Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 12 Secret Realm of Chance

Chapter 12 Secret Realm of Chance
"Not loyal?"

Lu Chaoding looked at the fluttering war flag, feeling very calm in his heart.

The team was released from Zhang Jiaqiang's team status in time, and sure enough, he was not involved in the battle space.

He currently has less than half of his health, and would only fight a level 10 night wolf with combat skills if he loses his mind.

"I'm a dead Taoist, but I'm not a poor Taoist. If I want to blame you, I can only blame you for your bad luck. You can't blame me at all!"

Lu Chaoding muttered and looked around. In the hazy night, in the distance, three night wolves could be vaguely seen wandering. Judging from their size, they were probably of a high level. It seemed that there were even taller night beasts further away.

Suddenly, a nocturnal beast walked out of the bushes about 20 meters away.

The nocturnal beast has a body like a rhinoceros, a head like a monitor lizard, mucus flowing from the corners of its mouth, and an upright fan-like deck on its back. It turns out to be a level 35 [Venomous Lizard Ox].

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but take two steps back, and suddenly heard the roar of a beast from the side. He turned around and saw a giant black-haired tiger standing on a huge rock and roaring.

Lu Chaoding also saw its attribute information. It was a level 30 [Dark Moon Tiger].

"It's really too dangerous at night. It's not okay for me to wander like this. I have to find a place to hide."

Lu Chaoding suddenly woke up, and his previous thoughts of hunting night wolves disappeared instantly.

"My current situation is to survive in the dark, and what I should think about most is how to survive!"

Lu Chaoding felt guilty, but fortunately [Venomous Lizard Ox] and [Dark Moon Tiger] didn't notice him and quickly went elsewhere. Lu Chaoding ducked and headed in the opposite direction where they left, being careful ahead. OK.

Not long after, in the temporary camp of Tianmingtai, in front of the sword monument, a white light flashed, and Zhang Jiaqiang was resurrected!

He gritted his teeth and sighed.

At this time, his level was knocked down to LV2, and he could use his cultivation to clear it. Except for the items equipped on him, the storage space was clean.

"Hey! What's going on with you? Did you get killed by someone named Lu too?"

It was also Level [-], and the storage space was cleared, but Zhao Weike, who was wearing a dress, came over.

"Who are you?" Zhang Jiaqiang was stunned, then looked at Zhao Weike and said, "There are still transvestites in our village?"

"You are a shemale!"

Zhao Weike had a cold face. His storage space had been emptied. Fortunately, his two-star iron sword and two-star sailor dress were on his body and did not fall off. But unfortunately, he only had the sailor dress to wear now.

"Let me ask you, where is the person named Lu?" Zhao Weike asked again.

"That one is unreliable..."

Zhang Jiaqiang was in a complicated mood at this time. Regarding Lu Chaoding, he hoped to be here to watch his resurrection later.

But if he is not resurrected here tonight, then this guy is very powerful, and he will have to find a way to hug his thigh in the future.

"I want to reopen it, is there any way?"

Zhang Defa muttered by the campfire, "I've been working so hard all day, and I don't even have any compressed biscuits, so I'm just playing with yarn!"

"It's all because of Lu Chao, he's a big loser!" Zhao Weike stamped his feet, "Just wait, I'll get it back sooner or later!"

"Pull him down, I think you are the worst one!" Zhang Defa no longer fawned over Zhao Weike at this moment, but was quite resentful towards him.

The four female players not far away were having fun at this time. Xiao Ning said: "You three should form an Avengers Alliance!"

Wang Yingluo said: "I think our village still has to rely on our women!" Gu Xiaoxiao said: "Yes, yes, the three of them are definitely unreliable anyway! As for the sword fairy, he is probably not reliable either! Well, It’s not reliable to choose Sword Immortal!”

"Hmph! What do you know?" Zhao Weike glared, "Until tomorrow, I will take you to Lion Cliff and teach you what it means to make a comeback!"

