Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 134 Do a lot

Chapter 134 Do a lot

The Qianyuan Boat was like a trestle. When Lu Chaoding stepped on it, he saw NPCs in golden armor standing neatly on the left and right sides.

[Qianyuanzhou Guard: LV60, health 600 million, attack power 60, armor 600, toughness 600, speed 300.Explanation: The Qianyuan Ark guards are loyal guards who only obey the orders of Qianyuan Island’s backbone, Duoduo, and cannot leave the Qianyuan Ark! 】

“Damn it, this little guard’s attributes are so high, and his speed is actually 300, it’s outrageous!”

Lu Chao was shocked. At a glance, there must be at least several hundred [Qianyuan Ark Guards] on the Qianyuan Ark. What kind of force is this?
He was immediately full of curiosity about Qianyuan Zhou and the leader of Qianyuan Island, Duoduo, and couldn't help asking Ye Xuntian: "Master Ye, do you know where the leader of Qianduoduo Island comes from?"

"You do not know?"

"Should I know?"

Ye Xuntian said: "In the Hongchen Sword World, there are four great strange people, known as the universe. Gan Duoduo is the first. He is the owner of Qianyuan Island and the founder of the Qianyuan Hall. All the Qianyuan in the Hongchen Sword World are The main hall can be said to be his property."

"Oh, so he is the bank president!"

"What bank president?"

"It means he is so powerful! Where are the other three strange people?"

"The other three strange people, Kun refers to Kun Manman from Kunlun Island. Her disciples are called Sword World Walkers. They are all women. Each one is very powerful. Choose a good person to assist you. If there is a Sword World Walker one day in the future, Now that you have arrived at Head Lu's reliable sword sect, congratulations to Head Lu, she will be your wife.

Yu refers to the head of Dayu Kingdom in Tianzhong Prefecture, whose name is Yu Fanfan. Tianzhong Prefecture is the only continent where the king’s power is higher than the sects. All the sects there must register with the government office. I heard that they must have a certificate issued by the government office. A sect can only be established with a sect license. This is all because Yuhuang Yu Fanfan is very powerful, but he is no longer on the throne. It is said that he is in seclusion in Zhongzhou Wanfa Tower.

The last Zhou, whose name is Zhou Yuyu, is the most mysterious. It is said that he lives in the Wuliang Cave. It is said that he occasionally holds banquets in the Wuliang Cave to entertain people who are destined. Anyone who is invited by him will receive great opportunities. "

Lu Chaoding listened secretly and paid attention.

Obviously, "Qiankun Universe" are the four super "big guys" in Hongchen Sword World.

After chatting with Ye Xuntian for a while, Lu Chaoding saw Gan Duoduo.

He stood on the dragon head statue at the head of the Qianyuan Zhou, facing the inland sea, with his back to the visitors. He was 1.2 meters tall, bald, short and fat, wearing a golden robe similar to official uniforms and a jade belt. , wearing a black gauze hat.

"My subordinate, Ye Xantian of the Xuantian Sword Sect, has met Master Qian Island!"

Still three feet away from this NPC, Ye Xuntian bowed respectfully.

Lu Chaoding couldn't see Gan Duoduo's attribute information, but he didn't dare to mess around with this big boss. He bowed his hands from a distance and said, "I'm the reliable swordsman Lu Chaoding!"


Gan Duoduo turned around, showing a kind round face, and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Master Ye and Lu Jianxian. I wonder why you came to my Qianyuan Zhou?"

From Lu Chaoding's point of view, he was "activated" at this moment.

Ye Xuntian said: "I want to get a piece of land on Qianyuan Island to use as the sect's base. Please ask the island owner to grant it."

"Oh, you want to build your sect on Qianyuan Island?"


"There is no room on the inner island. In this case, you can discuss with Ding Quanzhen, the chief rudder of the chain dock on the outer island, and ask her to give up a hall to you! But you need to understand that the sect is built on our Qianyuan Island , from now on your faction will have to take on the responsibility of guarding Qianyuan Island."

