Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 126 Pirates Attack

Chapter 126 Pirates Attack
"Ding, use Ye Longxing's training experience, please designate combat skills to increase the number of stars!"

"Great Sword Technique!"

"Ding, Giant Sword Technique is a three-star combat skill. Upgrading to five-star requires two copies of [Sword Immortal's Enlightenment]. Do you want to continue?"


"Ding, two copies of [Sword Immortal's Enlightenment] have been consumed. Congratulations, your three-star combat skill [Giant Sword Technique] has been upgraded to a five-star combat skill, and you have received random enhancements..."

"Ding, the strengthening effect is: when you are in the battle space, you can consume fighting spirit to release the giant sword technique. Each point of fighting spirit consumed can enhance the power of the giant sword technique by 10%, and there is no upper limit!"

"Ding, your five-star combat skill [Giant Sword Skill] has been converted into a self-created skill, please change its name!"

"Renamed to Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique!"

"Ding, the name change was successful. Congratulations on obtaining the five-star combat skill [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill]. The skill description has been updated. Please check it yourself for details!"

Secret Skill: Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill
Number of stars: five stars

Occupation: Sword Fairy

Level: LV6 (Extraordinary)
Explanation 100: Activate the skill to enlarge the main weapon to a length of (number of skill levels), and the power of the next attack will increase (number of skill levels × [-]%).

Note [-]: It takes three seconds to accumulate power to cast the extraordinary giant sword technique, and the giant sword's arrival animation takes ten seconds. After the arrival animation starts, the target locked by the extraordinary giant sword technique will not be able to move, and all status time will be suspended.

Note [-]: The Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique can be used in non-combat spaces and does not require fighting spirit.

Note 10: The Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique allows you to consume fighting spirit to release it in the battle space, and for every point of fighting spirit consumed, the power will be increased by [-]%, with no upper limit.

Note 100: When using the extraordinary giant sword to attack non-living targets such as buildings and equipment, the damage will be increased to (number of skill levels x [-]%).

Explanation 2: By consuming [Legacy of the Sword Immortal]

Note [-]: The skill book is bound and cannot be traded.

Lu Chaoding still had four copies of [Sword Immortal's Heritage]. After thinking about it, he consumed two copies and upgraded [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill] to LV7. In this way, once he uses this skill, he can be seven feet tall. The long sword has arrived.

To upgrade [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill] to LV8, you need to consume 3 copies of [Sword Immortal's Heritage] and 20 cultivation points.

Lu Chaoding is not lacking in cultivation, but the [Sword Immortal's inheritance] is really not enough.

After adjusting the skill bar, Lu Chao activated [Fire Wings], mounted the black saber-toothed tiger, and looked at his attribute information.

Name: Lu Chaoding
Occupation: Supreme Pure Virtue, Yin and Yang, Infinite Underworld, Qinglian, Dayan, Taiji, Luoduobao Sword Immortal

Rating: 30
Repair: 2000/2000
Professional characteristics: Professional characteristics become stronger as the character level increases, and are strengthened once every 10 levels.

[Superior]: The upper limit of secret skill level +2.

[Dayan]: The upper limit of combat skill level is +2.

[Da Luo]: The upper limit of stunt level +2.

[Tai Chi]: Secret skill column +2, combat skill column +2, stunt column +2.

[Duobao]: Weapon slot +2, Fashion slot +2, Back item slot +2, Pendant slot +2.

[Morality]: Save and enter combat four times.

[Yin Yang]: Allows indiscriminate attacks (can attack enemies, teammates, or empty attacks).

[Wuji]: Allows you to change clothes during war, change skills during war, and use auxiliary props during war.

[Underworld]: Additional secret skill [Underworld Transformation Technique]!
[Qinglian]: The fighting spirit is fully restored after entering the battle, and the fighting spirit is +2 before each action!

