Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 132 Chamber of Commerce Chat Group

Chapter 132 Chamber of Commerce Chat Group

Song Shu was stunned.

What kind of hot chicken chief helmsman is this?
The younger brother has been imprisoned, but he still runs over to greet the enemy?

What kind of hundred-dollar millionaire can you call yourself a millionaire if you have a deposit of 80 yuan?

Song Shu thought he had found a backer after finding the chief rudder, but he didn't expect that the chief rudder didn't even dare to offend a hundred-dollar millionaire. He was so unreliable that he didn't dare to delay. He immediately used Qinggong and ran away.

Zhang Jiaqiang, Wang Yingluo and others, as well as Jiang Youxian and Dugutian, were also confused at this moment.

Not counting the chief helmsman Ding Quanzhen, Lu Chaoding and Ye Xuntian, who were standing on the exquisite flying boat, were the only ones present who looked calm and composed.

"Chief helmsman, there is no need to be polite!"

Lu Chaoding looked at the chief helmsman Ding Quanzhen, and soon discovered that she was also a salesperson, but what she sold was not ordinary goods. Specifically, she could customize equipment and upgrade equipment through her.

"Customize equipment and upgrade it to stars. This is a treasure-level NPC."

Lu Chaoding immediately realized that Ding Quanzhen was extraordinary, but before he could talk to Ding Quanzhen, Ye Xuntian also came to Lu Chaoding's side. She bowed and saluted: "Junior brother Lu, I didn't expect to meet again."

As an awakened NPC who has witnessed Lu Chaoding's methods, Ye Xuntian is already a true AI player with independent thoughts and behavioral logic. She feels that no matter how bizarre things happen to Lu Chaoding, it is not surprising.

"Master's wife!" Lu Chao raised his fists to Ye Xuntian in return, "Why are you here?"

Ye Xuntian said: "Junior brother Lu, please don't call me that. My name is Ye Xuntian now. It has nothing to do with Ye Cuihua, Ye Linglong, Ye Jia, Ye Linlang, and Ye Longxing of Tiancongzhou. I am from the Tianxun Sword Sect." Leader!"

"Oh! My younger brother is also the leader now, the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect!" Lu Chao nodded. He suspected that if he went to the Ye family in Tiancong Prefecture, he might be able to find a Ye Linglong and Linglong Flying Boat.

"Reliable sword sect? Then I will call you Sect Leader Lu. I wonder where your sect is based?"

"Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain! Where is Master Ye? Where is he stationed?"

Ye Xuntian shook his head, with a slight dejection in his expression, and said: "To be honest with Master Lu, our faction has not yet established a base. This time we came to Qianyuan Island to find the chief helmsman Ding Quanzhen because we planned to find a piece of land on Qianyuan Island." , It's a pity... It's a pity that without a Qianyuan token of three stars or above, I can't board the Qianyuan boat, I can't see the owner of Ganduoduo Island, and without the permission of the island owner of Ganduoduo, I can't get the sect's station."

"Do a lot?"

Lu Chaoding looked at the Qianyuan Ark behind him. There were guards there and a light blue light curtain.

The chief helmsman Ding Quanzhen said at this moment: "Sister Xantian actually recognizes this young master, so what are you worried about? This young master is a hundred-dollar millionaire. He has a huge deposit of 80 yuan. If you can get his help, go see Qian Duoduo What other difficulties does the island owner have?”

"Millionaire? What can you do with 80 yuan?"

Ye Xuntian frowned in confusion.

Ding Quanzhen sighed, quickly pulled Ye Xuntian aside, and whispered in his ear.

At this time, Zhang Jiaqiang and others also came over.

"Brother Ding, you are actually here too!"

"Brother Ding, are you interested in buying some trainee pirate fashion? I'll give it to you at a reasonable price!"

"Brother Ding, why did you confiscate the four of us in the first place? Otherwise, we would be elders of the Reliable Sword Sect now!"

"Brother Ding, I want to switch to the Reliable Sword Sect. Can you give me a set of mecha? I'm not greedy either. Just the same one as Zhang Defa's."

Lu Chaoding responded to the greetings of these four people casually.

As for Song Shu, Lu Chaoding looked at the direction in which he was escaping and was in no hurry to pursue him.

At this time, Ding Quanzhen and Ye Xuntian had finished their whispers. Ye Xuntian hesitated and said to Lu Chao: "Master Lu, that, that..."

