Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 127 I leave this to the leader.

Chapter 127 I leave this to the leader.
Hongchen Qijie Mountain has seven levels, in the shape of a staircase. The boundaries of each level are slightly bulging cliffs. Only the mountain gate has a climbing passage.

The terrain here is not very open. Five large patrol ships lined up and almost blocked the port.

As the players in Qijie Mountain fought with the pirates in Qinglongwu, four large flags were erected first, and then white lights flashed on the flags.

Seeing that the pirates in Qinglongwu were outnumbered, only four teams were dispatched first. Each of these four teams was led by a hall leader, with 80 trainee pirates, 40 senior pirates, and 20 elite pirates. , the entire team has a total of 141 people.

Player teams are limited to a maximum of four people.

Therefore, at this time, only the four fastest-moving teams can compete with the pirate bandits.

Of these four teams, Wang Chengang led one team, Dugu Tian led another team, and the other two called themselves the "Blood-Blooding Four" and the "Four Musketeers of Fire".

Each team has four players, but they have to face 141 pirates!
Obviously, this is extremely detrimental to players.

At this time, the four pirate teams and Wang Chengang have entered the battle space. There are only four big flags on the shore. Many players who have not entered the battle space are shouting and shouting under the battle flags. They can only wait for the battle to end and separate. Only when the victory or defeat is determined can the battle continue.

As for the largest pirate ship, the pirates on board remained stationary, but there were some who dared to take the initiative, such as Jiang Youxian, who was flying with a sword, and the four players known as "Zhao Qian Sun Li".

Moreover, the four of Zhao, Qian, Sun and Li were faster than Jiang Youxian. Among them, the sword god Qian Wanwan launched his [Divine Walk] and teleported directly to the big ship. He immediately took action and triggered a battle. Qinglongwu helmsman Zhao Jinren, other pirates, Song Shu and his younger brother, and three other players from Zhao Qian and Sun Li who were on board the ship entered the battle space at the same time, and a big flag was also in the air above the warship. erected in the middle.

"Huh? There is actually a sword god who has activated the magic skill!"

Jiang Youxian was a step too late. She landed on the deck of the big ship and frowned at the big flag in the sky.

But within 2 minutes, the flag shattered and the pirates reappeared on the ship.

The appearance of these pirates meant that Zhao Qian and Sun Li were killed in battle.

Jiang Youxian was overjoyed. He was about to use his sword to trigger a battle, but he saw the elite pirate Song Shu standing opposite.

"Well, it's you!"

Jiang Youxian was stunned. She had met this guy before in a virtual sword debate. As soon as he came up, he clamored to give her ten rounds. At that time, she only thought that Song Shu was a rookie. No matter how she used any skill, she didn't expect this guy to suddenly burst out and kill her in one fell swoop.

That was Jiang Youxian's only defeat in the virtual sword debate, so she was deeply impressed by this Song Shu.

Song Shu also saw Jiang Youxian at this moment, but he obviously didn't recognize her and didn't care at all. He shouted: "Friends of the Reliable Sword Sect, the pirate BOSS is strong. He is determined to attack your station. Ladu I can’t hold it back, so be careful, don’t let the faction be destroyed.”

Just as he was shouting, two more battle flags were shattered in mid-air, and two pirate teams reappeared. The "Blood-Blooded Four" and the "Fire-Four Musketeers" were killed.

But other players quickly followed up and pulled the two pirate teams back into the fighting space.

Jiang Youxian gritted her teeth at this moment, raised her hand decisively and drew her sword. A half-moon-shaped white sword energy shot out from her envoy's long sword, hitting Song Shu in the middle, and the battle was triggered.

The next moment, Jiang Youxian entered the battle space. She looked up and saw that not counting Song Shu, the enemies opposite were level 40 Qinglongwu helmsman Zhao Jinren, 10 level 30 elite pirates, and 22 level 20 veterans. Pirates, 44 level 10 trainee pirates!

"A level 40 BOSS? With so many juniors? That's reckless!"

Jiang Youxian frowned, and she immediately realized that this battle was not going to be easy.

On the opposite side, Song Shu looked at Jiang Youxian and said in shock: "Is there really such a player who is not afraid of death? How dare he touch our pirate group by himself?"

Jiang Youxian looked dull and didn't speak. When the preparation time was over, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Song Shu, and a flying sword flew out, knocking out less than half of Song Shu's health bar.

"Damn it, there are so many pirates, why are they beating me?"

Song Shu shrank his neck, looked at Jiang Youxian with an unkind expression, and said: "She is dead. Please make the decision for me, the helmsman, and beat her to death!"

As expected, Zhao Jinren, the chief helmsman of Qinglongwu, pulled out a big sword from behind.

His turn has come.

Jiang Youxian snorted coldly at this moment, and his body suddenly turned into light and disappeared.

"Get out of battle!"

Two large characters were left in place.

The next moment, the battle space was shattered, and Song Shu and Qinglongwu helmsman Zhao Jinren appeared on the pirate ship again.

"Fortunately, I am fast and can escape the battle. It seems that the pirate brigade needs to be consumed before I can take action."

Jiang Youxian said silently, and she had already escaped from the pirate ship with her sword.

