Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 99 Sword Spirit King

Chapter 99 Sword Spirit King
"Niu Daren is installed in the exclusive cave... Is this Niu Daren serious?"

Lu Chao asked the Chaos Sword Spirit.

The Chaos Sword Spirit has returned to its original state. It does not answer, but only circles around the top of the landing, like a follower of a pet.

"I don't know what this sword spirit is capable of. It must have been affected by the unreliable system. After all, it has a favorability level, but obviously this favorability level is not enough for it to recognize me as its master..."

Lu Chaoding had a clear understanding in his heart. He turned around and looked at Ye Cuihua again. Ye Cuihua also returned to normal. She looked panicked and said, "Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, this place is about to collapse. Let's leave quickly!"

"Okay, it all depends on the arrangements of the master's wife!" Lu Chao nodded.

"Don't call me Master's Wife anymore, you can call me Senior Sister..."

Ye Cuihua shook her head repeatedly. There was a complicated expression on her face, which made Lu Chaoding feel moved.

"Is this Ye Cuihua about to awaken? Niu Daren, oh no, what did the spiritual energy fruit say before? Her real name is Ye Linglong?"

Lu Chaoding thought silently. He felt that Ye Cuihua must also be an important plot character. Her identity is not simple. She is the contemporary head of the Ye family in Tiancong Prefecture and a descendant of Ye Longxing. Now that Ye Longxing has escaped, I don’t know if she will recognize her relatives.

Ye Cuihua stopped saying a word and stood quietly, while the Linglong Flying Boat began to take off rapidly like a real spaceship.

Lu Chaoding watched the next scene as if he were enjoying a cutscene, watching the hill below break and disintegrate, and finally explode with a roar.

"It's a pity that there are still so many earth-praying plants that we haven't caught yet, and their sacrifices have been in vain!"

Lu Chaoding sighed, and then his vision went dark and then brightened, and he left the secret realm of the world and appeared above the forbidden area of ​​the canyon.

"Ding, congratulations on your successful escape from the secret realm of the world!"

"Ding, the mission is not completed, you failed to gain the hatred of Niu Daren and Ye Cuihua!"

"Ding, the secret realm of the world collapsed and disappeared!"

"Ding, system announcement: The main plot is advancing. Senior brother Niu Daren has successfully transferred to the spiritual energy fruit. At the same time, the changes in Tianxing Island have attracted the attention of all parties. The Giant Sword Sect, the Golden Sword Sect, and the Divine Sword Sect , Holy Sword Sect and other forces’ ships are expected to arrive at Tianxing Island in 120 minutes.”

"Ding, system announcement: The main plot is advancing, Tianxing Island has been transformed into an open battle space, all copies are closed, and all wild monsters are hidden..."

Along with the system prompts, dark clouds quickly filled the sky, and thunder and lightning suddenly surged. In just a moment, everything Lu Chao could see looked like the scene of the end of the world.

"This is……"

Ye Cuihua's expression changed drastically. She looked into the void and said in shock: "This is the Great Freedom Patrolling Demon Sword! Could it be that my great-grandfather escaped!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Chaoding also received a system prompt: "Ding, the branch plot is advancing, Ye Cuihua will go to find Ye Longxing."

Lu Chaoding heard the system prompts and thought that indeed, Ye Cuihua was going to recognize her bride.

But he was also on the Linglong Flying Boat, so what would happen if she took her to meet Ye Long Guild?Will Ye Longxing kill him when they meet?Or can he take the opportunity to reverse the camp and form a gang with the big boss Ye Longxing?
When Lu Chaoding was thinking about what to do, Ye Cuihua's figure suddenly changed. She was no longer a hunky figure, but turned into a tall, handsome woman with an outstanding temperament, wearing a plain white dress.

"My real name is actually Ye Linglong!" Although Ye Linglong is much more beautiful after the transformation, her eyes also have a lot of otherworldly coldness, "Junior brother Lu Chaoding, I want to meet my great-grandfather, great-grandfather His temperament is unpredictable, and I might be inconvenienced if I take you with me, so please separate here."

"What's wrong, you want to get rid of me?"

At this moment, Lu Chaoding was even more suspicious that Ye Linglong had awakened. She should have had her own ideas, but he had no evidence. After thinking about it, he said: "But senior brother...oh no, the spiritual energy fruit said that he hopes that I can Take you out of Tianxing Island."

"Aura Fruit..." Ye Linglong flicked her sleeves, "Then thank him for me, but I don't need a Spirit Energy Fruit to interfere with my affairs. Junior Brother Lu Chaoding, get off the boat here!"

