Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 133 Master of Refining

Chapter 133 Master of Refining
"Hey, looking at the names of the members of this chat group, it seems that they are all from one party, a group of business elites... The head of Ye Xuntian of Xuntian Sword Sect is obviously Ye Xantian. Who is the president of Linglong Chamber of Commerce? Ye Linglong? Is there still a day? The NPC in Yunzhou, tsk tsk, the bustard of Tianyun State? What kind of business is this?"

Lu Chaoding immediately realized the extraordinary power of the Chamber of Commerce chat group. He discovered that he could also check the assets of the members of the chat group, such as Tianyun Prefecture Hua Laobao, with assets of 7000 million; Daluo Sword Sect Manager Chen, with assets of 3000 million; Tianhuo Prefecture Xionghui Chairman, assets of [-] billion, etc...

But not everyone has a lot of assets. For example, Jia Zhengyi of the Moral Sword Sect, his assets are only 850 yuan, and Ding Quanzhen, the master of weapon refining, has an asset of 50 yuan; the leader of the Xuntian Sword Sect, Ye, has an asset of 200 million yuan.

The three of them are the second, third, and fourth from the bottom in terms of assets among the members of this chat group.

Lu Chao, with a top asset of 80 yuan, is of course ranked last.

However, after he joined the chat group, someone quickly welcomed him.

"Tianshui Prefecture Shopkeeper Li: Welcome the 80 yuan deposit giant to join the group!"

"Master Chen of Tianhai Prefecture: Oh my god, he is a boss with 80 yuan worth of assets!"

"Tianyun Prefecture Hua Lao Bustard: Mr. Lu, the head of the Reliable Sword Sect, please come to Chunhua Tower in Tianyun Prefecture to have fun when you have time!"

"Headmaster Zhen of the Justice Sword Sect: Is the Reliable Sword Sect a newly established sect? Headmaster Lu is actually so rich!"

"Guanshi Chen of the Great Luo Sword Sect: Tsk tsk, my total assets are only 800 million, we can't compare, we can't compare!"

"The Lord of Huangdao of Tianlu Island: @谪Pu Sword Sect Lu Head, if the boss comes to Tianlu Province, he must come to the island to play!"

"President Han of Tianxiang Prefecture: @长剑sect Lu, I wonder what kind of business Master Lu is in?"

"Headmaster Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect: @天香州 President Han, I’m in finance! I’m new here, so please take care of me!"

"Guanshi Chen of the Great Luo Sword Sect: @长门鲁长 of the Reliable Sword Sect, our sect has a group of idle two-star Qingwei swords. Is Master Lu interested?"

"Master Huang of Tianlu Island: Manager Chen, how can the two-star Qingwei Sword be valued by Master Lu? Master Lu, an auction will be held in Tianlu City on Tianlu Island in half a month. It is said that among the auction items There is a skill book for the sword master’s exclusive five-star combat skill [Red Sun Body-Breaking Sword Qi] and a skill book for the sword demon’s exclusive five-star secret skill [Great Demon’s Golden Body]. I wonder if Master Lu is interested in coming over to take a look.”

"Elder Chu of the Tianfeng Sword Sect: @谗令牌路主, the newly unearthed unidentified inheritance jade slips from the ancient sword repair cave in Tianfeng Prefecture's Fengbo Valley cost one penny, a total of 20 yuan. I don't know if Master Lu feels it. Interested? If you are interested, I will keep it for you and will not sell it to anyone else!"

"Headmaster Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect: @天风剑pies Elder Chu, that’s great. I’ll go visit Elder Chu when I’m free..."

Lu Chaoding looked at the speeches of these NPCs and found them very interesting.

"A group of NPCs are chatting with me... It seems that my five-star Qianyuan token has also affected them, making them regard 80 yuan as 80 billion?"

Lu Chao had a clear understanding. At this time, he was not in a hurry to chat in the group. He chatted for a few words and then left. He looked at the master of weapon refining, Ding Quanzhen, and said, "Master Ding, I can order from you." Making equipment?"

"Of course! The slave family is very willing to serve Master Lu!"

Ding Quanzhen waved his hand to Ye Xuntian: "Sister, please wait a moment while I discuss business with Head Lu!"

After saying that, she took two steps towards Lu Chaoding with a smile on her face, bowed and saluted, and said: "The slave family has some understanding of weapon refining and can refine the highest four-star equipment, but I think Master Lu must also know that. This process of refining equipment is labor-intensive and often accompanied by failure, so the charge is a bit high. Do you, Master Lu, want to customize the equipment? If it is four-star equipment, you will only be charged a penny for ordering one."


