Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 101 The main plot ends (Thanks to Boss Qinfeng for the reward)

Chapter 101 The main plot ends (Thanks to Boss Qinfeng for the reward)
Blood-recovering grass, longevity mushroom, green spirit grass, smart flower...

One after another, Lu Chaoding threw out the plants. Some pretended to be dead on the spot, and some ran away quickly.

The boiling blood poodle playing with the blood grass in the distance saw them, and ran over like a joy, biting this one with a whimper, and bit that one with a whimper. As soon as his little paws pressed down on this one, he hurriedly pounced on that one. It was playing. It was such a joy that the plants on the ground were in a frenzy.


As ground animals, these plants have a very average effect on combat effectiveness. Most of the abilities they put into the cave are to make medicine. However, they have raised the aura index of the cave to 415. They are not far away from being promoted to the third level of the cave.

Next, Lu Chaoding placed the [Tianxing Bagua Furnace] in the center of the courtyard, and immediately received a system prompt: "Ding, the exclusive material copy is linked to the Tianxing Bagua Furnace, and the formula materials are added to the exclusive material copy drop material list. For details, please See for yourself.”

"Copy of exclusive materials?"

Lu Chao slapped his forehead.

He spent 10 planes of merit to buy the exclusive material copy from the merit store, but he has never studied it yet.

The entrance to this dungeon is right next to the entrance to the training room. Lu Chaoding opened its information panel to check and found that the exclusive material dungeon costs 10 gold yuan each time to enter. After entering, there is a closed space in which materials will be continuously spawned. Wild monsters and materials have a chance to drop corresponding materials after being killed. The higher the material, the stronger the corresponding wild monster is.

The list of dropped materials for exclusive material copies is composed of materials in various production maps recorded by props such as [Tianxing Bagua Furnace].

In addition, [Exclusive Material Dungeon] is an endless mode dungeon. If the combat power is strong enough, you can stay in it all the time. However, the longer the battle lasts, the stronger the wild monsters spawned will be.

"This copy seems to be used to increase the number of enemy kills..."

Lu Chaoding thought for a while silently.

Refining the Super Piff Sword requires killing enemies, and refining the Daxuan Ship and ship-based weapons also requires killing enemies. Lu Chaoding thinks that he can refresh the exclusive material copy, but he has no plans to refresh the materials for the time being.

Of all the props with recipes recorded in the [Tianxing Bagua Furnace], Lu Chaoding was only a little curious about the black gold wine gourd on his back, but he was not in urgent need of it at all.

After a while, Lu Chaoding installed two [Jade Futons] on the left and right next to the pools on both sides of the courtyard, then found a flat place in the back mountain and put down the [Forbidden Black Lotus].

At this time, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt to advance the main plot. He flew out of the exclusive cave with his ship and came to the ruins of the master's hall on the top of the mountain. When he looked up, he saw a huge dragon in the sky that seemed to be composed of dark clouds. Circling, on top of the dragon's head, stood a figure with disheveled hair and a wild attitude. That was Ye Longxing.

In mid-air, there is also an exquisite flying boat floating.

It seems that Ye Linglong has completed the family recognition and is now with Ye Longxing.

"Ding, the main plot is advancing, Tianxing Island has evolved into a special battle space, all players have entered the battle preparation state, and the plot animation is loading..."

At this moment, Ye Longxing, who was standing on top of the black cloud dragon, roared up to the sky, and suddenly shouted: "Holy immortality, immortal demons are immortal, with the soul of my sword, I confuse all living beings, shake the seven worlds, summon the sword spirit, greatness is born, Yan The Dragon Treasure Mirror, the brilliance of ice and fire, responds to the bright sky, the thunder of the heavenly tribulation, the floating Yuanling, the nine-turn demon dragon, listen to my command, shatter the void, come here, two swords split the mountain, four swords sink into the air, and one sword again, Straight to the underworld!"

Suddenly, seven giant swords broke through the dark clouds and appeared above Ye Longxing's head.

"Go, go, go, go!"

Ye Longxing shouted again, and the seven giant swords were inspired. One flew to the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain, the other flew to the Boiling Blood Lion Mountain, and the other four were suspended in all directions in the sky. The last one fell to the ground with a rumble. Not far from Lu Chaoding, in front of the ruins of the head hall, a sword body more than ten feet long was half-pierced into the ground, like a sword monument falling from the sky.

"Ding, the main plot is advancing. The ancient sword demon Ye Longxing summons seven sky-scrutinizing demon swords."

"Ding, the Boiling Blood Lion Mountain was bombarded by the Demon Sword Dazai, and collapsed and sank in 30 minutes!"

"Ding, Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain was bombarded by the Demonic Sword Flame Dragon Mirror and collapsed and sank in 30 minutes!"

"Ding, the great sword broke through the Void Mountain, and the Demonic Sword Binghuang left the fire. The sky was clear, the heavenly tribulation thundered, and the pagoda Yuanling was forbidden to cut off the void!"

"Ding, the Demon Sword Nine Transformation Demon Dragon is transformed into the Netherworld Sword Monument, which is forcibly bound to the player's resurrection point!"

