Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 147 Attacking the city, he went crazy

Chapter 147 Attacking the city, he went crazy
Lu Chaoding stood on the tank, looking at his disciples across from him. He put his left hand behind his back, waved his right sleeve and said: "You can destroy the small fish and shrimp with no effort!"

Hua Dashao immediately applauded and shouted: "The leader is mighty!"

“Tanks are cool!”

"All destroyed?"

"The leader is reliable!"

Several other players also shouted.

Lu Chao nodded, as if he was enjoying this feeling. He put away the Daxuan Sword and the Black Saber-toothed Tiger, fell in front of everyone, and then said: "Someone tell me, what happened!"

"What? Master, you don't know anything, so you just go to war!"

"The leader is tyrannical!"

"Hengtuo Hengtu!"

Hua Dashao walked out from the crowd and said: "Brother Ding, that's it. We are here to do business. The goods from Qianyuan Island are very popular here, and the NPCs like them all, but suddenly a group of people came out The city guards said that we were pirates and refused to let us set up a stall. They also wanted to seize our boat and confiscate our income. We were arguing with them when you came! But you, the leader, are too arrogant. They But the city guards of Tianfeng City are all in trouble, and the NPCs will definitely not give up!"

Lu Chaoding said nonchalantly: "My sect master can even kill Old Demon Ye, so why should he be afraid of the city guards? When you join my reliable sword sect, remember that I am a reliable sect, do not do evil, do not deceive others, and do not Humiliated! Just now you squatted on the ground with your head in your hands, how could you be so dignified? How could you bring more face to this sect leader?"

"A reliable disciple will not be humiliated! I understand!"

"Okay! Listening to Brother Ding's words, I know that this sect is right!"

"Brother Ding is a showman, but we are too shameless!"

"Brother Ding is right, I firmly support it!"

Several players raised their arms and shouted, and some applauded. Wang Chengang, Dugu Tian and other experts also kept nodding. Hua Dashao stepped forward with a smile and said: "Brother Ding is great, but I think it is best for us to keep a low profile now. It's not a good thing if you really offend a big sect. We need to make more friends. Brother Ding, although you are powerful, you'd better restrain yourself and keep pretending to be pigs and eating tigers. , Don’t show your holiness in front of others and expose it..."

Lu Chao waved his hand to interrupt his words, and said: "Don't you want to be a saint in front of others? How can I be a fool if you don't show your saints in front of others? What's the point? What we players want is to be a saint in front of others. What we want is to become famous and play. Do you still want to be a hidden master in the game? You all listen to me, I am a reliable disciple, I want sunshine, I want personality, I am not vulgar, I am not tolerant!"

"You want sunshine, not obscenity, I understand!"

"Brother Ding is right!"

"Yeah, I can't show my holiness in front of others. Even if I really become a sword god, I won't be happy!"

"This time I am the leader and the deputy leader is still not good!"

All the players shouted again, and Hua Dashao felt a little embarrassed and said: "I didn't mean that. I meant to be low-key when you should be low-key. A man can stretch and bend, but a small impatience will mess up a big plan..."

Lu Chaoding waved his hand to interrupt him again and said, "Who are you? Why are you telling me these useless truths?"

"I am the Omniscient Sword God Hua Dashao. Brother Ding, my professional characteristic is omniscience. I can easily detect attribute information and hidden settings of people or objects. I want to be the deputy master. Do you think you like it?"

"What, it turns out this guy is a fake deputy leader!"

"I was fooled by him. I thought he was very familiar with Brother Ding!"

"He was the one who asked us to squat down with our heads in our hands just now!"

"Damn it, he took me to the ditch!"

"Hua Dashao, do you dare to come to the sword discussion stage with me?"

Immediately, several reliable sword sect players jumped in front of Hua Dashao and pointed.

"Omniscient Sword God?" Lu Chaoding's heart moved, "If this guy really has that omniscient ability, it would be worth cultivating..."

He thought for a while, raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said: "The Reliable Sword Sect currently only has two player elders. That's because the sect positions require props to open. I only got two elder tokens before, so it's cheap." Zhao Weike and Zhang Defa, there are actually many positions in the sect setting. You can have deputy masters, left and right guardians, elders, etc. You just need to open the props. Work hard. When the sect positions are opened in the future, this master Depending on your performance, you will be promoted to a higher position. Hua Dashao, right? If you want to be the deputy head, you have to show your skills!"