Ye Xuntian was overjoyed when he heard this, and hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, the island master, for your help." "It's a small thing, a small thing!"

Gan Duoduo waved his hands with a smile, then moved his eyes to Lu Chaoding, and asked: "Will Lu Jianxian also establish a sect on my Qianyuan Island?"

"No!" Lu Chaoding took out his five-star Qianyuan Token, gestured at Ganduoduo, and said at the same time: "I just came to see if there are any missions to collect. By the way, when will the shops in the inner island be unblocked? ."

Gan Duoduo's eyes were always narrowed, and he was not affected by the five-star Qianyuan token, and his attitude towards Lu Chaoding did not change significantly. He said: "The inner island area of ​​​​Qianyuan Island is not planned to be opened for the time being. "


"The time is running out."

"Is there any preparatory task that needs to be completed?"

Lu Chao had a clear understanding. He shook his head and felt that he had nothing more to ask. Just as he was about to leave, Gan Duoduo suddenly spoke again: "Lu Jianxian holds a five-star Qianyuan token and has amazing financial resources. He actually has 80 yuan." With a huge sum of money, I wonder if you are willing to invest in our Qianyuan Island."

At this moment, Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, trigger the plot mission, talk to Duoduo, the leader of Qianyuan Island, and ask about investment matters!"

"Ding, occasionally unreliable systems start up, update tracking tasks, and tamper with content: don't talk to the chief executive of Qianyuan Island, don't ask about investment matters."

"There is no reward in this mission, is it just to guide the plot? Can I guide the plot without dialogue? It feels unreliable!"

Lu Chaoding listened to the system prompts, thought for a moment, and then quietly looked at Gan Duoduo without speaking.

He thought it was better to follow the tampering mission.

Ye Xuntian touched him and said, "Hey, Lord Qian Island is asking you something, please speak quickly."

Lu Chaoding's face was expressionless, like a wooden man, but he didn't speak.

Gan Duoduo asked repeatedly: "Lu Jianxian holds a five-star Qianyuan token and has amazing financial resources. He actually has a huge sum of 80 yuan. I wonder if he is willing to invest in our Qianyuan Island."

Lu Chaoding remained expressionless and didn't speak.

So, next, Gan Duoduo kept asking, over and over again.

After asking for more than a dozen times in the blink of an eye, Ye Xuntian was a little confused. He suddenly thought of something and whispered: "Master Lu, what did you do to the owner of Ganduoduo Island? He... he seems to be out of control! Weird, this is weird event!"

"What does it have to do with me? I didn't say or do anything! If Master Ye has anything to do, you might as well leave first!"

Lu Chaoding spread his hands. He was not sure what would happen if this situation continued. He thought that he would have to trust the unreliable system and wait a little longer.

This wait is more than an hour.

Ye Xuntian never left. She frowned and stood next to Lu Chaoding, seeming to be curious.

Finally, after asking the same question countless times, Gan Duoduo finally stopped asking. He paused for about a minute and suddenly said: "Lu Jianxian holds a five-star Qianyuan token and has amazing financial resources. He actually has 1 yuan." A huge sum of money, now I will open an exclusive mall for you."

"Ding, as the plot progresses, your identity and financial resources have been recognized by Duoduo, the backbone of Qianyuan Island, and you have obtained the qualification for investment. You will automatically receive the task. Please open the exclusive mall in the personal information panel. Completing the task will reward you with a random product. !”

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts, updates tracking tasks, and tamperes with content: Your identity and financial resources have been recognized by Duoduo, the backbone of Qianyuan Island, and you have obtained the qualification not to invest. You will automatically receive the task. Please log in to the personal information panel Open the non-exclusive mall in the game, and you will be rewarded with a random product after completing the task!"

(End of this chapter)

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