Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 103 The Shelter of the Glory Chest

Chapter 103 The Shelter of the Glory Chest

Lu Chaoding blinked.

what task?
Reward sect ×1?

Is it to reward yourself with a sect?
Is it a serious sect?

There is also the protection of the Glory Chest!
How to protect the glory chest?

Jump up and fight with Ye Longxing?

Lu Chaoding felt outrageous.

He thought for a while and stopped painting materials. After a while, he carefully left the exclusive cave and looked around. Sure enough, there were many large ships on the sea. Those large ships were of different styles and sizes, and hung with flags. , like a fleet, the formation is huge, seeming to surround the entire Tianxing Island, as if a large force is about to land for battle.

There were still dark clouds in the sky.

Lu Chaoding released the Daxuan Ship. He tried it. The power of the forbidden sword to break the Xushan Mountain was gone, and he could go to sea!

Suddenly, Lu Chaoding discovered that the "Reincarnation of the Spiritual Energy Fruit" was still lying on the beach, motionless.

"Is this a corpse? Or pretending to be dead?"

Lu Chaoding was surprised.

This Spiritual Energy Fruit felt that he was extraordinary and had a loud voice. He wanted to challenge Ye Longxing to a duel. Unfortunately, Ye Longxing didn't regard him as an opponent at all and didn't even look at him.

"Since he didn't turn into light and disappear, there must be something fishy about this guy!"

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment, squatting next to the spiritual energy fruit and watching carefully.

He couldn't see the attribute information of the aura fruit. It didn't even have a health bar or a toughness bar.

Lu Chaoding poked his back with his finger, and it felt soft.

"I think you are a man, so go and stay in the cave of this Sword Immortal!"

While speaking, Lu Chaoding took out the torn sack and carried the "Aura Fruit Reincarnation" on his back. Then he stepped into the exclusive cave and threw him directly in the cave courtyard.

The Boiling Blood Poodle barked, as if it had discovered a new toy, and ran over dragging the Spiritual Energy Fruit. However, after playing with it for a while, seeing that there was no response from the Spiritual Energy Fruit, it seemed to have lost interest, and threw it aside, and then He whined and whined as he went to recover the blood grass.

Without the black saber-toothed tiger, this lion dog seems to be the tyrant of the cave.

"It seems that this guy is really no ordinary spiritual energy fruit, otherwise the lion dog will eat him." After Lu Chaoding thought for a moment, he waved to Niu Daren, who was standing blankly in the distance, and shouted: "Niu Daren !”

Niu Daren immediately activated and ran over and said, "Master, what are your orders?"

"Take care of the reincarnation of this spiritual energy fruit..." Lu Chao pointed to the spiritual energy fruit that was thrown on the ground like a toy doll.

Niu Daren said: "Hey, what kind of monster is this? I don't even know it!"

Lu Chao said: "If I said that this guy was transformed by you, would you believe it?"

"Did I change?" Niu Daren looked confused, obviously not understanding what Lu Chaoding meant.

Lu Chao saw that the spiritual energy fruit showed no signs of awakening, so he turned around and left the exclusive cave without wasting time.

As soon as he returned to the big world, there was a roar and deafening thunder in the sky. Lu Chaoding looked up and saw black clouds quickly gathering into a dragon and then rushing towards Lu Chaoding.

Ye Longxing stood impressively above the head of the black cloud dragon.

"Ye Longxing discovered me! He's so capable!"

Lu Chaoding's heart tightened, and he couldn't help but sigh that Ye Longxing was a showman. He just appeared with special effects and instantly killed the Evil God Tank in the Machine King Universe. Anyway, from an intuitive feeling, Lu Chaoding felt that if Ye Longxing fought with the Evil God Tank, most of them would be defeated. It is Ye Longxing who can win.

Seeing Ye Longxing chasing after him, Lu Chaoding naturally couldn't sit still and wait for death. He glanced at the seaside and immediately piloted the Daxuan ship and flew to the nearest large ship.

He is now going to find the Glory Chest and gain its protection!

After a moment, Lu Chaoding jumped directly to the deck of the big ship. There were six NPCs carrying swords on the deck. They immediately gathered in front of Lu Chaoding and spoke one after another. "who?"

