Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 115 This is a talent

Chapter 115 This is a talent

Lost 32 games in a row, achieved.

Lu Chaoding continued to play matches and made an opening statement in every game from now on.

"Although you really want to win, I also really want to lose. Let's all do our best!"

"If you lose based on your own ability, it doesn't count as cheating!"

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry. Teammates, please get on your way!"

"It's not that you are weak, but that I am too strong!"

"Winning or losing is up to me!"

"Don't kidnap me morally, I just want to lose!"

"I have to complete a task, please cooperate with me!"

"Don't worry, I won't give the opposing players a chance to take action, but I won't give you a chance to take action either..."

When Lu Chaoding formed a team to discuss swordsmanship, he was basically the only one who took action, and the battle was over in one round.

He attacked first with [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate], and his teammates simply couldn't withstand it. Even without the blessing of the Spectral Sword Shadow, with Lu Chao's super high attack power, he could only use three swords at most. The so-called "luxuriously equipped" teammates, You also have to lie down.

And he can fire nine swords in a row, so even if three teammates are "luxuriously equipped", they can be killed easily, and it doesn't even take half a minute.

If the yin and yang characteristics fail, Lu Chaoding will use the black cloud formation.

The Black Cloud Formation does not distinguish between friend and foe. Within the range of the formation, except for Lu Chaoding, all other targets will be damaged by 2% of Lu Chaoding's attack power every second, and the player's action time is 2 minutes. Lu Chaoding In these [-] minutes, it was easy to kill units with [-] to [-] HP using the Black Cloud Formation.

In this way, Lu Chaoding kept matching and losing. He was like a ruthless machine and never tired of it.

Because of this, his opponents or teammates who had encountered him were deeply impressed by him. Some posted on the Tianxing Forum, exposing Lu Chaoding's behavior, severely condemning him, or offering a reward for his identity information.

However, now more players in the forum are willing to discuss how to kill Ye Longxing in a plot and whether to join the reliable sword sect, so no one pays attention to those posts and they quickly disappeared.

In this way, Lu Chaoding achieved a hundred consecutive defeats in team fencing without any accidents, and successfully obtained all the unreliable lottery tickets.

During this period, Lu Chaoding didn't really spend much time fighting, and most of his time was wasted waiting for matches.

Next, Lu Chaoding examined the 116 new unreliable lottery tickets one by one and divided them into one top-quality ticket, 100 ordinary tickets, and 15 spicy chicken tickets.

The random effect of the best coupon is: "The probability of drawing a five-star item is increased to the player level x 4%."

According to this probability formula, Lu Chaoding only needs to reach level 25 before using this unreliable lottery ticket, and he will be able to draw [-]% five-star props.

"How should I get unreliable lottery tickets in the future? It seems that the only tasks I can receive now are sect tasks... Or should I leave the Seven Realms Island and go to the big world to make a living?"

Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry to draw the lottery at the moment. He thought for a while and thought that there was no need to rush to leave Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain now. He could first go to the material dungeon to upgrade [Sword Immortal's Twelve Hate] to the top level, and he could also do it in the meantime. Get materials, and refine the super sword and the devil shark cannon on the Daxuan ship. You can achieve multiple things with one stone.

After a while, Lu Chaoding entered the material dungeon. He released the Daxuan ship in the dungeon and activated the black cloud formation. Then he let the ship spirit Lu Daxuan control the ship, and he lay down on it to sleep. He was really hanging up. sleep.Lu Chaoding didn't know how long he slept at this time. When he woke up, the material monster spawned below was already a level 40 giant black turtle.

The Black Cloud Formation is operating well at this time. The Sword Spirit King is directing the Zhutou Five to fire the cannons. The battle situation is very optimistic.

"The Black Cloud Formation is really a magical weapon to spawn monsters!"

Lu Chao stretched himself, and then looked at the system prompts. He found that he had produced more than three thousand pieces of materials, which could be used to create many fire swords, flying dragon swords, and even two-star black gold wine gourds.

What surprised Lu Chaoding was that the mission of the sect that had recruited 1000 disciples had been completed, and the [construction drawings of the mission hall] had been distributed to his storage space.

