Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 3: I coexist peacefully with the poodle

Chapter 3: I coexist peacefully with the poodle

"Ding, the battle space is a closed temporary space that ensures that the battle process is not disturbed by outsiders. It will be broken after the battle is over!"

"Ding, both sides of the battle determine the order of actions based on speed. Sword Immortal Land is over the top, and now it's your turn!"

The system notification sounded.

"Is it my turn?"

An operation window appeared in front of Lu Chaoding, and he studied it silently.

In the eyes of others, he just put his hands in his pockets, dumbfounded.

Zhao Weike said: "Let me explain to you, when entering a battle, all personnel on both sides of the battle will seem to have arrived at the starting point of the 10000-meter circular runway, and then start running at their own speed at the same time. When they reach the end, they can take action. This action is called a round. You can launch a normal attack, combat skill or stunt during the round. Lu Chao is the Sword Immortal. The Sword Immortal is gifted with swordsmanship, which increases his speed by 5 points. He is the fastest among the four of us, so he can reach the finish line fastest. Take action first, then who is Lu Chaoding? You should take action."

Lu Chaoding shouted: "No, I'm offline!"

After saying this, his expression was condensed and motionless.

Of course this is just pretense.

What to fight?

As smart as he is, he has already discovered an action bar. His action time is only 2 minutes, and the timeout round ends automatically.

"My goal is to destroy the team!"

Lu Chaoding made up his mind not to take action and waited for the round to end automatically. He was bound to get the tenfold reward.

This made several other people anxious.

"Disconnected? Did the real body travel and lost something? I believe you!"

"Stop making trouble and take action quickly!"

"Hey, why are you in a daze?"

"Whoever urinates yellow, wake him up!"

"Your uncle..."

Facing the urging from Zhang Defa and others, Lu Chaoding remained expressionless and did not respond.

Finally, 2 minutes passed, Lu Chaoding's round ended, and the system gave a prompt that it was Sword God Zhang Defa's turn to take action.

Zhao Weike and the other three were dumbfounded.

"This turtle grandson really didn't attack!"

"Is he here to cause trouble?"

"I just said don't take him..."

After cursing for a while, Zhang Defa looked at Zhao Weike and said, "Captain, what should we do?"

"What should we do?" Zhao Weike looked at the motionless Lu Chaoding fiercely and said: "To fight against the boiling blood poodle, four newcomers form a team and can pass the level just by closing their eyes and outputting power. But if there are three people, they will definitely not be able to defeat it! That’s all, feel free to do whatever you want, you guys just attack and treat it like a trial, I’ll kick Lu Chao off the top later, let’s start over!”

"it is good!"

Zhang Defa nodded after hearing the words. He couldn't wait to point his finger at the boiling blood poodle. His novice wooden sword appeared in mid-air above the poodle's head, and then stabbed violently. After one blow, the novice wooden sword disappeared, and another bolt of lightning fell from the sky. On that poodle's head.


"-1, Kamui!"

The damage number popped up from the top of the poodle's head, its health bar was reduced by a small amount, and its white bar was also reduced by two-thirds.

Zhao Weike said: "The Sword God's professional talent is [Divine Power]. Each attack is accompanied by 10% of the thunder's pursuit damage. Have you noticed the white bar above the mob's head? That represents toughness. The toughness is not broken and the damage is reduced by 50%! So! When fighting, breaking toughness is extremely important. Breaking toughness is also called shield breaking. It does not look at the attack power, but only the number of attacks. Generally speaking, if you hit the target once, its toughness will be reduced by one! The toughness of the mobs is generally one or two. points, the elite does not exceed [-] points. For BOSS, it is basically around [-] points, just like this poodle, with three points of toughness. Zhang De sends a basic attack and a divine power to add a lightning strike, which reduces a total of two points of toughness! Wang Yingluo , you continue to fight!"


Wang Yingluo nodded obediently, her turn had begun, but she ran towards the poodle, gave it a blow to the head, and then ran back quickly.


"Breaking Toughness!"

The damage number popped up on the poodle's head, and the white bar drained away at the same time.

Wang Yingluo was a little dissatisfied, and said: "You have to run around in melee combat, how bad! And there is no critical hit, the output is so low!"

Zhao Weike said: "The talent of Juggernaut is called [Crit], LV1 adds 5% critical hit chance and 5% basic critical damage. It seems to be output, but internal testing experience shows that Juggernaut is actually a support!"

"Why?" Wang Yingluo asked puzzledly.

