Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 11 If you are not reliable, who is?

Chapter 11 If you are not reliable, who is?

Lu Chaoding has an active mind.

After seeing Night Wolf's attribute data, he felt that he was not invincible.

The reason why Zhang Jiaqiang was involved in forming a team was just for stability.

Although Zhang Jiaqiang is equipped with a bad weapon, he is a level three swordsman after all and can still provide some output in each round.

The 1-minute preparation time passed quickly, and Lu Chaoding, who had a speed of 105 points, was naturally the first to act.

The player's toughness is always full before the battle, but the fighting spirit is always zero. Lu Chao takes the lead and can only attack normally.

swoosh swish...

The swords and eight sword shadows came out at the same time, falling on the night wolf like a bomb, and immediately hit a large number of damage numbers.










With the blessing of [Splitting Sword Shadow], Lu Chaoding's normal attacks were also very brilliant, even Zhang Jiaqiang was stunned.

However, the Night Wolf's toughness is as high as 12 points. Even if Lu Chaoding strikes nine times with his sword, he will only lose 9 points of its toughness. If the toughness does not return to zero, it can reduce the damage by 50%. Therefore, Lu Chaoding's gorgeous general attack total The number of injuries was only 44, which gave Lu Chaoding some fighting spirit.

"It's a pity that the blood-boiling rage was not triggered!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head. The probability of triggering Blood Fury is still very impressive. Whether it is launching an attack or being attacked, there is a 50% chance of triggering it.


The Night Wolf has a speed of 102, and its turn started immediately. After roaring, it ran over and took a bite of the crotch that landed on top.

"-35, broken toughness!"

The damage number appeared on Lu Chao's head. He gasped subconsciously and looked down. Fortunately, he felt no pain and his body was not damaged.

"This beast is really good at attacking weak points! Tsk tsk, it didn't trigger the boiling blood...Toughness is a good thing, but unfortunately I have too little. I only have a little bit. It will break as long as it is hit."

Lu Chaoding looked at Zhang Jiaqiang. His round had already begun, but he was still stunned, so he urged: "Don't be stunned, hit it!"

"You can't beat this obviously!"

Zhang Jiaqiang muttered, but he took action. His profession is Sword God, his basic attack damage is 26, his talent lightning damage is 2, and his total damage is 28. At the same time, he also cut off two points of Night Wolf's toughness, leaving only 1 toughness. point.

"Yes, that's it, just output smoothly!"

Lu Chaoding said calmly, and as soon as the round started, he used another basic attack.

"-28, broken toughness, -512!"





Total injuries 580!

In an instant, only a small section of Night Wolf's long health bar remained. It was beaten so hard that it lay on its side on the ground. It roared in pain several times before standing up again.

At this time, Lu Chaoding finally triggered the blood-boiling rage. His body suddenly grew larger, blood light immediately illuminated his whole body, and his attack power increased to 59.


Zhang Jiaqiang was so shocked that he jumped up on the spot.

"Did I read that right? One of the damage numbers is over 500! Hey, hey, what skill did you use? God descended from the earth? Why did you suddenly become so tall and big!"

At this time, he no longer regarded Lu Chaoding as a hot-blooded swordsman, but as a man of heaven, and his eyes gradually showed brilliance.Because that night the wolf only had 48 points of life left.

That night, the wolf seemed to sense the crisis, roared ferociously, then ran towards Lu Chaoding, jumped up and bit his knee, and ran back immediately after one bite.


A damage number appeared above Lu Chao's head. At this time, he still had 43 health points.

"Very stable!"

A smile appeared on Lu Chaoding's face. At this point in the battle, there is no suspense about the outcome. Night Wolf will die in the next round and has no chance to make another move.

"Cow batch!"

Zhang Jiaqiang was even more excited than Lu Chaoding at this time. He immediately used his sword and basic attack, with a total damage of 28!

Night Wolf has 20 remaining lives!

At the beginning of Lu Chaoding's round, he activated [Heavy Attack], activating the 20% damage increase. After charging for two breaths, the sword and the eight sword shadows flashed towards the night wolf.

"Heavy hit, -70!"

