Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 8 Refining Equipment

Chapter 8 Refining Equipment
Zhao Weike counted other prizes and successively received novice wooden swords, refined iron ingots, brass ingots, black iron ingots, and so on.

After all the prizes were counted, his face turned dark.

Not to mention the [Breaking Sky Jade], the only good item is the [Two-Star Fashion Upgrade Scroll], which can upgrade unrefined one-star fashion to two-star, but he didn't draw the costume at all.

"The power of heaven, earthly beasts and fashion are the most difficult ones!" Zhao Weike shook his head and sighed, "After tonight, the teaching copy will be gone. Fighting a lion dog will only produce materials, and it will not be easy to get lottery tickets. I am a hundred-level company." It's not as good as the ten consecutive draws at the beginning, alas!"

"Ah! Can't I buy lottery tickets at the Lion's Cave tomorrow?" Wang Yingluo walked up to the Destiny Platform carefully, "Fortunately, I've been having fun with the captain for a day... I won the lottery, everyone wishes me good luck!"

Lu Chaoding also frowned at this time. The Boiling Blood Lion Cave tutorial copy would disappear in a day. He knew this, but he didn't expect that it would disappear early tomorrow morning. He didn't know if there would be any copy tasks, clearance rewards, etc. .

At this time, Wang Yingluo's lottery draw had ended, and she was actually very lucky, as one blue light and twelve green lights appeared.

Unlike Zhang Defa and the Security Department, this female player started counting the white light items.

"Compressed Cookies"

“Bean paste bun”

"Small Long Bao"

"Mountain spring water"

After counting a total of 87 white light items, most of which were food, Wang Yingluo went to order the green light balls. She first ordered a two-star [Sapphire Sword], and then ordered [Cultivation Experience], Sachet Pendant, Kite back parts, [Juggernaut’s certificate], etc.

As for the last blue ball of light, she clicked on a three-star combat skill [Sacred Heart Technique]. The effect of this combat skill is to consume one point of fighting spirit and distribute her own fighting spirit to her teammates. Then she will gain two points at the beginning of the next round. Be willing to fight!

Wang Yingluo was overjoyed.

Zhang Defa, who was in the Tianming Stage, was so sore that he wanted to vomit blood, and shouted: "It's so unscientific, why are there so many good things! All mine are food and materials!"

Zhao Weike was also a little envious and said: "It's really annoying to compare people to each other. Yingluo, you are so good at Bailian. You have combat skills, weapons, pendants, and back items. All you need is the power of heaven and earth. Tsk tsk. You still have to go out." A copy of the cultivation experience is equivalent to [-] points of cultivation!"

There was another contestant in the audience who had not yet drawn the lottery, that is, Gu Xiaoxiao. She was a little anxious at this time and ran to the Tianming Platform shouting: "It's my turn, it's my turn, watch me draw a five-star divine sword!"

She quickly scattered the lottery tickets, attracting 89 white lights, 10 green lights, and 1 blue light.

"Oh my, which light ball should I light first?"

Gu Xiaoxiao gulped slowly, and it took more than 10 minutes to finish counting the items he had pulled out. Most of those items were food and materials. Among the two-star items, there was a [Qingfeng Sword], a [Golden Snake Sword], A combat skill [Combo] skill book, a bottle of [Boiling Blood], and the three-star blue light item is the material [Charging Jade], and the rest are not worth mentioning.

Overall, her luck is pretty good.

After the four people drew the prizes, Zhang Defa was undoubtedly the most depressed and kept nagging, but Zhao Weike said: "Everyone must have team spirit. In order to advance the plot of the dungeon faster, I suggest that everyone take out all the things they drew and distribute them reasonably. .”

"I agree!" Zhang Defa immediately raised his hand and looked at Gu Xiaoxiao, "Sister, you have drawn two two-star weapons, give me one to use! And sister Yingluo, why don't you give me the pendant and back first? Captain, arm him."

Zhao Weike was very satisfied when he heard this and nodded with a smile.

Wang Yingluo and Gu Xiaoxiao were not happy. Even though they had called each other captain affectionately before, at this moment they just refused sternly. Wang Yingluo said: "How can this be done! It's not a public item, how can it be given out for free? What’s the rationale for distribution?”

Gu Xiaoxiao said: "Yes, I don't agree with the captain's suggestion! How can I give to others what I have worked so hard for!"

Lu Chaoding raised his hand at this moment. He was about five meters away from the four people and shouted: "I suggest free trade. If you want something, buy it with money, or exchange it with something!"

