Unreliable swordsman

Chapter 148 NPCs will also give in (Thanks to Mr. Qinfeng for the reward)

Chapter 148 NPCs will also give in (Thanks to Mr. Qinfeng for the reward)
Tianfeng City is close to the sea. It has a city wall that is several kilometers long and is built between the mountains on both sides. There are dozens of city towers on it. At the main entrance, the city tower is the highest. The avenue below is wide. There are a large number of city guards stationed at the rear.

When the city tower collapsed and the city wall collapsed, the city guards naturally swarmed out and were mercilessly harvested by the black cloud formation.

The area covered by the black cloud formation is a restricted area. The city guards will die as many as they enter. Naturally, the players do not dare to enter. They all watch from a distance, some live broadcast, some post, and some just shout "fuck"!
In this way, time passes, 10 minutes, two 10 minutes, three 10 minutes...

Lu Chaoding no longer used his extraordinary giant sword skills at this time, because the buildings in front of him had been razed to the ground by him.

And the Black Cloud Formation took the lives of countless city guards.

"These city guards didn't lose their treasures or their cultivation. They killed so many and got nothing. Is this reasonable?" Lu Chaoding shook his head repeatedly, feeling a little disappointed.

Suddenly, no more city guards came out to die. Three large sky surveying ships slowly flew in from the direction of the inner city.

Lu Chaoding raised his eyes and saw that the three sky survey ships were not as impressive as his own sky-level survey ships, and they were visually estimated to be earth-level ones.

But on these three sky survey ships, there are many NPCs standing.

Soon, three sky survey ships docked outside the black cloud formation and on top of the ruins of the city tower.

On the big ship in the middle, a man stood on the bow. He raised his hands to Lu Chaoding and said loudly: "I am the governor of Tianfeng City, Hua Yunchi. I don't know who you are and why you attacked our Tianfeng City."

There was also a person standing on the bow of each of the other two large ships, and one of them said: "I am the protector of the Golden Sword Sect, Chu Gianshui. Your Excellency has invaded our Tianfeng City for no reason, so you will not take our Golden Sword Sect seriously!"

Another said: "I, Chu Wudi, the third elder of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, do you want to start a war with my second sect?"

"Chu Shishui, the left protector of the Golden Sword Sect? Chu Wudi, the third elder of the Tianfeng Sword Sect? Isn't this the person mentioned in the secret letter?"

Lu Chaoding's heart moved. He remembered the secret letter that Zhao Weike had read to him not long ago, and secretly said that this was the right place.

Looking at these three people carefully, Lu Chaoding could see simple information about them. They were all level 50 and had a health value of 500 million, which was not bad. Of course, it was far worse than the Peach Blossom Sword God Manatee. Lu Chaoding Not afraid of them, he shouted: "I am the leader of the reliable sword sect, Lu Chaoding. How dare you bully my sect? If you don't give me an explanation today, I will not give up!"

Yunchi Jingdao, the prefect of Tianfeng City, said: "It turns out that he is the leader of the Reliable Sword Sect, Lu. I, Tianfeng City, have no dealings with your sect and have no grudges. How could I bully your sect? I wonder if there is something wrong here." What’s the misunderstanding? Please don’t get angry, Master Lu. Why don’t we sit down and talk in detail to eliminate this misunderstanding!”

"The last way to eliminate the misunderstanding is for you to compensate!" Lu Chao looked fierce, "If you don't compensate me, I will fight you to the death!"

The sound in Hongchen Sword World can be heard clearly far away. When some players heard Lu Chaoding's words, they suddenly understood.

"Damn it, he's blackmailing the NPC!"

"Isn't this just door-to-door robbery?"

"Is he crazy? These three giants all have 500 million health points. Does he think he can still defeat them?"

"As expected of Old Demon Lu!"

"Prefect, please don't be cowardly. Just get up and fight with Mr. Lu!"

There were players shouting loudly in the distance.

What Lu Chaoding didn't know was that Hua Yunchi, the governor of Tianfeng City, Chu Shishui, the left guardian of the Golden Sword Sect, and Chu Wudi, the third elder of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, were famous in Tianfeng City and were called the Three Giants. Players can receive Most of the tasks were issued by the three of them.

