Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 123 Qianyuan Island

Chapter 123 Qianyuan Island

Today's trading house is no longer what it used to be, and there are a lot of products for sale in it.

Lu Chaoding used the search function and quickly found the items he needed.

"Baoxuan Dan costs 500 yuan each. After taking it, your cultivation level will increase by 3000 points. It's a good thing. Buy it!"

"Iron crystal sand, this is the refining material of the Flying Insect Sword. It only costs 10 yuan each. A conscientious businessman, you've got it covered!"

"Hey, the two-star pendant, the Wind Jade Talisman, has speed +6 and costs 10000 gold! It's really dark, but I'm not short of money, so I bought it!"

"Spectral gem! It's finally out. It's priced at 3000 gold coins. Okay, buy it!"

"Giant Swordsmanship Skill Book? Sword Immortal's exclusive combat skills... buy it and play with it!"

After having the mission hall, for Lu Chaoding, gold dollars are just numbers and can be spent at will, so he doesn't feel bad about spending them at all. He purchases items lavishly, just for efficiency.

After a while, he purchased a large number of items, browsed randomly in the trading shop, and bought some food.

After visiting the trading house, Lu Chaoding went to the plane merit store.

In the Plane Merit Store, [Lottery Tickets], [Gold Dollars] and [One-Star Refined Jade] are permanent products, and there are four other product locations that refresh products from time to time.

Lu Chaoding discovered that three of the items, [One-Star Refined Jade], [Two-Star Equipment Upgrade Scroll] and [Customized Title] were still there, so he spent money to buy a [One-Star Refined Jade] and a [Two-Star Equipment Upgrade]. Scroll] and ten [Customized Titles].

[One-star Refined Jade] and [Two-star Equipment Upgrade Scroll] are both physical props. As long as he has one, Lu Chaoding can use the mission hall to grind it, and [Customized Title] is a virtual item and cannot be transferred to others. , it is impossible to use the mission hall to grind, so Lu Chao bought ten of them, and there were ten more custom title pages in the personal attribute panel.

Lu Chaoding doesn't need these titles now, so he bought them to save in case the products are gone and he can't get the titles.

Next, Lu Chaoding started teasing Huangquan Sword Spirit.

After reaching level 21, the characteristics of Lu Chaoding's Underworld Sword Spirit are enhanced, and he can now own 6 Underworld Sword Spirits.

Lu Chaoding also had many props such as [Pei Yuan Dan] and [Great Yuan Dan] that could provide cultivation. Since he could not upgrade them now, he used them on Huang Quan Sword Spirit.

By the afternoon, Lu Chaoding had raised all six of the Underworld Sword Spirits to LV20, with a health value of 2 and an attack power of 2. In addition to the unique skill [Heaven-Slaying Sword Drawing Technique], these six Underworld Sword Spirits had awakened again. Use the cost-free combat skill: [Through Heart Sword].

In the afternoon, Zhang Defa came to the mission hall feeling a little disappointed.

Lu Chaoding asked: "Why, you didn't get the Evil God Tank?"

Zhang Defa said: "I got it! But I was wiped out by the group, and I was wiped out by the group without any ability to fight back. Brother Ding, have you really killed that evil tank?"

"Of course!" Lu Chaoding looked enigmatic. He patted Zhang Defa on the shoulder and said: "You still have a long way to go! Come on, this is a treasure mysterious pill, let's complete the mission! "

In this way, Lu Chaoding and Zhang Defa started working on the task again.

At this time, outside Hongchen Seven Realms Island, in the vast blue ocean, a figure was walking on the sea. He stepped on the sea as if walking on flat ground.

This person is none other than Song Shu.

Walking on the waves feels like walking on flat ground, this is the manifestation of the sword master's innate skill [Qinggong].

Similar to the Sword Immortal, the Sword God, Sword Saint, and Sword Demon also have their own talent tree skills, which need to be opened with professional certificates, and all of them have means of traveling.