Zhang Defa said: "No! If I follow you again, I will be a fool!"

Wang Yingluo seemed a little interested and asked: "Lion Cliff? Where is that place? Is it a copy?"

"It's not a copy!" Zhao Weike's mouth curved slightly, "There you can enter the Secret Realm of Chance. If you want to know the details, V, I'll give you ten gold!"

"Damn it, I still have to give you ten gold!"

"You son of a bitch, are you discriminating against me? You know that I have lost all my gold coins!"

"Opportunities are not available to everyone. If you give me ten gold, you can get top-secret information. It will definitely not be a loss!"

"Believe in you!"

"I seriously suspect that this ladyboy wants us to take him!"

"Same feeling!"

"Everyone, be careful. This shemale has a lot on her mind. She didn't mention using the teaching dungeon to get lottery tickets before!"

Under the Tianming stage, these players were not sleepy, and their chat became more and more heated. However, in the night, Lu Chaoding was struggling to escape for his life.

Although Lu Chaoding has been very careful, there are too many nocturnal beasts. They are scattered everywhere, have a large warning range, take the initiative to attack, and even chase, and even call friends to chase together. Lu Chaoding is still in trouble after all. A small team of night wolves arrived and were chased by them as they ran wildly.

He ran down the mountain first, crawling through the woods and wading through the grass. He didn't have time to see any scenery. He ran all the way to the seaside, only to be frightened by a giant tentacled beast dozens of meters high in the sea and turned back.

Seeing more and more nocturnal beasts behind him, Lu Chao was filled with bitterness. Fortunately, he chose the Sword Immortal, who had high speed and ran fast, otherwise he would have been killed long ago.

After a level 16 Yaksha centipede joined the pursuit team, Lu Chaoding was forced to start running up the mountain.

"The nocturnal beasts in the world are all of the same family, Madhu, join forces to chase and intercept me!"

Lu Chaoding was already a little disoriented at this moment. He also panicked and rushed left and right. Unknowingly, he was forced onto a cliff.

"It's over. We're on the dead end. I haven't even counted the items that Zhao Weike and the others dropped!"

Lu Chaoding was very unwilling. He looked ahead and saw that in the dim night, the mist below the broken wall was so dense that he couldn't see anything. Looking back, he estimated that there were hundreds of nocturnal beasts in the coalition.

He gritted his teeth, and at this moment, he held the sword and the eight sword shadows in front of him, intending to fight these night beasts.

But at this moment, Lu Chaoding suddenly received a system prompt: "Ding, you have arrived at Lion Cliff! Trigger a special opportunity mission [Cliff Jump]. Mission content: Jump off the cliff with all your strength, and there is a 90% chance of immediate death. 9% chance of not dying and getting a chance treasure chest, 1% chance of not dying and entering the secret realm of chance [Linlang Cave]. Mission description: Each player can receive up to four cliff jumping tasks. Certain props can increase the chance of not dying by jumping off the cliff. Specifically Please explore on your own.”

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking mission, and tamperes with the content: make a leap and jump off the cliff, 1% chance of dying directly, 9% chance of not dying and getting a chance treasure chest, 90% chance of not dying and entering the secret realm of chance [ Linlang Cave]..."

Lu Chaoding didn't even have time to listen to the system prompts. Seeing the army of night beasts approaching, he jumped off the cliff with a backflip. After feeling the free fall for a moment, the scenery in front of Lu Chaoding changed rapidly.

"Ding, congratulations on completing the [Cliff Jumping] mission. You will be lucky if you survive the catastrophe. You were lucky enough to enter the secret realm of chance [Linlang Cave]."

"Ding, you can also receive three cliff jumping tasks!"

"Ding, warning, the current time is night, and the wild monsters in the secret realm of chance [Linlang Cave] are replaced by night beasts."

(End of this chapter)

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