Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 10 I am too strong

Chapter 10 I am too strong
"What kind of monster is this!"

Zhang Defa couldn't understand it at all. He stared at Lu Chaoding closely and asked: "Captain, what should I do, captain?"

Zhao Weike was also confused at this time, muttering: "Why is the damage so high? Why is he so high?"

Zhang Defa saw that Zhao Weike was unreliable, and hurriedly said to Lu Chao: "Brother Ding, you are the boss, you are the boss, Lao Gao is the boss! I have drawn a clear line with the turtle grandson named Zhao, and I will hang out with you from now on!"

When Zhao Weike, who was half-kneeling on the ground, heard this, he immediately stopped mumbling and shouted: "Zhang Defa, you are an idiot. Do you think that if you ask for mercy, he will let you go?"

Zhang Defa looked indignant: "Go away, don't talk to me! You're a trap for me. If I hadn't been deceived by you, how could I have taken action against the boss!"

"My Nima!"

Zhao Wei was so angry that his soul was about to explode.

Lu Chaoding didn't want to wait for Zhang Defa's round to time out. It would be a waste of time, so he shouted: "Zhang Defa, don't waste time, come and chop me if you are a brother!"

"Cut you! Okay, okay, I will listen to you, I will chop you!"

Zhang Defa stood up, stretched out his finger towards Lu Chaoding, and his novice wooden sword flew down on Lu Chaoding's head, followed by additional lightning strikes.



Lu Chaoding's round began again, and he shouted: "How dare you chop me, you die!"

He had accumulated some fighting spirit by attacking Zhao Weike in the last round, and now he decided to use the combat skill he had just mastered: [Heavy Attack].

Combat Skill: Bash

Number of stars: one star

Occupation: General
Level: LV1
Explanation 20: Consume a point of fighting spirit and charge it briefly, then the next attack will increase the damage by [-]%.

Note 200: Spending 2 points of cultivation can increase the critical hit to LV[-].Tip: After the combat skills are upgraded, the skill book will be bound and cannot be traded.

With a thought in his mind, Lu Chao's sword and eight sword shadows flew in front of him. The sword tips were all slanted upward at 45 degrees and lined up in a row.

This is the state of charging!
Just two breaths later, there was a clang, and the sword and the eight sword shadows flashed with light at the same time. The energy had been charged, and then they all flew towards Zhang Defa.

"-33, broken armor, -518!"

There was no need to attack with the shadow of the sword, Zhang Defa immediately knelt down with a single sword kill.

At the same time, two green blood-increasing numbers quickly appeared on Lu Chao's head.



Lu Chaoding's life is almost full!

His eyes were bright, his heart was excited, and he couldn't help but calculate silently.

"My current basic attack power is 16. When I enter the blood-boiling state, I can reach 20 by +19% of the basic attack power. The attack power of the refined +1 sword is +40, so the total attack power is 59. Erase the decimals and it is not broken. The damage of a sword can reach 28, [Critical Attack] increases the damage by 20%, and the actual damage is 33! And the additional toughness damage of the refined +1 ghost panel ax is 200% of the total attack power plus 400, which is 518! This does not seem to be the case Increased damage from heavy hits..."

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but lament that his output exploded, and what made him even more delighted was the blood-sucking attack.

Boiling Blood Fury increases blood-stealing attacks by 20% and lasts for one round. Therefore, the direct damage of normal attacks can restore blood, the damage of breaking toughness can restore blood, and the attack damage of sword shadow can also restore blood.

This is very impressive. In theory, one rupture damage can restore more than 100 blood.

It's a pity that Zhang Defa's health points are too low, only 160 points. Therefore, although Lu Chaoding's rupture damage can theoretically deal 518 points of high damage, it overflows most of it, and the actual damage is only 127 points, which also results in There are only 25 points for Toughness Vampire!
Moreover, Lu Chaoding's subsequent sword shadow attacks were wasted.

"I'm too strong!"

Lu Chaotai is very comfortable.

At this time, Zhang Defa and Zhao Weike had all turned into light and disappeared, with a crash and a clang, and a large number of items falling out.

All the items in their storage space fell out.

