Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 135 Reliable Mall

Chapter 135 Reliable Mall
"No investment? Non-exclusive mall? What is this? It's a bit abstract!"

Lu Chaoding quickly opened the personal information panel, and after flipping through more than a dozen pages, he found the "Non-Exclusive Mall" page.

Non-exclusive mall

Current status: Not opened (opening requires 1 gold dollar)

Current level: LV1
Product column: 1 (each time the mall upgrades, one product column will be added)

Activation distance: 10 meters

Note [-]: This mall is a wholly-owned mall registered by you in Qianyuan Hall. It is personally certified by Duoduo, the leader of Qianyuan Island. It allows the use of Qianyuan tokens to complete transactions, and you exclusively enjoy all the benefits.

Note [-]: This mall is the only non-exclusive mall that is not open to you. The mall level is upgraded according to the net income. Every time the mall is upgraded, the supply panel is opened. The higher the mall level, the more product columns, and the more goods that can be purchased. , please explore by yourself for details.

Explanation 10000: When the net income of the mall reaches 2 gold yuan, you will be promoted to LV[-].

Note [-]: After successfully selling the product, you can get customer evaluations. The minimum customer evaluation is one star, and the maximum is five stars. Each five-star review adds ten points, each four-star review adds one point, each three-star review adds zero points, and each two-star review adds zero points. Two points will be deducted for negative reviews, and twenty points will be deducted for each one-star negative review.Customers who purchase a product can only rate it once.

Description 100: Stage goal: if the number of five-star reviews reaches ten and the mall score exceeds [-], you will be rewarded with a Jade of Certificate, a Jade of Inheritance, and a Jade of Enlightenment.

"What is this? The only non-exclusive mall that is not open to me? There are actually rewards for reaching the stage goals. This reward is not bad."

Lu Chaoding thought for a moment and quickly spent one yuan to open the non-exclusive mall.

"Ding, congratulations on opening the non-exclusive mall, please give the mall a name!"

“Reliable mall!”

"Ding, the naming was successful. Congratulations on successfully opening the Reliable Mall. You will be rewarded with a random product!"

At this moment, a lottery roulette popped up in front of Lu Chaoding. The roulette spun quickly, and Lu Chaoding saw [Pendant·Acacia Jade Pendant], [Secret Technique·Qilin Technique], [Weapon·Dark Night Wheel], [Backpiece·Fire Totem], etc., it seems like there are a lot of good things.

"It still depends on luck?"

Lu Chao made a slight movement, the turntable stopped, and the pointer was fixed on [Drink·Iced Watermelon Juice].

"Ding, congratulations on getting the right to sell the product iced watermelon juice. The purchase price of this product is one gold dollar, and the supply is unlimited. You have the right to set the price. Please explore on your own for details."

"Oh my god, iced watermelon juice!"

Lu Chaoding frowned. At this time, [Iced Watermelon Juice] had been automatically filled in the only product column in the reliable mall.

At this moment, Gan Duoduo said: "Congratulations to Mr. Lu for establishing a reliable mall. Alas, it's a pity that I couldn't cooperate with Mr. Lu this time. I hope there will be another chance in the future."

"There will definitely be an opportunity in the future!" Lu Chaoding squinted his eyes. He priced the iced watermelon juice at one yuan and suddenly said: "The island owner has been talking for so long and has not drunk any water. Do you feel dry? , I have prepared iced watermelon juice for you. It is refreshing and sweet. A sip will refresh your mind and refresh your mind from head to toe. It is authentic and delicious. It is not expensive. Click me to open a reliable mall. Big discounts. One yuan a bottle. No profit. To earn reputation with gold dollars, why don’t you, the island owner, have a bottle?”


Gan Duoduo's body was frozen and his expression was dull.

Lu Chaoding said to Ye Xuntian next to him: "Master Ye, look at the scorching sun and dry weather, why don't you get a bottle of iced watermelon juice? This iced watermelon juice is delicious to relieve the heat, and it can also beautify your skin. , it’s really a first-class drink, it only costs one yuan a bottle, you can’t buy it and you’ll suffer a loss, you can’t be cheated, it doesn’t taste good, don’t pay for it!”

"Ah? This isn't a sunny place. Where is the scorching sun?"

