Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 120 Cave Mansion is promoted to LV4 (please subscribe)

Chapter 120 Cave Mansion is promoted to LV4 (please subscribe)

"5000 yuan per drawing?"

Lu Chao said sincerely that the price was really not high. To put it bluntly, the Sword Discussion Arena was an arena, where you could compete and compete, and you could gain cultivation levels. It was a combination of leisure and entertainment, as well as training to become stronger. For ordinary players, , it should be a very good building, you can buy it for 5000 yuan, it can be said to be a huge profit.

He smiled and said, "Okay!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding took out the gold yuan and completed the transaction with Song Shu.

Song Shu had a smile on his face the whole time. After the transaction, he raised his hands to Lu Chaoding and said: "The head of Lu is really happy. As promised, I will share important information with you. I wonder if the head of Lu knows that before you Thirty miles away to the east, there is Qianyuan Island."

"I don't know!"

"Then my information is even more important to you. Listen to me, Qianyuan Island is a large pirate stronghold. It is not a good thing for your station to be so close to the pirate stronghold. If the mainland The leader can trust me..."

Lu Chao waved his hand to interrupt Song Shu and said, "Why isn't it a good thing? I think this is a good thing. You can enter the wild area to play in the jungle after leaving home. What's wrong with that?"

Song Shu scratched his head and said, "That pirate is stronger!"

"Isn't the stronger the better? It's better to be BOSS!"

"No, I mean, the pirates on Qianyuan Island may take the initiative to attack you. The head of the Mainland doesn't want the sect's headquarters to be overthrown by pirates."

"Well, you mean those wild monsters will come to your door without us having to go out? Are you so humane?"

"They are pirates, brother!" Song Shu stamped his foot, "Let me make it clear. I see that the head of the Lu family has strong troops and large patrol ships. It is better to send troops to attack Qianyuan Island and kill all the pirates. Yes, I’m willing to lead the way, what do you think?”

Lu Chao said: "It's not good. No one came to beat me. I have no hatred and no grudges. If I go to take care of others' nests, wouldn't I be more of a bandit than a bandit! I am more of a peace-loving person. If others don't offend me, I will No offense!"

"Brother, they are pirates and wild monsters! Do you still want to talk to them about morality? Destroy them, get treasures, and gain cultivation. How delicious it is!"

"That makes sense!" Lu Chao nodded, "I'll go take a look when I have time!"

Song Shu was a little anxious: "Time is money, why don't you go now, use your patrol ship, bring a hundred or so good men, and I will lead the way!"

"I'm too busy right now. Besides, only by knowing yourself and your enemy can you win a hundred battles. I don't think it's too hasty. It's not too late to send troops after understanding the situation. That's it!"

Lu Chaoding flicked his sleeves, and he could see that Song Shu was here to borrow troops. He should have some information about Qianyuan Island, but he couldn't capture it, so he came here to find help. Maybe he had other purposes. .

As for Lu Chao, he really didn't care about Qianyuan Island. Fighting pirates and so on, how could there be a high profit from completing missions?It's good to just leave it alone and take off, but wouldn't it be stupid to go dozens of miles away to fight in the wild?
However, Lu Chaoding also felt that he should run around the map. Now he has no idea about the environment around Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, the distribution of forces, and what is happening on the land. He doesn't even know if this sea area has a name. This is not the case.

"Perhaps I should level up to level 60 as soon as possible and unlock the world map? Others can unlock the world map at level 30. The unreliable system tricked me. I have to level up to level 60..."

Lu Chaoding thought about this, and decided to brush a batch of lands later. After brushing enough to upgrade the aura index of the exclusive cave to LV4, he went to level up.

"Brother Ding, this kid beat me, are you going to let him go like this?"

Zhang Defa's words brought Lu Chaoding out of his thoughts. He said, "I'm a bit of a bully when I hit him. You can hit him back yourself later!"

"I, I can't beat you, I'm only level 1!"

"Don't worry, cooperate with me in my mission, and I will take you off!"

After saying this, Lu Chao patted Zhang Defa on the shoulder, then made a gesture of farewell to the somewhat unwilling Song Shu, and turned to leave.

Song Shu hurriedly shouted from behind: "Hey, if you don't want to fight the pirates, you can build the sword discussion platform first and let me meet the masters of your sect!"

Lu Chaoding nodded. After a while, he built a sword discussion platform next to the practice square, but he was too lazy to watch other players competing on the sword discussion platform and took Zhang Defa to the mission hall.

"Brother Ding, you must keep your word. You must take me to take off!" Zhang Defa entered the mission hall with a grimace. He estimated that he was going to be squeezed by Lu Chaoding for another day, but he was prepared and took out two small On the bench, keep one for yourself and one for Lu Chao.

"I asked Lu Shaobao to do this. Brother Ding, please sit down and I'll close the door!"

"Hey, that's good! Defa, don't worry, this swordsman is extremely reliable. If he says he will take you off, he will definitely take you off! Come on, complete the mission first. Here you go, this is the five-star Aolong King. You can issue a simple mission. , the reward item is set to King Aolong!"

Lu Chaoding handed the light-ball-like Aolong King to Zhang Defa's hands, and Zhang Defa's eyes widened.

A five-star land!
Who knows where Brother Ding got it from?

