Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 13 Linlang Secret Treasure

Chapter 13 Linlang Secret Treasure
Lu Chaoding rubbed his eyes and found that he was in front of a cave. The cave had a man-made arched entrance. There were three simple characters above the entrance: "Linlang Cave"!
His eyes lingered on the three characters of Linlang Cave for a moment, and Lu Chaoding got another piece of information: "Linlang Cave, a special secret realm of opportunity. It is only accessible to LV10 or above. There are four floors in total. Each floor has an opportunity treasure box. Players can choose You will be teleported back to Lion Cliff immediately after entering the Chance Treasure Chest."

"It's true that if you jump off a cliff, you will be lucky. Haha, the unreliable system is reliable this time. It finally feels like a cheat!"

Lu Chaoding lamented his good luck.

For ordinary players, if they jump off a cliff and narrowly escape death, the chance of reaching Linlang Cave is only [-]%. Even if they have four opportunities to jump off the cliff, the chance of making it here is less than [-]%.

This chance is too small, and it also comes with huge risks. It is most normal to jump off the cliff four times and die four times in vain.

Logically speaking, with such great risks, the benefits should also be huge.

If the unreliable system is so reliable, it may become a huge profit with minimal risk!

"Look what's in this secret realm!"

Lu Chaoding strode into Linlang Cave, and as soon as he entered, he found a LV5 night wolf.

This night wolf squats in front of a treasure chest like a guard.

"Ding, kill the treasure chest guard to view the chance treasure chest. During the battle, other players cannot approach the chance treasure chest."

"Finally I met someone who was alone!"

Lu Chaoding's eyes lit up and he directly attacked the night wolf.

He wanted to vent the frustration of being chased before now.

"Whoosh whoosh..."






The sword and eight sword shadows quickly hit the level five night wolf's head.

As the damage numbers rose, Lu Chaoding entered the battle space. This time he took the lead, so the Night Wolf in the battle space had already lost 44 lives, and its toughness had also been reduced by nine points.

Next came the round judgment. Lu Chao was the fastest, so it was his turn to attack again. He raised his hand and made another basic attack. Swish, swish, swish, the sword shadow broke through the toughness, and the level [-] wild wolf exploded directly. He died and dropped a book of cultivation experience.

The battle ended, and Lu Chaoding quickly returned to the first level of Linlang Cave.

"Killing the enemy without taking any damage is so cool!"

Lu Chaoding quickly stepped forward, collected the cultivation book, and then looked at the opportunity treasure chest.

[Chance of Opportunity: Number [-], you can get Linlang Secret Treasure. 】

"This introduction is quite simple!"

Lu Chaodinghao was not polite. He stepped forward and opened the lid of the treasure box. After a flash of light, three green jade stones, two blue jade stones and one purple jade stone appeared in the box.

The green jade is called [Certificate Jade] and can be exchanged for [Sword Immortal’s Certificate], [Sword Master’s Certificate], [Sword God’s Certificate] or [Sword Demon’s Certificate].

The blue jade is called [Jade of Inheritance] and can be exchanged for [Inheritance of Sword Immortal], [Inheritance of Sword Master], [Inheritance of Sword God] or [Inheritance of Sword Demon].

The purple jade is called [Jade of Epiphany] and can be exchanged for [Sword Immortal’s Epiphany], [Sword Master’s Epiphany], [Sword God’s Epiphany] or [Sword Demon’s Epiphany].

Lu Chao rubbed his chin.

If he collects these jade stones, he must exchange them for Sword Immortal's exclusive props. He already knows that [Sword Immortal's Certificate] can be used to increase his talent level, and if [Splitting Sword Shadow] wants to upgrade to LV4, he needs a [Sword Immortal's Certificate] inherited】.

As for the use of [Sword Immortal’s Enlightenment], Lu Chaoding doesn’t know now, but it will definitely be of great use.

"It's all good stuff!"

Lu Chao rubbed his hands and forcibly suppressed the idea of ​​collecting these six pieces of jade.After exploring the cave for a while, he found a staircase passage leading downwards. After entering this passage, Lu Chaoding quickly reached the second floor of Linlang Cave.

The cave on the second floor looks the same as the cave on the first floor. There is also a chance treasure chest in the middle. There is also a wild monster in front of the treasure chest. Kill the wild monster and you can check the chance treasure chest.

