Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 7 Send into the pit

Chapter 7 Hundreds of shots enter the pit
"The dungeon is closed, even the wild monsters are hidden?"

Lu Chaoding was very unhappy and felt uncomfortable because he was not allowed to explode.

He tried to drill toward the entrance of the lion's cave, but he couldn't get in. The light curtain at the entrance bounced him back.

Not long after, Zhao Weike, Zhang Defa, Wang Yingluo and Gu Xiaoxiao walked out of the lion's den.

"Hey, Lu Chaokeng, are you still here? How many lottery tickets have you bought?"

"If he's so cheating, I'm afraid he won't be able to get even one card!"

"Hahaha, I swiped 100 photos, but I'm exhausted!"

"No matter what he does, go back to Tianming Terrace quickly, I can't wait to win the lottery!"

"Walk around..."

The four of them had smiles on their faces, chatting and laughing, and it seemed that they had gained a lot from the dungeon.

Lu Chaoding was not carrying the back piece of the ax at the moment, his aura was closed, his sword was put away, and there was no shadow of the sword behind him. He was very low-key and looked ordinary.

He followed the four people expressionlessly, following the system prompts and turning around to the Tianming Tower.

There is now a tall and mighty strong man here in Tianmingtai.

[Niu Daren: LV10, plot NPC, contemporary senior master of Dajian Sect, supply worker of Boiling Blood Lion Mountain. 】

This "Niu Daren" was squatting on the ground making a bonfire. As soon as Zhao Weike and others walked in, he stood up and greeted: "Junior brothers and sisters, it's getting late, please rest as soon as possible."

After saying that, he waved his hand and eight small tents appeared, making the place immediately feel like a camp.

"This is a safe area. Don't walk around casually at night, because powerful wild monsters will appear randomly outside. If you are killed, not only will your level drop and your experience be cleared, but the contents of your storage backpack will also fall out."

Zhao Weike pointed at Niu Daren at this time and said: "He is a famous NPC on Tianxing Island. If you approach him and click to talk, you can learn about some game settings. When everyone is here, he will also open the supply store. It's a long night, you can go on your own Research, I went to the draw.”


"I just saved up a hundred consecutive draws to guarantee a three-star item!"

"Although I'm relieved to be with the captain, I'm still too tired and my liver can't bear it!"

"It's so exciting, there aren't many newcomers who can compare to us..."

Zhang Defa and others followed Lu Chaoding and went to Tianming Terrace in a lively manner.

Lu Chaoding said with disdain in his heart: "Have you only been to the lion's den a hundred times? How dare you say that you are so angry?"

By grinding the boiling blood lion head normally, you can get one gold dollar, 10 cultivation points and a lottery ticket once you clear the level. Lu Chao said sincerely that if he hadn't been kidnapped by the unreliable system occasionally, he would have spent more than ten hours at least. You have to brush him 150 times. Even if you form a team and it's a bit more delayed, if he leads the team, you have to brush him [-] times.

"The alien player is the Hollow!"

Lu Chaoding shook his head. He did not continue to go to Tianming Terrace with Zhao Weike and the others. Instead, he walked up to NPC Niu Daren, and a dialogue window popped up in front of him.

Talk to Senior Brother Niu Daren and get the information you want to know:
1. About Boiling Blood Lion Rock.

2. About Dajianmen.

3. About the sword discussion on Lion Rock.

4. About Tianxing Island.

5. About day and night
6. About nocturnal beasts
7. About Tianquan

8. About the land

9. About combat skills


16. Regarding death penalty.

There were quite a few options in the dialogue window. Lu Chaoding selected them one by one and gradually gained a certain understanding of the game settings.

According to Niu Daren, these players are all disciples of the Great Sword Sect, and the name of the Novice Village is "Tianxing Island". There are three mountains on the island, namely the Boiling Blood Lion Mountain, the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain and the Great Sword Poxu Mountain.

Among them, the Boiling Blood Lion Mountain is the first trial place. Novice players must complete the [Lion Mountain Sword Theory] here before they can go to the Fiery Dog Tooth Mountain. [Sword on Lion Rock] can be regarded as the first act of the main plot of Novice Village. It has not been opened yet. The way to open it is to hand in [Bloody Teeth] to Niu Daren. As long as eight people hand over 3000 teeth in total, [Sword on Lion Rock] The plot can begin.

