Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 142 Peach Blossom Sword God

Chapter 142 Peach Blossom Sword God
"This sea is called Hongchen Sea!"

Jiang Youxian, who is level 30 and has opened the world map, is introducing world geography to Lu Chaoding.

"According to the markings on the world map, Hongchen Sea is the center of Hongchen World. There are continents outside the ring, which are divided into Tianyun, Tiancong, Tianyun, Tianlu, Tianfeng, Tianzhong, Tianshui, Tianhuo, Tianma, The twelve states of Tianxing, Tianying, and Tiankui are roughly similar to the twelve game areas. Each one has a vast area. Each of them has a great sword teleportation monument. After opening the world map, every month Once I chose the privilege of teleporting with the Great Sword Teleportation Monument. The twelve states were separated from each other by mountains or rivers and seas, and outside the twelve states, there were many areas marked with question marks. Those areas accounted for about the entire world map. It's more than two-thirds of the world. The world of Hongchen can be said to be very huge. And at our current speed, moving straight ahead, we estimate that we won't be able to reach Tianyun Prefecture until the early morning!"

"This journey is really not short, thanks to my sky-level survey ship."

Lu Chaoding sighed. The maximum speed of a sky-level sky survey ship can reach almost two thousand miles per hour. The straight-line distance from Hongchen Qijie Mountain to Tianyun Prefecture is about [-] miles. In theory, it can arrive in ten hours at the fastest. Without this big ship, I don’t know how long it would have taken to travel these [-] miles.

Zhao Weike raised his hand and said: "It's not safe to drive at night. If Brother Ding is not in a hurry, try to drive during the day and rest at night! Xiaojiang, see if there are any safe areas where you can stop along the way."

Jiang Youxian actually nodded and said: "It is indeed unsafe to drive at night, and the positioning function of the world map will be turned off. I suggest you rest at night. Let me take a look at the resting spots along the way... There are many nameless islands, and they all have names. There seems to be only one Peach Blossom Island. On the world map, this Peach Blossom Island is marked as the hermitage of the Peach Blossom Sword God Manatee. At our current speed, we can reach this island before dark."

"Peach Blossom Island?" Zhao Weike's eyes lit up, "Brother Ding, how about we sleep on Peach Blossom Island tonight!"

"I don't care!" Lu Chao said sincerely that he has his own cave anyway, and no matter where he rests, he has to hang up in the material copy.

"Okay, Brother Ding, just let the sky survey ship go straight in the current direction. I will show you the way when we get close to Peach Blossom Island!"

"Okay!" Lu Chaoding was saying this when he suddenly saw a large black ship in the sea below.

The big ship seemed to have just experienced a fierce battle. It was so dilapidated that it had rolled over and started to sink.

And on top of the broken ship, there were actually people waving and shouting to him.

"Ding, you found the victim!"

Lu Chaoding received the system prompt, and Zhao Weike and Jiang Youxian obviously also received it. Jiang Youxian said: "There are victims below. Brother Ding, do you want to go over and take a look?"

Zhao Weike said: "In this vast sea area, how happened to meet the victims? Let's go and have a look. There is a high chance that there will be plot missions."

Lu Chaoding nodded, controlled his sky survey ship to reduce its speed and height, and soon came to the wrecked ship.

At this time, he could clearly see an NPC waving his arms for help on top of the sinking ship.

When he got closer, Lu Chaoding could even see his attribute information.

This is a young male NPC named Sea Urchin. He is only level 20. He has no occupation and looks ordinary and has no characteristics.

"The big ship was attacked by sea monsters. All the kidnappers died. I am the only one left. Please save me. My name is Sea Urchin. My father is Manatee, the owner of Peach Blossom Island. He is the number one expert in the eight thousand miles of sea. If If you can send me to Peach Blossom Island, my father will definitely thank you!"

This sea urchin cried for help, with surprise and excitement in his expression.

Lu Chaoding immediately received the system prompt: "Ding, trigger the mission [Rescue Sea Urchin]. The mission requires rescuing the sea urchin and sending him back to Peach Blossom Island. After completing the mission, you will receive a thank-you gift from the owner of Peach Blossom Island, Manatee, and Start the plot of Peach Blossom Sword God! Description: After receiving this mission, you can enter Peach Blossom Island, but this mission can only be completed by one person. Once someone completes the mission, the others will immediately fail the mission and be teleported out of Peach Blossom Island."

