Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 124 There is actually a pirate ship

Chapter 124 There is actually a pirate ship
Song Shu checked his "assets" and found that he didn't have much money, only 3500!

He thought for a moment, spent 1000 yuan to buy 1000 performance points, and used the [-] performance points to buy [Elite Pirate Fashion].

As soon as he wore this costume, he jumped two levels in a row and was directly promoted from a trainee pirate to an elite pirate.

"Is this how pirates are promoted? As long as they have performance? Interesting!"

Song Shu looked at his attire and thought that it was indeed an elite pirate fashion. The fabric and style of the clothes were much higher-end than those of trainee pirates.

"Well, where are my pirate brothers?" Song Shu asked Elder Jie Ji again, "Didn't I say that I would be equipped with two senior pirate brothers and four apprentice pirate brothers?"

Elder Zhiji said: "Elite pirate Song Shu, you can equip two senior pirates and four trainee pirate subordinates. Please go to the back mountain to buy!"

"What do you mean? I have to buy another one?"

"Yes! There is a pirate market in the back mountain. You can buy pirate subordinates there. After purchasing pirate subordinates, you and the pirate subordinates will establish a special team state, and your subordinates will obey your orders. Let’s fight!”

"So, if I am promoted to helmsman, will I also have to buy another large patrol ship?"


"How to sell a large patrol boat?"

"One hundred thousand gold dollars a ship!"

"It's so expensive! I only have 2500 yuan now. When can I buy a big boat?"

Song Shu shook his head, thinking that it would be great if he could rob the patrol ship.

He suddenly remembered the female Sky Patrol Sword sect player who almost cheated him, and secretly wondered if he should also get some [Trainee Pirate Fashion]. He could buy it for 10 yuan and sell it for 100 yuan. Players who didn't know the details would still probably buy it. This is a good way to make money.

At this time, the performance elder continued expressionlessly: "Elite Pirate Song Shu, if you want to buy Pirate Subordinates, you need to go to the Qianyuan Hall to open an account and apply for the Qianyuan Token. You cannot enter without the Qianyuan Token. In the back mountain area, go straight from here and you will find the Qianyuan Hall 300 meters away. The minimum asset required to open an account is more than 100 yuan."

"You can't enter the back mountain without the Qianyuan Token? Okay, I understand!" Song Shu waved his hand and asked, "Do you know where the hall master, rudder master, and chief rudder master of our Lianlianwu are?"

"The hall masters and branch masters of each dock are in the Zhongyi Hall of each dock. The chief rudder is in the Tiandi Hall. The elite pirate Song Shu. If you want to go to the Zhongyi Hall of Qinglongwu, turn left after exiting the gate and walk two miles. almost there!"

"There is a spicy chicken sect that is stationed not far from our chain dock. Can we send troops to attack it?"

"I am the performance elder. Regardless of the war, please discuss matters related to the battle with Qinglongwu sub-rudder Zhao Jinren. I heard that he is organizing a robbery at sea. If you can provide useful information, you can get performance point rewards!"

"Okay, thanks!"

Song Shu left the Qinglongwu Hall with satisfaction. He was not in a hurry to go to the Qianyuan Hall. He followed the route instructed by Elder Ji and came to the Zhongyi Hall in Qinglongwu first.

There are five hall master NPCs here, as well as the sub-rudder of Qinglongwu, Zhao Jinren.

These NPCs were relatively intelligent. Song Shu talked to them and provided information about the reliable sword sect. The branch leader Zhao Jinren immediately rewarded him with 100 performance points and sent a man named "Sword Sect" "Scar" the hall master went to investigate.

"They dare to establish a sect in our territory of Qianyuan Lianhuanwu. Who gave them the courage? Elite pirate Song Shu, this helmsman has sent Master Scar to investigate. If the information you provided is correct, this helmsman will The Lord will reward you with 100 performance points again, now you can go down!"

The sub-rudder, Zhao Jinren, is a tall man and sits on a big tiger-skin chair, looking very impressive.

"Okay, then I'll wait for the performance points to arrive!"

Song Shu left Zhongyi Hall with a smile on his face. He was in a good mood, humming a little tune, and continued to explore the island leisurely.

Soon, Song Shu discovered that this island was particularly strange.

The front mountain area of ​​the ring-shaped mountain facing the sea is the pirate stronghold. It belongs to the sphere of influence of Qianyuan Lianlianwu. It is generally divided into five areas, namely Qinglongwu, Bailongwu, Heilongwu, Chilongwu, Huanglongwu.

These are also five halls, each with a dock and a large patrol ship. There are a large number of pirates active in the territory. Each has a level 40 helmsman and five level 30 hall masters. Each hall master is in charge of a ship. A large patrol ship.

In addition, the most magnificent building in the outer island area is Tiandi Hall, which is the residence of the chief rudder of Qianyuan Lianwuwu.

There were guards in front of the Tiandi Hall. Song Shu was just an elite pirate, and the guards refused to let him in. He used Qinggong to climb over the wall and entered, and found that the chief rudder of this chain dock was actually a level 50 female NPC.

Moreover, in the courtyard of Tiandi Hall, there is actually an exquisite flying boat parked.

Song Shu also saw Ye Xuntian on the exquisite flying boat. She and the chief helmsman were sitting quietly opposite each other. The chief helmsman looked very dull and motionless, as if waiting for the plot to be triggered.

"Why did Ye Cuihua change her name to Ye Xuntian again? Isn't she the head of the Tian Congzhou Sword Demon Family? What are you doing here? Could it be that she still knows the chief helmsman? There should be plot missions here..."