Lu Chaoding was even more delighted. Before he could step forward to check the items, the battle space was shattered, and all the loot was automatically stored in his storage space.As soon as the scene in front of him flashed, Lu Chaoding returned to the big world. Wherever he entered the battle, he would naturally return there after the battle.

"Hey, what happened to the kidney?"

A voice sounded next to him. Lu Chaoding turned his head and saw that the speaker was Zhang Jiaqiang who had also followed him out of the safe area.

This Sword God player has also been promoted to LV3. He is wearing a novice uniform and holding a novice sword, with a health value of 160 and an attack power of 26.

Zhao Weike was careful and did not tell everyone that the teaching dungeon would be closed after dawn. Based on what Zhang Jiaqiang said before, he seemed to have been playing in the jungle. Lu Chao estimated that even if he had lottery tickets, they would not be many. .

"You suddenly disappeared just now, and there was a battle flag in place! Did you encounter some special event? Where are the two of them?"

Zhang Jiaqiang asked blankly.

Lu Chaoding was not sure whether this guy really didn't understand what was going on or if he said it on purpose. After thinking for a moment, he said expressionlessly: "The two of them are back to the camp!"

"Back to the camp? Didn't you talk about collecting firewood?"

"There's no need to pick it up. You can go back. It's not safe to stay outside the safe zone."

Looking at the innocent Zhang Jiaqiang across from him, Lu Chaoding had no intention of killing people and taking wealth. Firstly, there was probably nothing good in this Jiaqiang’s storage backpack. Secondly, as a player, there are certain things he should do and things he should not do. He doesn't like bullying the weak.

"Yes, it's not safe to be outside at night!" Zhang Jiaqiang said, "Then let's go back together!"

"I won't go back!"

Lu Chao put his hands in his pockets and looked at the sky at a 45-degree angle. He thought about dressing up and said: "Players like us, at this time when thousands of sails are about to happen, should be brave enough to move forward and strive to get ahead. How can we do it because of this?" Why not just stay in the safe area and sleep at night?"

"Huh?" Zhang Jiaqiang laughed, "Brother, are you stupid? I know that there are nocturnal beasts at night, aren't you afraid of being eaten?"

At this moment, Lu Chaoding's expression suddenly changed, and his eyes focused on two feet behind Zhang Jiaqiang, where a huge black-haired head poked out from behind a big tree.

[Night Wolf: LV7, health 700, attack power 70, speed 102, toughness 12, defense 0.Explanation: Night wolves are the most common and weakest nocturnal beasts and only appear at night.Note that nightwolves above level 10 usually have combat skills. 】

"Level 7 Night Beast!"

Lu Chao shuddered. The night wolf's eyes were glowing with green light at this time, and it slowly walked out from behind the big tree. It stared at Zhang Jiaqiang closely with its mouth half open, as if it had regarded Zhang Jiaqiang as its prey.

"what happened?"

Zhang Jiaqiang noticed something was wrong, turned around and was shocked.

"I met a ghost!"

He ran away, but the night wolf reacted quickly and immediately pursued him.

Lu Chao's thoughts were racing in his mind and he shouted hurriedly: "Don't panic, join my team!"

After saying that, he immediately sent a team application to Zhang Jiaqiang.

"What?" Zhang Jiaqiang was panicking and directly agreed to form a team. At this moment, Na Yelang swooped down and knocked him down.

The next moment, the space changed, and Yelang, Zhang Jiaqiang, and Lu Chaoding, who had just formed a team, quickly entered the battle space.

"Ding, encounter the Night Wolf's first attack and enter the battle space. The battle will begin in 1 minute!"

The system prompt sounded, but Zhang Jiaqiang turned a deaf ear and kept yelling.

He was attacked first by Night Wolf. He still had 125 health points left and his resilience had been emptied.

Lu Chaoding said: "Stop shouting, it doesn't hurt, get up and fight!"

"Fight?" Zhang Jiaqiang stood up. He looked at the grinning Yelang not far ahead and said with a grimace: "You are crazy. You and I, the hot-blooded swordsman, can still fight. Overcoming this night wolf? Did you see that its toughness is 12 points!"

"It's up to people!"

Lu Chaoding smiled mysteriously, now waiting for the war to begin.

(End of this chapter)

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