Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 139 Just watch and give it

Chapter 139 Just watch and give it

On the sixth floor of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, Lu Chaoding was using his giant sword to kill the helmsman-level pirates with one sword at a time.

These helmsman-level pirates he bought have the same attributes as the sub-rudders of Qianyuan Lianlian dock. They can be regarded as level 40 mini-boss. They have a total health value of 251200, an attack power of 2512, and a speed of 100. They are dressed exactly the same and have different faces. They are not the same. They fight on their own and cannot form a team.

In fact, these helmsman-level pirates are also set up for "pirate subordinates", so they have no names, extremely limited intelligence, dull and dull, not much stronger than wild monsters, and they do not drop any items after being killed. , you can only get very little cultivation value.

"It doesn't drop money or treasure, which is a bit disappointing. It seems that using these pirates to artificially create wild areas is still unreliable. However, with the help of withdrawal certificates, these pirates can be used in combat, such as in It would be quite disgusting to put it in a hostile sect’s camp..."

Lu Chaoding originally planned to create a "wild area" for the disciples of the sect, so he spent five yuan to buy these pirates. Now he found that the pirates were not high-quality "wild monsters", but he thought that he could use them as A special strategic weapon. After all, he has a five-star Qianyuan token. One dollar can be spent as [-] million. He is fully capable of messing with the helmsman-level pirates.

"Before going to Tianyun State, it is necessary to go to Qianyuan Island again, buy more pirates, and pack them with you in case of emergencies!"

Just as Lu Chaoding was thinking about this, he saw Zhang Defa driving over in [Big Shock].

"Brother Ding, someone on the forum hacked you!"

Zhang Defa's voice came out through [Big Shock] and was very loud.As soon as he started the live broadcast a moment ago, a large number of viewers started posting barrages, saying that Lu Chaoding was hindering the development of the world, demanding that he release Song Shu, that the gourd that could imprison players must be destroyed, and so on.

After Zhang Defa studied for a while, he realized that it was "Sword Master Song Shu" who had posted a message that hacked Lu Chaoding, so he hurriedly reported it.

After telling Lu Chaoding about the matter, Zhang Defa said: "Brother Ding, although this matter is small, I think it should not be taken lightly. Many players now say they want to sanction us, and some say they want to incite sect NPCs to launch sect wars... That Is Song Shu really imprisoned by you?"

Lu Chaoding touched the purple gourd hanging on his waist and said calmly: "This guy is in here, he can actually browse the forum, he is quite active... I just don't know if what he said is true. "

Lu Chaoding didn't care at all about Song Shu slandering him. He didn't follow the idol route or create any personality. He didn't care about what others thought of him. What he cared about was the unblocking revealed by Song Shu. Information about Qianyuan Island.

"According to what that guy said, he has the task of unsealing Qianyuan Island. As long as he meets the island's owner Duoduo, the plot of unsealing Qianyuan Island can be advanced. If that's the case, I will help him. !”

Lu Chao rubbed his chin.

There are many merchant NPCs on Qianyuan Island with a dazzling array of products. Lu Chaoding also hopes that Qianyuan Island will be opened as soon as possible. After all, he enjoys huge privileges on Qianyuan Island. One dollar can be spent as one hundred million. If those merchant NPCs are unblocked , he can go on a shopping spree and buy a lot of good things. The benefits are self-evident.

Thinking of this, Lu Chaoding decisively released the sky-level survey ship and went directly to Qianyuan Island.

After a while, he came to Qianyuan Zhou again, just looking for Gan Duoduo.

After arriving in front of Gan Duoduo, Lu Chaoding took off the purple gold gourd, put the gourd's mouth to the ground, slapped the bottom of the gourd, a white light appeared, and there was a snap, and Song Shu fell to the ground in a toad-lying posture.

