Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 6: A poodle

Chapter 6: A poodle

At the beginning of the round, Lu Chao launched an attack on the boiling-blooded poodle. With one sword move, the shadow of the sword followed him, whoosh whoosh whoosh...



"-2, broken toughness, -280"







10 damage numbers overlapped and floated up, with the total damage reaching 328. The poodle was beaten to the point of being stunned.

"I am the bombing swordsman!"

Lu Chaoding roared excitedly.

Next was the poodle's turn. It came over and butted people with its head as before, knocking off 40 points of Lu Chaoding's health and also chipping away at his toughness.

Lu Chaoding was at half health, and he only had 10 health points left at this time. He took his time and struck out with another sword, another nine strikes with one sword, and the sword shadow bombarded him!

Since the Boiling Blood Lion Dog's toughness had been exhausted, Lu Chao's total damage this time was 72 points, which just emptied the Boiling Blood Lion Dog's health bar. It died on its back with its belly turned to the sky.

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts. Killing the boiling blood lion dog is achieved, the dungeon is cleared, and the settlement task reward is gold yuan +1, boiling blood lion dog +1!"

"Have only half HP to farm the poodle, I'm really awesome!" Lu Chaoding was very proud, and quickly looked around and muttered: "Where is my poodle?"

The next moment, he was teleported out of the dungeon. When he opened the storage space, he saw an icon of a boiling-blooded poodle lying quietly in the storage compartment.

Ground animal: Boiling blood poodle

Number of stars: two stars

Occupation: General
Level: LV1
Current effect: There is a 50% chance of entering a blood-boiling state after launching an attack or being hit.

Note 20: Blood Fury is a special state. Once triggered, the body will glow with blood, the size will increase, the attack power will increase by 20%, and the blood-sucking attack will increase by [-]%, which lasts for one round.

Note [-]: Every time the Boiling Blood Poodle levels up, the blessing effect of the Boiling Blood Fury is doubled.

Note [-]: Using [Boiling Blood Essence] can improve the level of the Boiling Blood Poodle.

Note 3: The boiling blood poodle can be upgraded to LV[-].

Note [-]: The land will be bound after upgrading.

"It turns out that poodles are ground dogs!"

Lu Chaoding seems to have some realization.

There are nine equipment columns in the player information interface of [Hongchen Sword World], which are [Secret Skills], [Combat Skills], [Special Skills], [Heavenly Power], [Earth Only], [Weapon], [Fashion], [Back] [Accessories], [Pendants], for example, Lu Chaoding’s secret skill, if he is equipped with the Splitting Sword and Shadow Skill Book, he can use this secret skill.

Among these options, the ones Lu Chaoding didn't understand the most were [Tianquan] and [Earth]. Now that he thought about it, [Earth] could be regarded as special equipment.

"The development of combat power in Hongchen Sword World is quite three-dimensional. I still lack combat skills, stunts, powers and accessories..."

Lu Chao top equipped the boiling blood poodle, and a blood-red halo of about two meters in diameter immediately appeared under his feet, as if he had stepped in a pool of blood.

This is the visual special effects of the ground!
Lu Chaoding did some research and found the button to turn off the visual effects in the ground panel.

As he closed and opened it, the blood-red halo disappeared and reappeared.

"Hey, it's amazing!"

Lu Chaoding was just like a child who discovered a new gadget, turning the aperture special effect on and off, having a great time. "Brother Ding! What are you doing again?"

Xiao Ning's voice sounded, and Lu Chao looked up and saw her standing up slowly from a rock half a person's height not far away, as if she was squatting just now.

Lu Chao was stunned. When he came out of the dungeon, he didn't see anyone around him. He thought that Zhao Weike and the others must have entered the dungeon, but he didn't notice that Xiao Ning was actually hiding behind the rock.

"What are you hiding there for?"

Lu Chaoding asked, but then he figured it out.

There seems to be no public restrooms here, and these players have traveled back in time. Although they have certain game functions, eating, drinking, and defecating are unavoidable. The chance of winning compressed cookies in the Tianming Platform is extremely high, probably because they are afraid of it. Players are starving.

Xiao Ning didn't answer, but ran over with a happy face and said, "Brother Ding, can you help me brush up my book again?"

"Sister, this kind of thing depends on opportunity. Just wait here. When the opportunity comes, I will take you to brush up."

