Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 141 Omniscient Sword God Hua Dashao

Chapter 141 Omniscient Sword God Hua Dashao

The sky is like washing, cloudless.

On the sixth floor of Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain, on the cliff of Siguoya, a male player with long hair looked at the distant sky-level survey ship and murmured: "Brother Ding is going on a far journey?"

This male player has a handsome face, and although his hair is disheveled, it is not messy at all, but neatly combed. He is wearing the clothes of an entry-level disciple of the Reliable Sword Sect, with a death-free gold medal hanging on his waist, and carrying a Dragon Sword on his back. With his hands behind his back and his other hand shaking the goose feather fan in front of him, he looked calm and quite a bit like an expert.

His name is Hua Dshao. Among the two thousand entry-level disciples of the Reliable Sword Sect, he seems to be ordinary and not very famous.

However, this guy was not brought here by Zhao Weike, but came to Hongchen Seven Realms Mountain alone to find Zhang Defa's sect.

In fact, he is also a player who completed the mission of finding the remains and obtained the inheritance of ancient sword cultivation.

And his profession is called "Omniscient Sword God", and his professional characteristic is to have an omniscient elf!
At this moment, Hua Dashao stretched out his hand and pointed forward, and with a bang, a palm-high bronze figure appeared. It was suspended in the air, with bright light shining in its eyes.

"Laifu, help me create a Siguoya file, automatically calculate it, and give me a score!"

Hua Dashao said something to the bronze villain.

That little man was his omniscient elf. It nodded and said, "Okay master!"

Then, as soon as the villain slapped his forehead, a translucent window popped up in front of Hua Dashao, and a large amount of text quickly appeared in the window.

The bronze villain said: "Si Guo Ya is a special sect building with a comprehensive score of 79. Its current function is a confinement prison, which can imprison up to one person. When the sect is promoted to the third level, Si Guo Ya can upgrade itself, obtain dungeon characteristics, and can imprison multiple people. . Hidden settings, install the extraordinary level reclusive NPC here, Siguoya can turn on the forbidden land attribute, and randomly trigger chance tasks."

"79 points! Not bad!"

Hua Dashao nodded. He stretched out his hand and operated the translucent window in front of him, and a list of all the buildings of the Reliable Sword Sect appeared in it. The list also gave the ratings of these buildings.

Among them, the lowest score is [Mountain Gate], with only 5 points, followed by the Mission Hall, with 30 points!
The highest rated one is "Unreliable Training Room" with a score of 99, while "Si Guo Ya" ranks second with a score of 79.

In addition, there is also a list of sect NPCs in this window. There is only one of them, [Ding Quanzhen, the weapon refiner elder], with a character rating of 90!

"Where can I find extraordinary level NPCs? I have to remind Brother Ding later!"

Hua Dashao narrowed his eyes and said to the omniscient elf: "Laifu, open the reliable file. I want to update the information. First, bring up Zhang Defa's file!"

"Good host!"

The little bronze man patted his head, and the information in the information window in front of Hua Dashao was updated.

"I'll tell you, you record it and give me a reference score in the end!"

"Good host!"

"Zhang Defa, nicknamed An Defa, looks simple and honest, but is actually a bit clever. He is a mecha gunner by profession. He drives a five-star mecha [Big Shock] and is equipped with a five-star weapon [Collapse Star]. When the mecha is turned on, his combat power is not weak. But I’m just a bumbling person, living in a muddle. Generally speaking, I can only be a singing and dancing anchor. It’s okay to bring some fame to the sect, but forget it if I manage the sect… What’s the rating?”

"After sorting out the information, the reference score was 70, and the evaluation: quite reliable!"

"70, that's pretty much what I thought! Bring up Zhao Weike's file." "Good master!"

"Zhao Weike, who claims to be the prince of the Bichon King of Titan Star, is nicknamed the Sword Riding Fairy on the forum, and whose sword theory number is 5231312411. He is also known as the Cliff Jumping Zhao Skirt. He is notorious and is now one of the only two elders of the reliable sword sect. He calls himself the elder Jie Yin! This person Weird. I don’t watch live broadcasts and rarely visit forums. I invest in the wind and against the wind. It seems unreliable, but in fact I am very decisive. Now I have obtained the Devil May Cry profession and I am very active in playing guns and swords. If I can be more diligent, I will have a bright future. It’s possible to become a master…that’s it, give a rating!”

"Complete the information, refer to the score, 80, evaluation: reliable!"

"80 points, really good!"

