Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 4 What Is He Doing

Chapter 4 What Is He Doing
Ten unreliable lottery tickets, ten different chances of winning. Lu Chaoding studied them carefully and found that seven of them were particularly unreliable, such as the one that won 99% of compressed biscuits, but the other three looked like It's very reliable.

The chances of drawing these three cards are: the chance of drawing two-star back pieces is 80%, the chance of drawing two-star weapons is greatly improved, and the chance of drawing clothes is 88%.

"Aren't you taking off yet?"

Lu Chaoding is a card-gaining mobile game enthusiast, and he belongs to the kind of zero-krypton liver emperor. In any of the more popular card-gapping mobile games, he has to play the beginning, and some even play the game more than ten times. The picture is Drawing cards at the beginning, fantasizing about being possessed by the European Emperor, entering the soul with one shot, or something like that.

"I'm going to draw a card!"

Lu Chaoding was excited but had no expression on his face. He turned a deaf ear to the words of Zhao Weike and the others, turned around on the spot, and strode away, as ruthlessly as a robot.

"Ma De, he ruined all your good mood!" Seeing Lu Chaoding leave, Zhao Weike felt a little more comfortable, "Let's go get another person and let's start over. Are the four of them in the dungeon or fighting? Wild..."

"It seems that he went to hunt in the wild. I'll go look for him!"

"Let's go together. This time we will examine it carefully and choose a reliable one!"

After Zhao Weike finished speaking, he took the lead and walked down the path down the mountain.

But Lu Chaoding walked with the wind and soon arrived at Tianming Terrace.

At this time, there was no one around the Destiny Platform, and he took out ten unreliable lottery tickets without any scruples, then threw them into the air with a big hand.


The clouds and mist in the sky dispersed, as if they were brewing for a while, and ten rays of light, eight white and two green, shot through the sky like sharp arrows. They landed in front of Lu Chaoding and turned into ten balls of light, eight white and two green.

"Two two-stars came out!"

Lu Chao rubbed his hands and hurried forward to inspect it. After breaking the light ball, the name of the item quickly popped up.

"Compressed Cookies"

"Black Iron Ingot"

"Refined Iron Ingot"

"Beef jerky"

"Two-star weapon! Common sword!"

"One gold dollar!"

"One-star fashion! Sailor dress (women's)!"

“fresh apples”

“fresh strawberries”

"Two-star back piece! Ghost panel axe!"

"What is all this? How can you still pull out strawberries?"

Lu Chaoding threw the strawberry he drew into his mouth to show off, and then looked at the things in front of him one by one. There were three things that he was quite concerned about.

The first is a big sword about 1.2 meters long. This big sword looks like an ancient bronze sword. There is nothing fancy about the shape. There are some grid-like patterns on the sword.

[Piffle Sword: Universal two-star weapon, attack power +30.It can be refined using various blood materials. The current refining is +0 and has no additional attributes. It can be refined up to three times. However, please note that the weapon will be bound after being refined and cannot be traded. 】

Add 30 points of attack power!

It's three times as powerful as a novice's wooden sword!
Although this sword had no additional effects, Lu Chaoding liked it very much. He immediately equipped it with the sword, and then used the splitting sword shadow. With a clang, three "swords" were suspended above him. behind.

Lu Chao looked at the back piece he had drawn. It was a short-handled axe. The top of the ax was like a small washbasin. The blade was shiny with silver. The back of the ax was engraved with evil faces. The ax handle was short and the other parts were It is carved with complex, slightly ferocious patterns.

[Ghost Panel Ax: Two-star back piece, when the enemy's toughness is broken, additional (200% own attack power + 200) points of damage will be added.It can be refined using Sky Breaking Jade. The current refining is +0 and has no additional attributes. It can be refined up to three times. However, please note that the weapon will be bound after being refined and cannot be traded. 】

"What is this?"

Lu Chaoding's face was filled with joy. He stretched out his hand and lightly touched the [Ghost Panel Ax] to select the equipment. The big ax immediately appeared on his back. It was really just a piece of equipment on his back. You can see whether it can be used or not.

"This ax is awesome. Breaking the Toughness directly increases the damage, and it adds so much. If I equip the Piffle Sword, wouldn't it be like breaking the Toughness? The additional damage alone is as high as 280! The output is explosive!"

Lu Chao felt relieved, and then looked at the third thing he cared about.

This thing made Lu Chaoding want to vomit blood.

It is a set of fashion, not just a dress, but also includes underwear, shirt, white stockings and a pair of black high-heeled leather shoes. The dress has a blue collar, white sleeves and pleated skirt, which looks like a high school student uniform in anime. It actually has attributes: speed +1, defense +1!

Lu Chaoding clicked on the equipment on his information panel, and with a ding, the dress actually came on.

"Oh shit, am I dressing up like a girl?"

Lu Chaoding glared.

This rugged man is wearing a dress!

Pulling up the corner of her skirt, Lu Chaoding saw the white stockings on her legs and the size 43 women's black high-heeled leather shoes under her feet!
"It's quite comfortable..."

