Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 121 Mecha Cannon King (paying off the debt of 88100 for the boss Nuanyang)

Chapter 121 Mecha Cannon King (paying off the debt of 88100 for the boss Nuanyang)

After a while, the cave abode was upgraded. Lu Chaoding discovered that the area of ​​the cave abode's courtyard had more than tripled, and both the Green Dragon Pond and Aolong Pond had expanded.

The Spiritual Energy Fruit was very happy and said: "A spiritual vein has been born in this cave, good, good! The growth rate of the baby gate will be accelerated!"

Lu Chaoding didn't care much about spiritual veins. He opened the cave management panel and found that 4 spiritual energy points were needed to upgrade the cave from LV5 to LV10000. Currently, the ones that can be set as cave guardian beasts are Aolong King Earth and Black Saber-toothed Tiger Earth. .

Lu Chaoding set 20 Aolong Kings as guardian beasts, but he couldn't see any changes.

"This guardian beast may only come into play when the cave is attacked..."

Lu Chaoding speculated silently.

After a while, Lu Chaoding came to the exclusive material copy and hung up to take medicine.

On the first floor of the Seven Realms Island, Song Shu was setting up a tent on the sword discussion platform.

"That's the end of today's sword discussion. Thank you for taking care of me. I will camp here. Don't forget your promise."

He said with a smile.

Under the sword discussion stage, more than twenty players gathered around. They all gritted their teeth and showed angry but helpless expressions.

Since the sword platform was built, Song Shu set up a platform on it and threatened to defeat the reliable sword sect with a very arrogant attitude.

And the twenty or so people in the audience were all defeated by his men.

Someone was dissatisfied and shouted: "You guys are really here to compete in the gym. Don't be complacent. Beating us is nothing. We, the masters of the reliable sword sect, are too lazy to care!"

"That's right, the masters of our reliable sword sect are busy practicing their skills and don't have time to play with you!"

"If you are capable, you can choose between Wang Chengang and Dugutian, and we will obey you!"

"If you have the ability to fight with our master, how can you bully our junior disciples?"

"Hey, he really plans to camp on the sword discussion stage..."

Song Shu listened to the shouts of the players below, shook his head and chuckled, saying: "If you lose, you lose. What's the use of talking about it?"

At this moment, there was loud laughter, and everyone followed the sound and saw Zhang Defa slowly walking onto the sword discussion stage with his hands behind his back.

"I'm Defa, I'm Defa on the sword discussion stage!"

"Elder Zhongshu, hurry up, you can't beat this guy!"

"Damn it, our tree-planting elder seems to be still running a live broadcast. What is he going to do? Will the live broadcast be hung up and beaten by this guy with nunchucks?"

Everyone in the audience was puzzled when they saw Zhang Defa walking onto the sword discussion stage.

Because they knew very well that although Zhang Defa was an elder, he was only at level one, and his combat effectiveness was extremely low.

Zhang Defa ignored them. He looked calm and said to the air: "You guys, you probably don't know the strength of Zhang Defa. Do you think I'm a weakling? I've been hiding for so long, and today I'm going to let you go." Open your eyes and let you know why I, Zhang Defa, can become a reliable elder of the sword sect! I won’t say more, let’s watch the battle next!”

After saying that, Zhang Defa pointed the live broadcast camera at Song Shu and said: "You who use nunchucks, do you dare to have a try with me?"

"You? Are you here to be funny? Have you forgotten how I beat you in the morning?" Song Shu shook his head disdainfully. He knew very well about Zhang Defa's fighting ability.

In fact, he is a regular viewer of Zhang Defa's live broadcast room and even sent gifts to Zhang De.

Zhang Defa clasped his hands behind his back and said, "You were just sneaking in this morning, trying to be clever. I won't argue with you. I hope you can behave yourself, reflect on it, and have a good fight with me on this sword-discussing stage!"

"Okay, I'll beat you up again!" Song Shu shook his head, equipped his treasure chest back piece, and said: "But there are rules for swordsmanship with me. If you lose, you have to agree to go to Qianyuan with me. Suppress the bandits on the island!"

"What if I beat you!"

"Haha, if you win, I will call you brother from now on!"