"Ding, occasionally the unreliable system starts up, updates the tracking task, and tamperes with the content: rescue the sea urchin and send him back to Peach Blossom Island. After completing the task, you will receive ten thank-you gifts from the owner of Peach Blossom Island, Manatee, and start the plot of Peach Blossom Sword God! "

"Ten times the reward..."

Lu Chaoding looked at Zhao Weike and Jiang Youxian and said, "You also received the system prompt, right? Give up the task, don't accept it, let me take care of this sea urchin!"

After saying this, Lu Chaoding sailed the survey ship to the side of the sunken ship, waved to the sea urchin and said, "Come up!"

The sea urchin was overjoyed and thanked him profusely. Using his hands and feet, he quickly climbed onto the sky surveying ship.

"Thank you, my benefactor. I wonder where my benefactor is going? My Peach Blossom Island is just ahead. Can you please come and be a guest so that my father can express his gratitude!"

Lu Chao said: "Then let's go to your house and show you the way!"

"Thank you Engong!"

Sea Urchin's face was full of joy. He behaved like an ordinary NPC. He would not speak unless he was asked questions. He stood blankly on the bow of the sky survey ship and pointed in the direction of Peach Blossom Island.

This guy was not close to home. It took a full two hours for Lu Chaoding's sky survey ship to arrive at Peach Blossom Island.At this time, the sky also darkened, everything seemed very quiet, regular wild monsters began to hide, and nocturnal beasts were about to appear.

The sky survey ship was actually unable to fly into Peach Blossom Island because it was blocked by a wall of air.

Lu Chaoding was not hindered, and under the excited leadership of Hai Urchin, he easily entered Peach Blossom Island.

The same could not be said for Jiang Youxian and Zhao Weike. They also felt the air wall and were unable to enter Peach Blossom Island.

"You two just watch the boat here, and I'll go get the reward!"

Lu Chaoding waved to Jiang Youxian and Zhao Weike, and then followed the sea urchin, walking through the peach garden along a path, and soon came to a small courtyard.

And from the small courtyard, an old man with white beard and white hair immediately jumped out. He had a cold expression, stood in front of Lu Chaoding with his hands behind his back, and shouted: "Shameless rat, let my child go quickly, otherwise I will... I don’t mind unlocking the divine sword and killing you all!”

"Dad!" Sea Urchin said, "You misunderstood. He was not the kidnapper, but the benefactor who rescued me. All those kidnappers were eaten by sea monsters and died completely!"

"It is so!"

The Peach Blossom Sword God Manatee's expression quickly softened when he saw that his son was safe and sound.

These are obviously plot settings.

After the father and son said some lines that were neither salty nor bland, Manatee raised his hands to Lu Chaoding and said: "Thank you knight for rescuing my son. It's just a small gift to express my gratitude. I hope you won't refuse."

After saying this, he took out a jade box from his sleeve and presented it to Lu Chaoding.

Lu Chaoding reached out to take it and immediately found that there was a pill called Jiuzhuan Xiaoyuan Dan in the wooden box. After taking it, 9000 points of cultivation can be filled in the character upgrade slot immediately.

"That's it?"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but look disappointed.

Manatee was stunned for a moment, then touched his sleeve again and said, "Thank you knight for rescuing my son. It's just a small gift to express my gratitude. I hope you won't refuse!"

This time he took out a skill book.

Lu Chaoding took it and took a look and found that it was a skill book for the universal three-star combat skill [Flying Flower Slash].

"I have no need for combat skills!"

Lu Chaoding couldn't help but shake his head again.

"Thank you knight for rescuing my son. It's just a small gift to express my gratitude. I hope you won't refuse!"

The Peach Blossom Sword God Manatee said the same words as if there was a bug. He groped in his cuffs again. This time he couldn't find anything. After being stunned for a moment, he took a jade pendant from his waist and gave it to Lu Over the top.

This is a Samsung universal pendant peach blossom pendant.

"Thank you knight for rescuing my son, it's just a small gift..."

The Peach Blossom Sword God continued. He untied his belt, took off his robe, took out his sword, and took out the Qianyuan Token...

Soon, he stripped down to his underpants, gave away all the items on his body, and finally took out the five-star sword god weapon [Peach Blossom Divine Sword], which was enough to collect ten thank-you gifts.

Sea Urchin, as an NPC, was stunned and said in shock: "Dad, what's wrong with you? You gave away the Peach Blossom Divine Sword!"

Manatee smiled and said: "What do these mere external things mean? How can they be as important as my son?"

(End of this chapter)

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