Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 130 The Yuan Rich Man (Additional update for Mr. Qinfeng)

Chapter 130 The Hundred Dollar Man (Additional update for Mr. Qinfeng)

Jiang Youxian and Dugutian teamed up to explore Qianyuan Island. Soon they discovered that in the pirate territory that seemed to have been bombed, there were only some trainee pirates and senior pirates, and there were no more advanced pirates at all, not even buildings. Everything was flattened, the pirate flag fell down, and there was nothing left to pick up.

In the sea area, more reliable sword sect players were arriving one after another. The only sect ship no longer went to greet the new disciples at this time, but came to Qianyuan Island under the control of Zhao Weike.

At this moment, Song Shu, who was wearing an elite pirate costume, had climbed over the wall and entered the Heaven and Earth Hall where the chief rudder was.

"Chief Captain, it's not good. The unreliable Sword Sect's Old Demon Lu is here. He can't hold him back. He must destroy our Qianyuan Lianlian Dock. I've brought him here. You can kill him quickly." Kill him, by the way, the five sub-rudders have been tricked to death by me, if you think you can’t defeat Mr. Lu, just surrender and disband the chain dock on the spot!"

After entering the courtyard, Song Shu immediately shouted at the top of his lungs. The reason why he led Lu Chaoding to turn the five sub-rudders around was because he was running away and hoped that the sub-rudder leaders could deal with Lu Chaoding. Even if the sub-rudders couldn't defeat Lu Chaoding and were killed by Lu Chaoding, Song Shu's original intention was actually achieved.

If you want to liberate Qianyuan Island, the first step is to eradicate the pirates!
Therefore, Song Shu also intended to lead Lu Chaoding to suppress the bandits.

After Song Shu finished shouting, there was no response from the courtyard. Song Shu looked around and saw that the chief helmsman was missing, Ye Xuntian was also missing, and the exquisite flying boat that was originally parked in the courtyard was also missing.

"What's going on? Why did the chief helmsman leave his post without permission? This shouldn't be the case. Could it be that he was abducted by Ye Xuntian?"

Song Shu was a little confused, but the next moment, Lu Chaoding's Daxuan Ship flew over, and at the same time, a giant sword fell from the sky. With just one blow, the Tiandi Hall collapsed, and the yard was immediately in a mess.

Song Shu didn't dare to delay, so he quickly started his Qing Kung Fu, jumped into the woods, and continued running.

He didn't have any other ideas at this time, so he went directly to the back mountain.

Lu Chaoding pursued with his sword. After chasing for a while, he encountered an air wall. At the same time, he received a system prompt: "Ding, before going to the back mountain, please go to the Qianyuan Hall to open an account and apply for the Qianyuan Token. Hold the Qianyuan Token. Only then can you enter the back mountain."

"Open an account and apply for Qianyuan Token? What does that mean?"

Lu Chaoding muttered. He watched Song Shu enter the back mountain area. Without hesitation, he quickly looked around and flew to the nearest hall.

That main hall is not the Qianyuan main hall, but the performance hall, in which there is Qianyuan Lianwu performance elder Gray Heron.

Lu Chao struck the Great Mysterious Sword and destroyed the performance hall. The performance elder Gray Heron was not killed. He crawled out from the ruins and stood there stupidly.

"Ding, you discovered Qianyuan Lianwu's outstanding elder Gray Heron!"

"Ding, Merit Elder Gray Heron is a special shop NPC and cannot be killed before Qianyuan Lianlianwu is destroyed! When Qianyuan Lianlianwu is destroyed, Merit Elder Gray Heron will lose the characteristic of 'cannot be killed' and transform into Free fashion merchant.”

"Can't be killed?" Lu Chao jumped to the performance elder out of curiosity and found that he could actually shop there. Apprentice pirate fashions, senior pirate fashions, etc. could be purchased here.

"What does this store have to do with me? What the hell is a free fashion merchant?"

Lu Chaoding's heart moved. He walked around behind the performance elder Gray Heron, took out the torn sack, neatly pulled over his head and pierced his mouth, and carried it on his back in less than three seconds.

The next moment, Lu Chaoding opened the entrance to the exclusive cave and directly carried the outstanding elder into the exclusive cave.

The performance elder was stunned and didn't react at all during the whole process. He just stood there honestly wherever he was placed.

