Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 112 Planting Tree Elders and Receiving Elders

Chapter 112 Planting Tree Elders and Receiving Elders


"Anchor, what are you doing?"

"What sect has the anchor joined? Why does he still want to be green?"

"Hot chicken anchor, you are only at level one, why don't you go and level up?"

"I like running and constructing."

"Anchor, take us to visit your sect..."

Zhang Defa's live broadcast room is very lively.

Nowadays, in the live broadcast section, there are many live broadcast players, but the only anchor who has joined the sect is Zhang Defa. He is also the earliest anchor to start broadcasting. In addition, he is a village friend of Lu Chaoding and Zhao Jiuifu. Players who follow him are really not few.

At this time, Zhang Defa put away all the saplings, plush grass seeds, and kumquat tree seeds piled in the main hall of the mountain gate, and then slowly walked toward the exit of the hall with the six golden characters "Elder of the Reliable Sword Sect" on his head.

"Tiemen, let me take a look at the environment first. Our sect's headquarters is called Hongchen Qijie Mountain. Listen to this name, it sounds so reliable. It must be a geomantic treasure place... Now I left the main hall and came to the Shanmen Square. Grouch, what is that, such a big stone lion!"

Zhang Defa exclaimed. He happily ran to the mountain gate and pointed the live broadcast camera at the nine-foot stone lion.

"Boys, are these stone lions domineering? Look at the material, look at the carving skills, tsk tsk tsk, this is the face of my Reliable Sword Sect, come on, come on, look at this sect's banner again, Reliable Sword Sect , Tsk, tsk, tsk, the writing is so good, my god, there are three colorful clouds in the sky, it’s so beautiful..."

As an anchor, Zhang Defa's live broadcast footage is very good. He showed the nine-foot-long stone lion, the sect's banner and the colorful auspicious clouds from all angles, praised it vigorously, and looked at the sea from the mountain gate to express his emotions.

After a while, Zhang Defa pointed the live broadcast camera at Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, but was suddenly stunned. His perspective was slightly different from the live broadcast picture. He looked at Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, which was bare and seemed to be made of yellow mud. Why does this mountain look a bit like a piece of shit, especially the small soul-like tip thrown out from the top of the mountain, which looks very comic-like.

Clearing his throat, Zhang Defa continued: "Guys, our Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain has seven layers, just like a seven-layer cake mountain. I am now on the first layer. Look, this is the Mountain Gate Square. The ground It's very flat, um, now I understand why Brother Ding called me the Greening Sect's station, I'll start planting trees first, one on the left side of the Shanmen Hall!"

Zhang Defa went to the left side of the main hall of the mountain gate, took out an ever-changing sapling and threw it on the ground. The sapling immediately took root and grew rapidly. In the blink of an eye, it was three feet tall. Looking at the tree again, its whole body is like jade, like an upright jade. , and it is like a big Ganoderma lucidum, with leaves like clouds, light blue and red all over, and green mist lingering among the trees, swirling around.

"Hey guys, I received a system prompt and I planted a century-old Ganoderma lucidum tree! Ah, it turns out that this is a multi-variable seedling, and the tree planted changes randomly!"

Zhang Defa was so happy that he took out an iron sword and carved the five characters "This tree was planted by me" on the Ganoderma lucidum tree, and then threw a variety of saplings to the side.

Quickly, a big tree that resembled a weeping willow, but whose branches were covered with golden leaves like copper coins, appeared.

"Haha, this is a century-old fortune tree. It's beautiful. It's really pretty. Do you guys think this fortune tree is good? What? Are you saying that the location where I planted it is not good? Is there someone who can plant it here?"

Zhang Defa seemed to have discovered a toy. Without any plan, he just threw various saplings along a straight line, and later planted "Ten-Year Osmanthus Tree", "Ten-Year Poplar", "Thousand-Year Plane Tree", "Three-Year Plane Tree" and "Three-year-old Osmanthus Tree". "Nianlonglongmu", "Millennium Beauty Pine", "Centennial Pagoda Tree", etc.

He was very happy planting trees, and the comments on the barrage in the live broadcast room were also flowing rapidly.

"Elder who planted trees, please stop planting. You have planted the trees crookedly!"

"Anchor, please, please move the century-old fortune tree to the mountain gate!"

"Oh, I'm so anxious. Two century-old Ganoderma lucidum trees have grown, and they are placed asymmetrically. Wouldn't it be good for the hot chicken anchor to plant trees symmetrically on the left and right in front of the Shanmen Hall?"

"Don't waste the saplings, wait for me, I will go over and plant them!"

"Made, can these trees be moved? The anchor is planting them randomly. It makes me suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder!"

"I'll reward you with 200 yuan. Don't waste saplings and go plant grass!"

"I really want to kill the anchor!"

"Made, leave the saplings for me. I will leave the island to plant trees now!"

"I really want to teach a host how to plant trees!"

"I have a hoe and can dig holes and dig the ground. I applied to plant trees..."

Zhang Defa felt that he had done a good job in planting trees. He felt that the players who posted comments and scolded him must be lemons. After planting more than 200 trees in a row, he took out a handful of plush grass seeds and sprinkled them in front of him. 2 In less than a minute, a small patch of grass appeared. After the grass seeds fell to the ground, they quickly grew into grass. The grass was green in color, very soft, and had a unique fragrance.

