Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 104 5-star secret skill, fake death

Chapter 104 Five-star secret skill, fake death

"Ding, regional announcement: Hongchen Sword Sect's ship escort combatant was killed..."

"Ding, the Dahe Jianmen ship guard combatant was killed..."

"Ding, the Cangyun Sect's ship escort combatant was killed..."

"Ding, the Honglian Temple ship guard combatant was killed..."

"Ding, the Qingwei Jianmen ship guard combatant was killed..."

Lu Chaoding was like a disaster star, leading Ye Longxing to large ships, causing all the ship escorts inside to turn into glory chests, and were killed by Ye Longxing, eventually sinking the ship.

At this time, Ye Longxing used an invincible horizontal push to kill the glory chest indiscriminately!

Lu Chaoding could only keep changing ships and looking for shelter. Fortunately, although the Glory Boxes couldn't defeat Ye Longxing, they were able to pull him into the fighting space, which more or less bought Lu Chaoding some time. .

About half an hour later, Lu Chaoding boarded the "Justice Gate" patrol ship. There was only one combatant on the ship. He was an old man, tall, with a yellow beard, yellow hair, and four eyebrows. He carried a two-meter-long sword on his back, which turned into a treasure chest of glory with a bang.

Ye Longxing chased after him and bombarded the glory chest with black sword energy. But unlike before, this time the glory chest was not pulled into the fighting space by him. Instead, after withstanding a wave of attacks, the lid of the treasure chest opened. A golden sword flew out from it, with a dazzling golden light, and it quickly stabbed Ye Longxing.

"The Great Sword of Justice? Humph!"

Ye Longxing hummed softly, pointed his finger, and accurately hit the tip of the golden sword, causing it to stop immediately. Then he flicked his finger and smashed the sword into pieces with a clang.

The glory treasure chest that the yellow-haired old man transformed into did not continue to fight Ye Longxing. Instead, he turned around and suddenly grew larger. The lid of the treasure chest opened, like a giant beast opening its mouth, and actually hit Lu Chao who was about to run away. Swallowed.


Lu Chaoding's vision suddenly went dark, and he found that he was forcibly locked into a small cabinet.

But immediately he heard a voice: "Don't be afraid, little friend, I am the head of the Zhengyi Sect, Zhen Zhengyi... Oh no, I am a treasure chest of glory. The ancient sword demon is so powerful that it is difficult to compete head-on. This treasure chest will protect you with the magical power of magnanimity. Stay...oh no, I locked you in the box. You and I abandoned the ship and ran for our lives. If you believe in this treasure box, this treasure box will protect you!"

"No, let me out, I can run away on my own!"

Lu Chao shouted loudly, but secretly paid attention to it.

The NPCs he had met before were all "ship protection combatants". They had no names or surnames. They even looked the same. They could be said to be proper tool NPCs. But the old man with yellow hair was obviously different. He had a name and a surname. He has an identity, a distinctive appearance, and seems to have good abilities. He might be a plot NPC, but unfortunately he was influenced by the occasionally unreliable system and was forcibly turned into a glory chest.

The glory chest did not respond to Lu Chaoding's call.

Lu Chaoding could not see that the glory chest that Zhen Zhengyi had turned into began to escape quickly after "swallowing" him. It could fly, and after leaving the patrol ship of Zhengyimen, it actually flew into Tianxing Island.

Ye Longxing was chasing after him, constantly bombarding it with black sword energy, but he couldn't pull him into the fighting space.

After a while, the health bar of this glory chest was empty, and it fell to the ground with a loud bang.

Ye Longxing flicked his sleeves and without even looking at the "corpse" of the Glory Treasure Box on the ground, he actually turned back to the coast and attacked those large patrol ships. He quickly brought a system notification that a certain large ship had been sunk.

Lu Chaoding was still in a dark environment. He had no idea what was going on outside. He tried to open the entrance to the exclusive cave but found that he couldn't.

"It's broken, there's a bug! The unreliable system, are you there? The unreliable system, please come out, I'm stuck by a bug, come and save me quickly!"

Lu Chaoding felt that it was outrageous. After shouting, he actually heard Zhen Zhengyi's voice again: "Shh, keep your voice down. I am pretending to be dead right now. The Ancient Sword Demon went to the beach to kill. When he goes away, I will The treasure chest will take you to escape again!"


Lu Chao was stunned.

I thought to myself, this is some kind of weird treasure chest, and it actually pretends to be dead!

But he didn't care whether the treasure chest was pretending to be dead or not. He kicked the partition above a few times and kicked it open.