"Ding, the main plot is advancing. All players are locked by the Sky Patrol Demonic Sword. In 10 minutes, they will be chased by the ancient sword Demon Ye Longxing. Players killed by it will be resurrected at the Netherworld Sword Monument. Please Pay attention to self-protection..."

"Locked?" Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt and looked at the ancient sword demon Ye Longxing with a black dragon in mid-air and full of momentum. He couldn't help but sigh: "Good guy, two swords split the mountain and four swords fell into the air. , even the resurrection point has been forcibly bound. This Old Demon Ye is really fierce. If he beats me to death once, I'm afraid he will block the resurrection point and kill me all the way to level one! No, I have to hide!"

Thinking of this, Lu Chaoding immediately drove the Daxuan Sword and ran towards the coast.

He thought that he didn't have to risk a fight with Ye Longxing. He could just keep calm. When he got to the beach, he hid in the training cave. When the "big ship" came, he got on it and left Tianxing Island, ending this novice village safely. plot.

Lu Chaoding's sword was extremely fast, and he arrived at the beach in a moment.The terrain here is extremely open and the view is very good. Lu Chaoding continued to move forward, but found that he could not enter the sea.

"Ding, Big Sword Poxu Mountain has been banned by Ye Longxing with the Sky Patrol Demonic Sword. You cannot leave Big Sword Poxu Mountain at the moment!"

When Lu Chaoding heard the system prompt, he took his time and found a rock to sit on. He took out a piece of compressed biscuit and took two bites when he saw Zhao Weike and others running over.

Zhao Weike had an excited look on his face and shouted: "The plot missions have finally started to normal, hahahaha, if you believe in me, just follow me, I will take you to join the high-end sect!"

Zhang Defa followed him and said, "What high-end sect?"

"Daluo Sword Sect, Hongchen Sword Sect, and Qinglian Sword Sect! These three are first-class sects. They can only accept a thousand disciples in the whole server. Once they are full, no more sect ships will appear on Tianxing Island." Zhao Weike Said, "The ships of the three major sects will stop here. Come with me, and I will take you off! In fact, there are many sects that have similar settings. For example, the Shenwei Sword Sect only accepts 4000 people, and the Tianchi Sword Sect only accepts 5000 people. , the advantage of ending the main plot early is reflected here. You can choose any sect at will, and there are many benefits to joining a big sect. On the contrary, if the main plot ends late, you will have no choice but to join a third-rate sect!"

"I see!"

"Then we'll just wait here?"

"Look, Brother Ding! Brother Ding is here too!"

"Brother Ding is still reliable. Once he takes action, the plot will go smoothly!"

"If it weren't for Brother Ding, relying on Zhao's skirt to seduce him to death, he wouldn't be able to advance the plot even in the Year of the Monkey!"

"Brother Ding must also join a first-class sect!"

"I will join whichever sect my brother joins!"

"We all have the opportunity to join a first-class sect!"

Zhang Defa suddenly raised his hand and shouted: "We are all here. If Ye Longxing comes after him, I'm afraid it won't be all over!"

As if cooperating with him, black clouds billowed in the sky, as if Ye Longxing was really going to chase him.

Zhao Weike laughed and said: "Don't worry, according to the plot, the sword god Niu Daren should appear soon. He will resist Ye Longxing for us until the ships of various sects arrive. Then Niu Daren dies and is seriously injured. Ye Longxing retreated..."

When Lu Chaoding heard this, he couldn't help but shake his head, secretly wondering where is the sword god Niu Daren?
There is only one spiritual energy fruit!
He didn't think that the spiritual energy fruit could withstand Ye Longxing. Looking at the dark clouds gathering over him, he stood up and opened the entrance to his exclusive cave, ready to hide in at any time.

A moment later, Ye Longxing stepped on the black dragon, and it really appeared.

At this time, a "big pear" with arms and legs and wearing a robe suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of Zhao Weike and others.

This "Big Yali" put his hands behind his back, his face tilted upward at a 45-degree angle, and said coolly: "You guys get behind me, and I will deal with Ye Longxing!"

After saying that, this spiritual energy fruit actually stepped on the void and climbed to the sky step by step, full of momentum.

Zhao Weike and others were dumbfounded.

"So, this is the Sword God Ushi Daren?"

"What kind of fashion is he wearing?"

"I know, this is the aura fruit mentioned in the system notification!"

"Can this thing stop Ye Longxing?"

Zhang Defa and others immediately started talking. Zhao Weike forced himself to calm down and said, "Don't panic. This guy is very confident and has extraordinary momentum. He might really be able to resist Ye Longxing."

While he was speaking, the spiritual energy fruit with both hands on his back was already in the air. He stood in front of Ye Longxing and shouted: "The ancient demon Ye Longxing, come and fight! I am the reincarnation of the spiritual energy fruit!"

However, Ye Longxing ignored him. The black dragon made up of black clouds under his feet snorted, and lightning condensed, hitting the spiritual energy fruit at once, beating him until his hands and feet were trembling, and then his whole body started to smoke. , with a snap, it fell to the ground.

"Ding, the main plot is advancing, the spiritual energy fruit is seriously injured, and the ability to move is lost!"

"Ding, the main plot of Tianxing Island is over!"

(End of this chapter)

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