Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 140 Qianyuan Island is open

Chapter 140 Qianyuan Island is open

Song Shu was still talking to Gan Duoduo, but he didn't know that Lu Chaoding had already made a future plan for him. His stage was at Chunhua Tower in Tianyun Prefecture. As for whether he would come out or become a turtle man, Then it depends on his own destiny.

Lu Chaoding continued to chat in the chamber of commerce chat group, and soon got the news that "an ancient sword repair cave was born in Tianyun Prefecture's Fenbo Valley", "Tianlu City, Tianlu Island, Tianlu Prefecture is about to hold a large-scale auction", "Tianshui Prefecture Fragments of Tianquan are suspected to appear on the outskirts of Tianshui City," "The Dayu State Military and Horse Mansion in Tianyu Prefecture is about to send troops to eliminate the Naomo Sword Sect," "The volcanic eruption of Jushi Mountain in Tianma Prefecture," "The secret realm of Tianhan Prefecture's medicinal sources is about to be opened," and so on. .

He felt that this information was very important, but unfortunately he only had one and was too busy to take care of both. At the moment, going to Tianyun State was the most important thing.

After a short while, Qianyuan Island leader Duoduo suddenly shouted loudly. Lu Chao looked up and saw him reaching out and pointing forward. Suddenly sword energy burst out from his fingertips, turning into a lifelike golden giant. Dragon, that giant dragon walked close to the surface of the inland sea, then suddenly went away, bringing up a huge splash of water more than ten feet high. In just one breath, it flew across the inland sea and hit the other side.

There was a dull sound. After a few breaths, the sword energy disappeared. Lu Chaoding looked up and saw that the sword energy penetrated the crater and forcibly created a passage.

"The inner sea has opened! The inner sea has opened!"

Song Shu shouted excitedly, "As long as the pirates in the front mountain are dealt with, Qianyuan Island will be completely open!"

He even looked at Lu Chaoding and said, "How about it! I'm reliable! Let's go and clean up the pirates together!"

"Reliable!" Lu Chao nodded, and at the same time, he used the purple gold gourd to put Song Shu directly in, and said to the gourd mouth: "Come to the forum and share your happiness, the matter of annihilating the pirates will not matter. Thank you, leave it to my reliable sword sect!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding hung the purple gourd back on his waist, said goodbye to the owner of Ganduoduo Island, and left Qianyuan Zhou.

"The owner of Ganduoduo Island can destroy Qianyuan Island with just one finger. He must be a master. I think he will have plot missions here in the future..."

Lu Chaoding was thinking silently.Next, he charged 2 yuan into the Qianyuan Token, and went to the pirate market. Under the royal hospitality, he bought a 5000-yuan helmsman-level pirate, which he divided into 1000 withdrawal vouchers and carried them with him. Each withdrawal voucher can extract 1 level 40 helmsman-level pirates.

"Am I carrying an army of tens of millions with me?"

Lu Chaoding feels very comfortable.

Song Shu, who was readmitted into the Purple Gourd, was naturally extremely depressed. He cursed Lu Chaoding countless times in the "little black room", but he could only browse the forum or engage in virtual sword discussions. .

Half a day later, with the efforts of Zhao Weike and other players who had invaded Qianyuan Island, most of the pirates on the outer island were wiped out, and a server-wide announcement suddenly sounded.

"Ding, server-wide announcement: The special island Qianyuan Island is officially open. The merchant NPCs in it are open for trading. All Qianyuan halls are activated and the merchant running gameplay is unlocked. Please explore on your own for details!"

As soon as this server-wide announcement came out, countless players learned about Qianyuan Island. Posts about Qianyuan Island and Qianyuan Tokens in the Tianxing Forum also quickly started to appear. Zhang Defa also rushed to Qianyuan Island. When engaging in live broadcasts, the live broadcast room is extremely popular.

Song Shu, who was contained in the purple gourd, also received more system prompts that Qianyuan Island was open. He had completed the task, and the reward was distributed, which was a land-level sky survey ship worth [-] million.

However, he is imprisoned now and cannot get out at all. The earth-level sky survey ship worth [-] million can only be quietly stored in his storage space in the form of extracting vouchers.

Lu Chaoding was happy at this time, and he started a happy shopping in the inland area.