After seeing the bright light, Lu Chao was overjoyed. He immediately jumped out, and then found that he was already halfway up the Great Sword Poxu Mountain. Looking up, he could see the broken sect leader's hall and the exquisite flying boat.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chaoding felt a flash of golden light around him. He turned around and saw that the lid of the glory chest that the leader of the Justice Sect had turned into was wide open, and there were items inside.

Lu Chao was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed. He quickly put away the items, and then received a system prompt: "Ding, you have opened the Glory Treasure Box. Congratulations on getting 6 pieces of Jade of Certificates, 4 pieces of Jade of Inheritance, and 5 pieces of Epiphany Jade." [-] pieces of jade!”

"Ding, congratulations on getting 10000 gold yuan!" "Ding, congratulations on getting 10 bottles of Peiyuan Pill!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting 20 copies of cultivation experience!"

"Ding, congratulations on getting the inherited jade talisman that hides the professional ethics of the swordsman!"

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining the five-star special secret skill [suspended death] skill book!"

Lu Chaoding tidied up these items, feeling very happy.

"Right, this is what the treasure chest of glory should look like... The jade talisman that hides the professional ethics of the Sword Immortal. I already have the professional characteristics of this profession. The jade talisman probably won't be used anymore. The secret skill [suspended death]? This is also Can it be five-star?"

Lu Chaoding was just about to check the attribute information of the [Fake Death] skill book, when suddenly there was a bang, and the Glory Box that was pretending to be dead turned back into Zhen Zhengyi, the master of the Justice Sect.

"Huh? What happened? Why is I here?"

The tall old man with four eyebrows hammered his head and muttered: "Hmm? It feels like my body has been hollowed out! Did I fall asleep just now? I had such a strange dream... Who injured me?" Of? Are you the Ancient Sword Demon? Who are you?"

He looked at Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chao cupped his hands and said, "Farewell!"

After saying that, take the Daxuan Ship and run away immediately!
Because he found that a black dragon transformed into a black cloud was flying towards him. It was obvious that Ye Longxing was chasing him again.

Zhen Zhengyi soon discovered Ye Longxing coming on the black dragon. He immediately lay down on his back, his eyes widened and his tongue stuck out, as if he would not close his eyes until death.

Lu Chaoding glanced back at him and said something strange to himself, but he did not dare to delay and turned around to maneuver the ship at full speed.

When passing by the hall on the top of the mountain, Lu Chaoding saw Ye Linglong, Zhao Weike and others, but he had no time to say hello to them and flew to the opposite sea area in one breath.

There are also many large patrol ships docked on the shore of this sea area.

Lu Chaoding repeated his old tricks and quickly boarded a large patrol ship. The combatants on the ship immediately came to greet him, and with a bang, it turned into a treasure chest of glory.

Before Ye Longxing arrived, Lu Chaoding tried again to open the glory chests in front of him, but still failed.

The lids of these glory chests cannot be opened at all.

Lu Chaoding had no time to study more, because Ye Longxing had already chased him. Under the cover of a new batch of glory chests, he continued to escape to other ships.

The ancient sword demon Ye Longxing pursued them tirelessly and sank one big ship after another.

After five hours of this, Lu Chaoding circled around Tianxing Island. Because of his involvement, countless patrol ships were sunk.

During this period, Lu Chaoding discovered the big ship of the hidden sect, the big ship of the inherited family, and the big ship of the ancient repair sect. Except for one big red ship, all the other big ships were sunk by Ye Longxing. Lu Chaoding I really looked forward to meeting an NPC like Zhen Zhengyi again, but I failed to do so.

And the only large ship that was not sunk was the patrol ship of the Moon Covering Sect.

Lu Chao couldn't get on top of this big ship because the Hidden Moon Sect only accepted female disciples!

Lu Chaoding stood still in front of the big ship and turned to look at Ye Longxing.

This big BOSS has been fighting continuously to this point, killing countless glory treasure boxes, but he has also been injured by those glory treasure boxes, and his health bar has been less than one-tenth.

"Want a fight?"

Lu Chaoding narrowed his eyes. Although he could have taken refuge in the training cave, or fled overseas on a ship, he had spent so much effort and finally drained the big boss to the last of his health. He couldn't bear to go without a fight.

"Come on, fight!"

Lu Chao stopped running. He drove up the tank and shouted: "We players, why are we afraid of a battle! Ancient Sword Demon, take my mighty Tianlong strike first!"

 Thanks to the boss of Liushui Fuyun for the reward. Updates will be added slowly. Thank you all for your support.Time is running out, and it’s even slower. Sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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