"Because of secret skills, combat skills and unique skills, the sword master's skills include sacred heart, combo, sword intention, flying flower, Jinghong, falling moon, etc., and have many auxiliary effects, such as adding attack to teammates, reducing defense to monsters, etc. Wait, you will know later."

While Zhao Weike was speaking, his turn had come. He was equipped with a one-star iron sword, with an attack power of 30 points, and a flat slash with full damage. The poodle's health was reduced by 30 points again.

At this time, it was the Boiling Blood Poodle's turn to take action. It whined, twisted its butt and ran towards Zhao Weike, hitting him in the stomach with its head.


"Breaking Toughness!" The white bar above Zhao Weike's head was empty, and the health bar was reduced by less than half. He shook his head and said: "The hatred of wild monsters depends on the cumulative output. Whoever has the highest cumulative output will be attacked! It's next turn. It's our turn, that's all, stop struggling, you will die early and be reborn."

This closed beta player was already in a state of lying on his back.

Zhang Defa and Wang Yingluo were still very motivated. Lu Chaoding stayed motionless for another round. They took action one after another. The former dealt "22" damage with one sword and the latter dealt "20" with one sword.

Zhao Weike also slashed with his sword, and then the Boiling Blood Lion Dog's turn began. He continued to attack Zhao Weike, who had the highest cumulative output.


Zhao Weike's health bar was empty, he half-knelt on the ground, leaning on the ground with his iron sword, and his whole body turned gray.

"I'll lie down first, you continue!"

He could actually still speak.

Lu Chao was shocked and said: "Ah, how can you still talk when you are dead!"

Zhao Weike was stunned for a moment, then glared at Lu Chaoding and shouted: "Damn! Didn't you get disconnected? Can you still talk even if you get disconnected?"

"I just reconnected... Oh no, I got disconnected again!"

Lu Chaoding quickly continued to act stupid!
"I provoke you, you are really here to cause trouble!"

"How angry!"

"Captain, the whole village should ban this dish!"

Zhao Weike and the three of them cursed again.

Lu Chao put his hands in his pockets, thinking that it was really not us who was cheating him, but the system had given him too much.

Soon, Lu Chaoding's round ended due to timeout.

Zhang Defa and Wang Yingluo continued to attack the poodle despite their fate, so when the Boiling Blood Poodle's turn began, Zhang Defa's cumulative output was the highest, and the Boiling Blood Poodle began to attack him.

One attack breaks the toughness, two attacks kill instantly!

Zhang Defa soon knelt on the ground and cursed Lu Chaoding together with Zhao Weike.

Lu Chaoding and the poodle coexisted peacefully. The poodle then began to attack Wang Yingluo. After achieving three kills in two rounds, Wang Yingluo also knelt down.

At this time, the Boiling Blood Lion Dog still had 149 health points left. Lu Chaoding remained motionless. Four minutes later, the Boiling Blood Lion Dog killed him.

"Ding, your team can no longer continue fighting!"

"Ding, the copy failed to clear the level!"

"Ding, you have been kicked out of the team by player Zhao Weike!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system is activated. The settlement reward is gold yuan +10, cultivation base +100, unreliable lottery ticket +10. The items have been automatically stored in the storage space. Please check carefully."

Following the system prompt, Lu Chaoding was forcibly teleported out of the lion's cave and returned to the entrance to the dungeon.

"Lu Chaoding, you big bastard, get as far away as you can, don't let me see you again!"

"Why is there such a scammer in our village?"

"I'm pretending to be disconnected while riding a horse, my brain is sick..."

Zhao Weike and the others naturally scolded Lu Chaoding again.

Without even batting an eyelid, Lu Chao silently opened the storage space and began to count the loot.

Gold dollars are gold coins, lying quietly in the first storage compartment of the storage space, no more, no less, exactly ten.

No undercut!

This made Lu Chaoding feel relieved.

[Cultivation] is sent directly to the attribute panel and can be used to upgrade or improve skill levels.

The ten unreliable lottery tickets made Lu Chaoding the most delighted.

He has discovered that [Hongchen Sword World] is just a card drawing game.

Looking at the attribute information of the ten unreliable lottery tickets, they are all different.

The winning probability of each unreliable lottery ticket is actually randomly generated.

"Random effect: The probability of extracting compressed cookies is 99%!"

"Random effect: The probability of drawing black iron ingots is 50%!"

"Random effect: The chance of extracting fine iron ingots is 100%!"

"Random effect: The probability of drawing five-star items is 0%!"

"Random effect: The probability of drawing two-star weapons is greatly increased..."

(End of this chapter)

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