Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 129: Old Demon Lu, destroying the family with a giant sword

Chapter 129: Old Demon Lu, destroying the family with a giant sword

"A great master at level 26!"

Lu Chaoding opened the storage space, took out a box of [Baoxuan Pills], and said: "Seeing that you can also wield a sword, these Baoxuan Pills are given to you. You can quickly upgrade to level 30, and then bring this book with you." The leader is going to Tianyun State."

"Baoxuan Dan?" Jiang Youxian was stunned, "What do you mean? You want me to take you to Tianyun Prefecture?"

"This is the order I issued to you! I've given you the opportunity to make your own decision. I'm going to suppress the bandits first!"

After saying that, Lu Chaoding threw down the box of [Baoxuan Pill] and quickly increased the speed of the Daxuan ship to the highest level, which was 130 meters per second, and quickly got rid of Jiang Youxian.

After a while, Lu Chaoding saw Qianyuan Island.

He piloted the Daxuan Ship and flew into the island unscrupulously, and the first thing he arrived at was Qinglongwu.

There are also many low-level pirates here. They patrol the ground and cannot target the air. After discovering the Daxuan Sword, they follow behind.

Lu Chaoding had no interest in these little monsters. He stood at the bow of the Daxuan ship and just used the [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique]!
The pirate ship was too far away from the sect's station and couldn't be taken away. The giant sword fell and sank!

The dock hut was of no use, but the giant sword fell and was destroyed!
The pirate flag was raised, the giant sword fell, and he was knocked down!
The wooden gatehouse was shattered by the giant sword!
Xuntian Sword Sect and Qianyuan Lianlianwu jointly recruit new offices?A small wooden table, what the hell?The giant sword fell and was shattered!

The Daxuan ship moved forward slowly, like a bomber. The seven-foot-long giant sword kept falling, and the special effect of destroying buildings appeared. It was more powerful than the cannonballs. It quickly blasted the pirate dock to pieces, everywhere. It was broken. Occasionally it would scratch a low-level pirate, and it would kill him instantly with one sword without even entering the battle space.

The Sword Spirit King and Zhutou Wu also ran out. They just fired their cannons and kept bombarding the low-level pirates below.

In just a moment, Lu Chaoding reached the Zhongyi Hall in Qinglongwu. Once he fired [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill], the Zhongyi Hall was reduced to ruins.

At this time, Lu Chaoding discovered a figure carrying a treasure box in the ruins below.

There is no doubt that it is Song Shu.

Song Shu joined Qianyuan Lianlianwu and became an elite pirate. His resurrection point was automatically bound to the Hongchen Sword Monument in Qinglongwu on Qianyuan Island.

At this time, he had just been resurrected. He had been slapped in the face by Lu Chao and was instantly killed. It was when he was angry that he was thinking about how to encourage more powerful NPCs to attack Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain in order to take revenge. This was just the moment. When we arrived at Zhongyi Hall, Zhongyi Hall collapsed.

"Damn it, it's Lu Chaoding. How did he get here? This turtle grandson is too powerful. Did he come here in a bomber?"

Song Shu was filled with surprise, but he didn't dare to stop. He immediately started his Qinggong, flying over eaves and walls, flying up and down, heading towards Bailongwu.

"Where to run!"

Lu Chaoding immediately chased after him with his sword.

This guy dares to take the pirates to his sect's base. As the leader, he has to express his opinions no matter what. It is best to use a sack, carry it to the resurrection point, and kill them for a few minutes.

However, when Lu Chaoding used [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] on him, he found that he could not catch this guy.

Because it takes three seconds of guidance to perform the [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique], and this guy Song Shu is a bit good at light kung fu. He can jump up and down, high up and down, move like snakeskin, is fast, and can find cover. Lu Chao was very good in three seconds. It is difficult to "aim", and he often misses the target, or is out of range, which results in the [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique] being unable to be used.

"It's interesting. I think most long-range attacks can be achieved by finding a bunker to lose the target and avoid the attack. Song Shu's escape is quite good."

Lu Chao had a clear understanding, but he also found it interesting. Then he used the non-locking attack characteristics of the Yin Yang Sword Immortal to launch a prejudgment attack, chasing Song Shu away all the way.

Song Shu was extremely depressed. It was not easy to level up now. He would lose a level once he died, and he would not be able to level up even after playing in the wild for a day. He did not want to be beaten to death again.

