Pay attention. The battle will automatically start in 1 minute."

Lu Chaoding suddenly raised his hand and asked: "Wait a minute, captain, I want to ask, is it possible, I mean possible, that our group will be wiped out and we will fail to clear the level?"

Zhao Weike turned his head and glanced at Lu Chaoding, with a confident smile on his face, and said: "Absolutely impossible! The teaching copy is very simple, just follow my command and survive!"

"Escape?" Lu Chao was unhappy. That was not possible. He shook his head and said, "Not necessarily, right?"

Wang Yingluo spoke: "What's wrong with you? Are you questioning His Highness?"

Zhang Defa also muttered: "There is something wrong with you! The captain is a beta player, how can he still roll over?"

Zhao Weike ignored Lu Chaoding. One minute passed in the blink of an eye, and suddenly a system notification sounded: "Ding, the battle has begun, enter the battle space!"

The next moment, Lu Chaoding's eyes flashed and he entered a strange space.

He looked around and felt as if he was in the starry sky and the universe. He saw the deep night sky and the bright stars, and under his feet was a flat stone platform. He stood in a row with Zhao Weike and others, not far ahead. That boiling blood poodle.

(End of this chapter)

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