The Sword Immortal's talent is [Sword Controlling], and the means of traveling is "Sword Controlling". When activated, it is equivalent to having the ability to fly.

The Sword God’s talent is [Divine Might]. After reaching five levels, you can activate the “Divine Walk”. This divine action requires short-distance space jumps. It needs to be bound to a teleportation point or cast in a designated direction, and allows the Sword God to walk in the air.

The Sword Master's talent is [Critical Strike]. After reaching five levels, you can activate the "Light Kung Fu". The Sword Master cannot fly, but this Qing Gong contains many abilities, such as being as light as a swallow, flying over walls and flying over walls, walking on waves, and walking on snow. Traceless, etc., can be done.

The sword demon's talent is [Wild], and the means of escape in the skill tree system is "Escape". This escape method is initially Earth Escape. In the future, professional certificates are needed to activate Water Escape, Fire Escape, Blood Escape, etc.

"Since it's not easy to borrow troops from Lu Chaoding's sect, I will do the opposite and join Qianyuan Island to lure the pirates on Qianyuan Island to fight against the reliable sword sect..."

Song Shu looked at Qianyuan Island, which was getting closer and closer in front of him, and laughed.

"This Qianyuan Island is not a simple pirate stronghold. Only by consuming all the high-level NPCs on it can I proceed with the plot mission. As for..."

Song Shu looked back at the direction of Hongchen Seven Realms Island, squinted his eyes and said: "As for you unreliable players, the future depends on your own destiny. Anyway, even if the sect is destroyed, you will not Maybe you know I did it, hehe!"

An hour later, Song Shu arrived at Qianyuan Island.

Qianyuan Island is a ring-shaped island. If you look at it from a high altitude, it looks like a huge ring lying flat on the sea. There is an inland sea in the middle, which is completely separated from the outer sea by the ring-shaped mountain. In the inner sea, there are floating A big black ship.

The big ship looked dilapidated, shaped like a dragon boat, a thousand meters long but less than 30 meters wide. The stern was close to the shore and the bow entered the sea, like a trestle.

Outside the circular island, large patrol ships were stuck together like willow leaves.

The place where Song Shu chose to land has a boundary stone. This boundary stone is a reef in the sea, with the four characters "Qinglong Wharf" engraved on it. Five large patrol ships are docked neatly outside the dock on the shore. They all fly the Qinglong flag. There are many Equipped with long swords, blue turbans, and sleeveless coats, scar-faced pirates with a red name patrol the shore and patrol ships.

Those pirates were trainee pirates and could be regarded as humanoid red monsters. Song Shu looked at the one closest to him and quickly saw his attribute information. [Trainee pirate: LV20, health 3900, attack 39, armor 4, toughness 4, speed 100.Has the skills to beg for mercy, call companions, and use the ground sword. 】

"There are quite a few little monsters..."

Song Shu stood on the boundary stone and looked across the pier. He saw a simple wooden gatehouse in the distance. There were stairs behind the gatehouse. The stairs led to the Great Wall-like building built against the mountain behind. There were also guards on the Great Wall. Pirates on sentry duty.

"If you want to join Qianyuan Island, you have to find the NPC in charge. Where is this NPC?"

Song Shu muttered, and suddenly found a Hongchen Sword Monument on the pier. There was a long table under the sword monument, and a female pirate was sitting behind the long table. Behind the female pirate stood a large flag. There is a row of big characters written on the flag: "Xuntian Sword Sect and Qianyuan Lianlianwu jointly recruit new offices"!
"Well, there is actually a place to recruit new people. That's right. Qianyuan Lianwu is probably the pirate force. What the hell is the Xuntian Sword Sect? In addition to the pirates on Qianyuan Island, is there a second force?"

Song Shu didn't think too much. He started Qinggong and moved up and down without disturbing any trainee pirates. He soon arrived under the Hongchen Sword Monument.

When the female pirate sitting behind the long table saw him, she had a look of surprise on her face, stood up and waved, saying: "Great, finally a player is here!"

