Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 117 Unreliable Practice Room (Please subscribe)

Chapter 117 Unreliable Practice Room (Please subscribe)

Lu Chao pulled Zhang Defa's head and started completing tasks.

"I've been given a chance, how can I not use it? I have to work hard to collect the wool of the system and use it as a task brush, brush the flying insect sword, brush the lottery ticket, brush the super sword, and brush out a future!"

Lu Chaoding was previously worried that the system might not give him tasks in order to suppress him, just like in some movies and novels, the plot was deliberately suppressed to prevent the protagonist from growing too fast. Now he found that he had mistakenly blamed the system. In this mission hall, he felt that as long as it was a non-bound prop, he could change it into more and more by completing missions. In this way, it was like stepping on the left foot and taking off on the spot!
It is worth mentioning that in Lu Chaoding’s sect management panel, new sect tasks have also appeared. The original task requires the leader to reach level 30. After the task is completed, the exclusive sect fashion design x 1 will be unlocked.

After occasional unreliable system tampering, this task changed to require the leader to reach level 30, and then the exclusive sect fashion design x 10 will be unlocked.

Lu Chaoding felt that this task was not difficult to complete. He just needed to find some practice experience to clean up the task hall.

While Lu Chaoding started completing tasks, Wang Chengang and others gathered around the unreliable practice room to discuss.

Nowadays, the players of the reliable sword sect are basically divided into two groups. One group can be said to be life players. They follow Lu Shaobao to plant trees and grass for construction. They are very motivated, but are not anxious to improve their strength at all. The other group is completely opposite and only pursues personal pursuits. In terms of strength, Wang Chengang and Dugu Tian are the representatives.

"The name of this training room is called Unreliable Training Room. How can it be reliable? How did Lu Chaoding build such a weird building?"

Wang Chen just muttered, then he looked at the people around him and said: "The sect is too simple now, and there is only one unreliable training room. Do you want to form a team to go in?"

At this time, Dugu Tian also came to the unreliable training room and said: "The reliable sword sect and the unreliable training room are interesting. Let me go in first and start a new adventure."

After that, he didn't form a team and entered the unreliable training room alone.

"I am coming too!"

"Excuse me, our bloody foursome will sign up to open up wasteland!"

"We are the Four Musketeers of Fire!"

"The Four Saints of Poxu Mountain must open up wasteland..."

There were actually a lot of players who were willing to visit the unreliable training room. Soon, all the forty entrances to the unreliable training room were occupied by players.

Seeing that everyone was so active, Wang Chengang was not in a hurry. He called Liao Hu, Ma Hou and Xiong Bing closer and said: "Let others go in to open up wasteland first. Let's take a look at the situation. After all, this is an unreliable practice room. Who can do it?" You know what will happen when you go in!”


"Listen to Brother Gang!"

"I hope nothing bad happens!"

Liao Hu, Ma Hou and Xiong Bing nodded repeatedly. They completely followed Wang Chengang's lead.

Suddenly, there was a flash of white light, and Dugu Tian walked out of an entrance of the unreliable practice room with a frown on his face.

Wang Chengang hurriedly stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "Brother Dugu, how are you? Isn't this a reliable training room?"

Dugutian shook his head and said: "After I went in, I met a level 6 night wolf. After killing it, I only got a 20-point cultivation experience book. I don't think it's worth the ticket price."

"What? Just a level 6 night wolf!"

"The ticket is only 10 yuan!"

"Blood loss!"

"Unreliable training studios are indeed unreliable!"

After hearing Dugutian's words, many players nearby were immediately disappointed.

At this time, another team came out of the practice room, and a group of players immediately rushed over and started asking questions.

"Zhao Qian and Sun Li are also coming out!"

"Did you also fight a night wolf?"

"Four people, 40 yuan per ticket, fighting a little night wolf, wouldn't that be a loss to death?"

"Hey, what's your expression? Could it be that you were killed by the Night Wolves?"

These four players who came out of the unreliable training room are Sword Master Zhao Qianli, Sword God Qian Wanwan, Sword Master Sun Jiuwu, and Sword Demon Li Yifei. They call themselves "Zhao Qian Sun Li" and come from the same novice village. , was also coaxed and tricked into the sect by Zhao Skirt.

At this time, Sword Immortal Zhao Qianli said: "Madeh, we encountered a battleship, do you dare to believe it?"


