Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 138 Sect Fashion

Chapter 138 Sect Fashion
The sky-level sky surveying ship is like a white jade carving. It can fly thousands of meters high and fly at extremely fast speeds. Dugu Tian and Jiang Youxian were amazed along the way.

After a while, Lu Chaoding arrived at Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain.

He "installed" Ding Quanzhen in the main hall of the mountain gate.

A large number of reliable sword sect disciples were immediately attracted.

Lu Chaoding was also standing in the main hall of the mountain gate. With a smile on his face, he activated the second "custom title" interface, created the four-character title "Reliable Mall", and pretended to be a "selling NPC".

Jiang Youxian and Dugutian were dragged into the "strong men" category, and at Lu Chaoding's request, they shouted and shouted from the side.

"Take a look, the reliable shopping mall of the reliable sword sect is online. The leader of the reliable product sells the products in person. The high-end and high-end iced watermelon juice is sold at a loss. A bottle costs two yuan..."

"Click on the boss to buy watermelon juice. Remember to leave a five-star review after purchasing, otherwise the boss will arrest you and lock you up in a dark room..."

Dugutian and Jiang Youxian were also slightly depressed.

They feel like they are a bit of a fool.

The previous image completely collapsed.

However, Lu Chaoding said that as long as they shouted well, he would give them 10 yuan for every 5 bottles of iced watermelon juice sold. Now the two of them were short of gold coins to entrust Ye Quanzhen to upgrade the equipment, and it was difficult to make money elsewhere.

Therefore, it is not shabby to make money by shouting and shouting here.

Not long after, Lu Chaoding's number of five-star reviews on Reliable Mall exceeded ten, and the mall's rating soon reached 100.

"Ding, if you reach the stage goal of Reliable Mall Management, you will be rewarded with a Jade of Certificate, a Jade of Inheritance, and a Jade of Enlightenment!"

"Ding, start a new stage goal of Reliable Mall: the number of five-star reviews reaches 100, and the mall rating reaches 1000! If the goal is achieved, you will be rewarded with two pieces of Jade of Certificate, two pieces of Jade of Inheritance, and two pieces of Jade of Enlightenment!"

"Small goals are easy to achieve!"

Lu Chaoding continued to stand still. The iced watermelon juice was so popular. Less than 10 minutes later, the new stage goal was achieved, and the target reward was obtained again.

The third stage goal has also been set, that is, the number of five-star reviews reaches 1000, and the mall rating reaches 10000!

If the goal is achieved, four pieces of Jade of Certificate, four pieces of Jade of Inheritance, and four pieces of Jade of Enlightenment will be rewarded.

"The rewards for the goals at this stage are becoming more and more generous. Yes, it's really good! Four pieces of Jade of Certification, four pieces of Jade of Inheritance, and Jade of Enlightenment are all very rare items. I can just sell them now. !”

Lu Chaoding was secretly happy. The number of entry-level disciples of the Broken Sword Sect now exceeded [-]. Although many of them went to Qianyuan Island, most of them were still stationed at the station. Lu Chaoding estimated that he would have to stand there for only half a day. , the goal at this stage is achieved.

After a while, Lu Chaoding received another system prompt: "Ding, the net income of the mall has reached 10000 gold yuan, promoted to LV2, and opened the second product column!"

"Ding, the supply panel is being opened for you!"

"Ding, the supply panel has been opened. You can choose one of the following twelve products and put it on the shelves in Reliable Mall."

"Ding, if the net income of the mall reaches 10 gold yuan, you can be promoted to LV3 and open the third product column!"

Along with the system prompts, a selection window appeared in front of Lu Chaoding.

That, of course, is the supply panel. Lu Chaoding took a closer look and found that there were indeed twelve types of products in this panel, namely: "Weapon·Feihong Sword", "Weapon·Jasper Sword", "Backpiece·Qingtong Coffin", " "Backpiece·Anchor", "Fashion·Beach Bikini", "Fashion·Black Tuxedo", "Pendant·Exemption from Death Gold Medal", "Medicine·Xiaoyuandan", "Medicine·Dayuandan", "Food·Grilled Gluten ", "Food·Grilled Sweet Potato", "Drink·Bird Vodka"!
Lu Chaoding studied it carefully.

From the perspective of making money, he feels that the "food", "beverage" and "fashion" among these twelve items are all very good items. Not only are the supplies unlimited, but the purchase price is also reasonable.

However, considering the usability, Lu Chaoding finally adopted the "Pendant·Death-free Gold Medal" as a product.

This death-free gold medal is a four-star special pendant. Its effect is to issue death-free privileges every day. When the player encounters death, he can avoid death. The higher the refining level, the more death-free privileges are given every day. Refined to +9, you can get the privilege of avoiding death 10 times a day.

The purchase price is not high, only 1000 yuan, but the supply is limited to 5 pieces per day!
After Lu Chaoding put it on the shelf, the price was set at 1200 gold yuan. In less than 2 minutes, the five death-free gold medals were sold out. Jiang Youxian bought one and immediately hung it on his waist. Dugutian did not buy one. , and complained to Lu Chaoding.

And 10 minutes later, the third stage goal of Reliable Mall was also achieved. Lu Chaoding once again obtained four pieces of Jade of Certificate, four pieces of Jade of Inheritance, and four pieces of Jade of Enlightenment.

