Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 102 Reward Sect 1

Chapter 102 Reward Sect × 1
Lu Chaoding stared blankly at the spiritual energy fruit that fell to the ground.

"He is just the reincarnation of the Reiki Fruit. What can you ask him to do?"

He muttered and shook his head.

Although he was not optimistic about Niu Daren, the reincarnation of the Spiritual Energy Fruit, from the beginning, he had imagined that he had strange abilities and could stop Ye Longxing, but he really didn't expect him to be so weak, and his words were so arrogant that he immediately fell asleep.

So what to do next?
You must know that it will take almost an hour for the big ships from other forces to arrive.

In this hour, Ye Longxing, who was unstoppable, wasn't he killing people indiscriminately?

After taking a look at Zhao Weike and others, Lu Chaoding could only wish them good luck silently in his heart. Time was running out and he did not dare to delay. He stepped into the cultivation cave in one step and planned to stay inside.

It was calm in the cultivation cave, and Lu Chaoding immediately created a copy of the exclusive materials.

He has no need for materials, he mainly wants to increase the number of enemy kills.

After entering the dungeon space, Lu Chaoding released the Daxuan Ship. The Sword Spirit King and the Zhutou Five immediately appeared. The Sword Spirit King shouted: "Young men, get ready to fight!"

The five pig-headed boys were slow to react and did not respond to the Sword Spirit King's call. However, after the material monster appeared below, they immediately turned into "drum beaters" and began to beat the devil shark cannons on both sides of the Daxuan ship. , one devil shark cannon was blasted out one after another.

The attack launched by the ship-based weapons will not pull the target into the battle space, so the Daxuan Sword stops in mid-air, just like a bombardment posture, and its firepower is still very fierce.

"Yes, that's it! Aim at the iron-backed wolf below, focus the fire, and focus the fire on me!"

The Sword Spirit King shouted to command the battle. I don’t know whether the Pig Tou Wu Xiaoxiao obeyed his command, or whether the Sword Spirit controlled the Devil Shark Cannon. In short, the fire concentration effect was very good, and the material monster spawned below was just The iron-backed wolf in close combat cannot fly and is simply a target, killing it without any pressure.

Lu Chaoding watched quietly for a while, feeling that he didn't need to intervene, so he hung up and let the Sword Spirit King and the Five Pigs fight on their own. He opened the Tianxing Forum and posted about the main plot of Tianxing Island.

After a while, Lu Chaoding discovered that so far, no Tianxing Island has completed the main plot. According to the revelations of those "internal beta players", the end point of the Tianxing Island plot, without exception, is the Sword God. Niu Daren was defeated and killed, and then the big ship came. Ye Longxing was injured and retreated. In the end, Tianxing Island sank and all the players left by ship.

But obviously this Tianxing Island is different.

"The main plot is over. Now the Spiritual Energy Fruit is seriously injured and Ye Longxing's condition is full. Under normal circumstances, there is a high chance that Zhao Weike and the others will be ruthlessly killed by Ye Longxing. When the ships of other major forces arrive, Ye Longxing is expected to be uninjured. He may not retreat, he may fight with the NPCs on the big ships, Tianxing Island may not sink, and Ye Linglong, she should also play some role..."

Lu Chaoding thought silently.

As a player, when you see the big BOSS, it feels very uncomfortable if you don’t give him away.

However, Ye Longxing's momentum is too strong now, and Lu Chaoding cannot see his attribute information. In addition, the elder said that he is "immortal", so he does not dare to take action easily. He is thinking about what happens if Ye Longxing goes through a battle later. , his health is low, and with his current strength, he might be able to catch him. If he can kill Ye Longxing, that would be the perfect ending.

At this time, in Tianxing Island, the Boiling Blood Lion Mountain and the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain have sunk, and the Great Sword Poxu Mountain is an isolated mountain in the sea, as if it will be crushed by the thick dark clouds above at any time.

Zhao Weike and others had already been mercilessly killed by Ye Longxing. They were resurrected at the resurrection point created by Ye Longxing with the giant sword at the top of the Great Sword Poxu Mountain.

Just as Lu Chaoding imagined, they were being guarded, except that the person guarding the corpse was not Ye Longxing, but Ye Linglong.

Ye Linglong was cold and ruthless, and took action decisively, killing them again and again until they were completely wiped out.

"Damn it, I can't play anymore!"

"Brother Ding ran away, leaving us to be mercilessly tortured and killed!"