But he immediately got up, saw Lu Chaoding, his eyebrows suddenly stood up, he took out the nunchaku from his waist, and shouted: "You Lu Chaoding, how dare you lock me up, I will fight with you." …”

Lu Chaoding glanced at him, and he immediately stopped talking as if he had bitten his tongue. In less than a second, his face changed to a flattering smile, and he said: "Brother Ding is really powerful. He deserves to be the master of the reliable sword sect." Master, I am completely convinced! In fact, everything is a misunderstanding. I saw that my brothers from the reliable sword sect were too idle, so I risked my life to sneak into the pirate den and deceive the pirates to come to my door for my brothers to kill. In fact, I He's an undercover agent. Brother Ding, please think about it. Did I lead you to find those sub-rudders? Believe me, we are actually on the same team. Call me brother and stop locking up my little brother!"

Lu Chao said: "I'm locking you up because you gave me a one-star negative review. The only negative review on this reliable mall is because of you!"

"Brother Ding, I'm sorry, my hand slipped, my hand slipped..."

"I believe you!" Lu Chaoding was too lazy to talk nonsense with this guy who always talked about running trains. He pointed to Gan Duoduo, who was sitting on a box of iced watermelon juice not far away, sipping a straw and looking at the inland sea, and said: " The place has been brought to you, hurry up and complete the plot!" "Huh? This is... Qian Yuan Zhou! This, this is also okay!"

Only then did Song Shu realize that he was brought directly to Qian Duoduo by Lu Chaoding. He was greatly surprised and said: "Brother Ding, there is a pattern, there is a pattern, you are worthy of being the leader of a sect!"

"Stop talking nonsense and complete the mission!"

Lu Chaoding had no expression on his face, his gourd mouth facing Song Shu, thinking in his mind that he would wait until Song Shu unsealed Qianyuan Island before taking it back to the Purple Gourd.

Naturally, he couldn't let this guy go so easily.

Next, Song Shu stepped forward to talk to Gan Duoduo and took out a dark gold jade plaque.

Sure enough, there was a plot trigger, and everything seemed normal.

Lu Chaoding found that he couldn't get a word in, so he studied the "Chamber of Commerce Chat Group" nearby.

The chat group was deserted most of the time, and no one spoke at this time. After some research, Lu Chaoding sent out a red envelope worth one yuan.

A large group of chat group members were immediately blown up, and within three seconds, all of his one-dollar red envelope was robbed.

"Thank you for the red envelope!"

"Master Lu is so grand!"

"A one-dollar red envelope. My total assets are not that much..."

Looking at the information posted by everyone in the group, Lu Chaoding was very satisfied. He quickly edited a message and posted: "How can I go from Qianyuan Island to Tianyun Prefecture Tianxing Tower?"

"Tianyun Prefecture Hua Lao Bustard: Master Lu is in Qianyuan Island? Are you coming to Tianyun Prefecture? This is great! Master Lu, let me tell you, the Tianxing Tower is in Tianyun City, and the Chunhua Tower of the slave family is in Tianyun City. Next to the Xing Tower, what do you think is a coincidence? If Master Lu wants to come from Qianyuan Island, the distance is not close. I wonder if Master Lu has a sky survey ship!"

"Headmaster Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect: Yes!"

"Tianyun Prefecture Hua Lao Bustard: It would be much more convenient to have a big sky survey ship. From Qianyuan Island to the east, we can walk about [-] miles and we will arrive. If Master Lu comes to Tianyun City, he must take care of the slave family. It’s a small business.”

"Headmaster Lu of the Reliable Sword Sect: @天云州华老騨, what kind of business are you doing? Is it serious? I won’t go to the serious one!"

"Tianyun Prefecture Hua Lao Madam: Look at what you said, as long as you come, it's not you who has the final say whether you are serious or not! By the way, the slave family is expanding now and is in urgent need of girls. I wonder if there are any from Head Lu. ? The slave family is buying it at a high price!"

Lu Chaoding read the speech of "Tianyun State Hua Lao Bustard" and thought that there is such an industry in the Hongchen Sword World. He thought for a while and said: "There is no girl, but there is one for the wretched man. Do you want it?" "

"Tianyun Prefecture Hua Lao Madam: A wretched man? If you look good, you can come out as gay and get 10 yuan as a base. If you look too ugly, you can only become a turtle man. This is not worth money, at most 2000 yuan!" "

"Okay!" Lu Chao looked at Song Shu and continued to reply: "I'll deliver it to you later! Just watch it and give it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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