Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 119 I'm here for business

Chapter 119 I'm here for business

"I have already become invincible, but I can become even more invincible! There is a small mission hall. Don't worry about refining this five-star flying insect sword. You can continue to brush it. You can brush as many as you want... The land only has six stars. I don't know if the weapons also have six stars. of."

Lu Chaoding silently concluded.

Soon, he discovered that the courtyard of his cave had changed. There was a stone path in the middle that connected the Tianxing Bagua Furnace and the training room at the back. Two "vegetable gardens" were cultivated on both sides of the path, with plants in them. Being planted neatly, the Boiling Blood Poodle can no longer play with the plants on the ground. It has been tamed by the Aura Fruit. It is now walking in the courtyard with its head hanging down, carrying the Aura Fruit.

Niu Daren, a comprehensive service NPC, was standing next to the Tianxing Bagua furnace, with four half-human-high dark gold gourds standing next to him. Lu Chaoding knew that they were the two-star back piece [Xuanjin Wine Gourd].

Lu Chaoding looked carefully. There was a big stone beside the small pool on the far right side of the courtyard. The stone had three characters "Qingjiaotan" written on it. There was also a stone beside the small pool on the left with the words "Ao" written on it. "Dragon Pond", a small clam on the ground was placed on that stone.

Obviously, all the changes here are caused by the Reiki Fruit.

The Spiritual Energy Fruit discovered Lu Chaoding, rode over on a boiling blood poodle, and said, "Junior brother, you have to open a pill room or storage room. Xiaorou and Xiaomei have produced pills. I can collect them, but there is no storage. The place."

"Xiaorou, Xiaomei?" Lu Chao scratched his head, "Who are they?"

"It's just a ground plant, Nuo, look!" Lingqi Guo pointed to the vegetable gardens on both sides and continued: "I gave them all names, and they are all very obedient! Also, this poodle is called Agou, Qingjiao. The Moon Shadow Green Jiao in the pond is called Xiaoqing, and the Aolong King in the Aolong Pond is called Da Ao!"

"You are really... too busy!"

Lu Chaoding gave a thumbs up sign to the Spiritual Energy Fruit. As for what he mentioned about opening an alchemy room, Lu Chaoding did it after thinking for a moment. He not only opened an alchemy room, but also a kitchen. A total of 400 points of spiritual energy index were consumed.

The level of the cave is unlocked through the aura index. Once unlocked, it will not drop. Lu Chaoding is now willing to spend the aura index. With the mission hall, a god-level building that can take off with one foot on the ground and the other on the right foot, he can You can completely use the tampering mission to clear the land, and it is very simple to increase the aura index.

After chatting with the Spiritual Energy Fruit for a while, Lu Chao stepped forward to collect the Xuanjin Wine Gourd.

The Xuanjian Wine Gourd is a universal back piece. It is named after the wine gourd. It has unique functions. It can store 30 kilograms of wine. It also has the ability to make wine automatically. It can brew two kilograms of spirits every day. If you are a "Wine Sword Fairy" profession Equipped with a mysterious gold wine gourd, this wine gourd can activate two abilities. One is to replace the flying sword and be used as a flying tool, and the other is to attack with drunken mist, giving the enemy a negative state.

"Is it the exclusive backpack for Jiujianxian?"

Lu Chao shook his head, feeling that the Xuanjin Wine Gourd was of little use to him.

After a while, Lu Chaoding stored some of the pills he had obtained in the secret realm of Huanyu in the alchemy room.

He doesn't have much need for medicines now. He basically doesn't need medicines such as invigorating pills. He can just bring some blood-restoring pills with him.Of course, Lu Chaoding carried all the pills like Peiyuan Pill that could increase his cultivation with him and ate them like jelly beans.

Lu Chaoding also went to the kitchen.

The kitchen utensils in the kitchen are all available, and the operation is very simple. There are also various seasonings, and the reserves are unlimited. If Lu Chaoding is willing, he can cook here.

"It's impossible to cook. If you don't have that time, it's not the time to enjoy it. Keep everything simple and eat enough!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head. He put most of the ingredients in the kitchen and only brought a small amount of compressed biscuits, beef jerky, drinking water, etc. with him.

After a while, Lu Chaoding entered the exclusive material copy and hung up to sleep.

When he woke up the next day, he used up most of the Peiyuan Dan, Dayuan Dan and his cultivation experience, and finally raised his level to LV21!