"What battleship?"

"Hey, isn't it Night Wolf?"

When the players next to him heard this, they all asked.

Sword Master Sun Jiuwu said: "We encountered a ghost battleship. It has a name, Feili. The system prompts that it is a BOSS that the master has killed. Damn it, it is ridiculously strong. It can kill you with one shot." Blast us all to death."

"What? Ghost battleship?" "I've never heard of this BOSS!"

"Please take a closer look at the attribute information of the Unreliable Training Room. It clearly states that the sparring partners in the Unreliable Training Room are randomly generated based on the leader's kill record!"

"So, it doesn't have to be Night Wolf?"

"Wait a minute, the leader is number one on the three rankings. Prince Turtle, Agni Tengu, and even the old demon Ye Longxing have all been killed by him. Doesn't that mean that we are not reliable when we enter the training room, and we may encounter these three The world BOSS?"

"Ah! What should I do if I encounter Ye Laomo? Isn't he being killed in reverse?"

"Come on, three of you will form a team and let's go in and take a look!"

"Line in line, everyone in line! Don't crowd and obey the order!"

After a while of discussion, a large group of players flocked to the entrance of the unreliable practice room.

And the first batch of players who entered the unreliable practice room also came out one after another. Some shouted "hot chicken" after coming out, not worth the ticket price, some shouted "exciting", saying they met a vampire, and some beat their chests and said it was. Killed by the BOSS group.

Until four players came out and said that they had met the Prince Turtle and almost won. Wang Chengang finally couldn't bear it anymore and called out to Liao Hu and others: "Brothers, it seems that this is not a reliable practice. The landlord will play a random one. After entering, There is a possibility of encountering a naughty little monster, or there is a possibility of encountering a big BOSS. I think it’s okay, let’s go in!”

"Okay, I'll line up!"

"Just line up at this door..."

After a while, Wang Chengang, Liao Hu, Ma Hou and Xiong Bing entered the unreliable practice room as they wished.

After paying the ticket price, they were transported to an empty field, and a broadcast-like system prompt sounded: "Ding, enter the unreliable practice room, and our sparring partners will be randomly chosen from the leader's player's kill record. Extraction, calculating..."

"Ding, your sparring partner is the LV10 juvenile special wild monster Black Saber Tooth Tiger!"

Following the system prompt, a black and white striped tiger with a black sharp knife-shaped horn appeared opposite Wang Chengang and others.

After another minute of preparation time, the battle began.

Wang Chengang and others were not weak, and they easily killed a mere black sword sword tiger.

These four people had no sense of achievement. Just when they were lamenting their bad luck and not being worth the money, the black-sword saber-toothed tiger on the opposite side that was killed turned into a treasure chest.

"Hey, did you find a treasure chest?"

As soon as Wang Chen stepped forward to open the treasure box, he suddenly showed a look of surprise: "Brothers, a monster has appeared! A three-star black saber-toothed tiger!"


"This little elite fell to the ground?"

"Brother Gang, show your attributes quickly!"

Wang Chengang excitedly displayed the attribute information of [Black Saber-Toothed Tiger]. Ma Hou and others saw it, and everyone was immediately excited.

"This land can only be used as a mount!"

"This training room is reliable!"

"Why don't four drop?"

"Brother Gang, can you give me this black saber-toothed tiger first!"

"Go away, it's mine!"

"Brother Gang, you can't do this. I suggest guessing. Whoever wins will get the saber-toothed tiger!"


"I agree……"

While these people were arguing, the battle space was shattered, and they were forcibly teleported out of the unreliable training room.


The four of them turned around and entered the unreliable training room again.

This time, their sparring partners are the "Nut Fortress Supreme Executive Weeping Angel" and two "Nut Fortress A-level combatants"!
Wang Chengang and others failed to win and were destroyed by the group.

Not only were they not disappointed, but they were even more excited. They excitedly discussed skill configuration, equipment configuration, how to fight the Weeping Angels next time, and so on.

Because in their view, a powerful BOSS represents high-level loot, and the process of conquering the BOSS is also a kind of enjoyment for them.

As for why their leader had killed powerful BOSSs such as the Weeping Angel and the Ghost Battleship, they didn't care at all. They just wished that Lu Chaoding could kill stronger BOSSs.

(End of this chapter)

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