Song Shu thought silently.

After a while, he used Qinggong to leave Zhongyi Hall and explore the back mountain area. He soon encountered an air wall and received a system prompt.Sure enough, as Elder Jiyi said, if you want to enter the back mountain area, you must first open an account at a place called "Qianyuan Hall" and apply for a Qianyuan token.

Song Shu was curious and studied for a while, and soon he understood that the so-called Qianyuan Token was a "bank card", and the Qianyuan Hall could be regarded as a "bank".

“This place is so weird!”

Song Shu was currently in a Qianyuan hall, with a translucent screen in front of him.

"Ding, accept the task, open an account in the Qianyuan Hall and store gold yuan. If you store one hundred gold yuan, you can get a one-star Qianyuan token. If you store 100 gold yuan, you can get a two-star Qianyuan token. If you store 100 million gold yuan, you can get a two-star Qianyuan token. Get a three-star Qianyuan token, store [-] million gold yuan to get a four-star Qianyuan token, store [-] billion gold yuan to get a five-star Qianyuan token. The mission is completed, and the qualification to enter the inner island is unlocked!"

"Good guy, this bank card is divided into levels. It actually costs 100 billion gold yuan to get a five-star card!"

Song Shu shook his head. He only had 2500 yuan, which he deposited all into the Qianyuan Hall. In the end, he could only receive a one-star Qianyuan token.

After a while, Song Shu entered the inner island area with a one-star Qianyuan token.

The inner island area has a beautiful environment and excellent scenery, and many NPCs are active here.

Song Shu soon discovered the pirate market. This market is a small courtyard, which specializes in pirates. The prices are clearly marked, a trainee pirate is 5 yuan, a senior pirate is 50 yuan, an elite pirate is 500 yuan, A hall leader is worth 5000 yuan, and a helmsman is worth 5 yuan!
"It's not expensive to sell."

Song Shu hesitated for a moment and spent 120 yuan to buy two senior pirates and four trainee pirates.

Currently he can only have so many subordinates.

The transaction process is very interesting, just swipe the token and the amount is automatically deducted, which is much more convenient than paying cash.

Next, Song Shu took these pirate boys to continue exploring the inner island area.

There are many NPCs in the inner island area. Song Shu soon discovered that all NPCs with names here have shop characteristics. Some sell medicine, some sell swords, some sell food, some sell drinks, and some sell boats. , some sell martial arts supplies, and so on.

However, most of the products are only on display now and can only be viewed but not purchased. They need to wait until Qianyuan Island is unblocked before they can be unlocked. Only pirate subordinates and patrol ships can purchase them.

"I understand, this is a large wholesale market?"

Song Shu slapped his forehead and understood.

He has a mission, which requires unsealing Qianyuan Island. There are two mission goals. One is to eradicate all pirates on Qianyuan Island, and the other is to find Duoduo, the backbone of Qianyuan Island, and persuade him to open the inland sea.

After completing the task, you can receive a mysterious reward.

Now it seems that the task is to make Qianyuan Island, a large wholesale market, open for business!
"This is definitely a very important plot mission. Once Qianyuan Island is opened, it can affect the entire server. There will definitely be a large number of business players. The Qianyuan Token is also a very important prop. I am afraid it will be popularized to all players. From this point of view, this Qianyuan Island will definitely be a very lively place in the future. Gee, I don’t know what the mysterious reward will be after completing this mission, but I think it must be a very high-end item!”

The more Song Shu thought about it, the more excited he became, but after a while, he became depressed.

Because the main trunk of Qianyuan Island is on the Qianyuan boat in the inland sea, and there are entry restrictions to that place, you must hold at least a three-star Qianyuan token to enter.

"If you want to get the Samsung Qianyuan Token, you need to deposit at least 100 million. It's a crappy system. The task you gave me is too difficult. When can I make so much money?"

Song Shuzheng was muttering like this when he suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, Scar, the master of Qinglongwu Hall, was ordered to explore Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain. He was attacked by the enemy and died on the spot. The patrol ship was sunk and the exploration mission was interrupted. You cannot obtain it." Follow-up performance point rewards!”

"Huh? What happened? He was beaten to death? Who did it?"

Song Shu was stunned.

"So useless? I just sacrificed my 100 performance points?"

He quickly turned around and returned to Zhongyi Hall.

At this moment, in the sea near Hongchen Qijie Mountain, Zhao Weike stood on the bow of the patrol ship with his hands on his hips, looking at the sinking Qianyuan Island ship, and said proudly: "Where did this pirate ship come from? If you dare to wander in our territorial waters, you are simply seeking death!"

There are still sixteen players on the boat, fifteen of them are Zhao Weike's followers who followed him to the Novice Village to recruit people, and the other one is an entry-level disciple who was tricked by Zhao Weike.

On this trip to the sea, Zhao Weike deceived such a player.

But she is very powerful. Her name is "Jiang Youxian" and she calls herself the Sword Fairy. Just now she singled out and killed the level 30 BOSS on the pirate ship, establishing victory in one fell swoop and eventually sinking the pirate ship.

"Is the Juxiang Mountain in front of you the sect's headquarters?"

Jiang Youxian pointed to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain in front of him, his eyes half-squinted, looking a little lazy.

"It's Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain!" Zhao Weike corrected, "When we get to the shore later, you can follow me... A pirate ship actually appears. This is not a trivial matter. I have to tell the leader!"

(End of this chapter)

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