Life: 8800+60000+6000=74800
Attack: 880+4800=5680
Range: 150 meters

Hit: 50
Tianquan: Samsung Yinghuo LV1
Earth animals: Six-star black sword saber-toothed tiger (LV12), three-star fire tengu’s phantom x 18 (LV6)

Fighting spirit: 0/40
Talent skills: Sword (LV5), Sword Flying, Speed ​​Master, Air Escape Master, Long Range Attack Master, Sky Breaking Master.

Professional Secret Technique: Underworld Transformation Technique
Self-created secret technique: Black Cloud Formation

Secret skill one: Five-star [Incredible Splitting Sword Shadow] (LV8)

Secret Skill 6: Five-star [Pan Tough Treasure Body] (LV[-])

Secret skill three: Four-star [Fire Wings] (LV11).

Combat Skill 7: Five-star [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill] (LV[-])

Combat Skill 2: One-Star Sword Echo (LV2+[-], True Solution·Guiyuan)
Combat Skill Three: Three Stars [Fire Slash] (LV6+2)

Stunt 9: The Twelve Hatreds of the Sword Immortal (LV[-], True Solution·Shen Lian)
Stunt [-]: Empty

Stunt Three: Empty

Weapon 12: Five-star flying insect sword (refined +[-])

Weapon 12: Five-star flying insect sword (refined +[-])

Weapon three: Five-star flying insect sword (refined +12)

Flying Sword: Five-star Daxuan Sword (Daxuan Ship, Refined +6)

Fashion 9: Four-star flying snow suit (refined +[-])

Fashion 9: Four-star magical consciousness (refined +[-])

Fashion three: empty

Pendant 3: Gale Jade Pendant (Refined +[-])

Pendant 3: Gale Jade Pendant (Refined +[-])

Pendant 3: Gale Jade Pendant (Refined +[-])

Back piece 1: Three-star counterattack shield (refined +[-])

Back piece two: Two-star ghost panel ax (refined +3) Back piece three: Two-star broken sack (refined +3)

State [-]: The attack type is special fire attack, ignoring defense (from Tianquan).

State [-]: The main weapon is hidden, and the skill adds the [Riding Slash] special effect (from the ground).

State 30: Full resistance +30%, physical dodge +22%, and gain [-] points of fighting spirit immediately upon entering combat (from the magical awareness).

State 50: Ice resistance +[-]% (from Feixue suit).

State [-]: The professional characteristics may sometimes work or not work. When the professional special effects fail, the corresponding equipment, skill books, etc. will be dropped. Players are asked to explore for details.

Lu Chaoding also has a set of [Super Peef Sword]. He just wanted to experiment to see if the [Super Giant Sword Technique] can be linked with the [Outrageous Splitting Sword Shadow], and equip three [Super Peef Sword] and three [Flying Insects] The actual damage effect of the sword], suddenly saw Zhao Skirt running over from a distance.

"Brother Ding, something bad has happened. Just as I expected, pirates are coming to kill us, five ships in total!"

Zhao Weike shouted from a distance.

Lu Chaoding said calmly: "Why are you panicking?"

While speaking, he opened the storage space and took out [Devil May Cry Tears], the five-star firearm [Evil God's Gaze] and a [Super Puff] sword.

"These are prepared for you, take them!"

After saying this, Lu Chao launched the Daxuan Ship, thinking that it would be a good time to test his strength in actual combat.

Zhao Weike looked at the three items that Lu Chaoding took out.

"Why not tanks and spaceships?"

He had seen Lu Chaoding riding a tank and driving a spaceship, and what he wanted most was the same tank and the sword-shaped spaceship. Therefore, when he saw the three items that Lu Chaoding took out, he was a little disappointed at first.

But when he picked up the [Super Piff Sword], his eyes widened in shock.

"Damn it, a five-star sword! Brother Ding, this is too arrogant, just give me a five-star weapon! Tsk tsk, this attribute is too awesome, and it also has a percentage increase in attack, which will never go out of style!"

Zhao Weike looked at [The Gaze of the Evil God] again.

"What is this? A firearm? Is it a pendant?"

At this time, he was unable to check the specific information of this five-star weapon due to the incompatibility of his profession, but just by looking at its gorgeous appearance, he knew that it must be an excellent thing.