After saying that, Ye Linglong stretched out her hand and Lu Chaoding was ejected from the Linglong Aircraft by an invisible force. Then he could only watch helplessly as the Linglong Aircraft flew quickly towards the front mountain. The Chaos Sword Spirit also followed Lu Chaoding, but its light It seems a lot darker.

"This Ye Linglong is definitely not normal!"

Lu Chaoding landed in front of the stone gate of the forbidden area and couldn't help but frown.

Previously, Niu Daren's awakening changed the plot of Tianhang Island. Now if Ye Linglong also awakens and meets Ye Longxing, she doesn't know how the plot of Tianhang Island will change.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Lu Chaoding: "Hey, Lu Chaoding, your sword spirit is going to die!"


Lu Chaoding felt that the voice was familiar, and when he looked back, it was Niu Daren who was speaking!This "Niu Daren" had his hands in his sleeves, and his temperament was like that of a street kid. At this time, the stone gate of the forbidden area opened a crack, and he stood in the crack and spoke.

Obviously, he is the awakened Niu Daren.

"Senior Brother, Niu Daren, you are really hiding in the forbidden stone chamber!"

Lu Chao smiled. If according to Jinx in the Machine King universe, NPCs will become AI players after awakening and will have independent personality settings and behavioral logic, then the Niu Daren in front of him must have a more out-of-the-box temperament. .

"You've got the wrong person. I'm not Niu Daren. I'm Ren Daniu. I have nothing to do with Niu Daren. We just look alike."

"Ren Daniu" shook his head and said again: "Did you kill the great elder? This is too reckless. What should I do if the old devil comes here? Alas, we can no longer hide here. , Lu Chaoding, I think you are quite strong, can you send me to the beach? I have to escape by boat as soon as possible!"

Lu Chao said: "Don't run away in a hurry. Brother Daniu, what did you just say? The sword spirit is going to die?"


Ren Daniu pointed at the Chaos Sword Spirit who had been following Lu Chaoding, and said: "If I read it correctly, he should be a sword spirit forged by the great elder who has practiced the Chaos Sword Body with his own life. The sword spirit has no support. Objects, like wandering souls separated from the body, naturally cannot live long and will perish soon.”

"Then how can we save it?"

"It's very simple. Just find something for it to rely on, such as a sword! But this sword spirit is not pure. You have to think carefully about whether to save it. Don't make it self-defeating and destroy your sword."

Lu Chaoding was shocked when he heard this: "I understand!"

He immediately released the Daxuan Ship and said to the Chaos Sword Spirit: "Sword Spirit who has a crush on me, for the sake of giving me Niu Daren, I will give you a chance to live. This is my Daxuan Ship. , if you are willing, just possess it, you will not be alone, there are several ship spirits who will become your good friends!"

The Chaos Sword Spirit seemed to understand Lu Chaoding's words, circled twice around the Daxuan Ship, and then slowly flew into it.

"Ding, your Daxuan ship has obtained the sword spirit!"

"Ding, under the influence of the sword spirit, your Daxuan ship and ship-borne weapons have gained combat growth characteristics."

After the system prompt sounded, at the bow of the Daxuan ship, a sword spirit who looked like a boy with a bellyband slowly appeared. He put his hands on his hips and shouted: "Young men, come and pay homage to your king!"

The five silly pig-headed little ones appeared, some rubbed their eyes, some yawned, some scratched their butts...

The little Sword Spirit raised his eyebrows and shouted: "Please be patient, I am the King of Sword Spirits, you must listen to me from now on!"

Zhutou Wuxiao still does what they should do, they are just slow to react.

Lu Daxuan appeared at this moment and said: "Where did you come from, a wild boy, and why did you come to my ship?"

The boy with a bellyband said: "Your ship is my sword! Meet me, I am the Sword Spirit King!"

"Do you have a name?"

"No? Do you?"

"Yes, my name is Lu Daxuan! Daxuan of the Daxuan Ship, I am the ship spirit of the Daxuan Ship!"

"Then I..." The Sword Spirit boy blinked, "Then my name is Lu Daxuan, the Daxuan of the Daxuan Sword! I am the sword spirit of the Daxuan Sword!"

"How could you use my name?"

"then apply!"

"Change your name!"

"If you don't want to change, I will change it for you!"

"You are unreasonable!"

"You are only allowed to be called Lu Daxuan, and I am not allowed to be called Lu Daxuan. This is unreasonable!"

Lu Chao noticed that the two kids had an interesting conversation and said, "Okay, stop arguing. We will all be friends from now on, so get along well!"

(End of this chapter)

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