Not only that, after this tampering mission is completed, there will be new sect missions to follow.

The original sect mission content is: “Hold a sect meeting and deliver a speech, and be rewarded with a [construction drawing of the practice room].

It was occasionally tampered with by an unreliable system to read: "Hold a sect meeting and deliver a speech, and be rewarded with a [construction drawing of an unreliable practice room]."

"Isn't that right? You just hung up your phone and took a nap, and then you accepted 1000 disciples? Is this the fault of Zhao Kuirui and I Defa? I didn't realize they had such ability..."

Lu Chaoding was very surprised, and now he took out the [Construction Drawings of the Mission Hall] to look at it.

[Construction drawings of the Mission Hall: After use, build a Mission Hall at the designated location. The Mission Hall is a small building with a durability of 1000, allowing sect players to publish, cancel, receive, and submit sect missions.Note: When posting a task, you must submit the task reward at the same time. Players cannot receive the sect tasks they posted. 】

"This sect's small hall looks quite serious. Can all players post tasks in it? Can I receive tasks posted by other players? If I do, will the unreliable system tamper with it?"

Lu Chaoding immediately became interested. He quickly left the copy of the materials and washed himself in the cave. Then he stuffed some materials into the LV3 Tianxing Bagua Furnace and asked it to refine the two-star black gold wine gourd on its own...

In less than half an hour, Lu Chaoding left the exclusive cave while munching on compressed biscuits, and then came to the main hall of the mountain gate.

To Lu Chaoding's expectation, the Shanmen Hall was extremely lively at this time. A large number of players were sitting on the ground facing the back of the hall. At the back of the hall, a stage was set up manually, and a tall player was sitting on the stage.

The tall player was Lu Shaobao. He cleared his throat and said loudly: "I have gathered everyone here mainly to talk about the construction plan of our reliable sword sect. Many players have been affected by the game settings and have forgotten this. Chenjianjie is a real game world. What is a real game world? That is to say, although this world has game settings and many game props, most of the physical laws of the real world are still valid here, so the initiative of our players is Very strong. We can make our own tools, make fires to cook, plant trees, and build houses and villas. However, the tools we make, the houses we build, and the villas we build have no attributes. The attributes are still useful, just like our items in the real world!”

Clap clap clap clap!
Someone was applauding at the scene. Lu Chao looked up and found that the person leading the applause was Zhang Defa.

Lu Shaobao pressed his hands and continued: "We must use our subjective initiative to build our Reliable Sword Sect into what we like. It is for this reason that I joined the Reliable Sword Sect... Let me talk about the following first. Let’s plan. First of all, we have to build a simple canteen and a simple public toilet. Believe me, this is not difficult... I’m not bragging. As long as everyone cooperates with me, it’s hard to say rockets and cannons, steel bars and concrete, etc., I It can be made in a month, and pottery, glass and the like are a piece of cake. This is what I studied specifically during the internal testing..."

Lu Chaoding listened quietly below and was astonished by Lu Shaobao.

"This guy actually said he could make steel and concrete! If he's not bragging, he's too strong! I trust that the Sword Sect has talented people, and this disciple is well recruited!"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but sigh.

After a while, Lu Shaobao finished his speech. Before everyone dispersed, Lu Chaoding stood up suddenly. He released the [Black Saber-toothed Tiger] in the form of a saber-toothed tiger. Facing the surprised eyes of everyone, he rode on the back of the saber-toothed tiger and put the "reliable sword-toothed tiger" on its back. The six-character title "Sword Sect Leader" came up and said: "Hello everyone, I am your leader. I am the top leader in the Sword Immortal Continent. I will simply hold a conference and let me say a few words..."

At this time, a system prompt sounded in his mind: "Ding, hold a sect conference, the task is completed, and you will be rewarded with a [construction drawing of an unreliable practice room].

Lu Chaoding breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the system prompt. He was worried about what to say. He was forced to give a speech just to complete the tampering task. But now that the reward arrived, he was too lazy to say anything and said with a smile: "Everyone has a good time eating, drinking and having fun. Okay, let's disperse!"

(End of this chapter)

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