"Guys, this plush grass smells so good!"

Zhang Defa couldn't help but picked up a handful of fresh grass leaves and threw them into his mouth, chewed them directly, and said in surprise: "Guys, this grass is delicious, it tastes like fragrant rice, and it's sweet and fragrant. No, I have to eat it again." A handful!"

Next, Zhang Defa plowed up the small piece of grass he had just planted. He ate all the grass roots, sat on the ground again, touched his belly, and said with some unfinished thoughts: "Iron guys, plush grass." It's delicious. After joining our reliable sword sect, at least you don't have to worry about food. You can eat all you want with nutritious and healthy plush grass! Everyone, wait for me a little longer. I'm not full yet. Plant another piece and eat something fresh. of!"

"Damn it, a big anchor is eating grass right there!"

"Forget it if you eat grass, you even eat the grass roots, that's outrageous!"

"None of my cows are so cruel!"

"No way, I'm going to be laughed to death by the tree-planting elder!"

"Is this plush grass really that delicious?"

"Made, seeing the anchor eating so deliciously, I actually want to eat grass too!"

"Sand sculptures are contagious!"

"Come on, let's go to Hongchen Seven Realms Island to eat grass together!"

"Kill the tree-planting elder, An Defa, and rescue the saplings and grass seeds. Please deduct 1 for joining!" "1"




"The plot in our village is slow, is there still room?"


While Zhang Defa was reaping countless barrage comments by eating grass, Zhao Weike also drove the sect's patrol ship in front of a light blue light barrier with the words "Reliable Sword Sect Elder".

The light barrier represents the boundary of Novice Village.

It can be said that Hongchen Seven Realms Island is right next to the boundary of Novice Village, but it is not easy to go back after leaving Tianxing Island.

Zhao Weike waited here for 10 minutes and finally received the system prompt: "Ding, Novice Village No. 143158641 has released an island mission. You can now drive the patrol ship to pick it up. Do you want to go?"

"Go! This is the moment you've been waiting for!"

Zhao Weike was excited. The next moment, under his control, the patrol ship passed through the light blue light curtain and arrived at Novice Village No. 143158641.

Different from his own Tianxing Island, the Great Sword Poxu Mountain in this novice village is sinking. It is a plot animation. The big ship that enters this novice village is not only the one driven by Zhao Weike, but also many NPC sect ships. .

Zhao Weike did not dare to delay, and increased the speed of the patrol ship to the highest speed. He quickly got rid of the sect ships and arrived at the coast first. He drove the patrol ship directly in front of the eight players.

"What luck! We found the players right away!" Zhao Weike shouted to the eight players, "Get on the boat and take you out of the island!"

"Huh? What kind of ship is this?"

"Didn't I say that the big ship of Daluo Sword Sect would come here?"

"Has the Qinglian Sword Sect's sect ship not arrived yet?"

"I want to join the Daluo Sword Sect!"

The eight players looked puzzled.

Zhao Weike said: "Da Luo Sword Sect is unreliable, join our Reliable Sword Sect, I am the great elder of Reliable Sword Sect, don't hesitate, come on board! I will take you to take off!"

"Reliable sword sect? What kind of sword sect is this? I've never heard of it!"

"Could it be a hidden sect?"

"The name of this sect is a bit unreliable!"

"Would a serious sect choose such a name..."

The eight players were even more confused.

Looking at their performance, Zhao Weike knew that these were eight players who didn't watch the live broadcast and were too focused on the plot.

"I, Zhao Skirt, am quite famous on the forum, but they didn't recognize me? Could it be that they didn't realize that I was a player..."

Zhao Weike immediately recalled Lu Chaoding's expressionless look, and then imitated it, saying expressionlessly: "My Reliable Sword Sect is a super hidden sect that is superior to first-class sects such as Daluo Sword Sect and Qinglian Sword Sect. We only recruit eight disciples, you eight think about whether you want to join our sect!"

"Super hidden sect? Only accepts eight disciples? Brother Gang, what do you think?"

"This NPC seems a bit unreliable, but if what he says is true, then you can't miss this opportunity!"

"Then get on the boat?"

"Get on board!"

"Are you going to only accept eight disciples?"

The eight players discussed for a while and finally boarded the patrol ship.

Zhao Weike was overjoyed and said: "Sit tight, I will take you away from the island. The target is Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain!"

He turned the bow of the boat and increased the boat's speed to the highest speed. Not long after, he left the boundary of Novice Village, and then he saw the Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain not far away, which looked like a giant soaring flower.

"That's where I am stationed. Now, as the Great Elder of the Reliable Sword Sect, I will accept you as the entry-level disciples of the Hongchen Sword Sect."

Zhao Weike was imitating the NPC at this time. He quickly brought the eight people under the mountain gate and said: "Get off the boat, go along the stone steps, pass the mountain gate, go to the mountain gate hall to find the tree planting elder, and receive the novice mission! "

After tricking the eight people into getting off the boat, Zhao Weike quickly turned around and headed towards the boundary of Novice Village.

"Now, recruit more disciples of the sect so that I, Zhao Weike, can show off my abilities, haha!"

Zhao Weike felt very motivated. He felt that it was possible to build the strongest sect by relying on his own methods!

(End of this chapter)

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