The fourth stage goal was immediately revealed, requiring the number of five-star reviews to reach 10000 and the mall rating to reach 10.

Lu Chaoding felt that this task was a bit difficult, so he was not in a hurry to complete it. After casually chatting with Jiang Youxian and Dugutian for a few words, he opened the entrance to the exclusive cave and stepped in.

Then he saw the outstanding elder Gray Heron standing blankly in the courtyard of the cave.This Gray Heron is now a free fashion businessman and has no connection with Qianyuan Lianlianwu.

Lu Chao opened his product list and found that the products he sold were still the same as before, namely [Trainee Pirate Fashion], [Senior Pirate Fashion], [Elite Pirate Fashion], and [Pirate Hall Master Fashion] , [Pirate Helmsman Costume].

However, these costumes no longer have the ability to equip pirate minions.

"Fashion merchant, aren't your products updated?" Lu Chaoding looked at Gray Heron, shook his head and said, "These fashions of yours are already out of date."

Fashion merchant Gray Heron now had a standard NPC reaction. He said unhurriedly: "If I want to update my products, I need to increase my knowledge."

"broaden knowledge?"

"Yes, I can imitate fashions, and I am especially good at imitating sect-style fashions! Look more and imitate more, and the fashion products will naturally be updated."

"Is it just a copycat?"

"I don't understand what you are talking about. What I made is a high imitation, the kind that can look fake and real."

"All right!"

Lu Chaoding did not continue to ask. He planned to release the fashion merchant when he arrived in Tianyun Prefecture and take him around to see if he could produce fake fashion.

"By the way, after reaching level 30, I have completed the sect mission and unlocked 10 exclusive sect fashion designs. I haven't finished this design yet."

Lu Chaoding thought of this and immediately called up the sect management panel. He found that the new sect mission had been updated and tampered with. The original mission required Lu Chao to reach level 35. The completion of the mission would reward two [Elder Tokens] and the sect's contribution. A main hall.

After being tampered with, it changed to require Lu Chao to reach level 53. The reward for completing the task is an [Elder Token] and two sect contribution halls.

"Level 53, it seems that this sect's mission will be stuck for a while..."

Lu Chaoding continued to check the martial arts management panel, and soon found the "Martial Arts Fashion Design" page. After a little research, Lu Chaoding found that the "Martial Arts Fashion Design × 10" he had received was allowed to design ten sets of martial arts fashions.

The design page provides a large number of fashion samples. The so-called player design means changing the color, adding decorations and decorative samples provided by the system, etc.

Designed martial arts fashions are actually virtual goods. After setting the relevant permissions, martial arts players who meet the conditions can automatically receive them. After the "Martial Arts Fashion" effect is turned on, the real attributes of the players' clothing will remain unchanged, and the appearance will change to that of the martial arts. Fashion look.

Lu Chaoding used his free will, and in a moment he designed a set of clothes with the style of a windbreaker, the word "reliable" in gold on the back, and the words "beginner disciple" in small gold letters on the cuffs. He named it "The Beginner Disciple Fashion" and set it As long as you become an entry-level disciple, you can receive it automatically.

Then, Lu Chaoding came up with the same style of "Elite Disciple", "True Disciple" and "Elder" fashions.

"These four sets of costumes are almost enough now! Next, help Jiang Youxian quickly reach level 30, and then go to Tianyun State. Before leaving, let's get some wild monsters to fight for the player disciples."

Lu Chaoding muttered for a while.

After a while, he came to the second floor of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, used the pirate's withdrawal voucher in the book, and released the 2000 million trainee pirates he bought with "one dollar".

Immediately, the second floor of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain became very crowded. Many trainee pirates were out of shape. They gathered together and could not wander around at all.

"This is a good wild area, it should be enough for the disciples of the sect to kill for a while."

Lu Chaoding nodded, and then he released 200 million elite pirates on the third level of Chen Qijie Mountain, 20 elite pirates on the fourth level, and 2 hall masters on the fifth level. , [-] helmsmen were released on the sixth floor.

At this moment, in the Tianxing Forum, a post quickly became popular.

The title of the post is: "I am the only one who can unblock the Qianyuan Island Wholesale Center, but I am imprisoned by Mr. Lu!"

The person who posted this is none other than "Sword Master Song Shu".

This guy was trapped in a purple gourd, like he was squatting in a small dark room, trying all kinds of things, but he couldn't get out, so he could only visit forums and watch live broadcasts.

"Qianyuan Island is the economic center of the world. There are a large number of selling NPCs here with a wide range of products. In the future, all players will come here to buy a Qianyuan token. However, the inner island of Qianyuan Island is not open yet. I am the only one." , it can be opened... But Lu Laomo, the most reliable sword sect leader, imprisoned me for no reason. Is he imprisoning me? He is hindering the development of the world and harming everyone. In the interests of players, knights, warriors, and swordsmen, let us unite and defeat Old Demon Lu..."

Song Shu’s post was eloquent and contained thousands of words. He explained the setting of Qianyuan Island in detail, and also described Lu Chaoding as heinous, saying that he bullied men, dominated women, molested NPCs, and robbed others. Property, etc., in short, it is a deliberate smear, no matter how bad it is, it has attracted many players to reply.

(End of this chapter)

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