Lu Chao noticed her twitchy expression and said, "If Master Ye has something to do, it's okay to say it."

"Okay!" Ye Xuntian said, "I heard that Master Lu is rich, can you..." "Oh!" Ding Quanzhen sighed, took over the topic and said, "Let me tell Master Lu, yes In this way, if you want to board the Qianyuan Boat and meet the owner of Ganduoduo Island, you must have at least a three-star Qianyuan token, which means the deposit amount reaches 100 million. But I don’t have enough money, and I am still short of 20. This is very important to you. It only costs 0.2 cents. I, a girl, want to borrow 0.2 cents from you. Mr. Lu has a lot of money. I wonder if he can help a bunch of Xantian girls. If you can donate generously, Xantian girls and I will be very grateful! "

When she said this, Ye Xuntian was confused, and the other players around him were also confused.

"Is there something wrong with this chief helmsman's brain? What the hell is 0.2 cents?"

"What nonsense is she talking about?"

"Are there also sand sculptures among NPCs?"

Zhang Jiaqiang and others started discussing quietly.

Lu Chaoding understood it. He looked at Ye Xuntian, nodded, and said, "I have 20!"

While talking, he took out his five-star Qianyuan token, and with a few operations, he deposited 20 gold yuan from his storage space.

At this time, Ding Quanzhen let out an exclamation, her eyes widened, looking at Lu Chaoding with excitement, and said: "20! 20! 20, Master Lu is too rich, that's 20, I think The chief pirate captain has never seen even two dollars in so many years, but the leader Lu can casually spend 20, which can probably buy the entire Qianyuan Island..."

The chief helmsman was so excited that he covered his chest and almost lost his breath.

"Damn it, what kind of NPC is this? Is he crazy and poor? He hasn't even seen two dollars?"

"Why haven't I noticed that the chief helmsman is such a charlatan before?"

"Isn't it just 20? Although it is indeed a lot, it is not worth making such a fuss about!"

"This is simply insane. Can you buy the entire Qianyuan Island for 20 yuan?"

Everyone around listened to the chief helmsman yelling and couldn't help but talk.

Lu Chaoding understood why Ding Quanzhen was so excited, because in his eyes, his 20 yuan was 20 trillion yuan. Isn't it just a huge sum of money?

"Master Ye, you can use this 20 first. To me, money is just a number!"

Lu Chaoding gestured in front of Ye Xuntian with the Qianyuan token and transferred the 20 yuan directly.

He said to himself that with the Qianyuan Token, it would be much more convenient and faster to transfer money without counting gold yuan.

Ye Xuntian was overjoyed and thanked him repeatedly.

Ding Quanzhen on the side was so shocked that she fell down on her back. She quickly got up and said to Lu Chao: "Master Lu is so generous. He can lend such a large amount of assets like 20 yuan without blinking an eye. It's really disappointing. If you are impressed, then Miss Xantian and I will invite Master Lu into the Chamber of Commerce chat group. With your assets, you are fully qualified to enter this chat group."

Ye Xuntian also said: "The chamber of commerce chat group often shares some rare treasures or internal news of the chamber of commerce. Inviting Mr. Lu to join is also a way of expressing gratitude."

At this time, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, Leader Ye of the Sky Patrol Sword Sect and Master Refiner Ding Quanzhen invite you to join the Chamber of Commerce chat group. Do you agree?"

"Chamber of Commerce chat group?" Lu Chaoding responded decisively to the system: "Agree!"

"Ding, add a new chamber of commerce chat group panel to your personal panel, please set a nickname!"

"Let's call him the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect Lu!"

"Ding, the nickname is confirmed. Leader Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect, congratulations on successfully joining the Chamber of Commerce chat group and becoming the 222nd member of the chat group!"

"Ding, the chamber of commerce chat group is bound to your Qianyuan token, showing that your assets are 80 yuan..."

Along with the system prompts, a translucent chat window popped up.

Lu Chaoding took a closer look and found that the members of the chamber of commerce chat group were: "President Ye of the Linglong Chamber of Commerce", "Shopkeeper Li of Tianshui Prefecture", "Hua Lao Bustard of Tianyun Prefecture", "Manager Chen of Daluo Sword Sect", "Daode" "Jia Zhengyi of the Sword Sect"...

(End of this chapter)

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