Zhao Weike understood what Lu Chaoding meant after reading the attribute information of [Devil May Cry Tears].

"Brother Ding wants me to change my profession to Devil May Cry? What kind of profession is this? Can I play with swords and guns?"

Zhao Weike did not hesitate, and after a moment he successfully transferred to Devil May Cry. Then with a clang, the [Black Cauldron] he had been carrying for a long time fell down.

Devil May Cry not only does not have Tianquan and Earth Prayer, but also pendants and back parts cannot be equipped, so the back parts are automatically dropped. However, Devil May Cry players have multiple weapon slots and can switch weapons at any time to launch attacks. They just equip them in the weapon slot. Weapon attributes cannot be superimposed.

In addition, Devil May Cry's talent is called Ghost, which allows ghosts to be played during the attack. Touching the ghost can replenish health and fighting spirit. Its secret skills are basic attack combos, combat skills are floating combos, and stunt weapons. Combos are all passive skills, and they are all related to combos. It seems that as long as you hit combos, you can keep attacking.

Zhao Weike studied for a while, and he felt that Devil May Cry is a high-speed, high-explosion profession that also requires a lot of skills. If you want to play this profession well, you must work hard on combos.

At this moment, outside the Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain and the gate of the sect, a large patrol ship, one large, four small and five small, was slowly approaching.

Those five large ships were flying the Qinglong flag, and it was the entire Qinglongwu army of the Qianyuan Lianhuan dock that was dispatched.

The four smaller ships are ordinary patrol ships with a durability of 10. They are filled with trainee pirates, senior pirates and elite pirates wearing green turbans.

The larger ship is obviously more upscale than ordinary patrol ships, with a durability of 30. Zhao Jinren, the sub-rudder of Qinglongwu, is sitting on it. There are not many people on this big ship, and Song Shu is among them. He is standing next to Zhao Jinren. beside.

Such eye-catching five large ships naturally attracted the attention of the players on Seven Realms Mountain. At this time, a large number of players were rushing towards the mountain gate.

Sword Demon King Chen Gang and Sword God Dugu Tian were like two generals, standing outside the mountain gate, as if they were fighting.

Behind them, on the gate tower of the mountain gate, Jiang Youxian was half-lying lazily, her eyes half-squinted, quietly watching the pirate ship coming slowly.

Soon, the four large ships docked, and the pirates rushed down in a swarm.

They were connected by red light, and four teams could be faintly distinguished.

The players in Qijie Mountain were also excited.

Wang Chengang laughed loudly and shouted: "I have been practicing in the training room all day, and today I can finally have a real battle! Liao Hu, Ma Hou, and Xiong Bing, come with me!"

After saying that, he rode the black saber-toothed tiger and took the lead and rushed towards the landing pirates.

Not to be outdone, Dugu Tian shouted: "Where are everyone in Tianjian? Form a team and charge!"

He didn't have a black saber-toothed tiger mount, but he could walk in the air. Behind him, there were three people walking in the air as well.

"The bloody foursome, let's kill!"

"We are the Four Musketeers of Fire, follow us to kill the pirates!"

"The Four Saints of Poxu Mountain, gather here!"

"The Dabao Construction Corps has formed a team, charge!"

"Summon the tree-planting elders and ask for mecha support..."

Jiang Youxian looked at the players below who were charging at the pirates, and his eyes gradually became brighter.

"There are actually four Sword Gods who have activated the Divine Movement. There are also quite a few Qinggong Sword Masters and Escape Sword Demons. Are there no Sword Masters who can control swords?"

She shook her head, then stood up, pointed to the sky, and shouted: "Here comes the big sword!"

Immediately, a two-meter-long sword appeared out of thin air. After flying around Jiang Youxian, it lay flat and landed at her feet.

"There must be a BOSS on the big ship, and this BOSS belongs to me!"

Jiang Youxian immediately rose up with his sword and flew straight towards the largest patrol ship.

(End of this chapter)

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