Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 125 Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique

Chapter 125 Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique

Zhao Weike put his hands on his back and walked slowly on the climbing stairs.

Seeing the current appearance of the sect's residence and the many entry-level disciples, he felt a sense of accomplishment.

The tall Jiang Youxian walked next to Zhao Weike. She looked at the nine-foot stone lion curiously and said, "This Juxiang Mountain is quite interesting..."

"That's right!" Zhao Weike said with emotion, "The Reliable Sword Sect is what it is today, and I owe a lot to it!"

Jiang Youxian said: "What contribution do you have?"

"Don't you know? I recruited all my disciples!" Zhao Weike patted his chest, but suddenly shook his head, "It's a pity, it's a pity..."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that it's getting harder and harder to recruit good disciples."


"Why? Because the disciples who first joined the Reliable Sword Sect came to me and Brother Ding, and they were all very strong. But now the players who want to join the Reliable Sword Sect all come to that idiot Zhang Defa. Yes, they sing and dance rap, but don’t do anything serious. What’s the use of accepting them? My Reliable Sword Sect is not an entertainment company, so if I accept them, wouldn’t it lower the level of the sect? I’m thinking now, how can I recruit disciples from my Reliable Sword Sect? Set the threshold, it is better to be lacking than to be indiscriminate, only high-quality products, not bad chickens, only masters like you are worthy of this elder's deception... to win over!"

"Oh!" Jiang Youxian's expression was dull and innocent, and he suddenly said: "Brother Ding is the top expert on the third list, and Zhang Defa is a popular anchor. It is understandable that some players are chasing them to join the reliable sword sect, and some are Are you here from Ben?"

"Haha!" Zhao Weike laughed, "You don't know my reputation. To be honest, there are many masters who joined the reliable sword sect because of me. They want to challenge me!"

"I want to fuck you, I guess!" Jiang Youxian said calmly, "Jumping off a cliff, Zhao Skirt, I know a little bit about your deeds. There are quite a few people who want to fuck you!"

"You little girl, why are you talking so vulgarly?" Zhao Weike snorted, "To tell you the truth, I am an internal beta player. If it weren't for bad luck and being cheated by Brother Ding, I would be a great expert now. Compared with You are going to be awesome, believe it or not?”

Jiang Youxian said calmly: "I don't believe it!"

"You don't believe it. You don't believe it. You don't know how powerful this elder is..."

Zhao Weike and Jiang Youxian walked and chatted, and soon passed through the main hall of the mountain gate and came to the small mission hall.

Fellow disciples along the road told them that the leader and the tree-planting elder were in the small mission hall.

At this time, the door of the mission hall was closed. Zhao Weike looked at the mission hall, which was like a small temple. After a moment of thought, he stepped forward and knocked on the door, shouting: "Brother Ding, is Brother Ding here? Something bad is going on." Well, I discovered pirates. The pirates are coming to attack the island. We have to study it and take precautions early. Listen to me, this is not a trivial matter and we need to take it seriously!"

After knocking for a while, the door opened. Zhang Defa first poked his head out of the small hall and shouted to Zhao Weike: "What are you shouting for?"

Lu Chaoding frowned and said, "Have the pirates been wiped out?"

"It was wiped out and all the ships were sunk! It was Jiang Youxian who did it. Brother Ding, let me introduce to you. The person standing next to me is Jiang Youxian. She may be the strongest player that I... recruited."

"Yeah!" Lu Chaoding looked at Jiang Youxian after hearing this, and saw that the female player's eyes were half-squinted, her expression dull, and she seemed a bit naturally dumb.

She said: "Are you the number one in the three rankings, Lu Chaotai?"

"it's me!"

"What are you and this fat man doing in the hut? Why is the door still closed? Could it be... fencing?"

Zhang Defa shouted: "Can you take care of it?"

Lu Chaoding didn't want to answer, so he directly dropped the topic and said, "If what I expected is correct, the pirate ship you encountered should have come from 30 miles away from the east. It is said that there is a pirate stronghold there, and the pirate ship was also sunk. ?”

Zhao Weike said: "Yes, it was sunk!"

"Why did you want to sink it? How about snatching it over?"

Jiang Youxian said: "You are so naive. The patrol ships are all bound. If you don't match your identity, you can't control them. What's the use of snatching them over?"

"Put it out as a decoration!"

Jiang Youxian was stunned, frowned and said, "Hey, I didn't expect that!"

Lu Chaoding waved his hand and said: "I know about this. I will go to the pirate stronghold to investigate. If there is nothing else, you can go and do it. Defa and I still have things to do!"

"Wait a moment!"

Zhao Weike rubbed his hands, showed a flattering smile, and said: "Brother Ding, I heard that you gave me a set of mechas. You see, I am also an elder. You can't favor one thing over another, right?"

"You also want a mecha?"

"That's not necessary. I don't like the flashy mechas. If possible, Brother Ding can get me something different. Tanks, spaceships, etc. would be good! I, Zhao Weike, am only one chance away from being a peerless master. I I think, Brother Ding can definitely give me this opportunity!" While speaking, Zhao Weike took out a handful of gold coins and said: "Brother Ding, these are to honor you!"


Lu Chaoding looked at Zhao Weike's handful of gold coins and was too lazy to pick it up. He thought for a while and said: "I have some rare props here that can make you unique, that is..."

"What is it?"

"I'm afraid it will be a little difficult for you to upgrade to level 31 in the future. Moreover, the Heavenly Power column and the Land Column may disappear."

Zhang Defa raised his hand on the side and said: "I don't have the Heavenly Power column and the Earthly Column now, but I have the Evil God Illustrated Column and the Technology Scroll Column. I just don't know where to get the Evil God Illustration Column and the Technology Scroll Column."

