Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 131 The Yuan Rich Man

Chapter 131 Hundred Dollar Rich Man
Lu Chao put his hands behind his back and smiled.

"Is this the function of the five-star Qianyuan token? This treatment, tsk tsk, is really 100 yuan worth 100 billion."

He soon learned that although he could buy pirates, he could not have pirate subordinates because of his inconsistent status, so the pirates he bought would not listen to him and were equivalent to wild monsters.

In addition, after purchasing pirates, you can directly have the pirates spawn here, or you can get an "withdrawal voucher". Using the "withdrawal voucher", you can have the pirates spawn at a designated location.

After thinking for a while, Lu Chao said to the most gorgeously dressed pirate: "Every pirate will give me a dollar for each item. If you don't want it in stock, just pack it up and take it away!"

The five NPCs were immediately overjoyed.

"My guest is so generous!"

"Oh my God, this is a huge order for five yuan! I'm making a fortune!"

"Sir, please wait a moment, we will prepare the goods for you right now!"

"It's a big order of five yuan. I really deserve to be a hundred-dollar millionaire. My financial resources are amazing..."

In the exaggerated performance of the five NPCs, Lu Chaoding swiped the Qianyuan token five times and completed the transaction. The total cost was five yuan and the balance was 95 yuan.

Soon, five withdrawal vouchers were in Lu Chaoding's hands.

Lu Chaoding inspected the five vouchers. There were no problems and he nodded with satisfaction.

Jiang Youxian and Dugutian watched the whole process. They didn't know the details of Lu Chaoding's discount and were confused and couldn't understand it.

"The five-dollar business is so exciting!" Dugutian said to an NPC again without giving up: "I will also buy the five-dollar one, and buy it all from the helmsman, and pack it up and take it away!"

The NPC glanced at Dugu Tian impatiently and shouted: "I'm sorry, five yuan can only buy one trainee pirate!"

Dugutian frowned and said, "I wonder if there is something wrong with you. Didn't you just say that one dollar can buy two thousand helmsmen?"

"You are dreaming, a helmsman costs 5 yuan!"

“We clearly mark our prices and operate with integrity!”

"A trainee pirate is five yuan a piece, and a helmsman-level pirate is 5 yuan each. No counter-offer, thank you!"

"Damn it!" Dugutian pointed at the speaking NPC and asked Lu Chaoding and Jiang Youxian, "Is there something wrong with them?"

Jiang Youxian frowned and said nothing.

Lu Chaoding said with a smile: "Okay, why bother arguing with the NPC? Let's go for a walk and check out other places."

After saying this, Lu Chaoding turned around and walked out of the hospital.

The five NPC salesmen immediately sent each other off, nodding and bowing, with flattering smiles on their faces, like flatterers.

After a while, Lu Chaoding and the others arrived at the Big Ship Market. It was also a small courtyard. There were five NPCs in the courtyard. They were just like entering the pirate market. When the five NPCs saw Lu Chaoding, they immediately greeted them with enthusiasm. Go forward.

“Oh my god, he’s actually a hundred-dollar millionaire!”

"Dear guest, please come in!"

"There are not many rich people who have a deposit of 95 yuan now!"

"Our store specializes in selling large boats, which are of high quality and low price. An ordinary large patrol boat costs 0.1 cents, and an enhanced one costs 0.3 cents. Of course, this kind of patrol boat will definitely not catch your eye. We also have high-end patrol boats here. Huang One penny for the Xuan level, one penny for the Earth level, and ten yuan for the Heaven level, take a look!"

Under the warm reception of five NPCs, Lu Chaoding walked into the small courtyard of the market and quickly saw the product list.

Generally speaking, there are two types of large ships, one is the sea patrol ship and the other is the sky survey ship.

As the name implies, the sea patrol ship can run on the sea, and the sky patrol ship can fly in the sky, and the speed is faster than the sea patrol ship.

Among them, there are only two types of large patrol ships, namely the ordinary model and the enhanced model. The ordinary large patrol ship has a durability of 10 and the normal price is 30 gold yuan. The enhanced model has a durability of 50 and the normal price is [-] gold. Yuan.