Lu Chaoding wanted to train Xiao Ning into a dungeon tool. If he got another mission that required him to be killed but also required him to clear the dungeon, there was no harm in taking her with him.


What other opportunities should I look for to refresh my book?
What the hell?

Does this guy have any bad intentions?
Xiao Ning couldn't help but make random guesses, but Lu Chaoding rushed into the bloody lion's cave again.

"Time is tight. This tutorial copy will only be open for one day. It will change tomorrow. I must be brave and brush as much as possible..."

Lu Chaoding's liver attribute began to explode. He silently calculated and cleared the lion's cave. Since he had 1 minute of preparation time, even if his output exploded, he could kill the lion dog in two rounds, but plus the time to enter and exit the dungeon. , I estimate that it takes 2 minutes to brush once.

2 minutes at a time, that’s 30 brushes per hour!
And I still have to complete tasks. With the occasionally unreliable system and often unreliable performance, it is not bad if I can complete it three or four times an hour. And 24 hours a day, I keep completing tasks all the time. At the end of the day, it is not bad. I don’t know if I can swipe it a hundred times.

"The time is short and the task is heavy. If you want to become a top master, you can't waste a moment!"

Lu Chaoding had already decided to wait for 24 hours. After checking the tampering mission, he immediately ran out bitterly.

Next, Xiao Ning saw Lu Chaoding rushing in and out of the dungeon entrance, as if there was an infinite loop bug. Question marks filled her head. After all, she still felt that Lu Chaoding was abnormal.

"Could this guy be hinting at me when he comes in and out?"

Xiao Ning thought smart and didn't want to stand stupidly at the entrance of the cave. She couldn't clear this copy by herself, so she left along the path, thinking about finding some monsters to fight.

Twenty minutes later, Lu Chaoding finally received a satisfactory tampering mission. The mission required killing a boiling-blooded lion dog, and the mission reward was 10 unreliable lottery tickets.

"This can be fought!"

Lu Chaoding looked at his attribute information and found that his health had returned to 72 points. It seemed that after coming out of the dungeon, if his health was less than 50%, it would be automatically replenished to 50%, and the extra 22 points would be in these 20 minutes. Automatically restored.

He felt very stable and soon fought the poodle again. This time, after Lu Chaoding casually struck the sword, the ground's additional [Blood Fury] was triggered, and his height suddenly rose to ten feet tall, with bulging muscles and blood all over his body. linger.

"Ding, you enter a state of blood boiling rage, attack power +20%, blood-sucking attack +20%, the effect lasts for one round!"

After Lu Chaoding listened to the system prompts, he quickly called up the attribute panel to check. He found that his attack power had become 42. Obviously the attack power +20% only refers to 20% of the basic attack power, and the blood-sucking attack +20% is It means that after attacking the enemy, you will recover 20% of your own health based on the damage caused.

"I've become taller and stronger!"

Lu Chao looked down at the tiny boiling blood poodle and felt very happy.

When it was his turn again, he struck nine times with his sword. Not only did he kill the boiling-blooded poodle, but a green blood-increasing number appeared on his head: "+14"!
Unfortunately, after such a blow, the blood boiling and violent state was lifted, and Lu Chaoding immediately returned to his original form.

Next, Lu Chaoding proposed 10 unreliable lottery tickets. He was not in a hurry to draw the lottery and continued to complete random tasks non-stop.

Lu Chaoding's perseverance is also very impressive. He can actually endure it, and he is full of enthusiasm and tireless. He eats compressed biscuits when he is hungry, and drinks wild water outside the cave when he is thirsty. He ignores other players when he encounters them, just like Like a madman.

But hard work took no effort. When the sky started to get dark, Lu Chaoding, who had been working hard for more than ten hours, had already accumulated 220 unreliable lottery tickets. His cultivation level had reached 500 points again, and he had also accumulated gold coins. 305 pieces.

At this time, a system notification suddenly sounded: "Night is coming. Players on Tianxing Island, for your safety, please return to the Tianmingtai temporary camp. Our senior brother Niu Daren has brought supplies and gone to find them." Let’s talk to him!”

"Ding, Hongchen Sword World is about to enter the dark night. All copies will be closed, all regular wild monsters will be hidden, and nocturnal creatures will appear randomly. Please arrange your work and rest time reasonably. It is recommended that you return to the temporary camp to rest, recharge your batteries, and wait for another battle tomorrow. "

(End of this chapter)

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