"Special grade treasure Xuandan. After taking it, you can directly add 5000 cultivation level to the upgrade slot. It costs 0.01 cents a bottle. There are 20 pills in a bottle. Good stuff. It costs 10 yuan!" "Various saplings, plush grass seeds, and cobblestone floor tiles. , quick-drying cement canvas, self-repairing slate, self-adhesive building blocks! Good guy, it’s a complete set for sect construction. I’ll buy a small part for Lu Shaobao and the others to use first. I can’t buy more. I have to let Lu Shaobao and the others earn their own money to buy it. Only in this way can the fun of the game be guaranteed!”

"The four-star Dragon Bird Sword has average attributes. Buy one for your collection! What, you can't even find it for a dollar, so buy ten thousand!"

"The four-star Lihuo Sword, the four-star Golden Flame Golden Snake, and the three-star Evil-Warding Sword all cost one dollar!"

"A random sect building drawing, a limited-time product, only one of them? Since you have encountered it, you can't let it go, so you can get it for one dollar!"

"The material, the blood of the Golden Crow, costs one penny! This is a high-grade blood material. How about using it to upgrade the Piffle Sword? Can it be as good as the blood of the evil god? Give me ten yuan first!"

"Snack stall, you can get all kinds of snacks. You don't have to change the dollar..."

Lu Chaoding spent a day wandering around the Inland Sea, visiting all merchant NPCs and purchasing a large number of items.

He found that most of the prices of the goods here are very reasonable or even cheap, and except for a small number of goods such as large ships that are bound after purchase, most of the goods are not bound, allowing players to purchase goods here and then resell them. Elsewhere, there is the possibility of running a business.

In addition, there are many NPC merchants selling limited-time products with limited quantities and irregular updates.

Among all the items Lu Chaoding purchased, the one he cared about most, besides the [Random Sect Building Drawings], was the [Golden Crow Blood]. He had already tried it, using [Golden Crow Blood] to upgrade his super The effect of the common sword is the same as [Blood of the Evil God]. Each level up can increase the attack power by an additional 500 points.

So, after some operations, Lu Chaoding had three five-star refined +12 [Super Piff Swords]. Theoretically, as long as the number of enemy kills is maxed out, one Super Piff Sword can increase the attack power by 9700 points. , plus 130% of the basic attack power!
And that [random sect building drawing] was in Lu Chaoding's hands and turned into [Si Guoya's construction drawing].

According to the attribute information of the drawing, Siguo Cliff is a general forbidden area for the sect. It has a "prison" function and can imprison players inside or outside the door. After it is completed, in addition to the status of "entry disciple", "elder" and other identities in the sect, there will be Added "Prisoner" identity.

Lu Chaoding specially designed a set of "prisoner" fashion for this purpose, which is a white coat and white pants with the three characters "unreliable" on the back. It is a mandatory equipment for those who obtain the status of prisoner of the sect.

After returning to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain happily, Lu Chaoding organized the storage space, and then built Si Guo Cliff. He also held a sect meeting, mainly to promise the "discussion on merit" mentioned before. "Reward" is also to facilitate reliable shopping malls to improve their performance.

In this sect conference, Lu Chaoding very arrogantly distributed a total of 400 million gold coins. At the same time, he also distributed many four-star Dragon Bird Sword, four-star Lihuo Sword, and four-star Golden Flame Golden Snake in the form of five-star praise rewards. .

After the meeting, many players, including Wang Chengang, Dugu Tian, ​​the Boiling Blood Four, Zhao Qiansun Li, the Four Saints of Poxu Mountain, and the Four Swordsmen of Fire, went to Qianyuan Mountain to buy a large patrol ship and tried to start a business.

Lu Chaoding's reliable shopping mall has also been upgraded to LV3, adding a new product column.

In this product column, Lu Chaoding selected and equipped the product with a five-star +12 special weapon [Kanglong Sword]. This sword can increase the wearer's attack power by 4800 points and give the weapon a 10% damage increase. The supply is limited to five per day, and the purchase price is 5000 gold yuan. Lu Chaoding set the price at 6000 gold yuan.

What makes it special is that it is a disposable weapon that will be scrapped immediately after a battle.

After the sect meeting, Lu Chaoding released the sky survey ship, took Jiang Youxian, who had been promoted to level 30 with medicine, and Zhao Weike, who was relying on the ship, and embarked on the road to Tianyun Prefecture together.

(End of this chapter)

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