"Huh?" Wang Yingluo looked at Lu Chaoding after hearing this and said, "What Lu Chaokeng said is more reliable!"

Gu Xiaoxiao also followed: "If it's a trade, I can accept it. Brother Defa, can I sell this [Qingfeng Sword] to you, 50 gold yuan okay?"


Zhang Defa glanced at Lu Chaoding fiercely and did not give an answer.

50 gold dollars. He only spent 100 gold dollars in one day. He spent half of it to buy weapons. He still couldn't tell whether it was worth it.

Zhao Weike was still about to speak, but Lu Chaoding suddenly ran up to him and sent him directly to the transaction window.

[Trading], [Team Formation], [Storage Space], etc. are basic abilities for players and are available from the beginning.Zhao Weike was stunned. He was about to close the transaction window and scold Lu Chaoding when he suddenly found an item in the transaction window.

"Sailor dress?"

He was startled.

Lu Chaoding said hurriedly at this moment: "I got this fashion by chance. It has an excellent style and has additional attributes. It can be said to be very rare. How about it? Can I exchange it for your [Space-breaking Jade]?" Can?"

"This is women's clothing!"

Zhao Weike could see the attribute information of the sailor dress at this time and frowned.

Based on his experience, one-star fashions are mostly blank slates, basically adding no attributes. This sailor dress can actually add a little defense and a little speed, which can be said to be rare indeed.

Lu Chao said: "What's wrong with women's clothing? Women's clothing can also be worn. Strength is respected. Strengthen your own strength. Don't be shabby. Didn't you just draw a two-star fashion upgrade scroll? Think about it, this one-star fashion is in your hands. It can be upgraded to two stars immediately, and the attributes will definitely be the same. I will only exchange you for a piece of useless Sky-breaking Jade. This is a good deal! If you don’t want to, I will sell this fashion to Wang Yingluo and the others, and I guarantee they will grab it. Buy it, believe it or not?”

Zhao Weike was silent for a while, and then placed the Sky-Breaking Jade in the transaction column.

"He actually agreed!"

Lu Chaoding was a little surprised. After confirming the transaction, there was a ding sound and the sailor dress in the storage space was replaced by [Breaking Sky Jade].

"What a warrior!" Lu Chao said, "I respect you as a man! Let's work together happily!"

He happily went to find Gu Xiaoxiao again, and Gu Xiaoxiao drew a bottle of [Boiling Blood], and the blood material was the material for refining the Piffle Sword, so he thought about buying it with gold coins.

After Lu Chao turned around, he didn't notice a contemptuous sneer on Zhao Weike's face.

"Lu Chaoding, there is something wrong with this guy. How did he get the fashion? What do you want to do with the Sky-Breaking Jade? Hey, now you are so arrogant, but have you ever heard of the dark moon, the wind, the murderous night?"

The closed beta player's eyes flickered and he was secretly making plans.

Lu Chaoding had already chatted with Gu Xiaoxiao at this time. This female player was very cautious and had a tough personality. He was afraid that he would suffer a loss. Lu Chaoding struggled with her for a while, and finally succeeded with a price of 20 gold yuan. I bought the bottle of [Boiling Blood].

"I don't know what the purchasing power of the gold dollar is, whether this transaction is a loss or a profit..."

Lu Chaoding was quite satisfied at this time. There were too many people and he didn't plan to draw a lottery for unnecessary trouble, so he silently came to Niu Daren's side and started refining the sword.

"Ding, are you sure you need to consume boiling blood to refine the sword? Reminder, this item will be bound after refining!"


"Ding, the refining is successful, you have lost a bottle of boiling blood, the sword is refined by +1, and the attack is +10!"

"Only 10 points of attack power? The refining effect seems to be average!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head and continued to refine the ghost panel axe.

"Ding, are you sure you want to consume the Sky-Breaking Jade to refine the Ghost Panel Ax?"


"Ding, you have lost a piece of Sky-Breaking Jade, Ghost Panel Ax Refining +1, Breaking Toughness Additional Damage +200!"

"Hey! This works!" Lu Chaoding was overjoyed.

At this time, the sky darkened obviously, and Xiao Ning, Zhang Jiaqiang, and Xiao Panpan also walked over from the path.

Niu Daren's body trembled, and he spoke at this moment: "Junior brothers and sisters, come to my place. I brought some supplies over to see if there is anything you need!"

The system notification rang immediately: "Ding, NPC Niu Daren in the temporary camp has opened the supply store. The supply items are refreshed on time at [-] o'clock every night. The supply items are limited in number and can be purchased with gold coins. Please explore on your own for details."

(End of this chapter)

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