"Ding, congratulations on raising your level to LV21, with life +400, attack +40, fighting spirit limit +2, and available cultivation limit +1000!"

"Ding, your ten professional characteristics have been enhanced, please check for details!"

"Ding, start the main mission: level up to LV30, unlock the world map after completing the mission!"

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking mission, and tamperes with the content: the level is increased to LV60, and the world map is unlocked after the mission is completed."

"Level 60? Unlock the world map?"

Lu Chaoding muttered. He didn't care much about the main mission. After leaving the material copy, he simply washed up, took a few bites of compressed biscuits, and left the exclusive cave with King Aolong and Yueying Qingjiao.These two lands have not yet been upgraded, so they are unbound and can be traded.

Lu Chaoding's plan today is to farm some lands.

Soon, Lu Chaoding found Zhang Defa.

This guy was being beaten by a player carrying a treasure box and using nunchucks.

Lu Chaoding's eyes lit up. He recognized that the player equipped with the treasure chest's back piece was the opponent he had encountered in the virtual sword discussion, Sword Master Song Shu!
The nunchucks used by the Song Shushi are actually pendants, and as swordsmen, if they don’t move their swords, it is not considered fighting, so Song Shu used the nunchakus to beat Zhang Defa until he ran away with his head in his arms, but the two were still incompatible. Will enter the battle space.

"I'm Defa, right? Elder Zhongshu, right? A big anchor, right? You're only at the first level, why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf?" Song Shu roared arrogantly, "Call your leader out, I have something to do with him!"

Zhang Defa's state was a little sluggish, with dark circles under his eyes, and he said aggrievedly: "Brother Ding, Shenlong, has never seen his head and tail, and I don't know where he is? Besides, if you look for him, you will look for him. Whatever you do, I won't offend you." You, you beat the elder, do you know that you are the following? Oh my god, if you hit me again, you will fight back..."

Song Shudao: "What are you doing wrong? You see clearly, I am not a member of your reliable sword sect. I have no sect and no sect. I am a free player!"

"Without a sect or a sect, isn't that just a casual cultivator?"

"Hey, it really is!"

"Brother who plays stick, how come you don't have a sect?"

"Yeah, how did you do it? Could it be that you swam out to sea instead of taking a big boat?"

"Elder Defa, you should fight back. Being beaten like this will bring shame on our sect..."

There were many players watching around, all of them were happy, but they didn't care much when they saw Zhang Defa being beaten. Instead, they asked him curiously.

"Isn't it easy to have no family and no sect? Take a boat and jump off the ship when you are about to leave the boundary of Novice Village!" Song Shu handed over to the people around him, "I came to your sect to do business. Your palm Who knows where the door is."

"It's not my sect's disciples who actually come here to beat our sect's elders. Brother, are you here to kick ass!"

Lu Chaoding spoke, and as he spoke, he displayed the title of "Head of the Reliable Sword Sect".

Everyone immediately looked at him. When Zhang Defa saw Lu Chaoding coming, he quickly ran to Lu Chaoding's side and said, "Brother Ding, get him, kill him!"

Song Shu also saw Lu Chaoding at this time. He let out a light sigh and frowned: "It's you!"

Obviously, this guy also recognized Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chao said: "Yes, it's me!"

"Don't get me wrong, Master Lu, I'm here to do business!" Song Shu grinned and hung his nunchucks on his waist, "I didn't expect you to be number one in the three rankings, the famous Lu Chao, tsk tsk tsk, I Here is a blueprint for the construction of a sword discussion platform, and the ones drawn out by lottery are sect props and will be sold to you!"

While talking, Song Shu opened the storage space, took out a scroll and handed it to Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding took a closer look and saw that it was really [the construction drawing of the Sword Forum].

[Construction drawings of the sword discussion platform: special items, sect props, limited to the use of the sect leader. After use, a sword discussion platform can be built at the designated location of the sect’s residence. The sword discussion platform allows players to go on the stage to discuss swords. Players can discuss swords on the sword discussion platform. After completing the sword theory, you will get a certain amount of cultivation points, and there is a small chance of getting a jade charm for skill upgrades, and there is no penalty for death. 】

"Selling stuff!"

Lu Chaoding took over the [construction drawings of the Sword Forum] and said bluntly, "How do you plan to sell it? How much gold yuan?"

"5000 yuan!" Song Shu opened his hand and said, "How about it? It's not expensive! In addition, I can also give you an important piece of information for free."

(End of this chapter)

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