Song Shu was surprised: "Huh? Are you a player?"

"Of course I am a player." The player continued with a smile, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Yingluo, and I am an elder of the Xuntian Sword Sect. What is your name and what is your profession? Do you want to join our Xuntian Sword Sect? "

"Xuntian Sword Sect?"

"Yes, our leader is Ye Xuntian. Do you know who Ye Xuntian is?"

"I do not know!"

"Ye Xuntian is Ye Linglong. Do you know who Ye Linglong is?"

"I know, Ye Linglong is Ye Cuihua, he is the head of the Sword Demon Family in Tiancong Prefecture!"

"Yeah, now that you know it, you seem to be a master. Come and join our Sky Patrol Sword Sect. Join now to get 200 yuan for free, and you can also team up with a beautiful elder to fight in the jungle!"

"And this good thing?"

"Yes! Don't miss this opportunity, join the sect, teacher?"

"No! I want to join the Qianyuan Chain Dock, and I want to be a pirate!"

"It's okay to join the chain dock!" Wang Yingluo opened the storage space with a smile, took out a set of clothes and placed them on the long table, saying: "This is a trainee pirate costume, 200 yuan a set, you give me the money , I will give you a fashionable dress, and if you put on this fashionable dress, you will be considered as a member of the chain."

Song Shu pointed at the trainee pirate costumes on the long table with a cold face and said, "Can I have a look at this costume?"

"Okay!" Wang Yingluo said nonchalantly.

She never expected that after Song Shu picked up the fashion items on the long table, he immediately put them into his storage backpack and ran away.

Wang Yingluo's eyes widened, and she realized what she was doing. She stamped her feet and said, "Robber, robber, don't run away, leave me your clothes, Hun Dan!"

Of course Song Shu would not stop. He was here to join the bandits. How could he spend money on fashionable clothes? It would be great if he just robbed them. As he ran, he said: "I am Zhang Defa, the tree-planting elder of the Reliable Sword Sect. Farewell!"

He had excellent qinggong, he could go up and down, walk on water, and soon ran two miles away. Seeing that no one was chasing him, he took out the trainee pirate attire and put it on.

Immediately, he received a system prompt: "Ding, you joined Qianyuan Lianwu, and your current identity is a trainee pirate."

"Ding, activate the Qianyuan Island pirate gameplay. You can improve your pirate status and gain permissions through performance. For details, please find the performance elder of Lianlianwu, Gray Heron."

"The pirate gameplay is interesting!"

Song Shu muttered, and after a while, he chose another pier to land, wearing trainee pirate attire. Sure enough, the patrolling pirates turned a blind eye to him and would not take the initiative to attack.

Two hours later, Song Shu found the outstanding elder Gray Heron in Qinglongwu Hall.

This is an NPC with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks and a slender black beard. It has the characteristics of a store. As soon as Song Shu approaches him, a transaction window pops up.

Lianlianwu Performance Store (No. 006)

Product 10: [Trainee Pirate Fashion], [-] gold dollars per set!
Product [-]: [Performance Points], one gold dollar per point!
Product Three: [Senior Pirate Costume], a set of 100 performance points, which can be equipped with two trainee pirate subordinates.

Product 1000: [Elite Pirate Fashion], a set of [-] performance points, can be equipped with two senior pirates and four trainee pirate subordinates.

Product 10000: [Hall Leader Fashion], a set of [-] performance points, can be equipped with two elite pirates, four senior pirates, and eight trainee pirate subordinates.

Product 10: [Helmsman Fashion], a set of [-] performance points, which can be equipped with a large patrol ship, two hall masters, and four elite pirates...

"Hey, if you become a helmsman, you can own a large patrol ship? Also, it's a good thing I didn't buy the trainee pirate costume just now, otherwise I would have been cheated!"

Song Shu's mind immediately became active, and he felt that he had come to Qianyuan Island at the right time.

(End of this chapter)

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