"I'll put you here first, wait until the Qianyuan Lianlianwu is destroyed, and see what kind of fashion businessman you will become."

Lu Chaoding said something to the "Elder of Merit", and then left the exclusive cave. After another 2 minutes, he entered a Qianyuan hall.

After entering the hall, a translucent window immediately popped up in front of him.

"Ding, accept the mission, open an account in the Qianyuan Hall and store gold yuan. If you store [-] gold yuan, you can get a one-star Qianyuan token. If you store [-] gold yuan, you can get a two-star Qianyuan token..."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking task, and tamperes with the content: Open an account in the Qianyuan Hall and store gold yuan. If you store 100 gold yuan, you can get a five-star Qianyuan token. If you store 100 gold yuan, you can get four stars. Qianyuan tokens, store 100 million gold yuan to get three-star Qianyuan tokens, store 100 million gold yuan to get two-star Qianyuan tokens, store [-] billion gold yuan to get one-star Qianyuan tokens. The mission is completed and the contents are unlocked. You are qualified to enter the island!" "Hey, you just came to me backwards!As long as you deposit [-] yuan, you can get the Qianyuan token that others can only get by depositing [-] billion yuan. It's exciting! "

Lu Chaoding did not hesitate and immediately operated on the transparent panel in front of him, and soon got a five-star Qianyuan token.

"Ding, congratulations on obtaining the most advanced Qianyuan token, which unlocks the qualification to enter the inner island."

"Ding, in the inner island area of ​​Qianyuan Dao, the Qianyuan token is a symbol of identity, status and financial resources. If you hold the highest five-star Qianyuan token, you will receive the most enthusiastic service from the NPC of the store and enjoy the goods when shopping at any store. right of first refusal.”

"Ding, you are the first player to obtain the five-star Qianyuan Token, and you will be given the title of 'Ten Billionaire' without attributes... The system has an error and is being repaired automatically..."

"Ding, the repair is completed, you are the first player to obtain the five-star Qianyuan token, and you will be given the title of 'Hundred-Yuan Millionaire' without attributes!"

"Ding, deep repair, when you use Qianyuan tokens to consume, you will enjoy a one-hundred-millionth discount!"

"Huh? How much discount? One hundred millionth? Can one dollar be used as [-] million?"

Lu Chaoding looked at the five-star Qianyuan token in his hand and was very curious.

"What will happen if you consume this thing?"

At this time, Jiang Youxian and Dugutian also arrived at the Qianyuan Hall.

"Brother Ding!"

"Brother Ding, you are too fierce. You are worthy of being the leader of my faction, and you directly pushed this pirate den flat! But can you reduce your strength and leave some small bosses for us to fight..."

The two people immediately approached Lu Chaoding. Lu Chaoding was not busy at the moment and casually chatted with them for a few words. After they both completed the one-star Qianyuan tokens, he entered the interior with them. island area.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the pirate market closest to Qianyuan Hall.

This is a small courtyard with five NPCs inside. As soon as Lu Chaoding stepped into the small courtyard, these five NPCs immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

One of the leaders said: "Is this the hundred-dollar millionaire who deposited 100 yuan?"

“Oh my god, this style costs 100 yuan!”

"Hello, distinguished guest, we specialize in selling pirates here. Trainee pirates cost 2000 million for one dollar, senior pirates cost 200 million for one dollar, elite pirates cost 20 for one dollar, and hall master-level pirates cost one dollar for [-]. , the helmsman-level one costs two thousand! Look, what do you want to buy?"

Lu Chao was stunned when he heard the words of these businessman NPCs.

Jiang Youxian and Dugutian were also stunned.

"Did I hear correctly? 2000 million for one dollar! This is funny!"

Dugutian walked up to the NPC businessman who quoted the price and said, "Hey, helmsman, give me a dollar!"

The NPC glanced at Dugu Tian with disgust and said impatiently: "Go away, go away, you poor guy with only 100 yuan, don't delay our service to the distinguished guests."

Dugutian immediately narrowed his eyes: "What's wrong with your NPC? Brother Ding is a rich man with 100 yuan, and I am a poor man with 100 yuan?"

The NPC ignored him and tried his best to please Lu Chaoding.

(End of this chapter)

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