One hit with overflowing damage!
The direct battle is over!

Eight sword shadows returned without success.

Lu Chao also had a blood-increasing number on his head: "+4"!
Night Wolf neighed unwillingly, black smoke erupted from his body, fell to the ground two seconds later, and quickly turned into light, and the light condensed into three items.

"Ding, cultivation +14!"

"Ding, the battle is over, the enemy has contributed spoils to you!"

The next moment, the battle space was shattered, Lu Chaoding and Zhang Jiaqiang returned to the big world, and the three trophies also floated in front of them.

Lu Chaoding took a closer look and saw that the first item was a blood-red tooth, and the second and third items were both books.

The blood-red teeth are [Bloody Teeth], which are the props used to start the main plot of the Lion Mountain Sword Discussion. The two books are both [Cultivation Experience]. After using one, you can get 15 points of cultivation, and after using the other, You can get 50 points of cultivation.

"There is cultivation, and there are trophies! Yes, yes, it's been a long night, and now there are activities!"

Lu Chaoding was in a very good mood at the moment. He put away the [Bloody Teeth], used 50 points of cultivation [Cultivation Experience] on the spot, and threw the remaining 15-point cultivation [Cultivation Experience] to Zhang Jiaqiang, saying: " The battle is over, happy cooperation, go back to camp!"

Zhang Jiaqiang was holding the [Cultivation Experience] with a rather complicated mood. He remembered Lu Chaoding's pretentious remarks just now, and suddenly made a decision, saying: "Master, can you take me with you!"

"Take you with me?" Lu Chaoding took out a blood-restoring pill and swallowed it, and said, "I think it's better to forget it, I'm very unreliable!"

"If you are not reliable, who else is reliable?" Zhang Jiaqiang thought that Lu Chaoding did not want to take him, and he begged: "Master, please stop being modest. As long as you are willing to take me, I don't need the spoils!"

"You don't want trophies? Then what are you trying to do?"

"I'm very satisfied with the ability to kill enemies!"

Zhang Jiaqiang said in his heart that the sword immortal opposite had a huge output and was a big thick leg. If he didn’t hug him, he would be a fool. If he followed him to get experience, even if he didn’t need loot, he should have no problem in gaining hundreds of cultivation points in one night. That is Earn blood.

But just as he was waiting expectantly for an answer, he saw Lu Chaoding suddenly run away.

"Why are you running? You don't want to take me with you?"

Zhang Jiaqiang frowned and suddenly realized something. Looking back, he saw a night wolf that was as big as a buffalo running towards him in the distance!
[Night Wolf: LV10, health 1000, attack power 100, toughness 12, speed 102, defense 2, has two combos of combat skills...]

"Another level 10 night wolf is here!"

Zhang Jiaqiang was also smart and quickly followed Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chao saw that he was following him and said hurriedly: "Don't follow me, let's run separately!"

Zhang Jiaqiang said with a sad face, "No, brother Ding, don't abandon me!"

Of course he wouldn't run separately. The Night Wolf behind him was chasing him. Wouldn't running separately be a sacrifice to himself?

Lu Chaoding was not familiar with the terrain, so he just sprinted along the mountain road for half a minute. Looking back, he saw that he had thrown Zhang Jiaqiang down a distance of more than 105 meters. It seemed that with 102 points of speed, he was indeed running faster than that. The 100-speed Wild Wolf is faster, and the Night Wolf is faster than the [-]-speed Zhang Jiaqiang.

At this time, the night wolf was about to catch up with Zhang Jiaqiang. Zhang Jiaqiang also knew that he could not outrun the night wolf and was about to be attacked. Suddenly his heart suddenly stopped and he shouted: "Brother Ding, let's fight it." !”

However, the next moment he heard the system prompt: "Ding, player Lu Chaoding has kicked you out of the team!"

"Damn it, Brother Ding, you are so unjust!"

Zhang Jiaqiang roared, and the next moment he was knocked down by Night Wolf, and then disappeared out of thin air. A hunting and fluttering battle flag appeared on the spot, indicating that the player had entered the battle space.

(End of this chapter)

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