The sky survey ship is much more expensive. It is divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Black and Yellow. Among them, the yellow level has a durability of 10, and the normal price is 100 million. For each subsequent level, the durability increases 10 times, and the price also increases [-] times.

Of course, when you get to Lu Chaoding, the price of goods will be reduced by 10 million times.Therefore, even if it is a sky-level sky survey ship worth 10 billion gold yuan, Lu Chao can buy it for only [-] yuan.

"Yes, the price is very humane." Lu Chaoding said very generously, "Well, let me pay one yuan each for the two types of patrol ships, as well as the Earth-class, Xuan-class, and Huang-class patrol ships. Big ship, bring me one, pack it up and take it away!”

"Guest officer atmosphere!"

"Oh my god, it's a big order worth 15 yuan!"

Two NPCs screamed excitedly on the spot. One of them, who had a relatively tolerant face, raised his hands to Lu Chaoding and said, "Sir, I have to remind you that whether it is a large sea patrol ship or a large sky survey ship, both are purchased and bound. Yes, only you are allowed to drive!"

"Can't you give it away?"


"Isn't it okay to leave it to the sect for public use?"

"No! So, dear guest, do you still want to buy so much?"

"Buy it, I'm not short of money!"

"You are so arrogant!"

"Wait a moment, I'll prepare the voucher for you..."

After some simple operations, Lu Chao spent a huge sum of 15 yuan and got six withdrawal vouchers, and there was still 80 yuan in the Qianyuan token deposit.

Jiang Youxian and Dugu Tian felt that this was outrageous. They followed Lu Chaoding and left the big ship market. The former frowned and said nothing, while the latter shouted "666".

Next, Lu Chaoding continued to explore and found many "markets" and NPCs. However, the sales NPCs were all inactive and needed to wait until Qianyuan Island was unblocked before they could sell goods normally.

"How can Qianyuan Island be unsealed?"

Lu Chaoding noticed the extraordinaryness of Qianyuan Island, but at this moment he took out a torn sack and tried to carry a female NPC in front of him who had not yet been unlocked, had a good face and sold lunch boxes, back to the exclusive cave.

This time he was unsuccessful. He received a system prompt and learned that this NPC was a full-time salesperson installed on Qianyuan Island. He could not leave Qianyuan Island and could not be killed.

Lu Chao shook his head and tried to carry other NPCs with a torn sack.
Jiang Youxian and Dugutian followed Lu Chaoding down and naturally noticed the extraordinary nature of Qianyuan Island. They carefully analyzed and speculated on the side, trying to figure out how to unblock Qianyuan Island.

After a while, Lu Chaoding put away the broken sack in depression.

The NPCs here are all installed exclusive salesmen, and he can't carry any of them away.

At this moment, Lu Chaoding's body shook, and he discovered the Linglong Flying Boat.

This exquisite flying boat is docked next to the Qianyuan Boat in the Inland Sea.

Lu Chaoding looked around again and saw "Ye Linglong", Zhang Jiaqiang, Wang Yingluo and others.

Not far away from them, Song Shu was also there. He was standing next to a female NPC wearing a headscarf and leather clothes, like a little follower.

"Huh? They are actually here."

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment, then rushed over with Jiang Youxian and Dugutian.

Soon, Song Shu discovered them. He calmly said to the female NPC next to him: "Chief Rudder, it's not good. The unreliable leader of the unreliable sword sect has come to kill me. Five points." The helmsman has been poisoned by him, and it seems that he doesn’t intend to let you go, so let’s fight him!”

The female NPC was a little dull. After hearing this, she frowned and looked at Lu Chaoding and the others. She suddenly looked at Song Shu angrily and shouted: "Do you want me, the helmsman, to attack a hundred-dollar rich man? How brave!"


Song Shu was immediately stunned.

The chief helmsman pointed at Lu Chaoding and said, "That young master has a deposit of more than 80 yuan. He is a hundred-yuan rich man. How can I offend him?"

After saying that, she actually took the initiative to greet Lu Chaoding, bowed and saluted from a distance, and said: "Ding Quanzhen, the chief helmsman of Qianyuan Lianhuanwu, has met the young master! The young master has a huge amount of money, but he doesn't know how to customize and upgrade equipment. Is Xing interested?"

(End of this chapter)

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