The wild monster was a black-haired wild boar as big as a buffalo. It had a single horn on its forehead and three thick tusks protruding from its mouth. It looked like it had three horns.

[Night-walking pig beast: LV10, life 1500, attack 150, toughness 12, defense 5, speed 80. 】

Lu Chaoding stopped and looked at the [Nocturnal Pig Beast] from a distance.

"This monster is hard to fight..."

Lu Chaoding calculated silently.

"The life of this nocturnal pig beast is as high as 1500. Even if I start the game first and defeat its toughness in the first round, it is impossible to kill it. After all, the attribute data are too different. I am now high in attack and weak in defense. , he knelt down after being beaten twice.

Lu Chaoding shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​fighting.

In his mind, considering that the Nocturnal Pig Beast has combat skills, if he wants to kill it safely, he must control the battle within two rounds, which means he can only be hit once, including entering the battle space. If you attack first before, you can attack three times.

These three attacks will cause 1500 points of damage!
Obviously, Lu Chaoding's output is not enough.

Lu Chaoding didn't hesitate and immediately returned to the first level of the secret realm.

"This is a very good shelter. At least there won't be nocturnal beasts chasing you. If you want to leave..."

Lu Chaoding looked at the opportunity treasure chest in the center of the cave.

If you want to leave Linlang Cave, there are two ways. One is to go out dead and go to the second floor to fight the pig beast. It is estimated that after being beaten, you will be resurrected at the sword monument at the foot of the mountain.

The second method is to collect the items in the chance treasure chest on the first floor, and then according to the settings of Linlang Cave, they can be teleported back to Lion Cliff for free.

Lu Chaoding was not in a hurry at the moment. He had collected the items dropped by Zhang Defa and Zhao Weike before, but he hadn't counted them yet?Just in time to take stock here.

Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa's previous lottery results all fell out. Most of them were materials and food, which could not improve their strength for the time being. Lu Chao had seen them draw prizes before, so he was not surprised.

These two guys also contributed all the gold coins they produced in the Lion's Cave, a total of 200 coins.

Including the 175 gold coins left after Lu Chaoding's consumption, Lu Chaoding now has a total of 375 gold dollars.

In addition, after using the cultivation book he just typed, Lu Chaoding's cultivation level now reached 109 points.

"I am currently at level three. It still takes 400 points of cultivation to upgrade to level four. Even the one-star combat skill [Heavy Attack] requires 200 points of cultivation to upgrade to level two, so I can't do anything with this poor 109 points of cultivation. . And the refining of the sword requires blood materials, no, the upgrade of the earth sword requires boiling blood essence, no, the refining of the ghost face ax requires the sky-breaking jade, and no! Now I can't improve my strength at all..."

Lu Chaoding thought silently, and when his life points were full, he stepped forward and collected the six jade stones in the chance treasure chest.

"Ding, you got a Linlang Secret Treasure in Linlang Cave!"

"Ding, you will be teleported back to Lion Cliff!"

As soon as the scene in front of him changed, Lu Chaoding returned to Lion Cliff. He glanced around. At this time, Lion Cliff had no nocturnal beasts wandering around, and it was safe for the time being.

Lu Chaoding felt relieved and walked towards the cliff again.

Soon, Lu Chaoding received another system prompt: "Ding, you have arrived at Lion Cliff! Trigger the special opportunity mission [Cliff Jump]..."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking mission, and tamperes with the content: make a leap and jump off the cliff, 1% chance of dying directly, 9% chance of not dying and getting a chance treasure chest, 90% chance of not dying and entering the secret realm of chance [ Linlang Cave]."

"very good!"

Lu Chaoding laughed, but was not in a hurry to jump off the cliff.

"You must make sure you have the strength to defeat the pig beast before jumping off the cliff. Otherwise, you will be trapped inside and can only escape by committing suicide."

Lu Chaoding felt that he was very stable. He opened his storage backpack, replaced six pieces of jade with virtual props exclusive to the Sword Immortal, and then immediately consumed a copy of [The Heritage of the Sword Immortal].

"Ding, congratulations on breaking the bottleneck. The three-star secret skill [Splitting Sword Shadow] has been promoted to LV4 above the normal level."

(End of this chapter)

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