He didn't dare to be greedy, so he followed Lu Chaoding's order and issued a task to reward King Ao Long with 10 yuan.

Lu Chaoding began his daily routine as a task brush.

"No, this task is too difficult. Cancel it and re-issue it!"

"Cancel again and resend!" "It's too difficult, it's still too difficult. Cancel and resend..."

The door of the small task hall was closed, and the inland Chaoding and Zhang Defa were sitting on the small bench. With each other's words, the tasks started.

Two hours later, Lu Chaoding had 21 Aolong Kings.

Putting an Aolong King in the exclusive cave can increase the spiritual energy index by 100 points, and 21 can increase the spiritual energy index by 2100 points. To upgrade the exclusive cave to LV4, the spiritual energy index only needs to reach 2000 points, so Lu Chaoding only needs to return to the cave to transfer these Aolong kings. The Dragon King's free range is enough to upgrade his own cave to LV4.

Next, Lu Chaoding stopped brushing the land, and instead brushed the Great Yuan Dan.

The Great Yuan Dan is a two-star elixir that can increase your cultivation level by 1000 points after taking it. Lu Chaoding plans to use the Great Yuan Dan to level up.

This brushing lasted for fifteen or sixteen hours, until Zhang Defa yawned repeatedly, lowered his head and took a nap.

"Weak-hearted alien!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head. He counted the harvest. At this time, he had obtained more than 5 bottles of Great Yuan Dan, a total of more than 100 million, which was enough to provide one billion in cultivation.

"It's enough for me to use for a while, that's all. That's it for today!"

Lu Chao thought about this, shook Zhang Defa from his nap, and said: "Defa, thank you for your hard work, how do you want to take off?"

Zhang Defa couldn't open his eyes at first, but after hearing this, he immediately stopped feeling sleepy and said, "I will take off however Brother Ding wants me to take off!"

"Huh?" Lu Chao nodded, with a thoughtful look on his face. After taking a few breaths, he said: "I have some very good props here. That's all. I'm giving you an advantage. You can try to see if you can use them!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding took out three items.

It was the [Mecha Cannon King's Job Change Certificate], the five-star mecha [Big Shock], and the five-star heavy artillery [Collapse Star] that I obtained after killing the Evil God Tank!
Zhang Defa was stunned when he saw the three items in front of him.

"This, what is this?"

"What, you don't want it?"

"How is that possible? I mean this is too outrageous, oh no, it's too cool, haha!" Zhang Defa acted extremely quickly, fearing that Lu Chaoding would regret it, so he used the [Mecha Cannon King's Job Change Certificate] on the spot.

The next moment, golden light flashed on his body, and all the swords and skill books he carried on his back fell out. He had successfully changed his profession and became the [Mecha Cannon King].

Zhang Defa laughed as if he had become a superman. At the same time, he checked his attribute panel and said: "My dear, I am the king of mecha artillery. I can drive mechas and equip guns at the same time. I have all the secret skills, combat skills, and special skills. Brother Ding is really good to me. The five-star mecha [Big Shock] and the five-star heavy artillery [Collapse Star] have taken off, taken off, really taken off! This is comparable to being a sword god. Much stronger!"

Zhang Defa jumped up excitedly.

Suddenly, he frowned again and said: "Brother Ding, Brother Ding, I need experience to upgrade now. I can't use cultivation to upgrade. But where can I get experience?"

Lu Chaoding took out the experience certificates he had accumulated in the Machine Emperor Universe and handed them all to Zhang Defa, saying: "These are all for you. I think they are enough for you to reach level [-]. If you want experience certificates in the future, You may want to go to the unreliable training room, or you can buy it from other players!"

Zhang Defa was overjoyed and said: "Brother Ding Niubi, thank you brother Ding! I will be your number one henchman from now on! I'm going to turn on the mecha outside!"

"Go! I will need you to help me complete tasks in the future!"

"Understood, I just like to help you complete tasks!"

Zhang Defa was not sleepy at all at this moment. He put away the five-star mecha [Big Shock] and the five-star heavy artillery [Collapse Star], and ran excitedly outside the mission hall.

Lu Chaoding didn't waste any time and directly opened the entrance to the exclusive cave in the mission hall.

After entering the exclusive cave, Lu Chaoding quickly released 20 Aolong Kings and Yueying Qingjiao. He left one Aolong King and planned to take it with him to avoid automatically upgrading and binding it after being released.

"Xiao Qing, Da Ao!"

Lingqi Guo came over on a boiling blood poodle. He looked at the animals released by Lu Chaoding with concern. The 20 Aolong Kings did not arouse his curiosity. He just named these Aolong Kings.

"Your name is Er Ao, your name is San Ao, your name is Si Ao..."

This different spiritual energy fruit was very happy, as if it had adopted a little brother.

At this time, the cave courtyard also began to expand, and Lu Chaoding also received a system prompt: "Ding, the spiritual energy index has reached 2015, your exclusive cave will be automatically promoted to LV4, and the upper limit of the Tianxing Bagua Furnace and Tianxing Jade Bed will be increased."

"Ding, your cave has obtained a spiritual vein, and the growth rate of free-range animals and the production rate of spiritual objects will increase."

"Ding, your cave has been promoted to LV4, and it is allowed to set up guardian formations and guardian beasts. Please explore on your own for details."

(End of this chapter)

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