Jiang Youxian on the side was pouring wine from the Xuanjin wine gourd. After hearing this, the wine in his mouth spurted out.

"What? It costs a penny to order a piece of four-star equipment?"

"This chief helmsman is a fool!"

"Chief helmsman, come on, I'll order 100 pieces first!"

Zhang Jiaqiang, Dugu Tian and others also started talking immediately, thinking that Ding Quanzhen was too strange. Ding Quanzhen seemed to be unable to hear what they said, so he stood quietly in front of Lu Chaoding, waiting for Lu Chaoding's response.

"One penny is 100 million! The chief helmsman is indeed a pirate leader, a bit shady, but to me, this price is very humane."

Lu Chaoding smiled slightly and said, "I wonder if the customized equipment is bound?"

"Yes! The slave family provides private customization services. The equipment you order can only be used by yourself!" "Can't you give it away?"


"What about upgrading equipment? How much does it cost?"

"Similarly, no matter how many stars the equipment originally had, the fee for upgrading it to four stars is one penny per piece! In addition to equipment customization and equipment star upgrade, the slave family also knows about equipment recasting, equipment modification and equipment refining, and the fees are very low. reasonable!"

Lu Chao nodded, and now took off his broken sack, three pieces of wind jade charms, counterattack shield, and ghost panel axe, and said: "Come, upgrade these six pieces of equipment to four stars, refining them to full capacity, and give them to you. For ten dollars, use all your skills and make sure to improve the properties of the equipment for me!"

"How much, ten yuan? Ah, my entire net worth is only 50!"

Ding Quanzhen screamed with excitement, "Master Lu, are you serious!"

"Really! If you do a good job, there will be extra rewards!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu. The slave family has worked hard to create the best equipment for you. I wonder what Mr. Lu's requirements are for the properties of these pieces of equipment?"

"The broken sack is used to catch people. Let me make the appearance more attractive. It is best to make it more convenient to use. It is best to be able to use it from a distance! Just use the Jade Talisman to accelerate it hard, and use the counterattack shield to increase the counter damage and ghost face. The Banaxe just increases the damage of the toughness. You can do whatever you want!"

"Okay! Please wait a moment, Master Lu. The slave family has to go to their own secret realm to complete the upgrade and modification of the equipment. It is expected to take an hour to complete!"

"You still have a secret realm!" Lu Chaoding squinted his eyes, thinking that if he killed the chief helmsman, she might be able to reveal a "secret realm", but after thinking about it, it was not cost-effective.

"This NPC must be insane!"

"Too unreliable!"

"She said her assets were 50 yuan, and she would kneel down when Brother Ding gave her ten yuan!"

Zhang Jiaqiang and others started muttering again.

Dugutian couldn't bear it any longer. He came to Ding Quanzhen and said, "I'll give you ten yuan to upgrade this sword to four stars and refining it to the fullest!"

"Go away!" Ding Quanzhen shouted with a cold face. She didn't have any good impressions of others and was too lazy to talk to Dugu Tian. She stretched out her hand and pointed forward, and a circle of light appeared. When she stepped into the circle, she entered her own. The secret realm quickly disappeared.

"Haha, buddy, you are despised!"

"Brother Ding, be careful. This NPC is unreliable. Don't run away with your equipment!"

"Yes, this NPC is insane!"

"Brother Ding, I think she ran away with the bucket!"

The four of Zhang Jiaqiang were completely the atmosphere team at this time, chattering non-stop.

Dugutian glanced at them and said, "Haven't you guys seen it yet? It's not that the NPC has a problem, it's Brother Ding who has a problem!"

Jiang Youxian looked at Lu Chaoding and said, "Why do the NPCs treat you so well?"

"Because I'm the leader!" Lu Chaoding thought for a while. He didn't want to explain too much. He looked at Ye Xuntian beside him, who was frowning in thought, and said, "Master Ye, let's go, I'll go with you. Qian Yuan Zhou, meet the owner of Ganduoduo Island!"


Ye Xuntian seemed to have come to her senses. As soon as she touched the Qianyuan token in her hand, the token immediately rose to three stars.

Lu Chao put his hands behind his back and said to Dugu Tian and Jiang Youxian: "You two can move around freely, there is no need to follow me!"

After saying that, he walked towards the Qianyuan Boat with Ye Xuntian. Without any doubts, he easily passed the light barrier and stepped onto this weird dragon boat.

(End of this chapter)

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