Hua Dashao nodded, and he successively called up the files of players such as Wang Chengang, Lu Shaobao, Dugu Tian, ​​Zhao Qian and Sun Li, the Boiling Blood Four, and the Four Saints of Poxu, and updated the information.

These files were all created by himself. As the omniscient sword god, he can easily detect the attribute information of people or objects through the omniscient elves.

The reliable sword sect player profile he established records in detail the professional information, level information, sword theory number, equipment information, etc. of Wang Chengang and others, which is as detailed as the character information panel.

"Dugutian, Wang Chengang, Jiang Youxian, Zhao Qian and Sunli, the Boiling Blood Four, the Four Musketeers of Fire, and the Four Saints of Poxu are all very high-quality combatants, the kind of players who know what they need and what they should do. Now they are all running business. This is undoubtedly correct. Running business makes money. Only when you have money can you gain access to unreliable practice rooms. It is much more reliable to gain access to unreliable practice rooms than to draw a lottery. You only need to develop step by step. Those players who complete missions and play dungeons in the big sects are definitely not as good as their development... Tsk tsk, a 99-point unreliable training room is really a good place for people to counterattack!"

Hua Dashao summed it up.

"Dugutian is the Sword God of the Underworld. He knows the Art of Transforming the Soul from the Underworld, and has a mission score of 88. If this guy is full of firepower, he may be stronger than me. Jiang Youxian also has a special profession, the Wine Sword Immortal, with a score of 80, which can be considered a powerful profession... ...Laifu, what is my reference score and where is my ranking?”

"Back to the master, your reference score is 75, ranking 12th! The first one is Lu Chaoding, and the second one is Dugutian!"

"I only have 75 points. Oh, bring up Brother Ding's file!"

"Good host!"

Hua Dashao frowned and looked at the Lu Chaoding file he had created, and muttered: "Brother Ding is so outrageous. Shangqing Daode Yin Yang Wuji Huangquan Qinglian Dayan Taiji Luo Duobao Sword Immortal, how could there be a profession with such an outrageous name? ? And his skills, such as the outrageous split-light sword shadow, extraordinary giant sword skills, and the twelve hatreds of the Sword Immortal, are all fantastic magical skills. Where did he get them? He also runs a shopping mall and can sell things. No wonder some people suspect that he is an AI, it’s so outrageous! Mad, the reference score is 101, isn’t the full score just 100? It’s outrageous!”

Shaking his head, Hua Dashao continued: "But Brother Ding doesn't seem to be good at managing the sect. His behavior is casual, and he has a free-spirited attitude in managing the sect. Let's just recruit disciples and let Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa do it." Operation, how can this be done? Many players are not worthy of joining the reliable sword sect and must be kicked out! Let me help you secretly, and then find a suitable opportunity to show off with him and ask for the position of deputy leader! Now first Be an unsung hero and conduct research in secret! Siguoya has also done research. Next, we will go to Qianyuan Island and lead everyone to do business..."

After sighing, Hua Dashao left Siguo Cliff with his omniscient elf. He can walk in the air, but unlike ordinary Sword God players, he can cross dozens or hundreds of meters in one step. , as if constantly teleporting in the sky.

At this moment, on Qianyuan Island, at the former Qinglongwu Pier, Wang Chengang and others released their patrol ship.

There are a total of eight of these large patrol ships, all of which are the lowest-level ordinary patrol ships.

Although it is an ordinary large patrol ship, the price in the large ship market is as high as 10 gold yuan a piece. If Lu Chao hadn't spent so much money, they wouldn't have been able to afford it.

Of these nine large patrol ships, Wang Chengang owned one, Dugu Tian owned one, Zhao Qian Sunli, the Boiling Blood Four, the Four Musketeers of Fire, and the Four Sages of Poxu pooled their money to purchase one each, and the remaining two belonged to Lu Shaobao.

In the sect conference, Lu Chaoding rewarded Lu Shaobao with the most gold coins.

Lu Shaobao and some players who are planting trees and grass and building buildings are busy working on the patrol ship. They also have to run business.

After a while, Hua Dashao rushed over. He waved his goose feather fan, went directly to Wang Chengang and others, and said bluntly: "I am Hua Dashao, the future deputy gang leader. If you can trust me, you can go south. The sea route is 400 miles away. It can reach Tianfeng Prefecture, and there is Tianfeng City on the coast. It should be very lively there, there should be many players and NPCs, and the business will be very good! In the other three directions, the sea is endless and far away from the land... "

(End of this chapter)

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