Lu Chao thought that it was impossible for him to dress up as a woman... unless no one noticed it. After all, this was a piece of clothing that could add attributes. It shouldn't be shameful to use it when no one noticed it, right?And just when he was about to change out of the sailor dress, he saw a short-haired female player not far away looking at him with wide eyes.

"It's Xiao Ning!"

Lu Chaoding's expression froze and his movements froze.

Damn it, why did someone suddenly appear?
This woman is not going to clear the dungeon or go to the jungle, so what is she doing here to spy on herself?
Lu Chaoding felt like he was going to die on the spot.

"you you you……"

Xiao Ning pointed out that the landing was over the top and stayed there for a long time.

Lu Chaoding simply refused to be scalded by boiling water and kept an expressionless face. He changed out of his sailor dress and said, "You just had a hallucination, and everything you saw was fake!"

Xiao Ning said: "Are you also a beta player? I saw the light of ten consecutive draws!"

Lu Chao shook his head and said, "I'm not!"

"Why can't you draw ten consecutive draws? I ran over when I saw the light of the lottery. It must be you who is drawing the lottery. Only beta players can draw ten consecutive draws at the beginning, so just admit it."

"Okay, I'm a beta player, bye!"

Lu Chaoding didn't want to argue with the female player. He thought about it and walked to the Lion's Cave instance again.

Now that the unreliable lottery tickets have been used up, we can't waste time. We should actively explore the Novice Village to improve our own strength.

He also wanted to stay away from this female player who was "peeping" on him changing clothes as soon as possible.

However, Xiao Ning followed up and said, "Are you a master? Do you have any special intention in choosing Sword Immortal? Boss of the closed beta, can you guide me..."

Lu Chao said sincerely, sister, why are you alone? Where is your partner?Why are you following me? Do you look like a master?
"Usually, in this case, the more explanations you have, the less clear the explanation will be. It's better to say nothing and look cold. When she gets bored, she will leave!"

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently. He was a little uncomfortable with Xiao Ning following him like this.

Soon, Lu Chaoding arrived at the entrance of the Boiling Blood Lion Cave, and only then did he begin to study the information about this copy seriously.

Dungeon name: Boiling Blood Lion Cave (First Floor)
Entry level: less than LV3
Number of players in a team: 1~4
Copy Description [-]: This is the lowest level copy of Boiling Blood Lion Mountain.

Description of the copy two: One day later, the teaching copy will be cancelled, the Boiling Blood Lion Cave will return to normal, and the second level will be opened.

"Zhao Weike kicked me. Now I am clearing the Lion's Cave alone. If I can still get rewards if I don't pass the level, wouldn't I want to take off!"

Lu Chaoding thought about this and rushed into the lion's den without caring about Xiao Ning next to him.

Immediately, he heard the system prompt: "Ding, enter the teaching copy of the Lion's Cave (first floor), and receive the copy mission: kill the boiling-blooded lion dog, clear the first floor of the Lion's Cave, and the reward will be gold +1 and cultivation +10 , Lucky Draw Ticket +1!”

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, updates the tracking task, and tamperes with the task content: kill the boiling-blooded lion dog, clear the first floor of the lion's cave, and the reward is -10 gold coins, -100 cultivation base, and -10 unreliable lottery tickets! "

"Damn it, the unreliable system is unreliable again. This is random tampering, and it took away my tenfold reward!"

Lu Chao was stunned for a moment, and then realized that the occasionally unreliable system might randomly tamper with the mission content and rewards after he received the mission, just like unreliable lottery tickets, highlighting an uncertainty.

"if it is like this……"

Lu Chaoding's heart moved. He turned back suddenly and ran out of the lion's den.

The next moment, he was back in front of the entrance to the dungeon and almost bumped into Xiao Ning.

"Ding, you have left the lion's den. Do you want to give up the current mission?"

"give up!"

Lu Chaoding immediately responded to the system.

Xiao Ning was a little confused at this time and said: "Boss, what are you doing? Can you take me with you?"

Lu Chaoding said nothing, turned around and rushed into the lion's cave again.

"Ding, enter the teaching dungeon Lion's Cave (first level) and receive the dungeon mission: kill the boiling-blooded lion dog, clear the first level of the Lion's Cave, and you will be rewarded with +1 gold dollar, +10 cultivation level, and +1 lottery ticket!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, updates the tracking task, and tamperes with the task content: kill the boiling-blooded lion dog, fail to clear the first level of the lion's cave, reward -10 gold yuan, +100 cultivation, and -1 unreliable lottery ticket !”

"It's changed again!"

Lu Chao was overjoyed and hurriedly got out of the lion's den.

He wants to complete the mission!
Since each dungeon mission will be randomly tampered with, it’s time to find one that is easy to complete and has generous rewards.

So, Lu Chaoding drilled in and out of the lion's cave entrance, never getting tired of it.

Xiao Ning was dumbfounded.

Is this a silly comment?

what is he doing

(End of this chapter)

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