Ye Xuntian's mouth opened slightly. She looked at the blue sky and white clouds, looking confused.

At this time, there was a ding sound, and Lu Chaoding received a system prompt: "Ding, Qianyuan Island Daogan Duoduo bought a bottle of iced watermelon juice at the reliable mall. You received one yuan. The purchase cost of the iced watermelon juice was one yuan. , your net profit is zero." Lu Chaoding looked at Gan Duoduo again, and sure enough he was holding a bottle of iced watermelon juice and started slurping it. The iced watermelon juice came in bottles, like cans, with the words "Damn it" on the outer packaging. "Sold in Pu Mall" has five big characters, and it comes with a straw. I enjoy sucking it a lot, with an intoxicated smile on my face.

"Not bad, not bad, five-star praise!" The greatest figure in the Hongchen sword world also gave Lu Chaoding a thumbs up.

Lu Chaoding then received a system prompt: "Ding, you have received a five-star review, and the mall rating is +10!"

"Thank you very much, Master Qian Island, for coming!" Lu Chaoding was a little surprised and said: "Master Qian Island, why don't you give your guards a bottle of iced watermelon juice? Seeing how hard they work on duty, let's take it as a reward? "

Gan Duoduo said: "They are just guards, they don't know how to drink, no, no, no!"

"That's such a pity!" Lu Chaoding looked at Ye Xuntian again. Before he could speak, he saw that the head of Ye also had a bottle of watermelon juice in his hand. She took a careful sip and said: "Head of Lu , you actually opened a shopping mall and sold iced watermelon juice, this is so... so impressive!"

"Yeah, I think it's amazing too. I can only say that the world is full of wonders. Master Ye, don't forget to give it a five-star review after you drink it!"

"it is good!"

Ye Xuntian nodded and said, "Master Lu, you don't mind if I buy a few more bottles, right?"

"Please, the more the merrier!"

Ye Xuntian then spent another ten yuan to buy ten bottles of iced watermelon juice and stored them in the storage space.

She didn't forget to give Lu Chao a five-star review.

"I want ten thousand more bottles!"

Gan Duoduo also spoke. He took out a five-star Qianyuan token and swiped it at the top of Luchao. Boxes of iced watermelon juice appeared next to it. They were stacked very neatly. There were 24 bottles in a box and the packaging was very industrial. feel.

Afterwards, the owner of Ganduoduo Island sat on the box of iced watermelon juice, like sitting on a throne, sucking on the straw while looking at the inland sea.

Obviously, at this time, the plot interaction of the Ganduoduo island owner was over. Lu Chaoding tried to talk to him and said several words. After getting no response, he had to leave with Ye Xantian.

"The opening of Qianyuan Island must have prerequisite tasks!"

On the way out, Ye Xuntian said while sipping ice-cold watermelon juice, "Maybe the plot to open Qianyuan Island can only be triggered by a specific person, or by possessing specific mission props..."

Lu Chaoding was slightly surprised when he heard this.

"Headmaster Ye is becoming more and more like a player, or is this what AI players are like? If there is fair competition, I'm afraid ordinary players really can't beat AI players..."

He thought silently.

Not long after, Lu Chaoding and Ye Xuntian left Qianyuan Zhou.

After getting off the boat, Ye Xuntian immediately gave 20 gold yuan to Lu Chaoding. She bowed and said, "Thank you, Master Lu, for your help this time. The 20 gold yuan will be repaid, and our debt will be cleared!"

This scene was seen by the weapon refiner Ye Quanzhen who was waiting outside Qianyuan Zhou. She frowned and said, "Sister Xantian, what are you talking about? Headmaster Lu lent you 20 trillion, and you will pay back 20?"

"Huh?" Ye Xuntian shook his head when he heard this and said, "Sister Ding, it seems that you are still far away from awakening. In the future, you should get closer to Head Lu."

"It doesn't matter if you wake up or something!" Lu Chao looked at Ding Quanzhen with a smile and said, "The sun is scorching hot and the heat is unbearable. Click me to open the reliable mall and find out about the iced watermelon juice. It costs two yuan a bottle!"

He doubled the price of iced watermelon juice, but it was only two yuan a bottle, which he felt was not too much.

(End of this chapter)

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