Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 136 Purple Gold Gourd

Chapter 136 Purple Gold Gourd
The master of weapon refining, Ding Quanzhen, has completed Lu Chaoding's personal customization task.

At this time, while sipping the watermelon juice, she introduced it to Lu Chaoding.

As for Jiang Youxian, Dugutian and others, they no longer know where they went.

"Master Lu, please see, I have recast your broken sack. It fully meets your requirements. It can capture people from a distance. As long as your level is 10 levels higher than your opponent, you can also capture people by force even if it is not a sneak attack. And it also has two forms, one large and one small. The small one is a pendant, which can hold small targets, and the large one is a back piece, which can hold large targets... I used all my skills to recast this treasure. Go to auction, I won’t sell it for less than 100 million gold yuan!”

What Ding Quanzhen showed Lu Chaoding was a green gourd.

His broken sack is gone, replaced by the unnamed gourd with four-star refinement and +9 in front of him.

This green gourd no longer has the ability to carry people and block guns when breaking sacks, but its ability to collect foreign objects has been greatly enhanced. It has two forms: a back piece and a pendant. It is also a binding prop for Lu Chaoding, which requires Lu Chao Top to name.

"This baby is named Zijin Gourd!"

Lu Chaoding was very satisfied. Under his control, the purple gold gourd became half a person tall and was carried behind his back.

This is the backing state. In the backing state, Zijin Gourd can collect larger targets.

In fact, it is not appropriate to say that it is collected. It is more appropriate to say that it is ingested. It can be used to ingest not only living objects, but also dead objects. The range of use is consistent with Lu Chaoding's range. The method of use is simpler. Just open the gourd mouth. Just pull out the stopper and aim the gourd mouth at the target.

"This is obviously a green gourd, why is it called a purple gourd?"

Ding Quanzhen asked puzzledly.

Ye Xuntian said seriously: "Master Lu, you are not color blind, are you?"

Lu Chao said: "I am not color-blind, that's all. Even if I tell you, you won't understand. Let's continue introducing other customized items."

"it is good!"

Ding Quanzhen took out three more jade pendants the size of playing cards. These three jade pendants were glowing with light gold, with the word "speed" on the front, and patterns of wings and clouds carved on the back.

"Master Lu, this is reforged with your Gale Wind Jade Pendant. It has four stars and is fully refined. Each piece can increase speed by 88 points! A fine product like this can be obtained by chance. You have given me so much and inspired me." Only by bursting out can the soul be blessed. If I were to make them, I would definitely not be able to make such top-notch equipment."

Ding Quanzhen looked quite proud.

"Add 88 points of speed!"

Lu Chao was overjoyed. One piece of jade pendant can increase speed by 88 points. Three pieces of jade pendant can increase speed by 264 points.

"Very good, very reliable. Let's call these three jade pendants the Speedy Jade Pendant!"

Lu Chaoding happily equipped the three newly named four-star refined +9 [Speed ​​Jade Pendant]. At this time, the characteristics of the Duobao Sword Immortal came into effect, and his total speed suddenly reached 473 points!
"Master Lu, look at this ghost-faced ax again!" Ding Quanzhen said, "Its appearance hasn't changed much. It's a bit bigger overall. It looks more domineering. As for the rupture damage you requested, now it's refined. Top it up and it will increase your attack power to nine times, I have tried my best!"

"Okay, not bad!"

Lu Chaoding was already very satisfied. The tough damage of nine times the attack power was almost three times stronger than the original ghost panel axe.

The name of the ghost-faced ax did not change. Lu Chaoding also carried it on his back, sticking it to the surface of the purple gold gourd, as if the purple gold gourd was a magnet, sucking it firmly.

“The last custom item!”

Ding Quanzhen took out the last item at this moment, which was obviously the modified "counterattack shield".

It looks a bit like an enlarged durian skin, with a brass texture, and it also looks like a shield. It can be said to be ugly in appearance.

"Master Lu, this counterattack shield doesn't look good, but its properties are so good that I'm not willing to recast it."

"is it?"

Lu Chaoding checked the attribute information of the counterattack shield.

Costume: Counterattack Shield Stars: Four

Occupation: General
Refining level: +9
Attribute bonus: defense +9, toughness +9.

Ability: When equipped with a counterattack shield, if you receive any attack, you will immediately launch a normal counterattack with 100% attack power against the attacker.

Special ability: Resist damage from attacks with attack power lower than (Defense × 9).

Special ability: When attacked, there is a 90% chance of recovering (toughness × 9) points of health.

"Hey, the attributes are indeed good, so it should be a bit ugly!"

Lu Chao said sincerely that this [Counterattack Shield] is really the best equipment. It can save damage, recover blood after being hit, and retaliate after being hit. Every ability is top-notch. With this piece of equipment, he will be able to idle in the jungle in the future. If you don’t use the Black Cloud Formation, don’t use any medicine.

"This pirate leader is really powerful. She should not be installed on Qianyuan Island. She must be brought to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain or my exclusive cave. Such a person cannot be let go."

Lu Chaoding made plans silently. At the same time, he not only paid Ding Quanzhen 10 yuan, but also gave him an additional 10 yuan as a reward. This made Ding Quanzhen extremely excited. She cheered for 10 seconds, and then suddenly became quiet, frowning, He scratched his head and showed a puzzled expression.

When the 20 yuan came into her hand, of course it was still 20 yuan.

Her assets will increase by 20 yuan.

Apparently, this confused her.

After a while, Lu Chaodong also equipped the [Counterattack Shield]. At this time, he seemed to be carrying a large durian half a man tall, and his image suddenly looked very strange.

"Wearing equipment like this makes me look a little immodest!"

Lu Chaoding said lightly.

"This is the Duobao Sword Immortal. This is what the Duobao Sword Immortal looks like!"

A voice came from afar. Lu Chao looked over the patrolling sound and saw Jiang Youxian.

Jiang Youxian stared at Lu Chaoding with a look of approval on his face.

Dugu Tian accompanied her, and he also led a figure tied like a rice dumpling with hemp rope.

Lu Chaoding took a closer look and saw that the tied guy was Song Shu.

"The two of them actually caught Song Shu!"

Lu Chaoding was a little surprised. You must know that Song Shu knew Qinggong, was flexible and cunning. Although he did not use all his strength to chase the Daxuan Sword himself, it was not easy for ordinary people to catch him!

Song Shu actually shouted: "Chief Rudder, Chief Rudder, please save me!"

When Ding Quanzhen heard this, he said with a cold expression: "Actually, the chief helmsman is my side business, and my main business is weapon refining... Why did my assets evaporate by 20 billion out of thin air? Why..."

Song Shu sighed immediately. He understood that his helmsman was unreliable, and he said to Dugutian: "Brother, we are both players, so we should keep a thin line in life so that we can meet each other in the future. What kind of treasure is this rope of yours? Why is it getting tighter and tighter? Can I let go? Hey, Brother Ding, I also sold the drawings of the Qianlun Sword Platform, do you remember? Can you let me go?"

"No!" Dugutian laughed, "I must take you back to Qijie Mountain and tie you in front of the mountain gate to make you understand that my reliable sword sect is not someone to be trifled with!"

Lu Chaoding took a serious look at the rope that tied Song Shu to Dugu Tian. It was probably a special piece of equipment, just like his old sack.

"Master, please leave this guy to me!" Dugu Tian said.

"Okay!" Lu Chao nodded, and then advertised his reliable mall, saying: "Click me to enter the reliable mall, and a bottle of iced watermelon juice costs two yuan..."

(End of this chapter)

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