Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 100 Comprehensive Service NPC

Chapter 100 Comprehensive Service NPC
Lu Chaoding studied the attribute information of the Daxuan Sword with the sword spirit.

This sword spirit seems to have no other abilities besides being smart, and the only attribute change of the Daxuan Sword is that it and its ship-borne weapons have combat growth characteristics.

Growth through combat is basically equivalent to growth through killing enemies.

Therefore, Lu Chaoding no longer has to find refining materials for the Daxuan Sword and the 400 Devil Shark Cannons. He only needs to let the Daxuan Sword go to the jungle, and it and the Devil Shark Cannon can slowly increase the refining level.

Of course, they can still be upgraded or refined by using upgrade materials or being continuously transformed by Ship Spirit Lu Daxuan.

Ren Daniu walked up to the Daxuan ship out of curiosity and said, "What kind of sword is this? Why does it look so strange? Lu Chaoding, you can control this sword!"

"Yeah!" Lu Chao nodded, "Isn't it cool?"

"I don't like the fancy stuff!" Niu Daren curled his lips, showing a lemony look, and said: "Can you bring someone with you? If you can bring someone with you, Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, can you send me to the beach? Don't worry. , I understand, I need to be rewarded. There is a forbidden black lotus in this forbidden area, which is considered a rare treasure. Even if Ye Longxing is trapped by it, it will be difficult to escape. If you can safely send me to the seaside, I will teach you how to use the forbidden black lotus!"

"Forbidden Black Lotus?"

Hearing this, Lu Chaoding quickly entered the forbidden stone chamber that had once trapped Ye Longxing. Sure enough, he saw a black lotus with a diameter of nearly two meters inside. The lotus seemed to be made of black glazed crystals. It was silent. It floats quietly in the air, rotating slowly, with a lotus platform in its center.

[Forbidden Black Lotus: Special items, special treasures, special buildings, used in conjunction with spells, can trap a single target, restrict its mobility and seal skills, etc. 】

"Can this thing be collected?" Lu Chaoding reached out and touched the [Forbidden Black Lotus] and easily put it into the storage space.

Ren Daniu came over and said, "How about it? I'm not lying to you. Send me to the beach safely and I'll teach you the control technique. I'll do what I say."

Lu Chao said: "I haven't activated the ability of master of air control yet, so I can't lead people with flying swords. However, there is a way to bring you to the beach safely. Do you want to try it?"

Ren Daniu said: "Just come! Get to the beach as soon as possible, board the ship as soon as possible, and leave Tianxing Island as soon as possible. Only then will it be safe!"

"That's good, Brother Daniel, don't resist next!"

While talking, Lu Chao took out the torn sack. While Ren Daniu was confused, he treated him as a fool and then directly carried it on his back.

"Let's put this guy in the Nut Secret Realm first, and then release him when we get to the beach!"

Lu Chaoding made a decision quickly. The next moment, he stepped into the exclusive cave. Without being anxious to check the changes in his cave, he took off his ship and quickly rushed to the Nut Secret Realm.

After a while, Lu Chaoding threw Ren Daniu into the center of the Nut Secret Realm.

Ren Daniu looked around and asked in surprise: "What is this place?"

"This is a very safe place, Brother Daniu, please stay here for a while."

After saying that, Lu Chao brought up the Nut Secret Realm Management Panel and directly equipped the skill book of [Great Universe Shattering Void Sword] to the skill bar of the No. [-] Martial Arts Cannon.

"Ding, congratulations, the No. 12 martial arts cannon is equipped and bound with the special skill [Great Universe Breaking Void Divine Sword], and the level of [Great Universe Breaking Void Divine Sword] has been upgraded to LV[-]."

"Ding, the No. [-] martial arts cannon can be bound to three locations and serve as the transmission targets of the Great Universe Breaking Void Divine Sword."

Following the system prompt, the attribute information of the No. [-] martial arts cannon popped up in front of Lu Chaoding.

After some research, he chose the first binding location as the center of the Nut Secret Realm. As for the other two binding locations, there were no suitable ones for the time being, so they were left vacant.

"Unfortunately, there is a 24-hour cooling time after the martial arts cannon is activated. It cannot be fired easily. It is not easy to verify the true effect of this Great Universe Breaking Divine Sword now..." After Lu Chaoding thought for a moment, he briefly said to Ren Daniu After a few words, the ship returned to the cave courtyard at the foot of the mountain.

Niu Daren, who was "installed" in the cave, is here.

He stood motionless with a simple smile on his face. When Lu Chaoding approached, he activated and had attribute information.

Name: Niu Daren
Occupation: Sword Demon

Rating: 10
Repair: 0/500
Life: 1100
Attack: 110
Toughness: 2
Defense: 2
Speed: 100
Identity: A comprehensive service NPC in Lu Chaoding's exclusive cave. He has simple intelligence and can only move in Lu Chaoding's exclusive cave. According to the character's plot, exclusive character characteristics and titles are generated. The character's skills are solidified and can be awarded to the cave. Management authority, the current talent of [Niu Daren] is three-star [Wild] LV1, the secret skill is three-star [Drink Blood and Return to Origin] LV1, the combat skill is three-star [Sweep All Directions] LV1, the stunt is [Devil Transformation] LV1, and he will be automatically resurrected after death. But it needs to consume a certain amount of spiritual energy index.

Title: [Big Brother]

Character characteristics: Know all Tianxing Island players.

Character ability: [Guide], the ability to be familiar with the cave terrain, character locations, and conventional buildings.

Character ability: [Loop Broadcast], click to enter the broadcast lines, and Niu Daren will play the broadcast lines in a loop.

Character ability: [Supplier], click to drop the supply items and set the selling price, Niu Daren will complete the sale.The current reserve is 0 yuan, click to withdraw.

Character ability: [Release Task], click to edit the custom task, Niu Daren can automatically complete the task release, please explore by yourself for details.

Description: More advanced abilities will be unlocked as Niu Daren’s level increases.

"The comprehensive service NPC's character abilities are a bit interesting, but they don't seem to be of much use... huh? No! Can I publish tasks through him? Then after publishing the tasks, can I receive them myself? If so, no The spectrum system has been tampered with all the time, so I can play unlimited missions?"

Lu Chaoding's mind immediately became active.


After seeing Lu Chaoding, the comprehensive service NPC [Niu Daren] also began to bow his hands in a strict manner and said: "Master, if you need anything, just ask!"

"Stand here and don't move!"

Lu Chaoding gave an order, and then immediately started operating on Niu Daren's information panel. According to the panel prompts and through some choices, he issued a daily task: "Turn in one gold dollar, and you will be rewarded with one gold dollar!"

Then he wanted to receive the task with great expectations, but found that it was not possible. Niu Daren said: "Master, the task issuer cannot receive the task."

"That's boring!"

Lu Chaoding was greatly disappointed. He waved his hand to Niu Daren and said, "I'm fine here. You can go and move freely!"

"Good host!"

Niu Daren bowed and retreated.

Lu Chaoding got goosebumps when he shouted, and he quickly opened the storage space and released the pieces he grabbed one by one.

 Thanks to book friends 20220809073019835, Qin Feng, Jin Zun Kong Yue, A Han Xue Ye Yue N, Yan Yu and other bosses for the rewards. Thank you all for your support. I will update the rewards at night. Thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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