"Calling me brother is not enough, call me godfather!"

"Bah, you're quite arrogant!" Zhang Defa laughed, and said to the air: "Idiots, look at your brother Fa, who is torturing this stick figure!"

After saying this, he excitedly discussed the setting of the sword platform and challenged Song Shu.

After a while, the battle began. The sword discussion platform served as a battle space, and there was still 1 minute of preparation time.

"Watch how the anchor humiliates himself!"

"Where does the anchor get his confidence?"

"The guy opposite has a back and a pendant. What's his profession?"

"Looks like a sword master!"

"What is the profession of an anchor?"

"I remember the anchor is the Sword God!"

"The anchor is a hot chicken, he will definitely lose..."

Comments on Zhang Defa's live broadcast were flowing rapidly, and the two dozen players of the reliable sword sect in the audience were also shaking their heads.

And then, whether it was the audience in the live broadcast room, the disciples of the reliable sword sect in the audience, or even Song Shu on the sword discussion stage, they were all stunned.

Zhang Defa actually launched a gorgeous humanoid mecha more than four meters high in full view of everyone.

The mecha looked very thick, and overall it looked like a battlefield warrior wearing a golden battle armor. The right arm was equipped with a gun, and the left arm was equipped with a knife. The outer plate armor was mainly black and gold, and the head was equipped with two huge Metal horns, and blood-red hair like red tassels.

"Fuck, what is this?"

"Is this fashion?"

"It looks so cool..."

Discussions immediately started, and Zhang Defa said: "Heroes, I would like to introduce to you my weapon now. The five-star mecha [Big Shock] has a durability of 100, 100 defense, 120 toughness, and 20 speed. It also comes with [-]% damage-free. Have you ever seen a mecha like this? I also have a second weapon..."

While talking, Zhang Defa entered the cockpit of [Big Shock] and really controlled the mecha to move.

"My second weapon is a five-star heavy artillery, its name is [Collapse Star], the gun is two meters long, it fires gravity annihilation bombs, and it can attack in groups within a radius of two meters!"

At this point, the battle preparation time was over. Zhang Defa, who was driving the [Big Shock], actually took action first. He was not polite. The gorgeous alloy mecha raised the two-meter-long Star-Breaking Cannon and blasted it down. There were visible to the naked eye. The circular aperture centered on Song Shu, and with a buzz, Song Shu was knocked to the ground.

"-3000! Imprisonment!"

The damage number popped up from the top of Shang Song Shu's head, and his health bar was reduced by less than half.

It was Song Shu's turn next. He jumped up from the ground, ran to [Big Shock] and hit his knees with his sword. Then he took out his nunchucks from his waist and also hit [Big Shock]'s knees.

Its output ability is not weak at all. This round of attacks destroyed more than 6000 points of [Big Shock]'s durability. It is estimated that ordinary players will be killed directly.

However, this amount of damage is completely inadequate when compared to the five-star mecha [Big Shock].

"Use nunchucks, right? Beat me, right? Selling blueprints, right? Kill the pirates, right? Kneel down for me!"

Zhang Defa roared loudly, and his turn began, and continued: "You guys, see my combat skills, miraculous aiming, and the sky-shaking cross cannon!"

In the midst of the shouting, [Big Shock], the thrusters on the back spurted blue fire that looked like wings. The steel mecha flew into the sky, flying to a height of more than a hundred meters before facing the ground and aiming the muzzle of the Collapse Star Cannon at Song. The book made an attacking gesture.

The next moment, three red sight circles appeared in front of the muzzle of the Collapsing Star Cannon, and then a cross-shaped light blasted out from the muzzle.

The cross of light was like two waning-moon-shaped swords overlapping each other. The swords were two feet wide and like a heavy anchor. It hit Song Shu's back with a loud bang and turned into white light. .

"You win, there is no pressure, hahaha!" Zhang Defa controlled the mecha and slowly landed on the ground, saying: "You guys, please call me mecha gunner in the future, and turn on the mecha. It's so exciting!"

In his live broadcast, a large number of "f*ck" words appeared, and everyone in the audience at the sword discussion stage also exclaimed.

(End of this chapter)

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