Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 116 Mission Hall

Chapter 116 Mission Hall
"Is this the legendary top brother Lu Chaoding?"

"Hey, the leader's mount is so powerful!"

"What kind of beast is this? Why is it still a machine?"

"This leader does look like a master!"

"Master, please show off your attribute information..."

A group of players quickly gathered towards Lu Chaoding, with no intention of disbanding.

At this time, Lu Chaoding really felt that he was being sought after. He handed over to everyone and said, "Thank you for your support. Everyone, go and do your work! Go and do your work!"

At this moment, Wang Chengang squeezed in front of Lu Chaoding and said: "Hello, Chief Master, my name is Wang Chengang. Now the sect's headquarters is bare. There are no tasks and no wild monsters. Apart from planting grass and trees and following Lu Shaobao's mischief, there is nothing else at all. You have to find a way to solve the problem, otherwise the brothers won’t be able to hang out!”

Lu Chao nodded and said: "Don't worry, it will be solved! In this way, I will build the mission hall first."

After saying that, Lu Chaoding, surrounded by a group of players, rode out of the mountain gate hall on a black saber-toothed tiger.

The Shanmen Hall has a front door and a back door, which are equivalent to the entrance and exit. Lu Chaoding walked through the back door. When he came out, his eyes were bright. The place had been paved with grass, and some "antique" Ganoderma lucidum trees were neatly planted. To the left If you look to the right, you can see the Hongchen Sword Monument, and if you look to the right, you can see the Tianming Tower.

"The terrain here is flat and open, why not build the mission hall here!"

Thinking of this, Lu Chaoding walked forward for about 30 meters, took out the [construction drawing of the mission hall], threw the drawing on the ground, and with a bang, the drawing disappeared, and then a small temple-like building appeared. The building appears.

There is no doubt that that is the mission hall.

This small hall is short and inconspicuous compared to the main hall of Shanmen. It is estimated that four or five people standing inside will feel crowded.

However, its functionality has not been reduced.

Lu Chaoding didn't know what the functions of the regular mission hall were, but this small hall lived up to its name.

A group of players gathered around curiously, but their performance was dull. It was obvious that this inconspicuous mission hall did not receive their attention.

Lu Chao said: "Everyone can publish, receive, cancel, and submit tasks in this small hall. Where is my Defa? Come here, I will try to post a task!"

"Can this task be released randomly?"

Zhang Defa walked out of the crowd. He walked into the mission hall, studied it for a while, and released a mission. Then he came out and said to Lu Chaoding: "Brother Ding, the mission has been released. Please take a look!"

Lu Chao stepped forward to take a look.

Current task list:

Task 100: Give [-] yuan to tree planting elder Zhang Defa.

Posted by: Elder Zhang Defa.

The task is for: all sect members, [click to receive].

Task reward: 10 yuan (delivered by the task publisher and automatically issued after the task is submitted).

"What kind of mission is this? Exchanging 100 yuan for 10 yuan, only a fool would do it!"

Lu Chaoding glanced at Zhang Defa, suddenly his mind moved, and he accepted this only task.

"Ding, you received a task from the task hall. Occasionally, the unreliable system starts, updates the tracking task, and tampered with the content: 10 yuan is given to tree planting elder Zhang Defa, and the reward is 10 yuan."

"Sure enough, whenever I receive a mission, whether it is issued by the system or a player, it will be tampered with by the unreliable system."

Lu Chaoding immediately threw 10 yuan to Zhang Defa, and then chose to submit the task. Without any surprises, the submission was successful, and the 10 yuan that Zhang Defa deposited in the task hall was released to Lu Chaoding's storage space.

At this time, other players also began to study the mission hall. They could all see the attribute information of the mission hall, and they could not help but shake their heads.

"What's the use of this?"

"Shouldn't we receive sect missions from here?" "Yes, why do we need to issue and receive missions ourselves? We have to provide the reward items ourselves!"

"What else does this mean?"

Lu Chaoding heard people talking around him, but he didn't care. He looked at Zhang Defa and said, "I, Defa, will you continue to issue tasks?"