"Made, this guy is outrageous, he is running rampant. This is the territory of pirates. If you don't know, you might think he is a super BOSS! First, lead him to the Zhongyi Hall of Bailongwu and take a look at Bailongwu's territory. Can the helmsman BOSS kill him?"

Song Shu was anxious and used all his skills to escape. After a while, he arrived at the Zhongyi Hall in Bailongwu. He broke in directly and shouted: "It's not good, the sword sect is unreliable and the palm is unreliable." The gate is coming. Is the helmsman here? Is the hall master here? Go out and question him!" His shout had an effect. Qian Muyi, the helmsman of Bailongwu who was in charge of Zhongyi Hall, and the five hall masters immediately stood up. Get up and enter the team state.

Song Shu also received an invitation to form a team, but he refused outright and ran away without caring about anything.

Then in less than ten seconds, Bailongwu's Zhongyi Hall was reduced to ruins. Then a large flag appeared over the ruins. Lu Chaoding entered the battle with Bailongwu helmsman Qian Muyi and others in team status. space.

"Self-rudder, all hall masters, come on, kill Old Demon Lu!"

Song Shu finally got some breathing time at this moment, but within 3 minutes, the battle flag shattered, and Lu Chaoding and his Daxuan Ship reappeared.

"Holy shit! A level 40 BOSS plus five level 5 BOSSs can't stop Old Demon Lu! This... this is too cruel!"

Song Shu's eyes widened. When he found Lu Chaoding's eyes glancing over, he quickly started his Qinggong and ran away again.

"This guy can really run. I wonder where he will go."

Lu Chaoding smiled. In the battle just now, he killed Qian Muyi, the leader of Bailongwu, and got a treasure box. After opening the treasure box, he got 5000 gold yuan, some materials and a three-star weapon [Mu Ling] sword】.

It’s not a high return, but it’s better than nothing.

So Lu Chaoding controlled the Daxuan ship and continued to pursue Song Shu.

Soon, under the leadership of Song Shu, Lu Chaoding went to the Zhongyi Hall in Heilongwu. With one [Extraordinary Giant Sword Technique], he reduced the Zhongyi Hall to rubble, and then killed him easily in a simple battle. Sun Shuili, the helmsman of Heilongwu.

This time Lu Chaoding got a [Water Spirit Sword].

From then on, Lu Chaoding continued to pursue Song Shu, and 20 minutes later, under his leadership, he destroyed the Zhongyi Hall in Chilongwu, killed all the hall leaders and the helmsman Li Huozhi, and obtained the [Fire Spirit Sword]

In another 15 minutes, Lu Chaoding destroyed the Zhongyi Hall in Huanglongwu, killed five hall leaders and the helmsman Zhou Tuxin, and obtained the [Tulu Ling Sword].

"Ding, congratulations on gathering the Golden Spirit Sword, Wood Spirit Sword, Water Spirit Sword, Fire Spirit Sword, and Earth Spirit Sword to automatically synthesize a special four-star weapon [Five Elements Spirit Sword]!"

Following the system prompt, a five-color long sword suddenly appeared in front of Lu Chaoding.

That sword is of course the Five Elements Spiritual Sword.

Lu Chaoding took a look at its attribute information. This sword is indeed extraordinary. When equipped, it can increase the player's attack power by 10%. In addition, it can automatically change the player's attack type, change between the five elements characteristics, and always choose the enemy's resistance. Use the weakest attack type to launch the attack. As the refining level increases, the attack power bonus ratio will increase.

"This sword is not bad. At some point, it may be stronger than ordinary five-star weapons!"

Lu Chaoding was slightly surprised and put away the [Five Elements Spirit Sword]. He looked around for a while and found Song Shu hiding in the distance again, so he naturally continued to pursue him.

At this time, Jiang Youxian, who was flying with a sword, had just arrived at Qianyuan Island.

There was another person coming right after him, the sword god Dugu Tian who had used his divine form.

The two of them were shocked when they saw the pier that had been bombed to pieces.

"No, is this caused by Lu Chaoding, or is it a typhoon passing through?" Jiang Youxian felt that it was a bit outrageous.

Dugu Tian laughed loudly and said loudly: "As expected of the leader, it will be different the moment he strikes! Hey, sword masters, form a team and see if you can pick up the slack!"

 Thanks to the boss of "Qinfeng" for the reward. I came back late and will update it at night. Thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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