Zhao Weike thought for a while and said: "The power of heaven is not released, and the power of earth is hard to find. It's okay, I can accept it!"

Lu Chao nodded and said: "Wait for me here tomorrow morning. I will give you some treasures. Defa, come on, let's continue!"

"Okay top brother!"

Zhang Defa waved to Zhao Weike, motioning for him to leave, and then ruthlessly closed the small door of the mission hall.

Lu Chaoding naturally continued to complete tasks with Zhang Defa.

This brush "accidentally" made it to the next morning. Zhang Defa fell asleep directly in the mission hall, snoring loudly.

Lu Chao stretched himself, stood up, checked the results of his hard work, and nodded with satisfaction.

As for all high-level items that are not bound, he has at least made two copies of them.

Unfortunately, props such as unreliable lottery tickets, raffle tickets, and inheritance jade have the characteristics of being picked up and bound, so they cannot be used as mission rewards to be used indefinitely.

After a while, Lu Chaoding spent a total of 15 pieces of the Sword Immortal's inheritance and 6 pieces of light-splitting gems to upgrade the [Outrageous Light-Splitting Sword Shadow] to LV8, allowing it to create 256 sword shadows as the main weapon!
In the future, upgrading this secret skill to LV9 will require 7 copies of [Sword Immortal's Heritage] and 4 [Spectral Gemstones].

Lu Chaoding produced a lot of [Spectral Jade], but unfortunately he only had 5 copies of [Sword Immortal's Certificate] left, which was not enough.

Then Lu Chaoding used iron crystal sand to refine three five-star flying insect swords to +12!

The +12 flying insect sword bite attack reached 13 points!
The bite attack is a fixed attack and is not affected by defense, toughness, or other gains or losses. The five-star flying insect sword can divide into 1296 flying insects to attack, which means using the five-star +12 flying insect sword to attack once, It can stably deal 16848 points of damage!
"It is worthy of being a five-star +12 weapon!"

Lu Chaoding sighed, and then refined three two-star [Flying Wind Jade Talismans] to +3!

The three-star [Blast Jade Talisman] can increase the speed by 24, which is better than [Giant Tiger Waist Tag]. Lu Chaoding used it to replace [Giant Tiger Waist Tag] and [Wealth Jade Pendant].

Next, Lu Chaoding took one copy of each of the skill books that he could use, and upgraded all those that could be improved with cultivation.

In the end, he upgraded the five-star universal secret skill [Pan Tough Treasure Body] to LV6. The effect of this secret skill is: the toughness will be fully restored automatically after the action starts, and the defense will be increased by 60 points, the toughness will be increased by 60 points, and the life will be increased by 6000 points.

Lu Chaoding placed it in the second secret skill column.

However, if [Pan Tough Treasure Body] wants to be raised to LV7, in addition to consuming cultivation, it also requires [Pan Tough Precious Blood]. This [Pan Tough Treasure Blood] is a rare item. Lu Chaoding searched for it in the trading shop For a moment, nothing was found.

The four-star universal secret skill [Fire Wings] was directly upgraded to LV11 by Lu Chao. Its effect is to transform 24 pairs of flame wings on the back, gain the ability to fly, and increase defense by 96 points. Due to the lack of material [Feathers of Divine Fire], it cannot be upgraded. To LV12!
Lu Chaoding also upgraded the one-star combat skill [Sword Echo] to LV4!
Originally, one-star combat skills were only allowed to be upgraded once, that is, the highest level could be upgraded to LV2. However, Lu Chaoding had the attribute blessing of [Dayan Sword Immortal], which increased the upper limit of the combat skill level by +2. With [Resound of the Sword], he could also be upgraded to LV4. .

But its effect is very average. After it is used, the main weapon damage of the two attacks is increased to 120%.

And this improvement cannot affect the bite attack, nor the sword shadow attack. This damage increase is just a decoration!

Of course, if Lu Chaoding uses other weapons instead of the flying insect sword, there will still be an increase in the damage of the main weapon.

In addition, if the characteristics of [Dayan Sword Immortal] fail, then the additional two levels of effects will not work, that is, only the normal LV2 effect can be exerted.

The three-star general combat skill [Fire Slash] has also been upgraded to the extreme LV8 by Lu Chaoding. Its effect is to consume a little fighting spirit and stimulate a flaming sword energy with an attack power of 360%.

Lu Chaoding also has a three-star [Giant Sword Technique] skill book exclusive to the Sword Immortal. This skill was also upgraded by Lu Chaoding. To his surprise, when [Giant Sword Technique] was upgraded to LV5, it actually appeared. Extraordinary characteristics.

This extraordinary feature is that combat skills do not require the consumption of fighting spirit and can be used in non-combat spaces.

After the emergence of extraordinary characteristics, upgrading [Giant Sword Technique] requires [Sword Immortal's inheritance], and upgrading [Outrageous Splitting Sword Shadow] also requires [Sword Immortal's inheritance]. After thinking about it, Lu Chaoding finally He still spent a portion of [Sword Immortal's inheritance] and 6 cultivation levels to upgrade [Giant Sword Skill] to LV[-].

To his surprise, LV6's [Great Sword Technique] actually added one star of extraordinary characteristics. The effect is that when using the Great Sword Technique to attack non-living units such as buildings, the attack power is increased by (the number of skill levels) times!
"Having two extraordinary characteristics, this is comparable to the splitting sword shadow. How about using [Ye Longxing's training experience and combat skills] on this [giant sword technique]?"

Lu Chao thought for three seconds and decisively used [Ye Longxing's Training Experience and Combat Skills]!
(End of this chapter)

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