Song Shu ran to the bow of the ship in displeasure and drank some medicine while shouting: "You actually got out of the battle. You must be very fast. Don't run away if you can. Come and fight head-on! Hahahaha, hey, what are you looking at down there? Come on if you don't accept it." hit me?"

He shouted arrogantly.

Originally Song Shu planned to hide behind the scenes, but after inciting Qinglongwu helmsman Zhao Jinren to send troops to attack Hongchen Seven Realms Island, he found that he could actually form a team with Zhao Jinren, so he formed a team without hesitation and followed him. .

He is here to show off today.

"It's okay to tell you the truth. I brought this pirate here. Now I'm teaming up with the pirate helmsman. What can you do to me? Can you compete with the level 40 boss? Where is your leader? ? Where is the top brother on the third list? Let him come over and see if he dares to hit me? "

Song Shu felt very happy. He continued to shout provocations, causing many players below to grit their teeth in anger. "It's the guy who set up the arena! Elder Zhongshu's men were defeated!"

"This guy actually joined the pirates!"

"kill him!"

"It's not good for him. He has teamed up with the BOSS. Most people are really looking for death if they beat him!"

"How to do?"

"It's hard to handle, why don't we withdraw first!"

On the coast, many players felt timid.

At this time, a strange "spaceship" slowly flew out from above the mountain gate.

There was a person standing on the bow of the "spaceship" with his hands behind his hands. He was wearing bulging clothes and had 24 pairs of flame wings behind him. It was Lu Chaoding.

"Yujian rides the wind to exorcise the world of demons!"

Lu Chaoding recited a poem loudly, and then with a clang, a jade pendant fell off his waist. He picked it up calmly, flicked his sleeves, and said loudly: "Everyone, please step aside, this place is left to me." I’m in charge!”

In fact, he had already come here, and just after taking a look at the battle situation behind the mountain gate, he felt that there were many brave players in his sect. They really dared to charge and kill the pirates when faced with a large number of people.

As the leader, he would naturally not let them make such a meaningless sacrifice.

Jiang Youxian stepped on the sword and passed by Lu Chaoding, and said in a deep voice: "Mo Zhuang, there is a level 40 BOSS on the opposite side. A level above 30 is an outstanding existence, and the combat effectiveness will be significantly improved."

Lu Chao glanced at him and said: "You actually know Zhuo Zhi, yes, very good! However, do you know that this leader is number one in the three rankings? I can even lose the ancient sword Demon Ye Longxing, let alone a mere 40 Super pirate?"

After saying that, he didn't bother to say anything more to the female player. He said "Back off" and went straight to the pirate sword where Song Shu was.

Song Shu soon discovered Lu Chaoding and shouted from a distance: "Master Lu, we meet again. You may be a little better than me, but now I am teaming up with the pirate brigade, what should you do?" Deal with it!”

"Then I'll knock you out!"

Lu Chaoding smiled slightly, and while the Duobao Sword Fairy's characteristics were still bright, he quickly replaced the [Flying Insect Sword] with three [Super Piff] swords.

Of these three [Super Piff] swords, one of them is refined +3 and has full kills, and the other two are refined +0.

Equipped with these three [Super Piff] swords, Lu Chaoding's attack power increased from 5680 to 8876!

Then he used [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] and reached out to Song Shu on the bow of the pirate ship. Three seconds later, there was a roar, clouds and mist rolled in the sky, and three huge sword points pierced the clouds straight out, slowly The huge sword blades slowly appeared. They seemed extremely heavy and fell slowly. The sword blades seemed to rub against the air and generate flames, and they landed straight towards the pirate ship.

Those are three huge super swords that are seven feet long!
The flames on the sword are not generated by friction with the air, but are blessed by the power of heaven.

"Ah, the leader used his ultimate move!"

"What a means!"

"As expected of the leader, he is extraordinary when he makes a move!"

[Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] The ten-second animation of the arrival of giant swords exploded, and the players below couldn't help but get excited when they saw the three flaming giant swords falling from the sky.

Lu Chaoding was also greatly surprised at this moment.

"Three giant swords, actually three!"

Obviously, [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] and [Outrageous Spectral Sword Shadow] do not have superimposed effects. They only enlarge the main weapon and no sword shadow appears. However, thanks to the special effects of the Duobao Sword Immortal, Lu Chaoding has three main weapons at the moment. So there were three huge main weapons coming at the same time.

"Three main weapons are equivalent to three attacks. The extraordinary giant sword skill is now LV7. The attack power of the giant sword is 700% of the attack power. If it hits buildings and equipment, the power will be increased to 700%. Good guy, I How much damage can this extraordinary sword technique do?"

Before Lu Chaoding could figure it out, three seven-foot-long super swords hit the bow of the pirate ship at the same time.



Two huge damage figures appeared from above the pirate ship, and then the ship, which was much larger than an ordinary patrol ship, quickly fell into pieces.

The first damage number belonged to Song Shu. The damage directly overflowed and the guy was killed on the spot.

The second damage figure was caused by the huge super sword attack on the pirate ship.

The durability of this big ship is only 30, so a giant sword attack will cause overflow damage.

As for the third giant sword, it failed, had no target, and did not hit any damage figures.

Due to Song Shu's team formation, Lu Chaoding's attack also triggered a battle. The next moment, Lu Chaoding entered the battle space with the survivors on the pirate ship.

(End of this chapter)

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