Zhang Defa couldn't react. He muttered: "The task I posted was to give me 100 yuan. Brother Ding, you only gave me 10 yuan. How could you complete the task? This task palace is unreliable!"

He was obedient and continued to issue tasks through the task hall. The content of the tasks was exactly the same as before.

After Lu Chaoding received it, the occasionally unreliable system started immediately. This time the tampering content was to give Zhang De 1000 yuan, and the task reward remained unchanged, still ten yuan.

Lu Chaoding chose to give up the task and said: "No, this task is too difficult, please re-post it!"

"What?" Zhang Defa was stunned, "Isn't this the same mission as just now? Why is it too difficult?"

He knew very well that Lu Chao had a tendency to make sacks when he didn't agree with his words, and he muttered, but he still quickly issued a task that rewarded him with ten yuan and ten yuan.

Lu Chaoding accepted this task, which was immediately tampered with by the occasionally unreliable system and gave Zhang De 1000 yuan, and then rewarded him with 1 yuan.

"No, this task is more difficult, let's try another one!" Lu Chaoding frowned and gave up the task again.

He found that the mission he gave up was still tampered with and could be claimed again.

Of course, the task list that other players see should be normal, and the tasks they can receive are also normal tasks.

"Is this difficult?"

Zhang Defa once again issued a task: give Zhang Defa 1 yuan and a reward of 10 yuan.

Lu Chaoding clicked to receive it, and with a ding, the task was tampered with: giving Zhang Defa 1 yuan, and a reward of 100 yuan!

"This mission is okay!"

Lu Chao nodded, shook his hands and threw a dollar to Zhang Defa, then submitted the task and happily received 100 dollars.

"Haha, with this mission hall, I can complete unlimited missions. If it's unreliable, I'll give up. If it's reliable, I'll do it. Then it won't take off!"

Lu Chaoding was in a good mood, and he pulled Zhang Defa aside and said: "Defa, please release some other tasks, such as rewarding lottery tickets or something. Don't worry, I will provide you with the reward items, by the way, the Flying Insect Sword! I I will give you an insect sword, and you will issue a task that will give you a dollar and reward you with an insect sword."

Zhang Defa was a little confused, what was he doing!

The other players around him didn’t understand even more, and they all talked about it. Some of them were noisy, saying that this mission was a bad thing. Wang Chengang squeezed in front of Lu Chaoding again, and said with a disappointed look on his face: "Big Boss , can you be more reliable? What the hell is this mission hall? You publish it and complete it yourself. The reward items will not be created, but will just be transferred back and forth between us. Isn’t this equivalent to messing around and wasting energy? We How can a sect develop and grow?"

"You don't understand, this mission hall is a god-level building!" Lu Chaoding looked around, and in order to take care of everyone's emotions, he said to Zhang Defa: "You publish the mission here first, use your imagination, what mission? You can post it all, I’ll come as soon as I go.”

After saying that, Lu Chaoding said to Wang Chengang: "Let's go, choose a place and build a practice room for you..."

He also had a piece of [Building Drawings for an Unreliable Training Room] in his hand.

[Construction drawings of the unreliable practice room: After use, build an unreliable practice room at the designated location.The unreliable training room allows up to four players to enter in teams. Each time you enter, you need to hand over 10 gold yuan. The leader player's kill record is extracted to randomly generate sparring targets. After killing the sparring target, you can obtain training experience and sparring targets. Dropped items, please explore by yourself for details. 】

A moment later, Lu Chaoding built an unreliable practice room about one kilometer away on the right side of the Shanmen Hall.

This unreliable practice room looks very reliable. It is a square hall, even more majestic than the Shanmen Hall. There are ten entrances in the front, back, left and right, so up to 40 teams can practice at the same time.

The terrain in front of it is wide and it was named the Practice Square by Lu Chaoding. There is a peach orchard in the back with various peach trees that have just been planted.

"The scenery here is nice, Comrade Wang Chengang, I will leave this practice room to you to open up wasteland!"

Lu Chaoding said a few words briefly, and then returned to the mission hall with great expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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