Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 9 Who is the boss

Chapter 9 Who is the boss
Following the system prompt, a commodity trading window suddenly popped up in front of Lu Chaoding.

Niu Daren's supply store
1. Blood recovery pill, a one-star prop, limited to use during non-combat periods, quickly restores (10%+50) health points after use, 10 gold/piece, 10/10 in stock.

2. General combat skill [critical attack] skill book, one-star prop, 100 gold/1 book, inventory 1/1.

3. Random large lunch box, one-star prop, 5 gold/box, inventory 10/10.

4. Refreshing mountain spring water, one-star prop, 1 gold/bottle, inventory 10/10.

5. The production map of the Boiling Blood Sword, two-star props, 250 gold/copy, 1/1 in inventory.

"Are the products in this store randomly refreshed?"

Lu Chaoding looked at the items in the transaction window and felt that the [Heavy Attack Skill Book] and [The Making Map of the Boiling Blood Sword] should be good things. Just when he was thinking about whether to save money to buy them, Niu Daren suddenly spoke again: "Junior brothers and sisters, please rest well in this camp tonight. I will keep vigil for you. You don't have to worry about the nocturnal beasts."

"Ding, trigger the mission [overnight under Lion Rock]. Mission description: Rest in the temporary camp under Lion Rock and wait for daylight. The reward for completing the mission is +100. Description: With the bonfire of the temporary camp as the center, a radius of five feet is the safe zone. , it is recommended not to leave the safe zone at night.”

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking task, and tampered with the task content: Rest in the temporary camp under the Lion Mountain, waiting for the day to come. The reward for completing the task is -1000. Description: Centered on the bonfire of the temporary camp, with a radius of five feet As it is a safe zone, it is recommended not to stay in the safe zone at night.”

"I'm sorry...the system has tricked me again!"

Lu Chaoding's blood pressure immediately rose again.

The dog system won't let you stay in the safe zone?

Let yourself go out late at night?

Otherwise, the cultivation base will be -1000!

What's going on here?
If other players sleep here, they will be full of energy the next day, and they can also improve their cultivation level by 100 points. When it is their turn, they have to stay outside the safe zone for one night, otherwise their cultivation level will be deducted by 1000 points the next day!

The cultivation rewards are directly distributed to the attribute panel, which means that they can really be deducted into negative numbers!
Isn't this cheating?

"Made, if the system is unreliable, it is unreliable!"

Lu Chaoding had finally accumulated some goodwill towards the occasionally unreliable system, but now it was gone.

At this time, Zhao Weike suddenly clapped his hands and shouted: "Everyone, night is coming. In order to ensure that the bonfire is not extinguished at night, I suggest you go pick up some firewood now. Let us four male players go out to pick up firewood." Chai, don’t let the female players go out!”

"I listen to the captain!" Zhang Defa raised his hand in agreement.

Zhang Jiaqiang, a male player with a mohawk haircut, was a little confused, but he nodded and said, "This is really a job that we gay men should do."

"What about you, Lu Chaoding, do you have any objections?" Zhao Weike asked Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding was about to go out when he said nonchalantly: "No objection!"

But he also felt strange.

Will the bonfire go out?
Need to collect firewood?

He looked at Zhao Weike and saw a proud smile flash across his face, and felt that something was wrong.

"When night comes, the system clearly advises not to leave the safe zone, but this guy wants us to go out to collect firewood. Is there some conspiracy? Is he trying to harm me?"

Lu Chaoding felt that it was necessary to be on guard against others, so it was better to be careful, so he silently bought three health recovery pills, and after some thought, he also bought the [Heavy Attack] skill book, spending 3 cultivation points. , just raised the level to LV60, the health value increased by 6 points, and the attack power increased by [-] points.

At this time, Zhao Weike had already begun to greet him: "Come on, Lu Chaoding, follow me. I know where there is firewood. Let's go back quickly."

After saying this, he winked at Zhang Defa.This made Lu Chaoding feel that something was wrong even more, but he still had some confidence in his own strength. Anyway, it was a long night and he was bored, so he followed Zhao Weike out of the safe zone.

The Sword God player named Zhang Jiaqiang also followed. He was walking at the back. He was very familiar with it. He talked a little bit about what he had seen today, such as where he met some wild monsters, what materials he got, and where. Encountered the Sword Monument, and so on.

Almost no one paid any attention to him.

At this time, the sky had darkened, but the visibility was still good. Zhao Weike led the way and walked for about a mile. After turning into a mountain road, the sword god Zhang Defa, who was walking next to Lu Chaoding, suddenly raised his hand to Lu Chao. Point one finger at the top.

His novice wooden sword fell from the sky, and Lu Chaoding felt a light knock on his head. Then the scene in front of him flickered and he entered the battle space.

"Ding, you encountered a preemptive attack. Your life is -12, your toughness -1. Enter the battle space. The battle will begin in 1 minute!"

The system prompt sounded, and Lu Chaoding's face turned cold. He looked up and saw Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa opposite him smiling evilly at him.

It's obvious that these two are teaming up.

Zhang Defa crossed his arms, turned his nostrils to the sky, and said: "Kengzi, hehe, you are finished today, your grandpa Defa will kill you today!"

Zhao Weike was amazing. He actually changed into a sailor dress. This guy was originally sunny and handsome, but now that the dress was on his body and the sinister smile on his face, he suddenly looked evil. He said: "Lu Chaoding Ah, Lu Chaoding, look at my newly upgraded dress. It has health +200, defense +5, toughness +1, speed +3. Do you regret it? Hahahaha, did you know that if you were killed at night, everything in the storage space Will all the items fall out?"

"These two idiots, I thought they had some conspiracy, but it turns out they just do it directly!"

Lu Chaoding was not surprised. He could see the attribute information of the two people opposite him.



"But so!"

Lu Chaoding slowly began to adjust his equipment. He took out the sword and used the light-splitting sword shadow. With a clang, the nine swords were arranged in a fan shape behind him. The halo of the earthly sword was turned on. It was like stepping into a pool of blood. Lu Chaoding then used the ghost face. When he carried the ax on his back, he immediately became filled with evil spirits.

Due to the strike from the first striker, Lu Chaoding's health points were not high at this time, only 148. His toughness had been cleared, but his attack power was 56 points!
Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa also saw Lu Chaoding's attribute information at this time, and were obviously stunned.

"Captain, this guy has also reached level three. His attack power is a bit high. Why does he look like a gold warrior with so many special effects?" Zhang Defa asked with a frown.

Zhao Weike squinted his eyes and said: "This guy is a little strange, but don't be afraid. We can kill him two against one. We must teach him who is the boss today!"

At this time, the preparation time was over. Lu Chaoding was the fastest and was naturally the first to act.

He glanced at the two people opposite him mercilessly and said: "Ignorant and fearless mortals, I am the bombing swordsman!"

After saying this, he stretched out his hand and pointed at Zhao Weike, and the refined +1 sword and eight sword shadows flew out from behind him.


"-2, broken toughness, -512!"

The huge orange-red damage number of rupture damage appeared from Zhao Weike's head, and the damage overflowed directly.

Zhao Weike groaned and was beaten to the point where he knelt down. The seven sword shadows were all missed.

And after this sword strike, the [Blood Fury] attached to the poodle was actually triggered. Lu Chaoding's height directly rose to one foot. His muscles bulged, blood energy lingered around him, and the sword and eight sword shadows returned. Hanging behind him, the cold light of the sword blade and the bloody halo below made him murderous, like a god or a demon.

Lu Chaoding laughed loudly, looked at the startled Zhang Defa, and said, "Now tell me, who is the boss!"

(End of this chapter)

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