"Don't worry, Master. I have a high IQ and am an omniscient swordsman. Let me preside over the daily life of the sect and control the development direction of the sect. I will definitely make us the strongest sect and surpass Daluo, Hongchen and Qinglian in the future." The Great Sword Sect is definitely not a problem.”

"Listening to what you say, I don't think you have a high IQ..."

Lu Chaoding also relaxed at this moment. He chatted with everyone and learned that the goods on Qianyuan Island were very popular with NPCs. At least judging from the income from their stalls, most of the so-called businessmen made money from NPCs.Lu Chaoding asked them to continue setting up the stall without worrying, and also learned the hidden setting of Si Guoya from Hua Dashao.Half an hour later, Lu Chaoding asked Hua Dashao, Wang Chengang and others to help him watch the sky survey ship, while he himself sat in a tank and drove the ship straight to the gate of Tianfeng City.

"How dare Fengcheng bully my disciples today. This matter cannot be tolerated. Just watch here. I, the leader, will seek justice for you!"

Lu Chaoding pretended to be heroic and said that he thought it would be a good idea to take the opportunity to attack the city.

"I am the leader of a faction, the boss, the one who makes the rules, not the one who is bound by the rules. The only one who can control me is the system. If the system does not interfere, what should I be afraid of?"

Lu Chaoding is very confident in his combat power. As long as he does not encounter enemies with the ability to retaliate or force attacks, he is not afraid. Are young players the same?

It's time to escape, live happily, and do whatever you want. Why not attack Tianfeng City?

Lu Chaoding thought about this, and there were still 200 meters away from the city gate, so he began to release his extraordinary giant sword skills. He did not hit people, but only buildings. City gates, walls, and towers were the targets of the attack at this time.

boom boom boom...

Lu Chaoding is equipped with the Super Piff Sword. After completing the mission in the Reliable Mall, he received a total of six Jade of Certificates, Jade of Inheritance, and Jade of Enlightenment. After exchanging them into professional-specific items, Lu Chaoding now has 12 pieces. [Sword Immortal’s Certificate], 9 copies of [Sword Immortal’s Inheritance] and 14 copies of [Sword Immortal’s Enlightenment].


After thinking for a while, Lu Chaoding took medicine in front of the gate of Fengcheng to improve his cultivation. Then he consumed 5 [Certificates of the Sword Immortal] and clicked [Flying Master] in the talent skill tree. , and consumed another 7 copies of [Sword Immortal’s Heritage], raising [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill] to LV9!

When LV9's extraordinary giant sword technique is used, it can summon a 9-foot-long giant sword. The giant sword's attack power is 900% of its own attack power, and the damage to non-living targets such as buildings is increased by 9 times!
Even with the towering walls and towering towers of Tianfeng City, they could not withstand the ravages of this [Extraordinary Giant Sword Skill].

The city tower was quickly blown down, the city wall collapsed, and the city gate was naturally incomplete.

Lu Chaoding also activated the black cloud formation, with billowing black clouds covering a 300-meter radius. At this moment, Lu Chaoding really looked like a demonic boss.

"No, Old Demon Lu really attacked the city!"

"He's crazy!"


"I received a system prompt. The sect issued an emergency mission and asked me to return to defense!"

"I also received a sect mission!"

"Everyone, I am Jiu Chan, an introductory disciple of the Tianfeng Sword Sect. I will broadcast live to you now. As you can see, Lu Chaoding, the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect and number one on the three rankings, is crazy. He is attacking Tianfeng. City, look at the billowing black clouds, do they smell like the ancient sword demon Ye Longxing? I seriously doubt that Mr. Lu has obtained the true inheritance of Mr. Ye..."

A large number of players shouted out.

Hua Dashao, Wang Chengang and others in the rear were also stunned.

"Damn it, this leader is too fierce. Is he going to attack the city now?"

"Is this seeking justice for us?"

"I feel arrogant!"

"It won't capsize!"

"Is this reliable?"

"It's a bit unreliable!"

"This is so outrageous!"

"what should we do?"

"Let's watch a play!"

They felt both excited and worried. After all, Lu Chaoding was attacking Tianfeng City, and Tianfeng City not only had city guards, but was also the headquarters of the Golden Sword Sect and the Tianfeng Sword Sect. Attacking Tianfeng City was undoubtedly an attack on Tianfeng City. The two sects declaring war is no joke.

(End of this chapter)

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