Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 111 The fight for world hegemony begins with the greening sect (Thanks to Boss Liushui Fuyun

Chapter 111 The fight for world hegemony begins with the greening sect (Thanks to Boss Liushui Fuyun for the reward)
No. 523131241, the old site of Tianxing Island, the big sword breaks through Xushan.

Ren Daniu stared blankly at the big ship of the Moon Covering Sect, feeling at a loss for a while.

After a while, he shouted to the NPC guard on the big ship: "Why don't you let me on the ship? This is sexism. Also, how can you judge that I am not a woman? Why can't I be a woman? What about dressing up as a man?"

After shouting for a long time, the guard on the big ship not only refused to let him get on the ship, but instead the ship weighed anchor and went to sea!
"Don't run away, come back to me. How can I leave this broken island if you run away? Can you bear the responsibility for delaying me from becoming the number one in the world? Come back to me... Mad, when I leave the island, I will be the first one." Destroy your Moon Covering Sect!"

Ren Daniu stamped his feet depressedly.

"This little friend!"

A voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Ren Daniu shrank his neck, looked back, and saw a tall old man with a yellow beard, yellow hair, and four eyebrows.

The old man said: "I'm Zhen...oh no, Jia Zhengyi! I used to be the master of the Zhengyi Sect, but no longer!"

Ren Daniu showed a vigilant look on his face and said, "Why are you on the island?"

"The reason why I am here is thanks to a Skywalker!"

"Lu Chaoding?"

"seems like it!"

Ren Daniu showed a clear expression and said with a smile: "Haha, you also encountered something strange, right?"

"Weird? It's indeed weird..." Jia Zhengyi nodded, "Speaking of which, I have to thank him for making me feel alive!"

"I never thought that I, Ren Daniu, could meet someone of the same kind, but our lives are miserable. There is no big ship that can take us away." Ren Daniu couldn't help but shake his head and sigh when he said this.

Jia Zhengyi said: "Why rush to leave? This Tianxing Island is extraordinary. I feel that it has entered the big world. I plan to establish a sect here and create a moral sword sect. My friend, I think you have good qualifications. Are you willing to be my disciple?"

"What are the benefits of being your disciple?"

"I have a jade talisman inherited from the Moral Sword Immortal, and a five-star secret skill [suspended death] skill book. If you become my disciple, I can give these two treasures to you. Keeping them will greatly increase your strength! How about it?"

When Jia Zhengyi said this, he was suddenly stunned. He quickly groped around on his body, and then tugged on his beard and said: "Hey, where are the inherited jade talismans and skill books? Why are they gone? There are also my Peiyuan Pill and Jin Yuan. Why? All gone!"

He suddenly slapped his thigh and seemed to realize something, and said: "Lu Chaoding, it must be him, he stole my things!"

Ren Daniu said: "Brother, don't be angry. If you lose your external possessions, you'll lose them. Don't take it too seriously... You said creating a sect is a good idea. Let's talk about it..."

"it is good!"

Jia Zhengyi nodded, and then chatted animatedly with Ren Daniu. A moment later, in the real Tianxing Island, the mountain gate of the "Moral Sword Sect" appeared.

At this moment, in the mountain gate hall on the first floor of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, Lu Chaoding released Zhang Defa and Zhao Weike.

"Guys, I have left Tianxing Island. Thank you, my brother!" Zhang Defa was still on live broadcast.

Zhao Weike looked around curiously and muttered: "Where is this?"

Lu Chaoding coughed lightly and said, "I Defa, please turn off the live broadcast first. Zhao Skirt, come here. I have something to announce to you?"

"What's the matter?" Zhang Defa was very obedient at the moment. He stood in front of Lu Chaoding and said: "You guys, Brother Ding is going to give you a lecture. Please stop broadcasting for a while!"

Zhao skirt also stood up obediently. He had learned a lesson and did not dare to offend Lu Chaoding easily.

Lu Chao said: "You two have no sect and no sect, and your level is only level one. It's really miserable, so I decided that starting from today, you two will join the reliable sword sect!"

"What? Have you decided?"

"Reliable sword sect? What do you mean?"

Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa couldn't react for a while.Lu Chaoding showed the title [Head of the Reliable Sword Sect] unhurriedly and said: "I, the founder of the Reliable Sword Sect, have decided to accept you into the sect. Are you willing?"

At this moment, Zhao Weike and Zhang Defazhen received the system prompt "Are you willing to join the Reliable Sword Sect?"