"Zhao Skirt, can you explain what's going on?"

"What should I explain? What does it have to do with me? Don't you still see that it's all Lu Chaoding's fault!"

"Zhao Skirt, you're a private beta player. From the beginning to now, you only want to harm people, right?"

"Zhao Skirt, you cannot absolve yourself of the blame. Think about what you have done since Advent!" "Get out! I won't take the blame!"

"What's going on with this female NPC? Where did she come from? Can't you let us live?"

These seven players died and came back to life, lived and died again at the resurrection point. They were already in a state of lying on their backs. While being killed, they chatted without saying a word.

Suddenly, Ye Linglong stopped.

She looked at Zhao Weike and others coldly, and said: "How about giving you a choice, worship me as your teacher and respect me, I will spare you, and take you away from Tianxing Island to Tiancong Prefecture? "

"What?" Zhang Defa raised his hand, "You mean to accept us as disciples?"

"Not bad!" Yi Linglong flicked her sleeves and said proudly: "I, Ye Linglong, am the head of the Ye family in Tiancong Prefecture. In the future, I will establish the Xuntian Sword Sect. If you worship me as your teacher, you will become the number one in the Xuntian Sword Sect from now on." How about becoming a disciple?"

Zhang Jiaqiang raised his hand and said, "I do!"

"Okay! Those who know the current affairs are heroes. From now on, you will be my great disciple!"

Ye Linglong looked at Zhang Jiaqiang, nodded, and flicked his sleeves. Zhang Jiaqiang was immediately pulled by a force and flew into the Linglong Flying Boat.

There was a look of surprise on his face, and he waved to Zhao Weike and others, saying: "There is another village full of bright flowers, not bad!"

"Then, I'm willing too!"

Wang Yingluo spoke immediately, and Xiao Ning, Gu Xiaoxiao and Xiao Panpan also quickly expressed their willingness to join Xantian Sword Sect.

They were quickly led to the Linglong Flying Boat by Ye Linglong, and in the end only Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa were left.

"Where are you two?" Ye Linglong asked coldly.

Zhang Defa immediately turned around, turned his back to Ye Linglong, and said loudly: "Tiezi, there is a turning point. A female sword demon is going to accept us, so do you want to follow her and join the Xuntian Sword Sect? Waiting online, Tiezi Please give us an idea! I’d like to ask for a little gift by the way, I love you!”

Hearing his voice, Ye Linglong's pupils shrank. She pointed out a black sword energy and beat Zhang Defa to death. She shouted coldly: "You dwarf, I won't stop you!"

The resurrected Zhang De was in a daze, while Zhang Jiaqiang and others on the Linglong Flying Boat were laughing and gloating at the misfortune.

At this moment, Zhao Skirt raised her hands in the air and shouted in a surrendering posture: "My beautiful master, please accept the apprentice's bow. The apprentice pays your respects!"

Zhang Jiaqiang, who was on the Linglong Flying Boat, immediately shouted: "Master, we cannot accept this shameless person!"

"Yes, Master, those who take the blame will either show their superiority or show their weakness. We cannot accept such people!"

"Yes, don't accept it!"

"Zhao Skirt, don't you want to join a first-class sect? Go and join your Daluo Sword Sect!"

Wang Yingluo, Xiao Ning and others shouted, and even Zhang Defa also followed: "Zhao Skirt can't do anything. He is the No. 1 harmer. He is notorious on the forum. He is known as Zhao Skirt Jumping off a Cliff. Accept him and patrol the sky." The reputation of Jianmen will drop immediately, and it will be attacked by an army of players in the future!"

Ye Linglong actually showed a thoughtful look. After three breaths, she flicked her sleeves and sent out a black sword energy to kill Zhao Weike.

At this time, a regional announcement sounded: "Ding, Tianxing Island players No. 523131241, please be aware that the sect's large ship will arrive at the coast of Tianxing Island in 5 minutes and issue an outlying island mission: the mission target leaves Tianhang Island safely. The mission is completed. Reward Glory Treasure Chest

Lu Chaoding, who was "hanging up to read posts" in the exclusive material copy, continued to receive system prompts at this time: "Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, the tracking task is updated, and the content is tampered with: the task target left Tianxing Island safely, the task is completed, Reward sect × 1. Tips: Board any sect’s ship to receive the protection of the glory treasure chest. When you arrive at the sect’s station safely, you will successfully join the sect and obtain the status of an entry-level disciple.”

(End of this chapter)

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