This Tianfeng City is nominally under the jurisdiction of Fengguo, Tianfengzhou. There are officials in the city such as city lord, prefect, prefect, Taibao, city guard, etc., all of whom are appointed by the Fengguo court.The post of prefect is in charge of military affairs and controlling the city guard camp. Therefore, Hua Yunchi, the prefect of Tianfeng City, has a very high status in Tianfeng City and is a powerful figure.

But in fact, the real masters of Tianfeng City are the Golden Sword Sect and the Tianfeng Sword Sect. These two sects are more powerful in Tianfeng City than the City Guards Camp. The third elder, Chu Wudi, is basically the highest-status NPC of the two factions and has great power.

At this time, the three giants all looked thoughtful, and they exchanged glances. After a full three minutes, Hua Yunchi, the governor of Tianfeng City, said: "Do you think that I am easy to bully? Come on, Twelve Cities Guards, Follow me and kill the enemy!"

Chu Shishui then shouted: "All the disciples of the Golden Sword Sect listen to the order and follow me to capture this thief. I will reward the sect for 10 points!"

Not to be outdone, Chu Wudi took out a big sword and shouted: "Disciples of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, listen to my orders, form formations, and go out to fight!" As soon as Lu Chaoding heard their shouts, he knew that a battle was inevitable, so he chose to strike first to gain the upper hand. Seeing that the opponent had not yet entered the black cloud formation, he took the initiative to attack and moved forward with his sword. At the same time, he replaced three flying insect swords. Once the sword shadows dispersed, a total of 995328 flying insect sword shadows turned into mechanical missiles.

Soon, Lu Chaoding, who had a 270-meter range, stretched out his hand and pointed forward, boom boom boom, a dense swarm of missiles bombed over...

"-13, bite!"

"-13, bite!"


"-51120, Break Tough!"

"-13, bite!"




Densely packed mechanical missiles exploded on the bow of the ship. Hua Yunchi, the governor of Tianfeng City, was directly engulfed by the fireworks, but the damage figures popped up crazily in the flames and smoke.

The Tianfeng City giant with 500 million health points turned into white light before he could finish all the attacks. He was killed on the spot by Lu Chaoding. The sky surveying ship also lost control and crashed. There were also NPC city guards who had not yet completed their team formation, falling into the ruins one by one.

This scene made countless players who were watching the excitement dumbfounded.

"Isn't that right? You killed the giant governor with just one move?"

"Is this still human?"

"Too perverted!"

"This is the capital of Mr. Lu's arrogance!"

"How is this damage calculated? How could it be so high..."

The players screamed in surprise, while Chu Shishui, the left guardian of the Golden Sword Sect, and Chu Wudi, the third elder of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, on the other two sky surveying ships, were also obviously stunned.

Lu Chaoding shook his head at this time and said: "You can't even withstand one of my moves, how dare you try to be my enemy!"

In fact, he was very disappointed. The Hua Yunchi he killed actually dropped nothing, not even the cultivation level. This made Lu Chaoding suspect that it was not a "wild monster" or "hostile" unit. There is no drop setting.

Lu Chaoding looked at Chu Shishui and Chu Wudi again and shouted: "It's your turn!"

"Wait a minute!" Chu Shishui shouted fiercely, "Someone in Tianfeng City dares to bully Head Lu's disciples today. He deserves to die. I feel that I must give Head Lu an explanation for this matter!"

"That's right!" Chu Wudi, the third elder of the Tianfeng Sword Sect, continued with righteous words, "We must also compensate Master Lu, and we cannot let his disciples suffer humiliation in vain!"

"Huh? Will NPCs give in?" Lu Chao was stunned, and these two NPCs actually understood.

He smiled and said: "Yes, you are very sensible. If you have any treasures, just take them out. If you are satisfied, I will let you go."

Chu Wudi said: "Master Lu, I can compensate you with a construction drawing of the Sancai Building and 10 gold yuan. This is all the materials I can come up with. Do you think you agree with it?"

Chu Shishui said: "As long as Master Lu can calm down his anger, I can provide you with 10 gold yuan. In addition, I will allocate a dock under my name to your faction for exclusive use. How about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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