Zhao Weike blinked and made a decision quickly, saying: "Okay, I am willing to hang out with Brother Ding from now on!"

Zhang Defa was a little hesitant, but quickly nodded and said, "I am willing too!"

Lu Chaoding nodded with satisfaction. At this moment, he received a system prompt: "Ding, recruit two disciples, the task is completed, the reward is -100 gold yuan, and a sect resource gift package!"

"Ding, open the sect disciple identity setting. By default, sect disciples are divided into three levels: entry disciples, elite disciples, and true disciples. Disciple status can be obtained by accumulating sect contributions, or directly promoted by the leader, deputy leader, elder, etc.! "

"Ding, due to the lack of relevant functional NPCs, the sect contribution system cannot be opened. The functions of the clones of the current Reliable Sword Sect disciples will be promoted by the superiors!"

"Ding, start a new sect mission: recruit a total of 10 disciples, and reward the construction drawings of the mission hall!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking tasks, and tamperes with the content: Recruiting a total of 1000 disciples, and the construction drawings of the small hall will be rewarded!"

"A new mission is coming soon, huh? The difficulty of the mission has been increased 100 times, and the reward mission is the construction drawings of the small temple. Is this small temple serious?"

Lu Chaoding shook his head. The newly opened sect mission was not easy to complete, and he didn't want to do it for the time being.

At this time, Lu Chaoding opened the sect resource gift package he had just received, and received two [Elder Tokens], 200 Variety Saplings, 20 Packets of Plush Grass Seeds, and 30 Kumquat Tree Seeds.

After thinking about it, Lu Chaoding simply took out all the variety saplings, plush grass seeds, and kumquat tree seeds, and stacked them in the main hall of the mountain gate. He then said to Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa: "The sect is my family, and its construction depends on everyone. Now we The sect has just been established, and even the station has been prepared by the system. It can be said that everything is waiting for improvement. These saplings and grass seeds are left to you. You will be responsible for the greening of the sect's station. Can you do a good job?!"

"What? Brother Ding, you want us to plant trees? Plant grass!"

“Let’s do some greening?”

Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa were a little confused.

Lu Chaoding calmly used two more [Elder Tokens]. The function of these tokens was to open two elder positions. Lu Chaoding was not stingy. He opened the sect management panel and directly promoted Zhang Defa and Zhao Weike to become After meeting the elders, he added: "Now that you are elders, you are a little more aware. What's wrong with doing greening on our own territory? You do it well and I'm optimistic about you."

After saying this, Lu Chaoding opened the entrance to the exclusive cave and stepped in.

Now Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain is bare, and there is nothing to explore. He is thinking about engaging in a virtual sword debate and completing the task of losing a hundred consecutive losses in the team competition, so that he can get 116 unreliable lottery tickets. .

It is worth mentioning that when Lu Chaoding left Tianxing Island, he also received three world BOSS ranking rewards, totaling 60000 gold coins and 900 lottery tickets!
Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa in the Shanmen Hall were still a little confused at this time.

They received a system prompt and learned that Lu Chaoding had been awarded the position of elder, and had also received the non-attribute title of "Elder of the Reliable Sword Sect".

"This reliable sword sect was originally founded by Brother Ding. Now there are only three of us members? Why does it feel a bit unreliable?" Zhang Defa frowned and said.

Zhao Weike suddenly showed an excited look on his face and said: "Brother Ding will be the leader himself and let us be the elders. It's quite interesting! I Defa, let's divide our troops into two groups. You go to plant grass, trees and greening first. I will Go recruit disciples!"

"Recruit disciples?"

"Yes, there is strength in numbers. Elders can recruit disciples. This is the basic authority. I will recruit tens of thousands of disciples!"

"How are you going to recruit disciples? Where are you going to recruit them?"

"Of course we're going to Novice Village! You brought up the sect's information panel and looked carefully. Did you find that our reliable sword sect also has a patrol ship? I'm going to drive the patrol ship to Tianxing Island where the main plot has been completed, and take those All the master players are recruited into the sect!”

"This, can this work?"

"Why not? You heard me right. Do more advertising for our reliable sword sect in your live broadcast! Without further ado, I'm going to go first!"

Zhao Weike seemed extremely excited and walked with wind.

Zhang Defa scratched his head, restarted the live broadcast, and said first: "Guys, I have joined a sect. What sect? Reliable sword sect! Are there any players who like to play management and construction? Come to Hongchen Seven Realms Island, I I’ll take you to plant trees and grass, and your fight for world hegemony starts from the Greening Sect’s station!”

(End of this chapter)

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