"Little friend, tell me what happened at Dajianmen!"

"But the ancient sword demon got out of trouble!"

"The Great Sword Sect has suppressed the Ancient Sword Demon for 200 years, which can be considered a great effort!"

"No, it's the legendary Great Freedom Patrolling Demon Sword. The Ancient Sword Demon has indeed escaped from trouble!"

"The Ancient Sword Demon is here, everyone be prepared to take action at any time!"

While the six NPCs were talking, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, you have boarded the Da Luo Sword Sect's patrol ship, and arrived at the Da Luo Sword Sect's station with the ship. You can join the Da Luo Sword Sect!"

"Ding, you have been protected by the Glory Treasure Chest!"

After the system prompt sounded, bang bang bang bang, the six NPCs wearing robes and carrying big swords turned into treasure boxes at the same time, scattered around Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding took a closer look, "Hey guys, those are six glory chests, and they also have health bars and toughness bars."

The situation was as if six NPCs were instantly killed and treasure chests dropped.

"What's the situation?"

Lu Chaoding felt that this was outrageous. He quickly came to a glory chest and wanted to open its lid, but found that he couldn't. He also couldn't put it into the storage space!

Next, what made Lu Chaoding feel even more outrageous was that when Ye Longxing was approaching, the six glory treasure chests actually flew towards Ye Longxing. At the same time, the lids of the treasure chests opened and closed as if they were about to bite.

Ye Longxing was extremely arrogant. He put his hands behind his back, and black mist poured out from behind him, turning into sword energy and hitting the six glory chests.

With a clanking sound, a battle flag appeared over the Daluo Jianzong's patrol battleship, and Ye Longxing and the six glory treasure chests entered the battle space.

"This, this is too unreliable! Sometimes the system is unreliable, but if you have the ability, you can turn Ye Longxing into a treasure chest of glory!"

Lu Chaoding muttered. He intuitively felt that the six glory chests could not defeat Ye Longxing, so he immediately controlled the Daxuan Sword and flew towards another large ship.

There were also six NPCs in robes and long swords on the big ship. They immediately gathered around Lu Chaoding and said similar words to the six NPCs from the Daluo Sword Sect just now.

"Ding, you boarded the Qinglian Sword Sect's patrol ship and arrived at the Qinglian Sword Sect's station with the ship. You can join the Qinglian Sword Sect!"

"Ding, you will be protected by the Treasure Chest of Glory!"

The system prompt sounded, and at the same time, the six Qinglian Sword Sect NPCs surrounding the top of the landing also turned into glory chests.

The next moment, there was a roar, and the battle flag over the Da Luo Jian Sect's patrol ship was shattered not far away. Ye Longxing reappeared. He roared loudly, and black energy surged out from behind him. The black energy immediately turned into a black dragon. The black dragon The ferocity destroyed the patrol ship in a few breaths of time.

"Ding, regional announcement: Daluo Jianzong's ship escort combatants have been killed, and the patrol ship has been destroyed!"

After the area announcement sounded, Ye Longxing stepped on the black dragon's head and pursued Lu Chaoding.

And Lu Chaoding found that his health bar had actually decreased slightly.

"Huh? Those six glory chests knocked out his blood?"

Lu Chaoding was shocked, looked at the six glory chests in front of him, and shouted: "Glory chests, it's time to show off your skills. Go ahead and fight Ye Longxing to the death!"

As expected, the six glory chests also became active, and when Ye Longxing approached, they took the initiative to attack.

The battle ended a moment later, Ye Longxing's health bar shrunk slightly, and all six "Glory Chests" were naturally killed.

Soon, the system prompt sounded again: "Ding, regional announcement: Qinglian Sword Sect's ship guard combatants have been killed, and the Qinglian ship has been destroyed!"

At this time, Lu Chaoding ran onto Hongchen Sword Sect's patrol ship.

There were eight combat NPCs on this patrol ship in the first phase. After Ye Longxing chased him again, they turned into a treasure chest of glory and then attacked Ye Longxing.

(End of this chapter)

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