Let’s talk about the basic settings. There is an alternation between day and night in Hongchen Sword World. It is daytime at six o’clock every day and night at eighteen o’clock every day.

During the day, you can go wild, clear dungeons, and so on. At night, the dungeons will be closed and wild monsters will be hidden. However, some nocturnal creatures will appear randomly in the wild. Nocturnal creatures are usually more powerful, and players can play during the day. Death will only cause you to lose your level and clear your cultivation level. However, if you die at night, all the items in the storage space will be dropped. Therefore, it is not advisable to go out at night and it is best to stay in a safe area.

In addition, regarding combat settings, players before level [-] can only equip one secret skill book, one combat skill book, and one stunt skill book. Secret skills are free of consumption and can be used anytime and anywhere. Combat skills and stunts can only be used during combat. Used during the process, its use requires fighting spirit.

Fighting spirit can be obtained by launching attacks. Generally, you can get one point at a time. Using combat skills requires one point of fighting spirit, and using stunts requires more fighting spirit.

Let’s talk about the equipment system. What’s worth mentioning is Tianquan and Earthly Power. In Niu Daren’s narrative, Tianquan and Earthly Power are similar to innate attributes, which can affect the player’s attack type and physique. Tianquan is usually a star, while Earthly Power can be Wild monsters, vegetation, etc.

Lu Chaoding studied these setting information carefully, and suddenly he saw the brilliance flashing on the Tianming Platform not far away, and there were rays of light falling from the sky, of which the white light was the most, followed by the green light, and surprisingly there was a blue light.

"In the novice period, there is a lottery guarantee. If you draw ten draws, you will be green, and if you draw a hundred draws, you will be blue. Gee, is this a hundred consecutive draws? It's a small fight..."

Lu Chaoding had no emotions in his heart.

He has already checked his 220 unreliable lottery tickets. Among them, there are three that are very reliable. One will definitely produce a three-star item, one will have an 88% chance of producing a three-star item, and one will definitely produce the power of heaven. There are also some more reliable ones. Quite a lot. Compared with the lottery, he could theoretically defeat Zhao Weike and others.

"It's out, it's out, the three-star prop is out, look what it is, I'm crazy..."

"What is it?"

"It's a three-star material, blood jade!"


"It's ridiculously crooked!"

"Is the material produced? This can be tolerated..."

The Tianming Platform is only 20 meters away from the temporary camp, and Lu Chaoding can clearly hear the voices of Zhao Weike and others.

"It's whipped crookedly, hehe, I'm glad to hear it!"

As soon as he heard that someone had drawn a wrong lottery draw, he immediately became interested, so he put his hands in his pockets and walked over to join in the fun.

Soon he saw Zhang Defa with a hood pulled over his head and a dejected look on his face.

This guy was collecting prizes. His luck seemed really bad. Not only were the three-star props crooked, but most of the two-star items he pulled out were materials with unknown uses. Among the one-star items, there were a lot of compressed biscuits.

"Haha, Zhang Defa took out a month's worth of rations in one go!"

"The odds of this lottery are really outrageous. Can high-end goods only rely on guarantees?"

"Stop talking about me, it will be your turn soon, I'll see what you can draw..."

Zhang Defa was cursing. He finished packing up the Bailian raffle prizes. There were no weapons, secret skills, combat skills, fashions, etc. His face was so black that he could be called an African chief.

Next, Zhao Weike came on stage to draw a lottery.

"The sky is full of gods and Buddhas, help me enter my soul!"

He shouted loudly and threw out a hundred lottery tickets at the same time. Soon, a hundred rays of light fell from the sky, including ten green lights and one blue light.

"Is it all a guarantee?"

Zhao Weike raised his eyebrows. He immediately ran to the ball of light transformed into blue light, stretched out his hand, and a blue-gray stone and three big characters appeared: "Breaking Sky Jade"!

"It's also material!"

"Haha, the captain is also crooked!"

"This is a trap!"

The shouts rang out immediately, and Zhao Weike immediately beat his chest and stamped his feet, looking unhappy.

Lu Chaoding was moved in his heart.

Sky breaking jade?
Isn't this the upgrade material for the ax back piece?
(End of this chapter)

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